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February 20, 1966 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-20
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War With the

Wrong Weapons




(Continued from Page Four)
in the most revered hails of the Republic.
The overwhelming importance of this
psycholgy can be stated veri briefly by
referring to Clark's book: If every citizen
of Harlem were given an income supple-
ment rai ing his income above the pov-
erty line, almost nothing would change.
Vice, thievery and tragedy would prob-'
ably increase. The schools would not
change; neither would the outlook of the
students in them. The temperature on the
thermometer would go down; that in the
cauldron would not. Dealing with effects
cannot eradicate causes.
And despite their environment, the
poor will, generally, act-and thus start
to destroy the psychology of poverty-if
they can be -moved by a competent,
shrewdly-planned organization which ni-
tially focuses on urgent, deeply-felt,
short-term objective.
An example of the potential for or-
ganization is a demonstration in New
York City which occurred last June. A
group of parents, outraged by the in-
adequate, outmoded and filthy toilet fa-
cilities of Manhattan's Public School 115,
designed and built a six-foot outhouse
and presented it to the Board of Educa-
tion in an unveiling ceremony in front
of the school. Exceedingly embarrassed
administrators began hastening long-
dormant and confused plans to renovate
the building.
IN SHORT: resentment; powerlessness;
further resentment; organization; and
then power-which is to say an increas-
ing sense of self respect and involvement
in one's own destiny.
Government, it should be stressed, can
play a significant role as a catalyst in
the process. The recently-enacted New
York State rent strike law-which allows
tenants to convince a Civil Court judge
that their building is unsafe, and thus
to deposit their rents, to be used on
needed repairs, with the court instead
of the landlord-is an explicit recogni-
tion of earlier, illegal rent strikes against
slumlords in Harlem.

The law is under a court test, and its
legal procedures are cumbersome. But
one can scarcely disagree with former
New York Mayor Robert F. Wagner, its
sponsor, who said it "is a trailblazer. It
marks out a clear and legal path for
slum tenants to follow in order to use
the rent strike as a court-guided weapon
to improve slum conditions."
THE POOR have been ° organized by
other programs as well, including ef-
forts in several cities by the Students
for a Democratic Society. The endeavors
of SDS have been so effective that the
Peace Corps is asking them to give it
advice on tactics and techniques.
A final example, and one which de-
serves special attention because of its
"THE NATION'S mayors
were alarmed by the,
way in which poor peo-
pie in their cities or in
others were shaking up
local goternments.. ."
striking accomplishments, is the activity
of the Industrial Areas Foundation, which
is directed by Alinsky.
Alinsky is a self-styled "professional
revolutionary" and organizer of the poor
who began as a criminologist, was once
in sociology at the University of Chicago
and is now directod of the Industrial
Areas Foundation. Although he is by now
so beloved by some and so detested by
others that objective comment about
him becomes nearly impossible to find,
his own words give the best insight into
his tactics and objectives.
... Do you think .. . when I go into
a Negro community today I have to
tell them that, they're discriminated
against? Do you think I go in there
and get them angry? Don't you think


