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August 05, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Wit and Humor: Latest Stories From Israel THE JEWISH NE S of Jewish Events A Weekly Review Read Commentator's Got a Match? Statistics on Cigarette Smokers in Israel Story on Page 16 Column on Page 2 VOLUME 15—No. 21 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155Detroit 26, Michigan, August 5, 1949 coggx , 7 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c 'Constructive Period' of Peace Begins Arab-Israeli Agreement Possible In Two Months; Plan Oil Pipeli...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ ini,Eighter Vein—a Few Stories from Israel Several fascinating stories from Israel provide lighter copy for summer reading. The story this Commentator likes best is about the Jew from Lodz whose name is Chaim Weizmann. According to Samlung, the Yiddish organ of the Israeli fighting forces, this man has been unable to find living quarters in Israel and has directed his friends to send his mail in care o...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Arab-s Apply for Families Admission (Continued from Page 1) This approach was made to Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Transjordan. These four coun- tries were told that provided they now cooperated in the so- lution of the refugee problem on these lines, the resettlement of the refugees would rank in United States eyes as "develop- . ments work" and as such would come under the head of imme- . diate dollar aid. The same would -apply to the resettle...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 4

…'As the Editor Views the News . Is Land in Sight? Good Story Ruined by Repulsive Characters Christian Anti-Israelis In his exceedingly good book, "The Re- alities of American Palestine Relations," Prof. Frank E. Manuel describes the de- structive anti-Zionist role that was played in Palestine by American Missionaries. His indictment is corroborated in a statement that has just been issued by the Rev. Dr. Karl Baehr, who, together with ten ...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 5

…THE JEWISH NEWS-5 Movement Rises for Ouster Of AJ Congress Leadership Friday, August 5, 1949 Year's Refugee Mother An attempt to oust the present leadership of the Ameri- can Jewish Congress, on a charge of "betrayal of the proud traditions of the . . . Congress," will be made at the AJC national convention Nov. 9 in New York. The ouster movement is led by the newly-organized Committee for a Democratic American Jewish Congress, which has ...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Congregational Activities Rabbi Israel I. Halpern Appointed Spiritual Leader at Beth Abraham At a special membership Officers of the congregation . meeting of Cong. Beth Abraham this year are Louis Ellenbogen, (G al itzi an er Shule) Rabbi president; H. P. Weller, vice Israel I. Halpern was elected president; B. Zucker, treasurer; to the post of Rabbi, his H. Weisenfeld, recording secre- duties to commence Sept. 1, it is tary; L. Last, finan...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 7

…THE JEWISH NEWS-7 Oettroit Jewry to the Rescue Friday, August 5, 1949 Resettlement Service Carries on rradition of Help to Refugees Elath Brings Weizma-nn's Greetings to Truman Dr. Aronstam's Pamphlet, in 1904 Brought Personal Note from Nordau A personal note from Max The letter reads: Nordau, pioneer Zionist, to Dr. Dr. N. E. Aronstam 164 High St. E. (now Mernor WASHINGTON (JTA)—Israeli Noah E. Aronstam of Detroit, . Ambassador Eliahu...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Edith Lightstone Wed At Home Ceremony M arriage3 Opera Scholarships Offered for Vocalists 8—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 5, 1949 If you are ambitious to be- SINGER - PLAFKIN: Chanele come an opera singer—and are Edith Estelle Lightstone and FRANK- SOLOMON: At a Arnold Leonard Flack exchang- candlelight ceremony July 4, Plafkin, daughter of Mr. and a resident of Michigan between ed marriage vows June 9 at the Phyllis Solomon, daughter o...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 9

…• AdivitieJ in, Society Arthur Lipmans Return From Honeymoon South vf? Bar Mitzvahs * MRS. BARNETT DICKMAN Congress for the coming year were: Mrs. Barnett J. Dickman, president; Mesdames M. J. Kritchman, A. J. Silber, David Vogel, William Flashenberg, Max Klayman, Archie Katcher, vice- presidents; Mesdames Jack Bean, Bernard Bladen, Theodore Masserman, secretaries; Mrs. Benjamin Lefkowitz, treasurer. e ngagemenb Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Students Engaged 10—THE JEWISH NEWS Partners in 'Insane' Crusade Friday. August 5, 1949 Herzl's Professional Callon Nordau Was Real Beginnig of Jewish State Men's Clubs I Troth. Announced ISRAEL LODGE of Bnai Brith will bowl Tuesday evenings at the Great Lakes Recreation Center, for the coming season. Openings are available. Interested bowlers should contact Melvin Weisz, UN- 1-7412, or Bernard Walton, TO. 5-1962. The story is told tha...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 11

