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November 10, 1949 • Page Image 1

…From War to. Peace .Dettz.,a- Lt &faun:4h, HRONICLE Vol. 51 — No. 42 .4Elo 27 Thursday, November 10, 1939 10c a Copy — $3 Pet Y ear Ben Gurion Lauds Zionists, But Tells Them Who's Boss A woman soldier of the Israel Defense Army turns from the task of war to the needs of peace as she helps a Jewish immigrant build a new housing development out of the rubble of a battle- starred village. This scene is repeated throughout Israel as members...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 2

…• Page 2 Ilivrsday, November 10, 194! DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE , Rabbi Predicts Mrs. Rooseveh Cited' Young Israel UN Body Gets Women Plan New U.S. Aide Labor Zionists WASHINGTON— (WNS) Donor Monday Eliot Will Dominate Palmer, former envoy to . INDIANAPOLIS—Labo• Zion- ists will, within the next 10 years, replace the Zionist Organization of America. This prediction was made by Rabbi James G. Heller of Cin- cinati, who broke with the ZOA t...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 3

…Thursday, November 10, 19411 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 3 Dr. Wise Gone, AJ Congress Deciding Its Role By PIIINEAS J. IIIRON THE NATIONAL BIENNIAL convention of the American Jewish Congress is now in session in New York City. It is the first convention without the leadership of Stephen S. Wise. It will be a decisive test of the organisational and ideological strength of the Congress as an institution. The Congr...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 4

…Thursday, November 10, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page 4 That Truth Shall Prev ail Detroit Jewish Chronicle Published by/the Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc. WOodward 1-1040 21127 Cadillac Tower, Detroit 26, Michigan SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, lie: Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Entered as Second-class matter March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit. Mich.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. SEYMOUR TILCHIN Publisher ...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 5

…Thursday, November 10, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE WOMEN'S CLUBS The Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Tikvah elected the follow ing officers: Mrs. Belle Friedman president; Mrs. Blanche Boren, vice-president; Mrs. Rose Ledger, secretary; Mrs. Mary Rosen treasurer. Others elected were Mesdames Jean Kaufman, Flor ence Taehman, Sophio Schwartz and Rita Ross. The Jewish Home for the Aged Auxiliary will hold a board meeting at 1 p. in., Thursd...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 6

…DETROIT JEWISH CIIRONICLE Page 6 Events of the Week Goldberg to Address Yiddish Organizations Commander Joshua L Gold- he observed conferences of the The Detroit Auxiliary of the berg, District Chaplain, Third Joint Distribution Committee, National home for Jewish Chil- Naval District, will address in and to Israel, where he par- dren in Denver will hold its an- nual dinner dance on Tuesday, Yiddish all Yiddish organizations ticipated in t...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 7

…Thursday, November 10, 1919 Bnai Highlights Morgenthau LZI•dge An Anti-Defamation League League program will be featured at the meeting' of the lodge on Monday, Nov. 21 at the Rose Sittig Cohen building. • • • Bloch Lodge The lodge presented an all-star variety show to the patients of the Dearborn Veterans Ilospital. Bar- ney Freedman, chairman of vet- erans affairs, was assisted by his eo-chairman, Jack Cohen. Through the courtesy of th...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Thursday. November le, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page $ Zocat Society -_9n the Realm Dorothy Barron Wed in Family Ceremony Honeymooning in Chicago Belle Barris to Wed Sam Chess in January Mr. and Mrs. • Sol Barris of Leslie avenue, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Belle to Sam Chess, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chess. Jan. 28 has been set as their wedding date. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Barron of Pingree avenue ...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 9

…To Be Tied in liarc Rally to Spark Home Aid Fete AJC Women Set Luncheon ► The donor luncheon will take place Wednesday, Nov. 30 at the Book-Cadillac. Phil Brestoff will be master of ceremonies and the winner of WXYZ-TV's Starlight Stairway will eztertain. Mrs. Frank J. Winton is chair- man of the affair and the fol- lowing past presidents will be hostesses: Mesdames Harry Shulman, Al Weisman. Charles Cornell, Max- well Emmer, Peter Miller...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 10

