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November 27, 1959 • Page Image 1

…Detroit Jewry to Welcome New Ambassador of Israel, Avraham Harman, at Israel Bond Dinner Sunday Night Detailed Story, Page 6 Sixtieth Anniversary T'' of JeWish Charities , -e, " i 1 ,, r.° 1'-6.6 ,..r cs c 0(10 .► 'S, ___vieut ,p0 .\,.. s e-; 0' \.-- . v-,, ) NI Israel's Rejection of Extremism . Editorial, Page 4 Unnecessary Attacks on Israel and Orthodoxy ISH NEWS. -of Jewtsh Events Detroiters Earn Literary Honors ,-\(:' \\" E...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 2

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 195 9-2 Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Friedrich Schiller's Biblical Allusions The 200th anniversary of the birth of the great German poet, Friedrich Schiller, which was observed here with the presenta- tion of the English version of his historical drama, "Mary Stuart," brings to mind the brilliant author's Jewish attitudes. Schiller's works included Biblical themes—among them were "Veber...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 3

…(Continued from Page 1) States interest in such a plan the Force. Lodge- accused the and in creation of development prospects to aid the refugees, Soviet Union of "welching." The session of the special he said, "remains undimin- political committee of the UN ished." The American delegate said General Assembly—at which the Arab refugee question is his Government viewed with being debated for the third "sympathy" the PCC proposal week—was marked...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, Nationa, Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Offic,.., Detroit. Mich und...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 5

…United Jewish Charities' 60th Vatican Provides Proof of Pope's Anti-Nazi Stand (f‘ Direct JT:1 Teletype Wire The books contaigied docu- cently published in England of 5 To The Jewish News Anniversary to be Marked Dec. 6; mentation on the Vatican's ef- Sir Ivone Kirk Patrick when he r4 ROME—The Observatore Ro- forts to save Jews of Rome from was British Charge D'Affaires CI official organ of the Vati- deportation during the German in the Vatica...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 6

…Archbishop Sheil Gets Bible Relic; New Ambassador of Israel to U.S. Welcomed by Ike He served as Jewish Agen- year of Munich. He was sent MILTON FRIEDMAN Presented by Ambassador Harman By (Copyright, 1959, JTA, Inc.) cy observer at a conference to work in the South African In recognition of his friendship for Israel and his sup- port of the Israel Bond campaign, Roma n_ Catholic Archbishop • Bern- ard J. Sheil (left) of Chicago re- ceived a 4...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 7

…Haifa, Israel, will be a guest in Detroit for three days com- mencing Tuesday. Although his visit to the city is directly connected with the 1960 Israel Histadrut Campaign, an intensive and varied sched- ule has been prepared for him. tinian prisoners of war in Ger- many. He led both British and Palestinian prisoners on the dangerous march to safety dur- ing the German retreat in 1945. Almogi was re-elected a mem- ber of the Knesset in the re...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 8

…▪ 7 Dinner to Honor Founder of Chabad, Rabbi Zalman 7.4 men of the highest social and military ranks—even Czar Paul himself—visited the rebbe in- cognito to test his sincerity and his wisdom. - His release from prison, which coincides also with the passing of his master, the Baal Shem Tov, has since been re- corded as a day of festive re- On Yud Tes Kislev, 5559- Dec. 20, 1798—Rabbi Schneur c. Zalman of Liady walked out of t c prison, a f...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 9

…WSU Forensic Squad Ties Two Top Schools The West Point United States Military Academy and Univer- sity of Wisconsin were recently held to a stalemate by two Wayne State representatives at the 12th annual Invitational Forensic Conference at Purdue University. Joel Mitchell Cohen, 9440 Dexter, and Ronald A. Aronson, 22501 Trojan, Southfield, have just returned from Lafayette, Indiana, where they did the trick. Cohen and Aronson have the honor o...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 10