…i• /- Recent Bride ,S' tn, octe_y Jewish Center Activities (The Jewish Community Center, 8904 Woodward, is a Red Feather Agency.) Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Bloch and daughter; Nancy, have moved from Muirland Ave. to the Wilshire Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Grant of Sorrento Ave. have returned from an extended week-end trip to Charlevoix. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Isaacs and family of Buena Vista Ave. have returned from a two week vacation in B...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Eban, Bunche Views Differ On Lifting Mid-East Embargo 12---THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, August 5, 1949 Canadian Jew Given Major French Honor LAKE SUCCESS, (JTA)—Israel is prepared to move Allan Bronfman, vice presi- forward from the current armistice situation and take the next step toward peace -agreements, but if the Arab states dent of Distillers Corporation- are still hesitant, the Jewish state is prepared to take its Seagram's Ltd., was re...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 13

…E THE JEWISH NEWS-13 Friday, August 5, 1949 Danny Raskin's O LISTENING T A LITTLE MAN, bald on top, with graying fringes at the tem- ple, pardoned himself while edging out of an elevator in the Hotel Book-Cadillac . . . But no one paid more than casual at- tention . . . although they were hearing, for the first time, the voice of Arthur "Harpo" Marx . . . Sans his blonde wig and comedy get-up, the muted one- third member of the Marx Brot...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14 Obituaries Services for MISS SELMA RILL RESSLER, 2449 W. Euclid, who died suddenly Aug. 2, were held Thursday, Aug. 4, at 11 a.m. from Temple Beth El. Miss Ressler was the daughter of the late Isadore Ressler, well known Detroit artist, and the late Mrs. Ressler. She was active in num- erous charitable campaigns as well as in Red Cross work. She is survived by two sisters, Hilde and Helen, and two brothers, Herbert and Albert. * * * UOLDS...…

August 05, 1949 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS-15 Friday, August 5, 1949 Red Mogen Dovid Recognition Banned For Second Time GENEVA, (JTA)-Israel failed in' her second full dress attempt to win recognition of the Red Mogen. Dovid as the fourth em- blem of the International Red Cross. The three universally rec- ognized signs thus remain the Red Cross itself, the Red Cres cent for the Moslem countries, and the Persian Lion and Sun. Israel put her case before the 60-nation R...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Dg_thoo-Lt ...reourtihis ‘HREINIC Vol. 51, No. 15 wr:;:94., 27 Thursday, May 5, 1949 10e a Copy — $3 Per Year WE NAIL ISRAEL'S FIRST ANNIVERSARY It, Israel's Declaration of Independence proclaimed it "the self. evident right of the Jewish people to be a nation, as all other nations, in its own sovereign state." Dr. Chaim Weizmann takes the oath of office as Israel's first president. . me, the members of the National Council . . . hereb...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Page Two Thursday, May 5. 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Citywide Rally to Hail Birthday of Israel .Zionist Region Hails Frisch, Elects Jacobs Stage Salutes Frisch IIao- anah. Warrior to Speak Michigan Zionists at their second annual regional conclave Sunday acclaimed Daniel Frisch, leading candidate for the ZOA presidency, reelected Morris Jacobs of Detroit as president and heard a new pro-. An American veteran of Haga- gram of action ...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, May 5, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Three Hails Weizmann Compromise on Jerusalem By WILLIAM ZUKI:RMAN (Jewish World News Service) N EW YORK--At no other time before was a visit to this country by Dr. Weizmann more opportune than the present one. It so happened that his visit on this occasion coincided with a diplomatic crisis in the brief history of Israel that required all the skill of a mature statesman and the temperamen...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Page Thursday, May 5, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH SIIRONICLE Four Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. 2827 Barium Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan U.S. Unions Aid Israeli Labor WOodward 1-1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Bowed as Second-clam matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich., under the Ad of March 3, 1879 GEORGE WEISWASSER, Editor - i...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Thursday, May' 5, 1919 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Zionists Spur Member Drive ltallitbs Zionists Zionist members are urged to enlist us minute men on Sunday, May 15, Z-Day, when a door to do u r canvass of Jewish neighbor- hoods will be undertaken as part of MembershipMobilization Month. "The State. while a reality, has yet no fixed boundaries and is still technically at war. It still looks to the continued support of the ZOA to reach its ob...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Page Six DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Story of Israel's 1st Year as State H ERE IS A chronological history of Israel's first . year as a State: May 14, 1948 (the fifth day of Iyar, 5708): The British mandate expired and Israel was proclaimed an independent, sovereign State. The White Paper, which since 1939 had barred the entry of Jews to Palestine, was declared null and void and with it all other re- strictive measures of the Mandatory regime...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 7