…Thursday, November 10, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE _ Page le Baninet Planners Ilistadrut Goal Is $300,000 Hadassah Group to ice Fashions Sisterhood GuesT "Vogues and Views," a fashion show and dessert luncheon, will be presented by the Young Sen- iors Committee of Hadassah at I p.m., Tuesday in the Variety Club Detroit Histadrut bet a goal of $300,000 for 1950, an increase of at the Hotel Tuner. Planned primarily for girls in- $30,000...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 11


November 10, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Thursday. November 10, 1949 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Pate 12 without her constant Ann Arbor escort? That sparkler on Norma Stone's left finger is from Norm Wollach of Milwaukee, the result of a South Ilaven meeting during the summer. Thanks to printer Lou Marko- Atz for that snazzy two color job on our calling cards ... and RE MEN GETTING as silly bee her birthday this year . . . Bill ,Wonder Bar) Holland's re- about hats as women? for Mati...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 13

…• DETROIT JEWISH Thursday, November 10, 1949 Teen-Age t. Sophisticates By HELEN TENNENBAUM EWS IN BRIEF: This-Sunday teen-agers from 14 to 18 are in for a special treat to take place from 2 to 5 p. in. at the newly opened Young Israel Cen- ter on Dexter and Fullerton. N At this giant youth rally "Pot of Gold" starring James Stewart will be shown ....s. in addition to a live show which will show some of Detroit's fin- est young talent. O...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 14

…Thursday, November 10, 1919 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONIgLE Page 14 Chronicle Want Ads Bring Results Classified Ads Accepted up to 10 A. M. Wednesday Rotes: 6c Per Word. Minimum Charge $1.00, Payable in Advance of Publication PAINTING & DECORATING WO. 1-1040 2827 CADILLAC TOWER CORNICE BOARDS PERSONAL YOUNG Jewish girl desires to get ac- quainted with Jewish eligible gentle- man bachelor 27-33. One who has ambition. Object matrimony. State ...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 15

…Thursday, November 10, 1919 Synagogues Set Services DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Truman Wants Torah Bock to House It In His New Ark Obituaries and datighLeri. Mrs. Ida Fenton, Mrs. Glady: Zimmerman and IIYMAN MICKEL, 75, of 4(4)5 Molly. Elmhurst avenue, died Nov. 1. ARTHUR ABRAMOVITZ, 62, Services were at Hebrew Benevo- lent Society. lie leaves his wife, of 2745 Cortland avenue, died Ida; son, Jack; and daughter, Nov. 2. Sere , -es were at Le...…

November 10, 1949 • Page Image 16

…Page 16 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Premier Hits . `State m State' Thursday. November 10. 1919 Better Luck Next Year JWV (Continued from Page I) veloped an (Nutt!. tendency for settling on land. COST OF LIBERATION Eliezer Kaplan, Finance Minis- ter, reported that the war for liberation cost more than $300,- 000,000 and that 75 percent bf the money was covered by the Jews in Israel. He said in the six months be- tween April and October the I...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 1

…Jewish News Columnists' Impressions of Zionist Convention N 1 HE JEWISH EWS , A Weekly Review E1 of Jewish Events ' Mendele MoCher Seforim's Don Quixote Review • of 'Benjamin III' on- Editorial Page Page 2 7 VOLUME 15—No. 13• 2114 Penobscot Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 Detroit 26, Michigan, June 10, 1949 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10c Militar Administration Ends in Israel; Crisis at Lausanne Parley Direct JTA Teletype Wires to The Jewi...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 2

