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February 20, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-02-20

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See Editorial Page

111k~i x


Low- -5
Increasing cloudiness,
becoming colder with winds

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom








Package- Deal

"The professors we hire are
teacher scholars," says Vice-
President for Research Geoffrey
Norman emphasizes that re-
search programs at the University
are not designed to conflict with
or detract from a teacher's duties,
but to augment them. As he put it,
'they are to interpret the existing
body of knowledge to their stu-
dents, and also to extend that
body through research."
Norman explains that research
is an essential function of the
modern professor. He says the
University attempts to include it
State Hears

in a "package deal" of duties when
a new professor is hired.
"This dual nature of the teacher
scholar is to provide the student
with the ability to adapt to new
fields that will open up in the
future, not just to train him so he
can acquire a job and. be merely
a technician," he said.
y . a
Academic responsibilities of the
"teacher scholars" hired by the
University include teaching under-
graduate sections, and graduate
classes, counseling duties, or active
participation on national com-
mittees. "But," Norman empha-
sizes, "the professor is the produc-
tive component of the University

and therefore research should be
deemed an integral part of his
Norman says that at any one
time there may be from 1200-1300
active projects which are recog-
nized in the budget with a total
value exceeding $50 million.
"Budgeted programs" is an im-
portant term to consider when
speaking of volume of research. In
some fields, projects are carried
on by professors on their own
without using money allocated for
research by the University or or-
ganizations like the National
Science Foundation. Norman em-
phatically denies that division of

loyalties created by the availibility he may have no teaching duties.
of outside research funds is preva- I During the academic year, how-

The procedure by which an as-
sistant professor receives a start
on research after appointment il-
lustrates how much these activities
cognate with his career.
When a man applies for a
teaching position on the staff, he
commonly requests facilities and
support for research from his de-
Included in grant funds is
money for the hiring of assistants
and perhaps a summer stipend
for himself. Intensive work is us-
ually done in the summer when

ever, he will plan his time so that
research can proceed along with
his instructional and other duties.
. When the program is completed,
the work is published in a recog-
nized professional journal, and the
researcher may, if he wishes to
expand his findings, request an
increase in funds or an extension
of his current grant.
"We try to relieve the investi-
gator from as much of the burden
of business concerns as possible,"
says Norman. "We have some men
whose sole duties consist of seeing
to the administration of the pro-

grams; there is a lot of organiza- is often a nine-month to one-year space programs. The University,"
tion below the surface," he added. time lag between completion of he continues. "is primarily en-
The key man in the process is research and reporting the results gaged in basic research, while pri-
the chairman of the department, to the scientific community. A vate industries on the coasts are
who makes sure the department possibility for the future would be developing new processes for com-
stays in touch. He works with the a central office which would keep mercial applications."
Office of Research Administration, track of the progress of all current Asked if science and engineering
which makes sure that manage- research projects, to compile and are being over emphasized, Nor-
ment assistance is available when- make this information available man insists that the University
ever problems arise. through a computerized system. is not now, nor ever has been con-
sciously emphasizing one field of
Scientific research has been ex- Commenting on the concentra- science at the expense of others.
panding at a phenomenal rate in tion of research funds on the
recent years, and Norman outlines coasts as opposed to the midwest Expanding programs of research
some of the ways in which its and South, Norman says, "The offer exciting potential for tech-
growing pains may be handled. bulk of money is spent on develop- nological advance of the nation.
Presently, tabulation of data is ment, and goes to the electronics Norman foresees a bright future
slow because of the vast number and aerospace industries for hard- for the "teacher scholar" in his
of titles being researched. There f ware necessary in our defense and role in the modern university.
rts Eight-Month
Iousmn Leases

Vote Appeal
'U' Political Groups
Argue in Detroit for
Lower Age Limit

e Wiigan +ailRE



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The Michigan House of Repre-
sentatives Constitutional Revisions
Committee heard arguments sup-
porting the 18-year-old vote yes-
terday in Detroit.,
Among the groups arguing for
a lower voting age were the cam-
pus Young Democrats and Young
The committee reportedly favors
the bill which has already passed
the Michigan Senate.
The principal speakers at the
meeting were former Gov. G. Men-
nen Williams, assistant secretary
of state for African affairs. Wil-
liams highlighted his testimony for
18-year-old vote with an exam-
ple from the Peace Corps.
He said 18-year-old corpsmen
have been among the most dedi-
cated members of the organiza-
tion and added that lowering the
voting age to 18 was a logical
step in extending the suffrage.
Supporters of the 18-year-old
votinglaw attacking the argument
that an 18-year-old is not ma-
ture enough to cast an intelligent
vote. Jordan Rossen, former presi-
dent of the state Young Demo-
crats, said "No one is disputing
the fact that,- assuming other
things being equal, one is more
mature at 21 than at 18. The
question is one of establishing a
minimum level of maturity and
responsibility necessary for vot-
YD spokesman David Copi,
Grad, said that 21 is an arbitrary
age, adding, "18 is more logical
because at that age one becomes
criminally responsible, can marry
without parental consent, and can
be drafted. Eighteen-year-old
workers pay taxes. Without the
vote, this is taxation without rep-
Other speakers cited the large
membership in organizations like
the -Young Democrats and the
Young Republicans as proof of the
interest of young people in poli-'
He also added, for the benefit of
the six Democratic members of the
House committee that Young Dem-
pcrats recently passed a resolution
A that declares Democrats who do
not support the 18-year-old vote,
will get no help from Young Dem-
ocrats in the November elections.
The drive for 18-year-old vote
was on campus by the Young Dem-
ocrats, who received support from
the University Republicans and
Student Government Council.