…„Thursday. May 5, 19 19 DETROIT JEWISH CIIRONICL ; E fir . C Leader B S lower L1 nits Launch Drive e Equality Club net Wed it the home of Rita Fish- man. The .recommended an 5130 donat,oll to the Allard Jew- ish Czimpiogn. Miriam ',Mimi., fi e ld esen- tative from England, will he the I guest of Detroit Pioneer t5'rrinen 'through May 16, during which time the annual spring member- ship drive will be launched. Progressive Ladies Enz. V...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday, May 5, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, May 5, 1949 in Me Realm Zocal Societ y Marilyn Werber Wed to Miami U. Student Honeymooning in New York it. . and Mrs. Dave E. Werber of Waverly avenue announce the inarriLige of their daughter Mari- n Utah to Harold Arnold Les- selbaum, son of Mr. and Mrs. S moo Lesselbaum of New York City. The bride is,a graduate of Wayne University. Mr. Lessel- Lawn attends the University of Miam...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 9

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Charles Gershensons Feted Prior to Trip Plans July Nuptials Bride-elect Ruth Rudin was honored at a shower given by Mrs. Roy Sommer at Botsford Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Oppen- helm and their daughter, Kay, have returned to their home on Fairfield avenue from Florida. Among the guests at a birthday party honoring Janice Klinger were Lennie and Ronnie Yourof- sky, Carol and Barry Cohen, George Eisenberg, Paula Tendl...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 10

…D E T ROIT J IV 1 S. , 11 C 11 It 0 N I r LE Patte Ten En " I/ " 'Phi 17 b 1ll ('III 7'O111 ,. -itedageinents ) MI' and Mrs. - Bin Karelian of Gladstone avenue announce the engagement of their daughter Celia, to Saul H. Brasley, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. A: Bhisley of Piittiburgh. Tit rsti a y,..11pyl , 5,j 1149 Alpha Oniega _lide Election Charted .• • • by Temple Women • Officers i.; femple Israel Sis- terhood will he elected Wed...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 11

…Thursday, May 5, 150 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Ban on Drives lialtivy Music Center for Israel Set NEW YORK—(WNS)--Forma- tion of a commitlee to put a stop to "unautboriled and illegiti- mate" fund raising drives for Israel, so as to assure fund-rais- ing priority to the United Jew- ish Appeal, was announced here by the Jewish Agency. The announcement said the government of Israel had pro- hibited its officials from endors- ing campaigns othe...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Thursday, May 5, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Pale Twelve `Ambassador' PHIL ROTHSCHILD AN INQUIRY from W E HAVE a bunch of gals who are Town Pump ... Spotted the Max Schwartzes, Rube Zissmans, the perplexed about the problem of Dr. Allan Marks, the Mort Lew- meeting the opposite sex. It seems ises and the Joe Bales 'round the they've reached the saturation spot. • • • point in meeting new faces at club FOR YOUR CALENDAR: meetings and da...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 13

…Thursday, May 5, 1949 Page Thirteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Rehearsals Set S. 1. Scouts at Work for Youth Chorus Norm Charms, Berry Pearl, Wally Handler and Sheldon Miller. • • • YOU MAY STILL buy your The newly organized youth tickets at the door Friday for the chorus of the Jewish People's Cass Variety Show, "Cass Caper- Folk Chorus holds regular re- By HELEN TENNENBAUM ettes." Included will be comedian hearsals at 8:30 p.m.. Tuesday i...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Thursday, May 5, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Fourteen Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results . Classified Ads Accepted 'up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rates: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Payable in Advance of Publication WO. 1-1 040 2827 BARLUM TOWER APTS. & FLATS WANTED APTS. & FLATS FOR RENT ELECTROLYSIS PERSONAL YOUNG JEWISH girl, desires to get UNWANTED HAIR removed forever, safely by fast short wave method or acquainted with ...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Tenwle Israel to Graduate 19 Page Fifteen DETR OIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Thursday, May 5, 1949 _ — Beth Itzehoek Honors Memory of Founders 1 I Schultrman; brothers, Isaac and olent. She leaves her suns, Abe, Jack, Herman and Sam: and her daughters, Mrs. Minnie Bloom Harry Weinberg. and Mrs. Esther Goldenberg. JOSEPH FARKAS, 79, of 5505 2nd boulevard, died April 30. ALTA BRODSKER, 93, of 11501 Services were at Hebrew Benev- Petoskey, died. Apr...…