…Progress Made in Adjusting Kosher Meat Issue; M-Day Set UN Aide Studies Peace Difficulties Simultaneously with the an- meat and that. the three pro- nouncement made by the Kosh- posals made to the Kosher er Meat Women's Action Com- Butchers Association -by the mittee of an M-Day campaign Council are: 1. Price markings to limit purchases of-- meats to are wrappers and packages; 2. cuts sold under 70 cents a pound, standing committee of rabbis...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 3

…House Passes Liberalized Bill for DP Admission; Anti-Semites Oppose It WASHINGTON, (JTA) — The House of Representatives passed a DP immigration bill increasing the number of DPS who may enter this country from 205,000 in two years to 3a9,000 in three years. The bill also eliminates a number of features of the old DP law which President Tru- man assailed as "anti-Semitic." The measure, which was passed by a voice vote, goes to the Sen- ate. Th...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 4

…As the Editor Views the News . University President Bigotry Must End •••••••• ■••■•■•••■••■•■■ .............., NEV45 ITEM:– JOIN DISCRIMINATION IS cOSTINGr Yi-tE COUKTRV S2,000,000,000 A YEAR —0 No other person has earned as much right to the presidency of the Hebrew Uni- versity as the selectee Prof. Selig Brodet- sky. The Hebrew University trustees are to be congratulated on their choice. Prof Brodetsky will lend dignity to his new offi...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 5

…THE J EW I H NEWS Philip Cantor, Mae Ginsburg Win To Posts at State Veterans' Parley Friday, June 10, 1949 - 5 United Hebrew Schools to Elect Officers at Dinner Meeting on June 21 Mrs. Hyams Assumes Parkside Presidency Midrasha; Lawrence W. Crohn, The annual election meeting public relations; the newly elec- of the United Hebrew Schools ted president of the Women's will be held Tuesday, June 21, in Auxiliary, Mrs. Louis Tobin; Al- Mrs. ...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 6

…Young Adult Community Jewish Young Adult Council 2nd Birthday Rally June 15 Sanford Solender, national Jewish leader, will highlight the •program of business and pleas- ure planned by conference com- mittee chairman Harry Mirvis for the second birthday cele- bration of the Jewish Young Adult Council of Detroit, to be SANFORD SOLENDER held Wednesday, June 15, 8:15 p.m., in the Jewish Community Center. "The Impact of New Trends in the America...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 7

…r - Wtikilla investments in Israel AMPAL Enlists Detroiters As Debentures _Purchasers Laying the groundwork for the development of a • strong Israeli investment movement in Detroit, local . and guest speak- ers Tuesday evening outlined the -- importance of economic -effort for the .Jewish State at the an- nual dinner meeting of AMPAL ,(American Palestine Trading Corporation) stockholders, at • Hotel Statler. Abraham Dickenstein, execu- tiv...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 8

…Congregational Activities Bnai David Installs Officers on Monday S eruic„ in Our SY naVo guei Bnai David Sisterhood has TEMPLE ISRAEL, Lecture Hall, Detroit Institute of Arts, Sabbath eve services, Friday night, June 10, at 8:30. Rabbi Leon Fram's scheduled its annual installation subject: "Free Speech, An Interpretation of the Recent Su- program for 8:30 p. m. Monday, preme Court Decision." Alan Willens, son of Mr. and Mrs. June 13, at th...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 9

…THE JEWISH NEWS - 9 Friday, June 10, 1919 Marilyn Weisman Wed; To Live in Connecticut Annual consecration services of Congregation Shaarey Zedek will be held at the synagogue on Sunday, June 19. At homes will be held that afternoon or evening, unless other- wise listed, for the following : SYLVIA HELEN BACHMAN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Max Bachman of 490 W. Grixdale, 7 to 10 p.m. No cards. NANCY BAER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baer...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 10

…10—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 10, 1949 . NFTS Leader to Address Sisterhood in Pontiac Mrs. Harry J. Iverson, a lead- er of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, will address the annual meeting of Temple Beth Jacob Sisterhood, Pontiac, at 1 p.m. Friday, June 10, at Knollwood Country Club on the subject "Let's Face the Issues." Mrs. Iverson, a member of the speakers bureau and a past member of the executive board of the National Fe...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 11