they have resentments to begin with,
and how much rawer can I rub them?
IN GOING INTO communities of poor
people, Alinsky first has his organizers
listen-carefully-to the complaints of
the community in bars, barber shops and
restaurants. Then his organizers "go
public," declaring, "Look, you don't have
to take this, there is something you can
do about it .. But you have to have
power to do it, and you'll only get it
through organization."
Mobilized together against common
enemies towards whom they have tre-
mendous resentment-slumlords, politi-
clans, merchants and so on-the people
in the area are spurred by the LAF organ-
izers, choose their own leaders (the IAF
then withdraws), weld community groups
together and "all of a sudden you stand
_.One remarkable area the IAF has or-
ganized is the Woodlawn area in Chicago,
where the organization is known as,
simply, The Woodiawn Organization. It
was originally organized in 1959 to halt
the University of Chicago's "urban-
renewal" expansion program into the
area, until .they got guarantees of low-
income housing for those displaced by
the move (TWO succeeded). It has since
become permanent-and prominent.
JU RIOUS ABOUT garbage collection,
TWO members rented a dump truck,
collected all their garbage themselves and
deposited it all on the front lawn .of
the sanitation department. Woodlawn has
had much less difficulty with garbage
collection since then.
TWO has also organized rent strikes
against landlords who refuse to make
repairs and sends picket squads of "the
blackest Negroes we've got," as Alinsky
puts it, out to the slumlords' houses in
suburbia. Over 50 landlords, jolted by
such strikes (and by irate calls from
their neighbors), have come to terms with
And TWO cracked down on short-
weighted or overpriced goods and unfair
contracts by setting down a code of ethics
-and enforcing it by picketing, boycotts
and a scale set up in a local church.
Reading about the accomplishments of
TWO, one begins to feel it is a com-
bination of a guerrilla band and a popu-
list rally. Its tactics of shrewdly using
self interest, embarrassing publicity and
economic pressure are substantially dif-
ferent from the song-singing, "symbolic
demonstrations" approach of many civil
rights organizations-an approach Alin-
sky deprecates as outmoded and no longer
unusual enough to startle or surprise
TWO'S TACTICS may not win it popu-
larity contests in the rest of Chicago,
and the squeamish may find them
Machiavellian. But they are clearly pleas-
ing to the previously powerless Woodlawn
residents for the results they bring-and,
as Alinsky is quick to say, the powerful
are the only ones who can afford to
preach about morality.
No one maintains TWO has turned
Woodlawn into an island of affluence.
But it has at the very least served to
erase the psychology of poverty in many
Woodlawnites, and at most it could, given
the resources, make a major attack on
poverty itself. Labor Secretary Wirtz
noted some time ago:
The Woodlawn Organization,, com-
posed of block units, churches, and
similar small clusters in a Negro neigh-
borhood contracted with the Labor De-
partment to help the unemployed in
their own neighborhood, using new
methods to bring the poor into job
Instead of specialized expertise, this
grassroots organization offered deep
personal involvement of its members in
the life of their own neighborhood.
The Woodlawn Organization lacked
the usual trained staff for testing,

vocational assessment, job development,
training and counseling; the contrac-
tors depended upon the unemployed
person himself to tell them what he
believed he could learn to do and then.
helped guide him into training for the
occupation of his choice,

S ALINSKY described , the unique
value of community organization in a
talk in Ann Arbor recently: "o you
think we can afford to fail? Of course
not. Some federal or state outfit can
train people and then leave, and if they
can't get a job-too bad. If TWO fails
them, it takes it in the neck, because it
can't leave." The dropouts in TWO's
program are 20 per cent of the number
enrolled, lower than most; 98 per cent
of TWO graduates have been hired for
jobs, substantially higher than the aver-
age for manpower training programs,
(Continued on Page Seven)
(Continued from Page Three)
papers ballyhooed a supposed conflict
between Cazzie and Oliver Darden, but
Cazzie, Ollie, Strack, and other members
of the team deny it vociferously. Cazzie
lived with Darden for two years and they
are still cordial. One respects the other.
But Darden is captain, not Cazzie.
"I just accept Oliver as captain. I-didn't
think I was going to get it. You know,
being an All-American and getting all
the awards and everything, there's bound
to be a little resentment."
But the relationship between Cazzie
and his teammates is affected little by
resentment. There may be smidgeon, be-
cause some rather hefty egos are in-
volved, but not much. Oliver expresses
what the team feels.
"We're all college men. Now if you're
a stable person who can think rationally
the person who's the All-American, the
superstar, should get the publicity. Sure.
we all want more ink, but, face it, you
get what you deserve."
And last year's rumor of Bill Buntin's
jealousy (Buntin surely would have been
first team All-American center if Cazzie
hadn't been scoring 26 per game) was a
myth. Buntin's wife complained bitterly
about it on occasion, but never Bill, him-
THE PLAYERS don't begrudge Cazzie
his fame. They all hope he scores
most points in the conference and the
country, and then lands a whopping con-
tract in the pros. But the truth stands
that Cazzie must be apart from his team-
mates, his unrivaled drive demands it.
Basketball is a huge part of Cazzie's life
-it isn't for the rest of the team.
"We all respect Cazzie as a person and
as a player, but," echoes from many of
Cazzie's teammates and several others
near the team.
"You're always going to have a bit of
conflict because he can be somewhat
overbearing on occasion," says a team-
Cazzie performs in practice like it's
a game situation.. He'll club somebody
and snap at a player even though he's a
fellow Wolverine. A practice session con-
sumes the most important two hours of
the day for Cazzie and he ruthlessly
tries to make the most of it. He's
brutally intense on the court. For this
reason it's difficult for a teammate to
get close to him.
As substitute forward Dan Brown ex-
presses it. "Nobody can be really buddy-
buddy with Cazzie."
LOGICALLY, this inevitable apartness
opens old sores because he desires to
be likedsand to be one of the guys, but
he can't.
"You're practicing and you run into
him accidentally, he thinks you've done.
it on purpose," says a Michigan player.
"Cazzie's a loner, not an outcast," he
continues. "For instance, on a bus trip
Caz is inclined to sit alone. And when
we were abroad last summer we'd go out
in twos and threes, but Cazzie'd generally
go by himself."
Cazzie has gone by himself up the pole
of social mobility by excelling like few

