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February 20, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-02-20

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Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom


Partly cloudy, cold
this aftrenoon.

VOL. LXX, No. 95
Swimmers Meet Indiana





Michigan will lay its 33 dual
meet win streak on the line this
afternoon when it hosts powerful
Indiana at 3:30 in Varsity Exhibi-
tion Pool.
On the basis of times turned in
previous to today's meet, the
Hoosiers must be rated as slight
favorites over the Wolverines, Who

won their 33rd consecutive dual
meet last night with an easy 65-38
win over Wisconsin.
An overflow crowd is expected to
be on hand to see the battle be-
tween the high - flying Hoosiers
and the defending Big Ten and
NCAA champion. Wolverines, who
are undefeated in dual meet com-

petition since Feb. 25, 1956 when
they lost, 57-48, to Ohio State.
Record Holders
Led by world record holders
Frank McKinney and Mike Troy,
Indiana has easily vanquished all
opponents this season setting
numerou4 records in the process.
McKinney and Troy, as half of
the medley relay team and swim-
ming their respective specialties,
~the 200-yard backstroke and 200-
yard butterfly, are the Hoosiers
best bets for first places.
Michigan'sbest chances for in-
dividual victories lie with Ron
Clark, American record holder in
the 200-yard breaststroke, and the
diving duo of Bob Webster and
Joe Gerlach, who will be virtually
unopposed by the Hoosiers.
Pete Sintz, an Indiana sopho-
more from Birmingham, Mich. is
an outstanding performer in all
freestyle events and has been used
frequently as anchorman in both
the medley and freestyle relays
this year.
Besides Sintz, Indiana has top-
notch stylers in John Parks, Fred
Rounds, Tom Verth and Troy.
They will in all likelihood be
opposed by Michigan's Bill Darn-
ton and Andy Morrow. Neither
Darnton, a fast-improving sopho-
more, or Morrow have equalled the
times of Verth and Rounds in
competition, but their effective-
ness in practice shows that they
may be ready to challenge the In-
diana duo.
In the sprints Frank Legacki
and Carl Woolley will be called up-
on by Michigan Coach Gus Stager
to counteract the presence of Sintz
and Parks.
Busy Day
Legacki is a possible choice in
both the 50- and 100-yard free-
style asowelleas to anchor both
relays. Woolley can be counted
on in the same events and Stager
will probably wait until the last
moment before deciding where to
place each swimmer.
Backing up Legacki and Woolley
will be sophomores Jim Kerr, Den-
nis Floden and Chuck Babcock.
In the butterfly Gillanders, who
upset Troy for first place in the
Pan American Games, will be try-
ing to repeat the feat. Besides
trying to edge Troy, who set an
American record of 2:00.8 for this
event Feb. 8, Gillanders will have
his hands filled with Hoosier soph-
omore Dick Kitchell, who has
Special to The Daily
FLINT - University President
Harlan Hatcher yesterday con-
firmed Prof. Leo Goldberg will go
to Harvard University in the fall.
Prof. Goldberg, chairman of the
astronomy department, announced
last month he would resign his
duties here, largely because of a
shortage of research space.
"He's made his decision," Presi-
dent Hatcher said. "I can only
add that fortunately he will be
doing work in this critical field
at a fine institution."
Prof. Goldberg will not partici-
pate in administrative work at
Harvard as he did here, President
Hatcher indicated.
Prof. Goldberg will remain at
the University until the end of
the present academic year, when
his contract obligations are com-

On 'Scie,




Consruct ioi


SWIM SPEEDSTER-Fred Wolf is Michigan's best hope in the
200-yard freestyle individual medley.
Prof. Arnott Expounds
OAnin GekADram
"The greatest problem in presenting Greek tragedy to the present-
day layman audience is that of reverence," complained Prof. Peter D.
Arnott of the State University of Iowa's classics department in a
lecture on "Practical Considerations in Staging Ancient Drama."
To illustrate his ideas on the staging of Greek drama in the
modern world, Prof. Arnott presented a production of Plautus' "Me-
naechmi" last night. Marionettes were cast in all the roles, with Prof.
Arnott pulling the strings.
"Scholarly renditions of classical pieces tend to be absolutely
frightening. This is because Greek drama is thought to be remote,