…W omen ' O DETROIT LADIES' AID SO- CIETY will hold its indoor pic- nic Sunday, June 12, at the Assembly Hall. (The original announcement and date on tick- ets erroneously read Sunday, June 16.) It will be a continu- ous affair from 12 noon to mid- night. Dinner will be served. All proceeds will be used for aid to Israel. * * * The closing meeting of the season for the HOME RELIEF SOCIETY was held at the home of Mrs. Peter A. Miller on La Sall...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 12

…Plans Summer Nuptials 12—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 10, 1949 Activitici in Soddy Ida Stofer of Linwood, Ave., Cele Sandler of Clements Ave., Ruth Feinstein of - Princeton Ave.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muller of Merton Rd. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbt Pfeffer of W. Euclid Ave. were guests at the Gasset Lodge Club, Lewiston, Mich., over the Decoration Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ekter of 2725 Fullerton will hold open house Sunday, June 19, honori...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 13

…To Wed Detroiter Ach. vifiei in Society THE JEWISH NEWS - 13 Friday, June 10, 1949 The group will meet Tuesday evening, June 14, at the Work- men's Circle Bldg. Service Club Officers To Take Posts June 21 New! Different! Entertaining! SAM EMMER Mr. and Mrs. A. Strossky of 15717 Linwood have returned and His Orchestra Detroit Women's Services Club from a six-month vacation in Miami Beach. will install its new officers at Weddings Barmit...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 14

…14—THE JEWISH N EWS Friday, June 10, 1949 People Make News of' Dr. Lawrence Yaffa; newly- elected president of Greater De- tlooit Bnai: Brith Council, in his naugural a d - dress on June 8, pledge d to s t e .t a ,„strengthen Bnai rBrith in Detroit, and offered at the disposal of the 18 lodge's " t h e services and facilities of Dr. Yaffa our Council of- fices, including those of the executive secretary." * * MOSHE YUVAL, a member of the Is...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 15

…THE JEWISH NEWS-15 61111190111111111)1111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111101110111111111911119111111111111111111i1111111111111111(= E- 7 Danny P Raskin s o ' LISTENING ES' S T -7,-- (111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F: AL MACK, favorite emsee was tribute to Chris and his about town . . . now holding the wo...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 16

…$2,000 Donated to National Fund 16—THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 10, 1949 State AAUW Leader Points Out Nationally Endorsed 1W Policy a s • a-rr a %le Beth Abraham Free Loan Association held its 14th annual dinner May 15. At that time, Louis Ellenbogen, president of Cong. Beth Abraham, presented a check for $2,000 (reproduced above) to Irving Schiussel, president of the Jewish National Fund of De- troit. on behalf of the Congregation, th...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 17

…THE JEWISH NEWS-17 New Caterer Manages Friday, SUITit 10, 1949 Pine River Dining Room Monument Unveilings for A new dining room policy Country Day Camp Takes Pine River Hotel in Charlevoix Applicants for 2nd Session is announced by hotel. owner The family of the late David of a monument in his memory Green announce the unveiling of a monument in his memory at 12:30 o'clock, Sunday, June 12, at Clover Hill Park cemetery. Rabbi Morris Adler ...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 18

…18—THE JEWISH NEWS 1 Obituaries IDABEL MATHIS GREENE, 19312 Whitcomb, died May 29. Services were held at Kaufman Chapel, with Rabbi Joshua Sperka and Cantor Jacob So- nenklar officiating. She is sur- vived by her daughter, Mrs. Louis Aston; three brothers, Max, Raymond and Robert Ma- this; three sisters, Mathilda and Vera Mathis and Mrs. James V. 'Browne; two grandchildren. In- terment, Clover Hill Park. * * * MICHAEL BALBEROR, 15352 Sorren...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 19