May 05, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE OUR ATHLETES Furniture Chiefs Boost. AJC Only Gordon a Certainty This Season . A Alas, Poor Abrams Members of the furniture section of the Allied Jewish Campaign pledged to continue their fine work of last year at a meeting at the Detroit Furniture Club. Left to right, Harvey Vehon; Louis Berry, general campaign chairman; Louis Tabashnik, chairman of the furniture section; Joseph Brilliant; Max Osn...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 1

…Annual Hebrew Education Month Issue SID P e aViur Hasidim and Hasidism: Two Important Books by Dr. Martin Buber HE JEWISH NEWS A Weekly Review of Jewish Events . A Detroit 26, Michigan, November 5, 1948 -.Avfnd thou 34alt teach, gem 'Minorities,' Pressure Groups, Eternal Vigilance Column on Page 2 34 ozia?0, 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10* . . • elikq ently unto thy —Deuteronomy VI. 7 The Jewish News dedicates this issue to...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 1

…110111.3a ROI% 4 9Z "DVS 1,005100a Vitt 3c hS1.11 Only Anglo-Jewish Paper With Full 4, Third of a Century • of Service to Detroit Jewry .0111111019 Local Coverage Vol. 50, No. 42 110 ...CZaa 52 Friday, November 5, 111411 ISe a Copy $3 rer Year Bnai Brith Charges 'Sabotage' of Israel Drive by,Federation Starr's letters follows in full: Detroit Bnai Brith this week accused the Jewish Welfare Federation and its executive director, ...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 2

…Council of Jewish Women Raises Funds for International Projects Now entering its final month, the $10,000 fund-raising drive of the Detroit Section of the National Council of Jewish Women is in full progress. This is the first time that Council Women have at- tempted to raise funds on a scale beyond that of local community activities. NCJW projects now include homes for girls in Athens and Paris, a grant to the Hebrew University in Israel and...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 2

…iriday, November 5, 19411 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Two Push NOW Drive Here Final Rites Held Jr. Hadassah for Mrs. Franklin to RingDoorbeils for Members Funeral services for Mrs. Hat- tie 0. Franklin, widow of Dr. Leo M. Franklin, were held Junior Hadassah will conduct Monday at the Franklin resi- a door-to-door campaign for new dence, 26 Edison avenue. Mrs. members, Sunday. Workers will meet for brealo- Franklin followed her husband...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 3

…, Israeli Army Inflicts Losses On Northern Arab Invaders THE JEWISH NEWS-3 Friday, November 5, 1948 Enroute to Health WASHINGTON, (JPS)—While Great - Gains Made by Jewish State; Leaders Defy British Attempt to Sever Southern Portion of State; Blue and White Flag Adopted as State's Emblem TEL AVIV. — Extensive gains made by Israeli troops in the southern Negev area and in Gali- lee have heartened the people of the Jewish State in their d...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 3

…Page Three Friday, November 5, 1,41 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 'Strictly Confidential 'Oliver Twist' Banned, but - Not for Nazis fans in Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh and Milwaukee, world press, while keeping silent about this extermi- was also a Nazi idol during the war. .. . He served nation of Oriental Jewry, is shedding gallons of ink By PIIINEAS J. BIRON CONTROVERSIAL British motion picture in Hitler's armed forces and did extra duty i...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 4

…There to Stay! As the Editor Views the News Supremacy of Education An ancient Hebrew principle declares that • "Talmud Torah k'neged kulom"—that "the study of the Torah is supreme." Out of this belief has grown a passionate love for learn- ing, a determination to eliminate ignorance from Jewish ranks and to make it impossible for illiteracy to exist among our people. Jews are required to pass on knowledge about Israel from generation to gen...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 4

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLb. Page Four Friday, November 5, 1941 Detroit Jewish Chronicle iblished Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., 548 Woodward, Detroit 26, Mich., CA. 1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 itered as Second-clan tnattei March 3. 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, GEORGE WEISWASSER, Editor-in-Chief SEYMOUR TILCIIIN, President Vol....…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 5

…Midwest JWB Will Celebrate THE JEWISH NEWS - 5 Friday, November 5, 1948 10 Years of Community Service Council Arbitrators Ten years of service to Jewish communities through Jew- Increase Services ish Community Centers and YM-YWHAs will be celebrated at the annual meting of the Midwest section of the National Jewish Welfare Board to be held Nov. 13 and 14 in Detroit. Samuel H. Rubiner of Detroit is general chairman of the conference, with M...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 5