Gates Plans
Of Manuals
WASHINGTON WP) - Secretary
of Defense Thomas S. Gates Jr.
yesterday ordered a sweeping re-
view of military training manuals
and publications.
The Pentagon chief took the ac-
tion in noting that some service
publications have drawn public
fire lately for including matters
"inappropriate to military train-
Further, Gates said, some of
them contained "glaring inac-
curacies" and lacked good taste
or common sense.
The most recent instance con-
tributing to the review order Was
publication of an air force train-
ing manual which said Commu-
nists have infiltrated churches.
The manual has been withdrawn
and repudiated.
Explicit Instructions
Other manuals have contained
explicit instructions on how an
airman should wash an officer's
dog, and how to make cocktails
for parties.
Secretary Gates informed the
secretaries of the air force, the
army and the navy that he will
hold them personnally responsible
for carrying out his instructions
to eliminate matters that might
be inconsistent with defense de-
partment and national policy.
Gates told the service secre-
taries to start reviews immediately
and to recommend any changes
needed in methods of preparing
and promulgating training man-
uals and military publicatalons.
Secretary of the Air Force Dud-
ley C. Sharp, shortly before Gates'
memo was released, instructed all
major AF commands to establish
immediately panels of officers to
read and evaluate all proposed
manuals. The officers on these
panels will have the rank of ma-
jor or higher.
Name Hyde
Sharp said in a statement the
manual referring to Communists
in churches was written by a
civilian employe, Home H. Hyde,
at Lackland Air Force Base in
Texas. He said Hyde's immediate
superior was Aaron L. Miller.
After Hyde completed the man-
uscript, Sharp said, it was given
"only a cursory review" by Miller
and mailed to Continental Air
Command headquarters at
Mitchell Air Force Base, N. Y.
Sharp's statement omitted ref-
erence to the fact that the man-
ual was published by Continental
Air Command and given distribu-
tion by that command with a fore-
word by Brig. Gen. J. M. Chappell,
deputy chief of staff for operations
and the continental command.
The air secretary said that the
investigation is continuing and
a final decision has been made
on what might be done to those
responsible for its publication.

Prince Arrives in England

In Music

IT'S A BOY!-Britain's Queen Elizabeth gave birth to a son yesterday, the first infant born to a
reigning British monarch in 103 years. The new prince becomes second only to his 11-year old brother,
Prince Charles, in the line of succession to the throne which Elizabeth assumed in 1952. And nine
year old Princess Anne drops back to third place. The baby's name and weight remain temporarily
disclosed until sometime today.
Flinit Branch Welcmes'U' Rent

'M' Matmen
Down Illi
Special To The Daily
CHAMPAIGN - Michigan's
wrestlers blew over weakened Il-
linois, 23-3, last night and imme-
diately drove on to Bloomington
to face Indiana in a dual meet
this afternoon.
The Hoosiers are expected to
put up a tougher fight than the
Illini against the stampeding
Wolverine matmen, whose tri-
umph here was their eighth
straight. The 23-3 score equaled
Michigan's most lopsided victory
of the season, achieved Feb. 1
against Purdue. The loss was Il-
linois' eighth in 11 meets.
Coach Buel (Pat) Patterson's
Illini were not given much chance!
to stop Cliff Keen's Michigan
grapplers last night and after the
first bout it was all Maize and
Im!n Wins
Keen held out Mike Hoyles, and
let 123-yound reserve Willard
Root get some competition. He got
plenty from unbeaten soph Ron
Pineda, who scored a 5-0 decision
and the Illini's only top team
Ambi Wilbanks began the string
of Michigan victories by topping
Fred Hilderbrandt, Fritz Keller-
man, Dick Fronczak, Dennis Fitz-
gerald, Karl Fink, and Fred Olin
followed suit.
Fink probably got the most
satisfying triumph when he edged
Tom Trousil, 31, in the 177-pound