…Classified Advertisements LIVING QUARTERS For Sale To Rent Wanted Exchange FAMILY of 3 adults need 4 or 5 room income or flat. TY. 6-7671. FURNISHED room in home of 2 adults for one or two gentlemen. Unlimited phone. Excellent transportation. Break- fast optional. TY. 4-0884. PLEASANTLY furnished room. Working girl. Kitchen Privileges. 2483 Cort- land. TO. 7-1785. LOOKING for young couple who would like to sub-rent our furnishe,d apart- m...…

June 10, 1949 • Page Image 20

…Bnai I ith Women Eke! Officers; Mrs. Coggan Heads City Council George Gershwin Chapter: President, Mrs. Phillip Edelheit; vice pres., Mesdames Herman Schonberg, Herbert Bean, Jack Gross; recording secretary, Mrs. Morris Bogrow; corresponding secretary, Lenora Noler; finan- cial secretary, Mrs. Donald Far- kus; treasurer, Mrs. Al Siegel; sentinal, Mrs. Leonard Pinter; guide, Mrs. Leon Becker; trus- tees, Mesdames Herman Victor, Harry Eisenberg...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 1

…EWISH NEWS Reviews of Important Jewish Books A Weekly Review See Page 4 VOL I4—No. 13 2114 Penobscot . Bldg.—Phone WO. 5-1155 of Jewish Events Detroit 26, Michigan, December 10, 1948 Pe ce T es R Bennett Cerf's Humor Column: 'Try and Stop Me' —on Page 20 34 4:00, 22 $3.00 Per Year; Single Copy, 10o t in kr el; Deld Appeal to Reason and Justice How U. S. Backed Israel in the UN Excerpts from Speech of Dr. Philip C. Jessup, Un...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 1

…Hospital Group Rips Feder tion Only Anglo-Jewish Paper With Full Local Coverage _D ettzsa - Lt Je.urL4lz HRIONICLE Friday, December 10, 1948 110 52 Vol. 50, No. 47 10c a Copy $3 Per Year maamr,r,illianiallanglimaaalianammuilmartassaitailiisiillialitiiiimaiiiianiiiiiiitainiontaiaaatinanallaaliltatamannionaaaalanhamilaliarvammsillaNitwaniailiaamitaaligamagialigmilallaminimanonatinameagalioatimmannima Bunche Visions War's En UN Entry Chan...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 2

…Silver to be First Seminar Leader For Labor Zionist Adult Classes The winter semester of the adult education program of the Labor Zionist Organization of Detroit will begin at 8 p.m. Mon- day, Dec. 13, at the Labor Zionist Institute, 13722 Linwood. Parallel with these courses, a series of round-table seminars which will cover a series of topics such as "The State of Israel," Zionism, Labor Zionism, the emerging Jewish Kehilala, will be held b...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 2

…rnaay, DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Page Two Artists at Sisterhood Event Emily Mutter Adams, violinist, accompanied by Mrs. Royal Maas, will present a program at a dessert luncheon of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El. • • Musical Interlude Planned for Luncheon at Beth El A musical interlude will high- light the Beth El Sisterhood pro- gram at 1 p.m. Monday. Emily Mutter Adams, violinist, and Mrs. Royal Maas, pianist, will be the guest art...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 3

…Political Committee Sets Up 3-Nation Conciliation Group The United Nations Political Committee adjourned its Paris meeting shortly after a surprise vote had knocked out the props from under the thrice-amended British resolution on Palestine. Israel opposed the major portion of the resolution throughout. The vote defeated Paragraph 4 of the resolution, which British delegate Harold Beeley early de- scribed as expressing the central purpose of ...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 3

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, December 10, 1948 Page Three Strictly Confidential Predicts Firewo rks in U. S. Zionist Circles THE ZIONIST Emergency Council is losing its lead- er..hip by default. The American JeWish Congress under the militant leadership of Stephen S. Wise is doing the big job on the political front. It is the Congress and not the Council that is whipping up public opinion against the Bernadotte plan. It is also the C...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 4

