OF 'Tam
it igan
Population Aroused. as Rhienish Frew.
Idenit Is Forced to Quit
Brilliant Concert Closes SeisLTUNASMK
Detroit Symphony ATTCKSONeOLE
iBy )Edgar 11. .Ailes Icision of attack being rupi~rb and its ITC SO UI
Thisseaon' Exr2Cocr:2eie tonal beauty,' especially in the hfisItNETALlN
was brought to a close last night in violins and.-iodwlnds, extraord in-f
Hillaudtorim b Osip Gbr~ow-ary. :dr. Gabriolowitsch realized the;IN EUH Z E3#
itsch andv the Detroit ~Symphony or-
chestra who performed miagnificiently
one of the finest programs ever giv-
en here. An audience, which was
easily the largest ever in attendance
at this series, accorded the piano sol-
maximum both from the fine form of; -_T
his museians andl from the Olympian i INVASION OF TERRITORY
splendor of the symphony, every inea- SIGNED TO POLAND MEETS
sure of which glowed, beneath the I WITH OPPOSITION
spell of his ardently temperamental
yet scholarly personality. Tito ap- 4C U T YAPAST
r.2onn csra hCOUNTRY APP PiALS TrO
Cologne, Feb. 9-*(BY A. P.)-The
British today turn over a six-kilome-
ter strip on the western end of their
zone, so as to give the French and
B~elgians complete control of the dou-'
ble-track railroad line from Dues-
seldorf, a short stretch of which ran
through the British area.
Duesseldorf, Feb.: 19.-The expul-#
sion of Dr. Guetzner president off
Rhenish Prussia, for writing an "imn-
pertinent" letter to General Beauzain,
Belgian commander at Duisburg, re-
moves from the occupied area a prom-
inent German offisial 'and has caused
a stir amrong the civilian population.
Dr. Gr'detzner's letter wfts in pro-
test against imprisonment of Ober-j
burgomaster Jarres of Duisburg. Dr.
Gruetzner is alleged to have referred
to the forces of occupation as "ban-
d is".'
Gelsenkirchen's fine of 100,00000
ioist a ditinIct. ovation u t fULor some p puse was tieVt ant i rriuntiULy. I.
inexplicable reason was findifferentI The most. popular feature of the
and unresponsive towards the orches. concert was the appearane as soloist
tral selections. of Maurice Dumesnil a French pian-II
C ieinterest was focussed upon jst, who made his local debut. Liszt's1
the mighty fifth symphony of Beet-( "Hungarian Fantasia", which he play-
hoven which openedi the program. Mr. ed, ;is a composition whose dazzluig
Gabrilowitsch's interpretation of tie I superficial brilliance invariably!
'sublim~e work was a very noble and arouses the encore fiends, but which
beautiful one, not only in its empha- as it was heard last evening, seemed
sis upon the surging intensity and truly poetic more so than it really is.;a
heroic grandeur. of the music, but al- Mr. Dumesnil's reading of the exact-
so in the less ob~vious qualities of re- Ing solo was a triumph of technique,
fined contrasts, subtle modifications of yet it was gratifying to observe that
tempo, eqjuisite interpretive nuances hie was concerned far more with the
and, significant musical expressive- musical aspect of the work than with
ness. Tbroughout the work the or-'any exhibition of keyboard gymnnas-
chestra played irreproachably, its pre- (Continued'on Page Two)
Collisions Between Forces Reported In
Dispatches from Both
1 Countries
1Warsaw, Feb. 19-(By A I.)-
Fresh attacks by the Lithuaniang ou
Polish force's in the neutral zone allot-
ted to Poland' are reported here today.
It also. is said thpe class of 1922 ba~s
been mobilized in Lithuania.
Dispatches last ;. iht roin both
Polish and Lithuanian sources report-
ed collisions, between forces of the
two countries. The Lithuanian lega-
tion in Paris made public a dispatch
from Kovno, asserting that Polish
forces had invaded, Lithuania, after
occupying the neutral zone hear Or-
any, and attacked the LithuanianE
troops with heavy casualties.-
!The dispatch 'added that the Lithu-j
anianl government had reported the
facts to the, League of Nations, re-a
questing that stepis be taken .Wtoprie-
vent an, extension of ;the confiiit.