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959- 10 Dr. Samuel Sandmel to Deliver First Dr. Guttmacher to Visit at Sinai; Writes New Book Alan F. Guttmacher, chief professor of obstetrics and with an unsightly rash- it is Borman Near East Talk Wednesday of Dr. obstetrics and gynecology at gynecology at Columbia Uni- simple, no matter where you Dr. Samuel Sandmel, Provost of Hebrew Union College—Jew- ish Institute of Religion and profeSsor ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 11

…KLM Royal Dutch Airlines appointed i:George V. Lambert as its 'U.S. sales man- ager, effective Jan. 1, 1960. ::From his office 'in New York, he will super- vise K L M ' s - district sales offices in 25 American cit- Lambert ies. Lambert has been with TWA since .1945. * * * MAXWELL GURMAN, coordi- nator and public relations coun sel for the Detroit-Windsor In- ternational Freedom Festival, was elected to a three year term as a member of the boa...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959- 12 Shaarey Zedek Spurs Drive for °$1,500,000 SYNAGOGUE SERVICES Announcement was made this week of the campaign set-up in the second phase of the drive to secure an additional $1,500,- CONG. BETH SHALOM: At 8:30 p.m. services today, Rabbi 000 for the new Shaarey Zedek Mordecai S. Halpern will preach on "Dullness and Unique- synagogue. Louis Berry, as general chair- ness—Curse and Blessing...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 13

…WOLF COHEN, president of the Beth Yehudah Schools, accepts a check for $1,000 from Mr. and Mrs. LOUIS NOSAN- CHUK, charter members of the Yeshivah, establiShing a free loan_ fund for teachers. Looking on are Rabbi S. P. WOHL- GELERNTER, executive vice-president of Beth Yehudah, and ABE M. SILVERSTEIN, a board member. The fund, according to terms set by Nosanchuk, will be administered, interest-free, directly by the Yeshivah office, and will al...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 14

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959 - 14 The Suburban Community Move to Suburbs Not a Matter of Ducking Responsibilities By the Oak-Woodser The question of Jews who move into the suburbs "to avoid civil rights issues" was brought to the floor of the convention of the Union of American He- brew Congregations last week in Miami Beach, Fla. Reform leaders heard Balti- more attorney Marvin Braiter- man attack those "Jews running f...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 15

…BRANDEIS CHAPTER of Pioneer Women will hold a board meeting Monday after- noon, at the home of Mrs. Joel Pasikov, 22175 Sussex. Final arrangements for the rummage sale will be made. For infor- mation, call LI 6-3252. * * NORTH WOODWARD BRANCH, Jewish Women's European Welfare Oragnization, will hold a luncheon at 12 noon, Monday, in the home of Mrs. Abe Winokur, 4370 W. Outer Dr. Presentation of an afghan made by Mrs. Eva Fishman will be made. ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 16

…40 a) a) E z ;4 tn z ;14 Ei O E-4 E-1 Zedakah Club's Rovner-Kott Rites Donor on Dec. 7 Solemnized Nov. 25 to Show Fashions The 28th annual donor lunch- eon of Zedakah Club will take place at 12:30 p.m., Dec. 7, in the Sheraton-Cadillac Hotel, •ac- cording to Mrs. Jack Miller, president. . Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jack Greenberg, the donor will highlight the first De- troit showing of new fash-. ions by Vin- cent Mignon, inc...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 17

…highlights of the Adam's Rib DI 1-3500, or Tom Mitteldorf, party planned by the Temple UN 3-6787, no later than Dec. 4. Israel Men's Club for 8 p.m., Dec. 5, in the temple's Leon Fram Hall. The evening's program, open to all paid-up members and their wives, also will feature a variety of - other games; enter- tainment and refreshments. The IN CREAM SAUCE, WINE bridge tourney is conducted by SAUCE OR COCKTAIL SAUCE Louis J. Cohen. READY TO SERV...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 18