…Page DETROIT JEWISH ,CHRONICLE Friday, November 5, 1941 J W V Fortress Against Disease WOMEN'S CLUBS Flee BULLETIN WY, The 21st annual donor lunch eon of the Equality Club will be held Dec. 7 at Bel-Aire, Mrs. Zelda Levett, president, announc- ed. Proceeds will go to aid Is- rael. For reservations call Mrs. Levett, 110. 3956, or Mrs. Emma Peck, chairman, HO. 6779. Among the group's many charities is its program to help the needy. ART...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 6

…6—THE JEWISH NEWS Detroit Los Angeles Sanatorium Group Boosts Its Campaign Goal to $150,000 Honor N. Schreiber On .64th Birthday Birdseye view of Los Angeles Sanatorium grounds, showing the Max Straus gardens and Billquit Memorial building, at Duarte, Calif. * * In view of the extensive build- ing program of the Los Angeles BB Secretary to Speak Santiorium, the Detroit Business- men's Group for the institution has raised its goal in the cur...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 6

…se DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Six Friday, November 5, 1540 Bnai rit Highlights H Women Active for Israel Council Drafts Tabloid for Fund-Raising Affair The presses will roll soon for the colorful tabloid to be distrib- uted at the major fund-raising affair of the Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Women's Council, Nov. 22 at Masonic' Temple. Mrs. Sol Bloom, editor, has been busy for months gathering and preparing stories and ad- vertisement...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 7

…Congregational News Extensive Ceremonies Mark Formal Laymen's Institute Installation of Rabbi Moses Lehrman To Open Nov. 17 Rabbi Moses Lehrman will be auditorium at 6 p.m. Sunday, At Shaarey .Zedek formally installed as rabbi of Nov. 14. Rabbi Irving Lehrman of Cong. Bnai Moshe in a week-end o4 festivities beginning Friday evening, Nov. 13 and ending Sun- day evening, Nov. 14. Rabbi Morris Adler of Cong. Shaarey Zedek will deliver the insta...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 7

…Intiday, November 5, DM BBYO CHATTER DETROIT JEITISII CWRONICLE Poultry Dealers Give Truck . By ILENE RATNER ALL WHO STILL have money from the sale of tickets for the BBYO Yom Kippur night dance should turn it in immediately to Dave Rappaport. •z • • THE NEWLY-FORMED Gilda Partrite Chapter of BBG will hold its first affair, a fund-raising tea, from 2 to 5 p.m., Sunday, in the home of hiele Graff, 18915 Birchcrest avenue. All are in- vited...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 8

…The Young Adult Community Midwest Youth Leaders to Meet Here To Form Permanent Section Council Formation of a permanent reg- ional youth and y o u n g adult :council will be the primary busi- ness of the Midwest Youth Con- ference scheduled Nov. 13 and 14 in Detroit in conjunction with the regional conference of the Jewish Welfare Board. Detroit's Jewish Young Adult Council will be host to approxi- inately 50 young people from all major Jewi...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE in lite Realm Zocal Society Plans Nuptials in June Stanford A. Wallace, Cleveland Girl Wed A backdrop of silver, trimmed with trees of white chrysanthe- mums, candelabra and woodwar- dia ferns, formed the setting for the marriage of Renee Gaines to Stanford A. Wallace. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. Gaines of Shaker Heights, 0. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wallace of Pen- nington drive are...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 9

…• Detroiefladassah Greets Members THE JEWISH NEWS-9 New Kindergarteners at Temple Israel Friday, November 5, 1948 Attend Adult Classes, Detroitl Chapter of Hadassah will meet at 1:15 p. m. Tuesday, Council Urges Youths Nov. 9, in the Brown Memorial Chapel of Temple Beth El. The • Upon conclusion of a survey nearly 1,000 new members who of Jewish educational facilities were accepted into the organiza- for ,young adults in the Detroit Jewi...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 9

…Friday, November 5, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Max Schreibers Visit Children in the East Betrothed to Aaron Wallis Mr. and Mrs. Max Schreiber of Glynn court have returned from a visit with their son Sam, a pre-med scholarship winner at George Washington University, Washington, D. C., and with their daughter, Iljana, a fellowship winner at Columbia University, New York City. Miss Schreiber is studying for her doctor's degree in clinical ...…

November 05, 1948 • Page Image 10

…Program Announced For Bnai BrHh Women's Affair on November 22 . Mrs. Sol Bloom is editor of the tabloid which is being prepared for the annual affair, sponsored by the Greater Detroit .Bnai Brith Women's Council, which will cul- minate with a program on Nov. 22 at 1:30 p.m., in the main audi- torium of the Masonic Temple. Mesdames Samuel Gutterman and Kalman Bruss, chairman and co-chairman of arrangements, an- nounce that Tito Guizar has cha...…

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