!A Warsaiw dispatch .declared. that
Polish troops and police assigned to
occupy Poland's part of the neutral
zoon'e, had -been opposed byLithuan-I
ian forces, inludin~gs regular ty oops.,
The impression, voiced 'in French?
official circles. is that. the LithuianiansI
are carrying: out the threat they' made
in the .league. council to° resist the
foccuipation 'of any peart of the 'zone by:
the Poles. Li thuania has an,. army.o01
'about 50,000 wen..
Atilnistratilon Confident of, Student
London. -- Former premier
( Lloyd George in a speech in the
j House of Commons today said
Iit was impossible for the repara,-
tions and restorations program
$ to, succeed without America. The
Americans he said had the(.
world's gold locked in their
(chest and were suffering from
( indigestion and surfeit. They
Ehave a moral responsibility, he
(( continued, they have. shared in
( the war and helped to break up
I G'ermany: Their president has
i.signed, the treaty and although?
{ the Senate has rejected it, that w s n t o .t e g o n s o ,r p r
Mr. Lloyd George considered
Ithe French government commit-
(.. ted to. irretrievable disaster.?
There. had been nothing in the 1
4 reparations problem which in his?
j opinion demanded such a violent?
( step, and the disquieting feature
(was that there. must be soneIc
(reason beyond. reparations since
(clearly reparations was not the{
Sobject in view.
SjIt would be very difficult for
France now to retrace her steps(I
which the. pride of both coun-
Itries was engaged. The pride of1
IFrance and Germany had been
j aroused. These countries stood I
jin a position of gleaning defyi-
'Washington's Birthday Will Be Co*le-
lrated in Welnberg's
penalty for the shooting of two French Washingtat
soldiers has been paid out -of the new .form c-
110,000,000 paper harks the Fench Athletic depa
seized when they took: over* the rail- I will -conduct
road station and the Rathavis. The bothr to stud
French also appropriated 250,000,000 'which will b,
marks in Trier. ' day night all
The German police at- Essen are 1 atWeinberg't
to return to duty and for the pres-, Play:Retur:
ent at least will be allowed-to retain I eeiyt
themr arms. The French, however, ,receinica
wrill remain estab~lished at pollee ,head- rcaion fai
quarters, which they took over after jdnd which I
th rcstau rant brawl- of last week. amount ;of ix
Theo boycott against the soldiers at department f,
Essen and Rteckllnhausen evidently is similar entei
loging ground for stores inl both cities . of the evening
are beginning to accent the French as between the,
cuastomners. gan sextets.
led the Cathi.
ing the interi:
01[s 'lost a brillia
has held the
t~pIunship for
AFTE R T'n I[lNES larity with
placed goodt
one of the lip
CIVIC, ANiiD CHURCH AC-. sota Saturda
TIVITIE i puck chasers
meet the Sou
Mrs. Warren P. Lombard, wife of the Gophersi
Prof. Warren P. Lombard of the Uni- I 0 score until
versity medical school died at 1:30{j period, the
o'clock Monday afternoon at her home,! their way 01
505 Oxford rig., following an attack j fished with a
of pnuemonia which lasted two Donald's men
weeks. News of her death came as I sitted in th,
a shock to the Michigan campus and encounter she
the city of Ann Arbor. iest of the sea
Caroline Cook Lom bard, daughter elude Michigi
of George Edward Cook and Eliza this year.