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fri day, November 27, 1959- 18 Police Rescue Honeymoon in South Radomer Auxiliary._.....,_ Teen-Agers on After Rites Nov. 26 Plans Donor Dinner The annual donor dinner of the Radomer Ladies Auxiliary Mystery Trip will be held at 6:30 p.m., this some 100 teen-agers from Tuesday, in the Mayfair Room, Phyllis Hel9nan's Engagement Told MISS PHYLLIS HELMAN Mr: and Mrs. Charles Helman, of Chesterfield Rd., • announce the ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 19

…/ !Twilight Concert to Be Held Sunday activities in Society Plan Nuptials Samuel James Leve. The program will open with an introduction of orchestral instruments delivered by Ju- lius Chajes, and will finish with "The Tales from the Vienna Woods" by Strauss. Tickets are available at the Center's lobby desk. The Jewish Community Cen- ter will present the Center Symphony Orchestra, Julius Chajes, conductor, in a twi- light Young People's Con...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 20

…THE DETROIT J SR NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959-20 • • Tells of Troth Mrs, Williams Set as Donor Speaker The 27th annual donor lunch- eon of the Hebrew Ladies Aid Society will be held at 12 noon, this Monday, at Holiday Manor, it is announced by Mrs. David Weiss, presi- dent. - Under t h e chair menship of Mesdames Louis Kepes and Julia Ring, t h e program, will highlight the appear- • ance of Mrs. Nancy Hams, wife of - Gov. G. Men- Mrs....…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 21

…Schrage-Kleiff Rites Music Study Club ' Marilyn- Bez to Wed Planned for June 26 . Sets Young Artists Bennett Cohon in July for Dec. 6 Concert Spanish Culture to Be end Chapter Two Topic , Chapter Two of the Sholem p.m., Saturday. The Spanish Aleichem Institute will present period will be considered. the second in its series of dis- Irving Veitlin, an instructor cussions on "Living in Two at the Sholem Aleichem School, Cultures" at its meeti...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 22

…▪ Local True Sisters Attend Parley Over 500 delegates including several Detroiters will attend the 109th annual convention of the United Order of True Sis- ters, being held from Sunday through Wednesday at the Stat- ler-Hilton Hotel, New York. Official delegates from De- troit are Mesdames Alan Col- man and Harris Crane. True Sisters, this country's oldest national Jewish women's organization, will review the group's extensive program of no...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 23

…Pi-insrose Benevolent Club Plans - Annual Donor Luncheon, Dec. 9 Brith Sets Blood Bank Rally Danny Ras kin' s Bnai The Metropolitan Detroit place between 6 and 12 p.m., LISTENING Men's and Women's Bnai Brith Councils will conduct their sec- ond blood bank rally of the sea- son next week. The two-night drive will take Monday and Tuesday, the first night at the Dewey School, Pearson at Stratford, in Oak Park, and the second night at Adas Sha...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 24

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959-24 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Liners accepted from responsible firms or individ- uals by Telephone up to 11 a.m., Wednesday. Dead- line for display classified ads is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday. Rates 10c a word, minimum charges $1.00, or $2.94 per column inch. CALL VErmont 8-9364 10-ROOMS FOR RENT NEWLY DECORATED, for working lady. 18017 Hartwell. UN 2-9373, TE 4-1528. BEAUTIFUL ROOM, adults, em- ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 25

…• • • • • ▪ ▪ • ▪ EVONS3ISNNI • 0 Z 1-4 KC V. 14 Fa A Z 0 0 0 Ell Cil .2$ 13-. alIIimp • E; ° 0 cii w • ' 1—i 0 cf) Pr4 • 111111•11 o 1:4 . 'g j, Z 1/4, ril = z -- ig-Ei - x › . , 0 144 r-1 .I. 'i • • , . . A a — ui . f:74 = -64 44 • - 0 , crl W r=4 1-1 O ,.741 2 0 t—f Q W 00 (--) C) a k./ ' E '14 0 z A 0 cs.1 0 > CD 4 rj) Z X ''V_ Il fTh Hi V E-4 1.-1 ..,., .--, M ri) CID O VI (4 l<4 w b4 w 1...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 26