ever excelled in his given field. Fis
dedication and singleness of purpose ha >
cost him something but he continues to
strive and compete.
In his way Cazzie has fulfilled himself,
perhaps more than any other student at
the University.
And he's done it alone.

Under the ,Torrent
Of Public Ad ulation:
Pride and Sensitivity

(Continued from Page Five)
The activist heritage of the SGC mem-
bers was becoming visible. They implied
that if Cutler were unwilling to let the
students have a more meaningful voice
in decisions, the students who agitate for
reform might have to work outside "the
But what, in the meantime, can be
done within the system?
THE TIME HAS COME for a change
in Cutler's attitude toward student
participation. What is needed is a phi-
losophy oriented toward the future rather
than one anchored in the past. Students
do not want to be on sham committees;
rather they seek a meaningful voice.
History's lesson should be obvious: stu-
dent committees in the OSA should have
structural power.
In many respects the University faculty
has been as negligent as the administra-
tion in realizing that the student should
have a voice in determining his own
Students have no voice in tenure de-
cisions and a rather weak role in cur-
riculum changes. If the University does
not decide appointments only on the
basis of publications, it would seem
logical that the people who have been
taught by a man should judge how good
a teacher he is. Or if the man is from
another school students should be able
to rate how he brought his point across
as a guest lecturer and have a voting
voice on the tenure committee.
There is also no reason why students
could not have a voting voice on cur-
riculum committees. Currently there are
advisory committees such as the Literary
College Steering Committee, the Honors
Steering Committee and the Residential
college student advisory board, all of
which have earned the praise of faculty
members for their work. Why couldn't
these committees be combined with the
faculty committees, thus giving students

a more meaningful

voice in their

ANOTHER AREA in which students
should have a voice is in the selec-
tion of major University officials. It was
rather appalling that students were not
even asked for an advisory opinion when
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan
Smith was appointed last year.
A major precedent could be set in the
near future with the selection of the new
University president. The man who will
succeed Harlan Hatcher will determine
the future of thhis institution, and there
is no reason why students should not
have a formative role in the selection of
that man.
The scheme adopted by the Regents
at their past meeting could either de-
velop into meaningful participation or
a farce.
If the committee develops into a
farce because of a lack of interaction
with the faculty committee and the reg-
ents, the result will not only be a loss
for the concept of student participation
but would also take away .from the suc-
cess of the presidential selection process.
Students do have something to offer
the process. They are the best equipped
to judge how presidential candidates
would interact with the student body.
The point was conceded by the Regents
in setting up the committee; they should
not nullify their point by making the
committee ineffective.
HE VISION of an academic democracy
presented here is not an idealistic
fantasy.-Rather, it is the logical out-
growth of the emergence of the student.
If democracy can not work in an aca-
demic community, where can it function?
ty do not believe in self-government, why
If members of thi senlightened communi-
should anyone else?
* We have come a long way from the
days of Deborah Bacon, but we have not
yet come far enough.