Coffin Cook, was born in I13rooklyn, N. ! Will
Y. As added fe
On June 21, 1853, she was unitedj skating talen
in marriage to Dr. Warren P. Loin-. engaged to gi.
bard;, who in 1802 became connected: well as funds
with the Ladies' Library Association for-all race v~
and was at one time its president. She eight laps, an
was a member of thme Executive Board be awarded
of the Sarah Caswxell Angell chapter -event. Candi
Daughters of the American Revolu-t tice already
tion ; at the time of her death, was a are expected
inember of the State: committee to; will be skatij
furnish the D3..A. R. room in Roose- ing the exhi
-velt hospital at Pattle Creek; and was! sity band is
also treasurer of the Sarah Caswecll 1 caf program
Angell loan fund, established by thne: Tickets wil
University chapter of the D. A. R. 1nesday morni
Prof. W'arren P'. Lombard, husband moent ticket
of the deceased, is now serv ing his ing. 'The adi
thirtieth year In' the University, lheI will cover al
having" become connected with thze low the holds
muedical school in 1892. Since that jclalties have
time hie has served continuously, with
the exception of one year.
wilb eda 'lc ensaFuneral services for lars. Lombard FIGHT 01
afternoon in the Unitarian church. !
n's birthday will see a
f amusement, when the
artinent= of tihe Unversity !
tan ice, carnival, openl
ents anrd townspoople;
egin at 7,,o'clock Thurs-
Ld finish at 10:30 o'clock
'8 coliseum.
to Game With CatholiCS
le Detroit departmentI of
trried out a three' day. pro-
iter sports at 'Belle Ish-
occasioned such a large
nterest that the Athletic
Sett a1 desire to conduct a
rtainment. The feature
or ....11 ho fhknlinnlrnmr r' p
Gives Englanid 62 Years in IWhick to
S Pay Back Great Loans to
Uinited States
S!Washington, Feb. 19-(B~y A. I'.)-
The agreemrent between the American
and British government, under whichf
Great Britain' will have 62 years for .
the payment of its $4,600,000,000 war
debt to this country will. become' ef-..
fective before the end of this niontm
This was made certain today u vith the
action of' the house ;ways and nieain;
committee in instructing Chiirntan i nmove tomorrow im. the
house: to accept the senate' cha,14es
to the amendments to the debt fund-
ICouuty Alumni' Send Delegates to
Attend Today's"- Meeting at
l'tepresintativoes fromip ra ctic hly all
of the county OlJumini 'asaoiatlous
]lk, e guthere~d .hre "to 'attoa'd a big,
wl-et'ing which is to occur today. The
meetoing will last' for today ozily; mast
tif the delegates returning do their"
!homes late tonight'. Many of the dcl-
C. J: Columbus, who claims decenii
dancy from C hristophei' Columbus,
discoverer cif America, has Jlustibeefl,
adlmitted to the British bar.
5 IVILL J~ L~ ~ ''~'Ing act giving congressional approva; :IJJ1iiU IIIN1K.NfMJ~
Notre Damte and Michi- ? Frmois ,.'egates aru ivod in the, city yesterday,
Coach Barss' men Play-, of the agreement. The committee vote and" an enthuisiagtiec meeting was held
lies at South Bend dur- was unanimous and the house 'vote is'L LSE UPNDD'nteUinlatngt oeta
in betweenl semnesters and expected to be practically so. DURIN1.G 'FTLL HOLIbA1 I 75 all sent as representatives by the
it game 3-2. Notre Dame Dirpet notion by the house w illmiake -?epc- aun soitinar x
ewestern hockey chianm- a conference with the senate unneee-slcino ' ertv lmiasoitos r x
~~~~~~~~~~~~Wihtetwo years ar~d the regu- snary. and will save considerable t te daigu~o pac n etdt ehr ntm o h
prelminay plns metig to be held at 9:30 o'clock In
which they have always After the house votes the bill will he for, the Washington Day, convention the 'Union today.