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959-26 17—HOUSES FOR SALE 17 — HOUSES FOR SALE KENTUCKY - Pickford — 6 - 5. Gas. $32,000. Owner. Evenings, Sunday, UN 4-2673. OAK PARK. Steal. 3 bedroom brick beauty. Many extras. Sacrifice $16,000. 21460 Parklawn. LI 2-7821. 17—HOUSES FOR SALE HUNTINGTON WOODS • 1•••• ■■•••■■•■ SAMUEL WOLOK Model Home for Sale Immediate Possession 25247 Ridgecliff Drive N. of 10 Mi. Rd. between Greenfie...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 27

…HARTWELL, 19993 $14,900 !! 18442 PINEHURST OPEN 2 - 5 SUNDAY Lovely 4-bedrm., 2 bath, face brick bungalow. Beautifully pan- eled rec. room. Full dining rm., ample table space kitchen, 1%-car gar., carpets and drapes, gas heat. Vacant. Must be sold. UN 4-4600. 2-Bedrm. Bung. Full din. rm.; new carpt.; excel. cond.; tile feat.; 1%-car gar. Nr. shopping, transp., Synagogues. Miss Weitz- man. • GROSS NORTHWEST J. WM. KLEM UN 4-3100 13420 W. ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 28

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, Noyember 27, 1959--2$ 17—HOUSES FOR SALE STRATHMOOR N. of VASSAR 17—HOUSES FOR SALE Chamberlain Announce V4 -00DINGHAM - CURTIS Free Brochure Service Spacious 3 bedrm. and paneled den, Ranch bung. Custom bit.; 214 baths; stall shower; brkfst. rm.; full din. rm.; activities rm.; bar; scrnd. terr.; gar.•, excel. carpt.; many built-ins. To close estate. Nr. everything. Miss Sher- man. Residents of Oak Park, ...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 29

…17—HOUSES FOR SALE SOUTHFIELD- 8 MI. OAK PARK Only 2 yrs. old. Charming face brick ranch. W, baths, plus bath in bsmt.; carpt.; drapes throughout. Assume mtge. bal. $14,200 at ,1;% or new FHA. Priced right. Mrs. Kessler. Marlow - Oak Park Blvd. Charming contemporary 3 B.R. ranch. tiled basement, 2 baths, carport. Dishmaster and dis- posal. Owner has purchased larger home. This is priced right. UN 4-4600. GROSS NORTHWEST UN 4-3100 13420 W...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 30

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Friday, November 27, 1959-30 17-HOUSES FOR SALE GREEN ACRES Attractive 3 bedrm. farm co- lonial situated on 80 ft. land- scaped corner. 3 complete baths. Spacious living rm.. full dining rm., breezeway or den. 2-car attached gar.. lovely carpets and drapes. UN 4-4600. J. WM. KLEM 19617 Hardy Livonia 3 bedrms., 114 baths, blt.-in oven and range, carpeting and drapes. lands.. 1 year old. G.I. ‘P.i% mortg., easy term...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 31

…Tributes are pouring in from leaders in Michigan and from Israelis to the memory of Nathan W. Lurie, one of Detroit Jewry's most prominent leaders, who died Sunday. night. at his home, 17433 Westover, South- field. Leading personalities in all walks of life in Detroit, and many from other communities who came to pay him final hon- ors, were in the large assembly that attended the funeral serv- ices at Temple Beth El at noon on: . Wednesday. Th...…

November 27, 1959 • Page Image 32

…Reform Congregationsliaise$3,860,000for Development Fund: Assembly Acts on Adoptions, Birth Control, Bans Gambling MIAMI BEACH, (JTA)- stitutions, and from two mass More than 325 lay and rabbinic affiliates of the Union of Amer- leaders of the Reform branch ican Hebrew Congregations. The of Judaism contributed a total National Federation of Temple of $3,860,000 in capital gifts to Sisterhoods pledged $1,000,000, launch a special three-year dr...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 1