Want Action

unapproachable - to be admired
and held in awe from a distance.
Enjoyment is considered vulgar."
Lose Nuances
This problem, he felt, is not
helped in present translations
since translators cannot hope to
bring out all the nuances which
were meaningful to people of clas-
sical times.
Prof. Arnott blamed this one too
literal translations of the Greek
texts. "There are some extremely
funny lines in 'Euripides' and 'The
Medea,'" he said. "But when audi-
ences do laugh, too often it is with
a feeling of guilt."
Calling for not only a transla-
tion of the words but also transla-
tion with relation and with refer-
ence to more modern thought, he
said. "Departure from the text is
eminently justifiable since some
things which were meaningful then
are meaningless today."
"Appreciation of Aristophanes is
on the rise now because his com-
edy fits in with today's brand of
humor. We now have 'Mad' maga-
zine with its sick, sick, sick humor
which Aristophanes also used."
'Catastrophic' Technique
Prof. Arnott also cited actors.
"Modern actors are takenaback
by the amount of rhetoric in clas-
sical drama. Therefore they try to
apply other techniques. Often they
try to methodize characters of
Greek drama. The result is catas-
"The actor should not act as he
knows acting but perform as the
vaudevillian knows performing."
Urge Congress
Against Oath'
i Wam* AKT.QT"%11 ra t

Special To The Daily
FLINT - The University's Flint
College welcomed the Regents to
their first official meeting at the
four-year old branch yesterday,
when the College, the Regents and
civic leaders exchanged compli-
ments and citations of honor.
Kerr Given
New Post
Prof. William Kerr of the Uni-
versity engineering faculty was
appointed associate director of the
Michigan-Memorial Pheonix Pro-
ject yesterday.
The Regents approved the ap-
pointment, effective Feb. 1 and
extending to June 30, 1960, to fill
the position opened when Henry
J. Gomberg became director.
Prof. Kerr's duties will include
working with the University fac-
ulty on developing a research pro-
gram on peacetime uses of atomic
energy and negotiating with in-
dustry and the government for
participation of the Phoenix Pro-
ject in outside research.
Teaching at the University since
1948, he was made project super-
visor for the International-Coop-
eration Administration nuclear
energy project in 1957.

Speaking at the Regents meet-
ing in the Mott Memorial Build-
ing, Dean of Flint College David
French attributed the branch's
"good fortune" to the "solid back-
ing by the University in every way
and on every level, and the equal
backing of the Flint Committee."
"We congratulate your board-
and its accomplishments," Regent
Charles Kennedy of Detroit re-
Although his school is young,
French thinks "it's already acquir-
ing personality and character.
A 'Friendly Place'
"It's a friendly place. We have
a good spirit in accepting one an-
other in a common enterprise, and
the students see themselves as a
body of people reasonably clear
in their educational goals."
Combining programs in liberal
arts, business administration and
education, Flint services 450 stu-
dents, most of whom are from the
city or Genessee county, in both
full and part time studies.
The college's enrollment is "not
drawn off from other schools, but
services those students who would
otherwise be stranded," maintain-
ing admissions standards identical
with those of the literary college
in Ann Arbor, French explained.
. Students from Flint
The senior college (Flint has a
third and fourth year program
only) draws the majority of its
students (76 per cent) from Flint
Community College.

French, questioned-by Regent-
Eugene B. Power of Ann Arbor
about the "mortality rate" of
transfers from the community col-
lege, said it was "surprisingly
low; we have asked only about five
per cent of our students to with-
"We're not far enough along to
give results of our graduating
classes, but see some signs," French
reported. Twenty per cent have
pursued graduate studies, 20 per
cent have gone into business and
accounting, 25 per cent into ele-
mentary education (easing the
teacher shortage is considered by
French to be the school's greatest
service), 20 per cent into secondary
education, and 15 per cent fall in
the miscellaneous group.
"We think," headeclared, "we've
demonstrated that a University
college can operate successfully
outside of the Ann Arbor area, and
that a senior college can be a
working reality."
S 'Outstanding'
United States Commissioner of
Education yesterday defended the
American school system as one
of Democracy's outstanding
The commissioner, Lawrence G.
Derthick, added, however, that
the United States is spending only
half enuogh money and effort on
its schools.
Derthick's remarks were made
before a House appropriations
sub-committee which heard ear-
lier criticism of American schools
from Adm. Hyman G. Rickover.
The subcommittee offered Der-
thick a chance to reply.
Rickover 'Uncritical
Derthick said that Rickover in
holding that Russia's educatinal
system is better than the United
States,' was "uncritical, unsus-
pecting, or only partially in-
He said Rickover talked only to
the top salesmen of Soviet Educa-
tion and didn't actually observe
the schools in action.
Derthick said the goal of the
American Educational System is
to provide a constantly expanding
general level of education for all,