eamns on the ice has been made ready for President Harding. I to lbeheld Thursday in H111l Auditor- The meeting is called with a view
glhts of athletic history. Several Republican mem~bers of the ium, tihe University administration istoefcigarognitonnth
'yniht the Win olverMine- omte eentwol aife confident that the hYoliday's exercises alumni association. For some time it
iy igt, heWolernewith either of thie senate amend~ this year, will be the biggest yet held; has been felt that the ;body was too
have earned the right to menus but they voted to accept them Ia h nvriy
uttBend team. Trailing atteUivriyi large. to exert any, strong influence,
because they felt it would be uin- I As has been the custom, classes will adta hi okwshmee
atthe onng eof at2-r wise to throw the bill Into conference 1)e suspended for the entire day, giv- through :size. It is' expected that
tit oenig f te hir Iand thus make it :subject to uncer- I ng a full holiday to all students. thogjhs ~tnsacmlt e
Maize and Blue fought 'thoghtes eeinsa.cmpeeIe
it front behind and fin- ti dnties which, surround all iitpor-I The convocation services wil start I organization which will render it a
tant legislation in the closing days r of at prom ptly,10:30 o'clock on the mn-
3-2 win over Coach M41ac- l-F stronger and more influenitial body
i. From all evidence pro- congress. i ing of 'Washington's birthday. Presi- i adoeal oke.i cl ii
e last three gaines, the '(l~ent Marion L. Burton will preside. ' n n bet ke ntuhwt
tThelRev.tHerbertmA.,Jump,-ofwthe campus affairs, will be worked out. To
ould prove to be the fast- ' ieRv ebr '.Jmo h
1.o.Ti gm ilco iiIIIII Congregational church, of Ann Arbor,I this' end, ' it is ultimately planne to
aons hcesceduile for n-' 0 10S[1 I S INI[[LL will give the benediction and 'invoc 1 have local alumni clubs which can.
tion.hokeProf.ulefEar .Mor"f h keep In communication with each oth-
Exhbitons ~ATfl IIT RP~fliITschool of Music will be. zt the organ er, and work Ipi unison for the welfare
~.age . I liii H 1111 MI~IIIII EUI and Miss Doris H-owe will sing several o h nvriy
'auesome of the -best (
Lt n hestteha'bensolos. Edwin F. Gay, '90, president The meetings :are all to be held in.
of the New York Evening Post will the Union and ,are open only to alum-
ye exhibitions in fancy as Sandusky, 0., Feb. 19--(By A.P.)-gv h ades the topic for the? ni replresentatives. :The first mneeting
amtental strokes. A free- The body of Miss Silvia Schultz, To, ieteades
willbe eldconistng o leo, um'e ad th Il faed uto occasion being on "Our National Pol- will be held at 9:30 today, at whichl
will be hed consistigplanledoforrreorganizationfaedandti--
id an elaborate prize will mobile in which she and D~r. T. C. iies" 'time ln o eraiainadit
to te wnne oftheO'ristof ut-n-By wnt o teir Mr. Glay has seen much of the po- provement will be considered. After,
idates have started piac- death through the thin ice on Lake litical life of the nation and has been the meeting the entire delegation 'will
and several fast teams Erie Saturday night were recovered ;ncoecnatwt o.tneta- aeatoro npcino h
to 1)e turned in. There by searchers this mnorninig,. 'fairs. Ile was active during the war. I campus, in order to better acquaint
ing for the pulilc follow- Teatmblwafon nteerignsvraloerment boards: themselves with some of the changes
ibiio Mihign' Vr-imThetom obhelae watafontlote He will arrive in Ann Arbor Wed- which are going- on there.
arranging a special is- I4o amlcstoGre Isad nedym nig ndeveTudy Luncheon will be served to the dlele-
for the entire evening. The automobile was brought to te ethme!guring his'tan*,Hy M. ae n h no.Th fen
11 h plaed, il sle Wd- -will be occupied with mneetintgs. At
Il e laed o sle~'d-surface of firm ice with difficulty. One ,Baes the uest of hooDean d nrs.
ingat heAthletic depart- of the doors had been broken open. Bategh,
ofugc an the Pres buil-.1 Bates at their homre, 1921 Camabridge npoight ge scin illtesindthe
offie intime~ buld-Later time searchers,' using grap)pling 1lRod.DeanBtes'and M\r. Gy' reSolgtgvnbyMms n l
[mission price of 50 cents books brought up time bodIyof tinienebers of thme same graduating classI auditorium.: Many of the dlelgates at-
11 the events and will al- nturse. rn teLw olg tended the concert, last night given by
ers to skate after the spe- Gsln n i m o fa ra Tecmlt rgsno h a I the: Detroit 'Symphony orchestra.
take plce.of open water first attracted' scarcer,) ington birthday' exercises. will' be "ain-
' _ to time place where the car was founrd. nounced later in the week.