…Annual Book Fair Opens Saturday Night Featuring Lectures, Publications Exhibit Dedicate Library as Illeinoriall to MeyerS Annual Jewish Book Fair, observed under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center as the major event in celebration of National Jewish Book Month, commences to- morrow evening, at the main Jewish Center, Meyers and Curtis,‘ and will continue with a series of important cultural functions through Monday evening. Book ...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary By PHILIP .SLOMOVITZ Late Pope Accused of Failing to Aid • Jews of Rome; Charges Denied by Vatican; Recall Rebuke to Fascism of the Pope in defense ROME, (JTA) — The ques- been maintained, much more action could have been obtained, and of Jews was quoted as an accusa- Are we learning anything at all from all the preachments tion whether the late Pope Pius precious lives could have been tion against the defendants. We durin...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 3

…Ben-Gurion Seriously Concerned Over Arab 'Threats (Continued from Page 1) Ben-Gurion summarized Is- rael's major tasks during the coming years as the conquest of the desert, reception and absorption of hundreds of thousands of new immigrants, the welding of immigrants from one hundred different lands into "a single great united people," clearing of the slums and labor camps, establishment of peace and security along the frontiers, and convers...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS CuRNE uta. 1- (n.i NLiilir Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, Nationai Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35. Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6. 1942 at Po...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 5

…• Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff (right) grins as Label A. Katz adjusts Bnai Brith President's Medal for him. Katz, head of the Jewish service organiza- tion, presented the award to RCA's chief at the Bnai Brith banquet for its 116th annual meeting in New York. Belkin Essay on Philosophy Published in Yiddish "The PhiloSophy of Purpose," an essay written by Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of Yeshiva University, is now available in a Yiddish translati...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 6

…THE DETROIT JEWISH. NEWS—Friday, November 20, 1959-6 Second Israeli Vessel in Detroit Brings ... Wine Shipment Direct from Rishon L'Zio C. E. Feinberg Enriches Yeshiva U. ► Collection of Whitman Manuscripts Charles E. Feinberg, Detroit School of Education, and then In all probability, the next businessman and Walt Whitman made a special trip to Detroit bottle of Carmel Wine you get authority; has given Yeshiva to see Feinberg's personal co...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 7

…Public Health Annual T echnion Dinner to Be Held Authority Here Sunday, Dec. 13, at Temple Israel for Sinai Meeth rig Jules Lev, president of the Lev stated that the dinner, MILTON S. MARWIL was elected president of the Michigan Zionist Region, succeeding LEON KAY in office at the annual meeting last Sunday. Pictured, left to right, are MICHAEL ELIZUR, Israel UN representative who was guest speaker; Kay, THOMAS A. HOROWITZ, of Pontiac, chairm...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 8

…Friday, November 20, 1959-8 THE DETROIT JEWISH NE Name Ir. Win Cohn Head of .Dinner for A. Harman Pulitzer Prize Play `JB' Comes to Shubert Dre J. J. Schwartz to Address Bond Leaders Monday Dr . Joseph J. Schwartz, execu- Beginning Monday, Nov. 30, tive vice president of the Israel Alfred de Liagre will present Bond Organization, will be in • •••: Detroit on "J. B.," Archibald MacLeish's Monday for a Detroit's Jewish community Pulitzer Pr...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 9

…New CJFWF President Greeted Past presidents of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds congratulate newly-elected President Irving Kane, fourth from left, at 28th general assembly in San Fran- cisco. Left to right are: Philip Bernstein, executive director, Stanley C. Myers, of Miami, Herbert R. Abeles, of Newark, immediate past president, president-elect Irving Kane of Cleve- land, Julian Freeman, of Indianapolis, and Sidney Holla...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 10