Student Government Council member Robert Bodkin, '67E,
last night denied charges that a small campaign contribution
from Offset magazine last November has in anyway affected his
decisions on SGC. Referring to SGC's recent decision to grant
Offset $100, Bodkin pointed out that the motion was passed with-
out dissent and asserted that he "simply voted with everyone else
on the basis of validity, not personal favors." SGC President Gary
Cunningham, '66, verified Bodkin's statement, adding that the
campaign contribution in no way violated SGC election regula-
tions. He emphasized that he has complete personal confidence
in Bodkin's position on the issue.
The charges against Bodkin were implied in statements by
several members of Group political party. SGC member Mickey
Eisenberg, '67, of Group said Friday that Stephen Daniels, '67,
had been offered $10 from Offset in November in return for
favors if he was elected to council. Eisenberg indicated that he
believes Bodkin accepted the campaign contribution under similar
* * *
University personnel director Charles M. Allmand is resigning
his post to take up a similar position in the University of Cali-
fornia system. Allmand, who has received three degrees from
the University, will be in charge of nonacademic personnel pro-
grams and the retirement system.
* * * *
The Student Relations Board of the Development Council last
night presented Activities Awards at the Chad Mitchell Trio con-
cert to five seniors for their extracurricular contributions to the
University. Mary Beth Braden, chairman of the board, and John
Baldry, vice-chairman, presented $150 checks and plaques to
Barry Bluestone, past student union president; Charles Cooper,
Student Government Council administrative vice-president;
Pamela Erickson, former League officer and now on the Union
Activities Center executive committee; Laura Fitch, president of
Panhel; and Robert Johnston, editor of The Michigan Daily.
. * * * *
Eight state legislators from the Flint area have signed a
statement reasserting their support for maintaining the Univer-
sity's Flint College branch as a four-year institution. Sharply
disagreeing with a State Board of Education recommendation to
replace the branch with an autonomous state school by 1971, the
statement opposes setting a deadline for establishing the new
independent school. The board and the Flint community leaders
have been engaged in a dispute since last April, when the board
first requested that Flint College be "phased out." Since then,
negotiations between Flint representatives and board President
Thomas Brennan and Gov. George Romney have failed to bring
the disputants together.
Students yesterday began the final step in assembling the
Course Evaluation Booklet with the writing of evaluations for
individual courses based on comments supplied by students who
filled out the questionnaires several weeks ago. Final tabulations
showed that enough material had been submitted to cover 435
courses taught by some 800 faculty members. Evaluations will
cover both lecture and recitation content and quality.
The work on the evaluation booklet will continue into next
week, with a scheduled publication deadline sometime after
Feb. 27. A spokesman for the central committee noted, however,
that a shortage of students writing the evaluations may slow
down the progress in this final phase. Persons interested in
assisting the course evaluation booklet should contact SGC.

-Daily-Andy Sacks

-Daily-Jim Graf

DAVE SCHELLHASE of Purdue (left) and Cazzie Russell of Michigan have been battling all season for the Big Ten and national scor-
ing crown. Schellhase won the battle yesterday as he set a Big Ten record for most points in a single game with 57 points.
Schelihase Ht 7,btRussell
Leads Record 'l'Win, 189

Spur Effort
For Action
University Towers
Now Offers Shorter
But Costlier Terms
The University, in an effort to
induce campus landlords to offer
eight-month leases, says it will no
longer take action against stu-
dents whobreak their 12-month
Ann Arbor's largest off-campus
apartment building says it plans
to offer students the option of
an eight-month lease in response
to the new University lease policy.
A student who is not enrolled
in the spring-summer term and
chooses to move out of his apart-
ment during that time will not be
penalized by the University, ac-
cording to Mrs. Elizabeth R. Les-
lie, coordinator of off-campus
Old Lease
Under the old University lease,
property owners could request the
University to prevent a student
from re-registering or graduating
if he moved out before his 12-
month lease expired.
Under the new policy the Uni-
versity will not take action against
a student unless he is enrolled in
the Universitymatthat time. A
student who moves out of his
apartment during the summer ses-
sign is not the responsibility of
the University.
University Towers which cur-
rently rents to more than 600 stu-
dents plans to offer students the
option of an eight-month lease
next year.
8-Month Option
According to a rental agent for
University Towers, a student now
paying $60 a month this year
on a 12-month lease would have
the option of paying $75 a month
for the same apartment on an
eight month basis.
Rental agents for Campus Man-
agement, Dennis Dahlman and
Maiden Lane Apartments say,
however, that they do not plan
to offer any eight month leases.
Other major campus landlords de-
clined comment on the matter.