1f7IIb mu arks on thme firm ice on this place ;...-..,.._. 0f - '-Soc ta i "REG N
I 13I Bd Indicated that Dr. Greist had observed
the open, shot amid 'had attempted toJ BOY ,R ASKS TOR
the -brakes.TI
VTandeville :;how to Include Six Acis
Will 13e presenlted in 11111
Six novelty Union spotlight' vaudie-1
ville. acts are to be offered this eve-
ning in Hill auditoriunm. The tickets
f'or time show are on sale at the
Union, amid cost, 50 cent:, each.
"Kiddie'," aim act in which Lioinel
'Anmes, '23, will impcmson ate Fr'ances':
IWhite, t'air ous musical comedy star,in
a number of songs promises to be the
hit of time evenimng. TIhe collegiate El-
tinge bids fair to excel all is lprevi-
ous efforts at feminine imper'sonation
in his latest act.
"Will Rogers, Jr." is t he mionolo ue
in which Milton Green, 105, ,vill play..
IGreen appeared recently t the Mimces1
vaudeville tournament in a similar
sketch, which was enthusiastic, ,1y mre-
ceived. '"Jes' Gossini" is the mname of
the act which Edwin R. Meiss. '23, li:,s !
directed, amnd in which Laure>n 13.j
Stokesbury, '24, J. Clark, '25, and j
IRichmard C. Travis, '215MN, will mam'e
Crosby Reese, '25, will present a
skit tih- name of which is, "The First
Personal Pronoumn, Sinigul ar". Czn b-I
SBar'tont, '24, Donald Ephlinm, '25, and
company will offer a comedy eintitled,
"Silver Sheet. Seerets". Paul Wilson's
Iunmiomn orchestra will' playT some innuo-
Svations in time latest syncopa ted
rhy thim.
Gargoyle Will
Hurl Satire At
Thei ganme started out rather glow,
witht both teams playing a strong doe-
femisive game but Wisconsin resorte(l
to their long shooting anid iin the first
j f'ew minutes were able: to score three
times fromt the cemter' of tme., floor.
IDuring the first half Michmigan was
fheld scor'eless from thie fieldl, the. only
,poinmts being mmane «-ere fr-om the .foul
l El-b Ely. T~hefirst half emded S
to 3.
jMichigan started out muchi stroliger'
dluring thme second hlalf. They-'pL~yed
a mutch stronger off ensive- gamne,' scor-
inmg three baskets during this: period.
The Wolverine team 'work. was equal
it' not better .than thiat of the Bad--
ers but, the shooting )was offt forum.
Several ew; shots wokre misseil" at
timnes wheta most needed. Wisconsin,
i.av'ver, sco'el fronti the field1 four
tinges aimd kep)t time lea(d safe duringalm
Dun ng Is last few nminutes of
p~lay the gamie got rather rough with
1 Cappon ini tho center of all the pl,ay-
hig. He played a stromig (efensive
game for thme Wolveriims. -Gibson andt
Ga,-e were the high .corers for. Wis-
_ olsmm. both.',ettimg three *field hbas.
I hets.
t Haggerty was put in tme gaim for
tew minutes, but lie still felt the ef-
I ( :s oofihis recent ille nd did nrot
phlay his usual game. He is ' expectedl
to 1)e iin shape for the next game with
Ohio State.
Tuirks.......RF..... ..Gage
Pall)r........ L.F........Spoorler
Kipke... ..RG.....Williams
Cappon ... .....LG......Tebell
1Field b~askets ; Michigan. Ely 1, Pa -
per 1, Berks 1; Wisconsi-I, Gage 3,
'Gibson 3, Spooner 1, Williams 1.
fFree throws . Ely 5 in 3,8,Ga ,,e 0 iin
"I 2 Tebl1 0 ini 1.