"A ND THEN YOU'RE out there, on the
court, and you've got this object,
this ball in your hands, and it feels great.
I mean if calms you, you want to do
something, to move, move."
The moment Cazzie Lee Russell Jr.
lives for.
That eerie moment of chill, fervor,
climax, when a day; a week, a month, a
year, a life's concentration fuses into that
wierd soothing exhilaration.
A noncontact sport of flailing elbows,
slapping forearms, and knees to the gut.
A punishing game that sears the lungs
of the chubby. A melange of leaping be-
hemoths in short pants running hell-bent
back and forth on ninety feet of over-
shellacked boards.
Basketball. Cazzie Russell's Game. Caz-
zie Russell's Means. Cazzie Russell's End.
Cazzie Russell's object of dedication.
You know Cazzie Russell. He's six feet
five and-one half inches, two hundred
twenty two and one half pounds of num-
ber thirty three. He dresses in white at
Yost, blue away. He plays like he loves
the game. Every pro team drools about
having him, and the Detroit Pistons
would give Cobo Hall to lure him-except
they're cheap.
That's the Cazzie Russell of the sta-
tisticians, the sportswriters, the fans.
Russell has to live with, that's today's
The basics of Cazzie's background are
probably better known on this campus
than the names of Lyndon Johnson's
daughters (Linda and Luci Baines, inci-
Cazzie's family, lived in a housing pro-
ject on Chicago's South Side. He went to
Carver High School, dominated Chicago
Public League basketball, made several
high school All-American teams, chose
-Michigan from dozens of college offers,
revived basketball interest and power at
Michigan, and led the Wolverines to two
straight Big Ten championships and
second place in the NCAA last year.
But focusing a bit on his background,
Cazzie notes that his parents were strict
and religious.
"I was-raised in a church and I led the
choir and taught Sunday school back in
CAZZIE'S FOLKS, in fact, prevented
him from playing basketball until he
was 14 because they didn't want him out
"My parents said I had to be in by 8:00
or 8:30 and the recreation building
where the guys played was only open
from 7:00 to 10:00. I never got a chance
to practice. But finally I just demanded
that that they let me stay out or I'd just
bounce the ball in the house and drive
everybody crazy."
Cazzie started three years behind his
peers (most started at 11) in basketball,
but he caught up with desire and dili-
gence. He pushed himself harder than
anyone else, and even cajoled the jani-
tors at his high school to leave the gym
open deep into night so he could practice.
E CAME TO Michigan, a school with
reputation for scholarship, not basket-
LLOYD GRAFF, a senior in pre-
legal studies, was Associate Sports
Editor of The Daily lost year.

Sall, because he liked the coaches, Bill
Buntin, the prestige of a Michigan de-
gree, and because the Wolverines "looked
like a team that needed help."
You know the rest. He broke the
Michigan season scoring record as a
sophomore and junior and is on the way
this year. He made All-American both
times and won Most Valuable Player in
the Big Ten last season, with 24.8 per
g;ame average in '64, 25.6 in '65.
"Cazzie Russell makes shots you don't
-ee made," remarks Ohio State's Coach
Fred Taylor, who's taught boys like Jerry
Lucas and John Havlicek.
Cazzie Russell, basketball virtuoso, is
on top like Bill Bradley of Princeton was
last season - except Cazzie doesn't have
anyone to challenge him as he, himself,
challenged Bradley in '65.
But Cazzie Russell, college basketball's
1966 King for a Year, still drives him-
self. It's almost compulsive for him In
a way he's possessed-or perhaps more
accurately, obsessed, by his sport.
words. "I'd have to say that Cazzie
is the most dedicated player I've ever
Adds Captain Oliver Darden: "The
difference between Cazzie and I is that
I just don't have the time. I give a
hundred -per cent in practice and that's
it. When it's over I have something else

IN THE FIRST 18 games of this season, Cazzie
Russell has seored 542 points, averaging 30.1
points per game, on 208 field goals and 126 free
throws. le has made just under 50 per-cent of
his field goal attempts and 84 per-eent of his
free throw attempts. He has pulled down 157
L .. .. r ........".'''. ... .w.*.. i . "l:'e.*,... w,:?1 .......r+is.