Acting Sports Editor
You don't call record-breakers
clumsy,- but Dave Schellhase had
a dickens of a time snapping his
tab collar shirt yesterday after-
Over in the other Yost Field
House locker room, Cazzie Russell
deftly slipped into a tapered ivy
league model.
No matter what, Cazzie just
can't be made to look bad.
When Schellhase sets a new Big
Ten mark with 57 points and old
Caz pops in a very huiman 28, you
would think maybe our guy really
isn't the only hot stuff around.
King for the Day
The reporters waddled straight
for Schellhase and left Cazzie to

an endearing barrage of ten-year-
olds who wanted him to sign on
the dotted line. But scribbling his
way through the mob, Russell hap-
pily pointed out "I'd rather be on
my end of things."
That end includes no personal
records, but he can share victory
and a whole new flock of new
records with his teammates. The
Wolverine win, by an NBA score
of 128-94, broke the old school
record set one long week ago
against Wisconsin. The total also
established a new Big Ten team
scoring record, and the two team
total tied the mark established in
the Badger bash. For good meas-
ure, Michigan also set a confer-
ence record with 52 field goals.
Toward the end of the game, the

PA announcer sounded hoarse as
he was forced to keep up a steady
monologue as each shot seemed to
have an historical significance.
But there's still that big one
that got away-the Field House
individual record that fans have
been impatiently waiting for Caz-
zie to break. Any time he got hot,
the restless anticipation would be-
gin. But every game found Cazzie
short of the mark.
The idea that Schellhase or any-
body else would get to John Tid-
well's 43 points before Russell was
unthinkable. Last year, Schellhase
could manage a meager 15 points
in one Michigan game and a
punier eight in the other. This
season he is leading the nation in
scoring, but the memory of those
games made the Wolverine con-
tingent scoff at his alleged offen-
sive potentcy.

his best shot is a one hand jumper,
the first shot every skinny high
school player learns. Schellhase
just happens to be better at it than
most people. His favorite play is
just getting in as close to the
basket as possible.
Perhaps the difference between
the two players was most obvious
when Schellhase stole a pass and
soloed the length of the court.
There was no fancy move, no sud-
den change of speed and direction.
Schellhase just dribbled hard and.
steady. He even layed it in rather
than dunking.
Easy Come, Easy Go
Schellhase's points aren't notice-
able because they come with such
regularity. Cazzie, on the other
hand, shoots in hot streaks. In
one period of 2:20 he scored sevn
See CAGERS', Page 6

Anderson Named Editor of New ENSIAN Staff

Clearly, if the record were to
fall, it would fall to a Michigan Chad Mitchell Trio Shallow
man, and that Michigan man had
.!f C h i L T R.7 lCP

The Boardi in Control of Stu-
dent Publications last night named
eight students to positions on
the senior staff of the 1967 Michi-
ganensian, the University year-
Named editor was Bruce Ander-
son, '67, a major in political
science. Anderson has been on the
senior staff of the ENSIAN for
three years, serving as design edi-
tor for the last two years. He re-
places outgoing editor Mike Gale,#
"The book will coincide with the I
1967 University Sesquicentennial.
Consequently an historical outlookl

staff to assume his new duties.

The layout and design editor coLoe uaL ee £us.
position was filled by Joanne Mar- The sweatness of a vicious,
tindale, '68, a major in social work. clubbing win, made the fans able
She was sales manager on the to accept the single flaw in the
junior staff before winning her afternoon. They greeted Schell-
appointment to the senior staff hase's feats with meaty applause,
last night. but if clapping could talk, it would
Ns o t have had a British accent and re-
Named as the copy editor for serve of "Nice show, old man,"
the '67 ENSIAN was Anne Marie rather than the American ex-
Ellsworth, '67, a journalism major. huberance of "Wow, what a
She previously worked as associate player!"
senior section and associate or- Ther
ganizations editor on the junior cartwheels, but the average spec-
staff during the last year. "The tator just does not get excited by
research for the Sesquicentennial Dave Schellhase.
will be an integral part of the book IASllnae
and I'm very excited about inter- All in a Name

"He died with a gun in his hand
In a war he did not understand,
Business goes on as usual."
Was one of the verses sung by
the Mitchell Trio in last night's
concerat at Hill Aud. They sang
pleasant, sweet little songs and
satirical attacks. Their attacks did
not sink deep, nor present any
substance leading to reflection.
They were not so much true folk
singers as entertainers.
Their songs ranged from such
types as the opening "I can't help
but wonder when I'm down," to
catr- nn+ flip vnta mprrn


group in most of the songs and
the humorous commentary.
The audience enjoyed the steady
stream of satire, interrupted by a
few quieter songs, although the
trio seemed to say little that was
new as the evening progressed
When asked where the group
got its material, Denver replied
most of it came from the groups'
central manager who also con-
trols Peter, Paul and Mary and
other groups. They shape the ma-
terial to fit their tastes, but al-
most none of its originates with
the group. Few of the songs are
written hv members of the trio

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