…THE JEWISH NEWS Still Menacing Member Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Independent Jewish Press Ser!ice, Seven Arts Feature Syndicate, Palcor Agency. King Features, Central Press Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publish- ing Co., 2114 Penobscot Bldg.. Detroit 26, Mach., WO. 5-1155 Subscription, $3 a year: foreign. $4. Entered as second-class matter Aug 6. 1942. at Post Of- ace, Detroit, Mich.. under Act of March 3 1879. Dr. ...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 4

…Friday, wecemliet 1111, 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE ?age Four Detroit Jewish Chronicle The Class in ABC Published Weekly by Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc., 598 Woodward, Detroit 26, Mich., CA. 1040 SUBSCRIPTION: $3.00 Per Year, Single Copies, 10c; Foreign, $5.00 Per Year Watered as Second-clan mattes March 3, 1916, at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, 1879 SEYMOUR TILCHIN, President Vol. 50, No. 47 ...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 5

…7 Trade and Professional Service Group Divisions Meet Dec. 15, 16 Completed plans for the annual meetings of the seven year-round trade and professional divisions of the Detroit Service Group of the Jewish Welfare Federation were an- nounced by 'Irving W. Blumberg, Service Group president. The meetings will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thurs- 'clay, Dec. 15 and 16, at the Jewish Community Center. Reports will be submitted on(f the Detr...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 5

…Hadassah B. and P. Schedules Party Chairman L ar Mitzvah Aid Shaarey Zedek Pageant Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Gold- smith, of 1473 Burlingame ave- nue, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Walter at 9 a.m:; Saturday, at the D. W. Simons School, 4000 Tuxedo avenue. A reception will be held from 3 to 7 p.m., Sunday, in the Gold- smith home. Will Honor Memory of Henrietta Szold In observance of the anniver- sary of the birth of the late Hen- r...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 6

…6--THE JEWISH NEWS Edward O'Connor to Address Michigan Conference of USNA Edward O'Connor, member of the Displaced Persons Commis- sion, will be featured speaker at the Michigan state conference of United Service for New Amer- icans to be held at the Detroi Sheraton Hotel, Sunday, Dec. 19. An n o u ncement Of the meeting is made by Judge Theodore Levin, president of the Detroit Resettle- inent Service, B.-, Morris Pelavin,. president of the ...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 6

…Page 81r DETROIT JEWT611 CHRONICLE Friday, December 10, 1948 the Realm oi Zocal Soddy Mary Topper Is Wed to Joseph Buchsbaum Ott South American Cruise In a candlelight ceremony, Nov. 28 at the Wilshire Hotel, Mary R. Topper, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Topper of Richton avenue, and the late Mr. Topper. became the bride of Joseph Buchsbaum of Burlingame ave- nue. Attendants for the bride were her sister, Sarah Siegel, matron of honor; Beatric...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 7

…Detroit Friends. of Histadrut Advance $100,000 for Jewish National. Council 7 THE JEWISH NEWS Friday, December 10, 1946 - Croll to Address Rally inWindsor Lt, Col. David A. Croll, former mayor of Windsor, now in the Canadian Parliament, will ad- dresS a communityrwide rally for the Windsor Jewish Welfare Fund Drive Sunday, Dec. 19, at Shaar Hashomayim . Synagogue, Wind- sor. Croll will report on his recent- ly-concluded tour of Israel. Al...…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 7

…Friday, December 10, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE e Page Seven To Wed Saturday at Smiler stgagemen13 Mrs. Joseph Markel of Green- lawn avenue is home from a visit in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas J. Torgow of Cortland avenue announce the betrothal of their daughter Estelle Faye to Sol J. Galper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Galper of Mark Twain avenue. The couple will be married June 19, shortly after the bride-elect's gradua- tion from...…

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