And Cazzie actively participates in the
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, a
group which tries to weave the strands
of Christian thought and competitive
athletics into a meaningful entity.
JOHN CLAWSON TELLS of an incident
which occurred while the team was
out in Portland last year for the finals
of the NCAA Championships.
"We were in the hotel one morning
and I walked by Cazzie's room. The door
was open and the maid was making the
bed and cleaning up the room. Then I
spotted Cazzie carrying on an animated
discussion with her about 'the Bible and
religion in general."
And down in Columbus this year on
the night before the game Cazzie spent
hours explaining a Baptist interpretation
of the Old Testament to his teammates.
Freddy Taylor wishes he'd explicated it
Saturday afternoon instead. Cazzie
notched 32 points, hitting 13 of 17 from
the field, spurring Michigan to win in
Columbus for the first time in 19 years.
"up" foi a game differs from his

of the team, at
the pre-game h:
fore the Indiana
coupie jazz recor
sive anxiety whit.
Atter the Wol
floor, with Cazz:
den, Russell thi
cises, like a fre
His flashy dunk
shooting display
tion which set h
Cazzie is Michi
undeniably Cazzi
Cazzie first g
He inhales the fe
its pattern, and
reflects the gam
has an expansive
a kilowatt on t
can light up a cr
And then a s
steps in seven le
of the packedt
zoom, swish, za
That glow coni
poker face of Bil
centration grippe
stare. A score o
the controlled ble
But underneat
the Russell grin b
dedication to be
but great.
clever, or the su
character actors,
Cazzie beneath
and postgame g
a loner.
He loves to be
ing crowd and d
graphs. He reli
though he rema
gards the avala
received as enco
"I've got to sh
a lucky game las
after his pro
image and he kn
ife an example I
best to look good
But under the
Dects people. Cal
rear, protection
natural feeling
Cazzie feels it.
"I do study pe
scious effort to m
an instinct for t
concern for me a
who want reco
You've got to w
There are enoug
And Cazzie ir
that he's been c
by those he alme
insecurity couple
zeal for basketba
ed Cazzie's relat
igan basketba

to do. Cazzie makes time to practice.
I don't."
Cazzie carries an intensity for basket-
ball that few have for anyone or any-
thing. It consumes him. During the en-
tire year the game is foremost in his
KEEPING HIS body in perfect shape
all year is something he not only
accepts but relishes. He plays golf (aver-
age 87) during the summer and runs.
Cazzie will never challenge Bob Hayes'
records, but he proudly asserts that he's
won the "Strack Mile" three years, in a
Each season a Michigan player must
run the distance in under six minutes
to make the squad. Most of the guys
trot it in 5:59.9, but Cazzie runs it like
the Olympics. He broke the ribbon in
5:29 as a sophomore, 5:20 as a junior,
and 5:09 this season.
"It was a matter of pride. Nobody'd
ever won it three years in a row."
Cazzie guards his sleep and may often
even snatch a nap beforea game. He
schedules his days meticulously, even
down to the chapters of thesBible he
believes will be most appropriate reading
for the given situation.
He's active in the St. Paul Missionary
Baptist Church, though he hasn't taught
Sunday school since he left Chicago.

teammates' by degree. In a sense, Cazzie's
whole existence is a preparation for the
explosion on the court, basketball occu-
pies such a pivotal spot in his thinking.
The night before a game the players
often sit through a 45 minute scouting
film of the opponent. Once is plenty for
them, but not for Cazzie.
"When Cazzie can persuade me to give
him the projector and films, he'll watch
them endlessly, like maybe four or five
times, looking for a move here, a mistake
there, that he can take advantage of in
the game," says team manager John
"On a trip Cazzie often complains
about the room or the bed. Often he'll
say the bed is too soft or too hard and
he'll sleep on the floor to keep himself
occupied. And Cazzie snores, gee does
he, and it makes it tough for anybody
who rooms with him. Cazzie doesn't do
anything halfway, even snore."
PRIOR TO A NIGHT game Cazzie
works out in the morning. refining
his jump shot, free throws, hook, fak-
ing. He practices alone, with silence in-
terrupted only by the thump of the ball.
The other players prefer to read, talk,
savor the tingle of anticipation.
And oddly, with the prescribed ritual
of preparation that he obeys, Cazzie is
the most jovial and easy-going member



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