…the spearhead of a maximumtive synagogues exist only in program of Jewish education." Jerusalem and Haifa. He point- The World Council of Syna- ed out that the Conservative gogues, formed provisionally congregations in these two cities two years ago, came into official were still using temporary being here with the adoption of places of worship and needed its constitution and the election their own buildings. of Charles Rosengarten of . Rabbi ...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 11

…Dr. Prinz Rebukes AJ Committee 'Satehmo' a Spy? Band Leader Blows His Top BOSTON, (JTA) — Louis said, were made "just because this stuff" should "come around for Statement on Khrushchev Visit "Satchmo" Armstrong blew his I played in Israel." He was in and I'll tell them a few good Dr. Joachim Prinz, national president of the American Jew- ish Congress, delivered a sting- ing rebuke to the American Jewish Committee for its "self- serving, inte...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 12

…THE DETROIT JEWISH NEW S—Fr iday, November 20, 1959- 12 Histadrut Drive A gam Headed by Morns Lieberman Experts Condemn Racist Views in - Election of officers of the retary; Israel Burnstein, Jack of the Labor Zionist - Lands- Detroit Israel Histadrut Cam- Malamud, Hyman Lipsitz, and manschaften Division for State Report on Blood Transfusions paign and plans to intensify and expand the forthcoming drive highlighted the annual city con- feren...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 13

…Wins Highest Literary Award ti PARIS, (JTA)—A 31-year-old Jewish metal-worker, Andre Schwarz-Bardt, was named as winner of the Prix Goncourt, France's outstanding literary award, for his novel, "Les Der- niers des Justes," ("The Last of the Just") which deals with the plight of the Jewish mother through the ages. The book has enjoyed unparalleled popular and critical success here. Schwarz-Bardt was born in Metz of Polish-Jewish parents who h...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 14

…People Make News Blame Electronic Tyrants in Israel Phone Bill 'Fix' JERUSALEM, (JTA) — An. outraged Israeli citizen won a major battle in his war against the tyranny of counting, com- puting and bookkeeping auto- matons when the Israel Su- preme Court gave sympathetic ear to his charge that these electronic marvels had been Christmas Seals, which. go on tions Council of Greater Phila- their annual "errand of mercy" delphia (JCRC) to succee...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 15

…produced under strict supervision of the Union of Orthodox Congrega- tions of America and bears the 0 seat, your guarantee that MAR-PARV is Kosher and Pareve. SHER & PARE The New MAR-PARY is a major develop- ment that combines scientific protec- tion against possible heart damage with wonderful fresh flavor in a Kosher Pareve Margarine. High Cholesterol Levels Dangerous—Medical research directed by leading specialists indicates that the ...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 16

…The Suburban Community Things We Take for Granted —and a Day for Thanksgiving By the Oak-Woodser There are times when only miner unpleasantries can indi- cate to us how much we take for granted the many things we are fortunate enough to have. How often do we think of electric lights, refrigerators, furnaces—even radio and tele- vision sets—as anything other than necessities. Yet, if you're like us, you hardly think of them in terms other th...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 17

…Evergreen Congregation to Honor Shaarey Zedek Leaders Launch 2nd P base Rev. Taylor at Thanksgiving Service of Drive; ve; Seek $1,500,000 for Synagogue A combined Thanksgiving Isadore Silverman, Evergreen Day service is planned by mem- president, said that during the bers of the Evergreen Jewish formative years, before the Congregation and St. Matthews present structure was built, Methodist Church at 8:15 p.m., services, meetings and social ...…

November 20, 1959 • Page Image 18

…Name Two Rabbis to Civil War Centennial Posts SYNAGOGUE of mind in a communication to WASHINGTON — The U.S. faiths have been asked to fill the Jewish War Veterans, but the remaining positions on the Civil War - Centennial Commis- the Anti-Defamation League of sion Tuesday made known that cooperative council. It is envis- Bnai Brith did not feel it was aged that the leaders will pro- two Jewish religious leaders an appropriate retraction. hav...…

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