Substitutions : Debold or Gib~son.
fGibson fomr.Debold, Elsom for Gibscii.
t Gibson for Elsom, H-aggerty for, Pa-
per, -Paper for T-agger ty.
Referee, Kearns.
One hunmdred seventy-seven students
in the literary college. were dismisse('
[roatimhe University at tme close of
tie first semester onm account of die-
ficien cy in schmolarshmip, accordling to
e;Registmrar Arthur G. IHal.l. The ma-
ijority of those dismmissedl %vere fresh-
men, who had beeni put on probation
-at mmid-semester; a smlall numbe~r of
uupper'classmen were on the list. Ten
of the studenmts had withdrawn from
-the University before receiving not-
ification o(ittheir (hisimissal, while six-
teen more were preparing to drop
Tlonmorrow .time imystery perlvaing tihe
publications' Office will be solved, with
time appearance of Gargoyle's C'ampus;
Publications' imunmh'rer. Sincee thisignm-
b~er, was annoumnced, speculation and
Ifear- have beenm rife among thme editorms
of the various camnpus imagazwpes. To-
morrow they are to knmow the worst.
BIBLE COURSES ;WAashington, Feb. x9--(B3y A.11.)---
Confronted with an effort to displact,
-~- their imeasures Senate proponents of
Tickets for time banquet amid intro- - the Administration shipping bill forc-
ductory meeting of thme Institute of; ed a nighit sessioni tonight in waging
]Religious Education to be held at 5:30 1 the final stage of time fight to. obtain'
tontorrow night at the Methodist enactment of the. legislation before ad-
church, are 'now on sale at the main journiment of congress.
desk of the S Ftudent's Christian msso- Opponents of the bill attempted to
ciation buildinig. They may ' be ob-j bring about adjourrnmenit at the usual
tained at anytime for 50 cents apiece. hour, but were votedl down 45 to. 43.
Prof. William A. Frayer, of the his- I Earlier in time day they united with
S ellinmg is an art which hias been
cultivated -for centuries, but
some still fail to be successful
at it. For the benefit of these
and to provide a widerniarket
for others, time Daily has an
established For Sale section in
the classified columns. If you
have something for sale and
Sophonmores intending to tryout for' Dean :Mortimer E. Cooley of time ell- + But the Gtar'goyle stafiWsheCs. to as-
assistant baseball manager are urg- I gin cering college returned yesterday sure its victims that time spanking is,
ed to report to Stemsart L. Boyer, '24 I afternoon fr'on a two weeks business f'or their o'wmm good. Conicealed b~eneath
-L, mmanager of the baseball team, to- trip through the east, visiting enroute ' thes satire is kindid ntention. It is hop-
day in order that they may enter in New York City, NWashington,. and Wor- ed that time Chiumes staff will he greatly
time comipetitiont from the start. Four cester, Mass. In these cities most of benefitted by Gargoyle's version of an
Ssassitant nmanagers for next year will his time was spent with coniittee !Alumni's rise, entitled "From State
3 be inade at the end of the season and i meetings and appointments relative Street to tihe Iowery". The illustra-
at present there are fewer meon out 1 to the Federated American Engineer- tioli accompaniyinmg thme article is cas-
for the positions thant at any pre'vious ing Societies of which lie was r'e- ily up to Chiimes' usual high standard.
year. Only five mene have reported so cently re-elected president. The Daily short staff and editorial
far. On February 7, the day following wiiters amre handed helpful hints,
In conmmenting on the situation his departure from Ann Arbor, hie 'While "femsur" is shiop;-. how a amodel
Registramr Hall poinmts to tihe fact
that time increase' in number of stu-
dlents sent hmonme is proportional to the
increase in time nuimber mreceiving all
"A" grades during the first semester,
as an dication ~of genmeral 'constancy
ini stand~ardas.
Emily E.Fee, '23, died yesterday