Hatcher, Power Ask
Environment Balance
As 'U' Necessity
Special to The Daily
FLINT-University officers yes-
terday took issue with the state's
"science - oriented" building pri-
orities and reemphasized a "criti-
cal need for more construction
Following a morning meeting of
the Regents, President Harlan'
Hatcher and Regent Eugene B.
Power both criticized the exclu-
sion of' a new University, music
school from Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams' capital outlay proposals,
Power suggested the "Governor
didn't think he could persuade the
Legislature to provide funds for
the music school."
Williams has recommended $211
million for the construction, reno-
vation and planning of seven Ann
Arbor units. "His building sug-
gestions are all in the area of si-
ence - but we want a. balanced
pogram, taking in the whole en-
vironment," Power said.
The new music school has topped
the University's own list of build-.
ing priorities for several years.
"We realize we have the highest
capacity for scientific 'activity in
the state," President Hatcher ac-
knowledged, "but we can't leave
the rest undone.
-"I recognize the reasons the
Governor offered for the exclusion
of the music school, but the need
for it is nonetheless urgent.
"I would, hope the current ori-
entation toward science isn't per-
manent. We can work well in both
science add other fields," the Pres
ident said.
Added Medical Unit
In his original plans, the Gov-
ernor also omitted a University
request for continued planning on
a medical science unit. However,
on the further request of Univer-
sity officials, Williams finally
recommended $400,000 for the
planning, Power said.
Both the President and Power
admitted money for new construc-
tion will be difficult to find this
Power listed two difficulties with
the Governor's suggested $150 mil-
lion bonding program, which would
permit construction to begin.
First, "payment on bonds would
constitute prior lien on legislatiye
income," before any other Uni-
versity needs could be' met.
Bonds No Help
Second, the University would
not benefit as much as smaller
schools under the proposed Build-
ing Authority, which could plan,
construct and lease buildings to
state agencies. The Authority
would help small colleges to find
funds, Power said, but the Uni-
versity is' entitled to issue its own
bonds because of its status as a
constitutional corporation.
"An obligation to the other
schools" would keep the University
under the Authority, he said.
Until a way to raise funds is
settled upon, Power stressed, Uni-
versity, officials should "underline
the fact that our needs are very
Sees 'Immediate Necessity'
He reported "an immediate
necessity to get under way with
our capital plans," and decried a
three-year moratorium on Uni-
versity building.
"Even if we were to start build-
ing today, it would take several'
years for the University to return
to normal schedule," he pointed
"And all this comes in the face
of the greatest student enrollment
surge in state history."
To Host Taal

'Phonorama' Replaces Conversations

"My radio is on the blink, but I don't care-I have a telephone,"
one happy inhabitant of South Quadrangle remarked.
It all started when Stephen Glasser, '63E, tried to call the wom-
en's dorms three minutes after the quadrangle phone service had
closed. The only response Glasser got from the phone was "She Don't
Love You No More, Oh Oh."
Glasser started listening to "Phonorama" three nights ago when
some mysterious hi-fi fiend connected his two Patrician speakers and
200-watt amplifier to the phone system.
"Phonorama" or "Quadrama" has become so popular that various
hi-fi fans are competing for air time. The program formats range
from Chopin's "Polonaise-Fantasie in A-Flat Major," to "Pardon My
Blooper" and the reading of e e cummings' poetry.
Rumors indicate that the quadrangle officials do not mind the
new addition. Quadrangle spirit and cooperation has increased over
the exciting topic of "Quadrama." After listening to what has been

I ' f .arc ' A =

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