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December 10, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1948-12-10

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Edward O'Connor to Address
Michigan Conference of USNA

Edward O'Connor, member of
the Displaced Persons Commis-
sion, will be featured speaker at
the Michigan state conference of
United Service for New Amer-
icans to be held
at the Detroi
Sheraton Hotel,
Sunday, Dec. 19.
An n o u ncement
Of the meeting is
made by Judge
Theodore Levin,
president of the
Detroit Resettle-
inent Service, B.-,
Morris Pelavin,.
president of the
Flint Jewis hE. M.- O'Connor
Community Council, and Hyman
J. Bylan, president of the. Grand
Rapids Jewish Community Fund,
ko-chairmen of the conference.
The United Service for New
Americans is one of the three
Major beneficiary agencies of the
United' Jewish Appeal.. Its pro-
gram of aid e to immigrant new-
comers is carried on in coopera-
tion with local welfare agencies.
In Detroit the program is ad-
Ministered by the Resettlement
Service of which Harold Silver
is executive director.
Commissioner O'Connor, who
made a first-hand study of Euro-
peans uprooted from their home-
lands during his previous posi-
tion as executive assistant of war
relief services for the National
Catholic Welfare Conference, will
discuss the implications of the
Displaced Persons Act of 1948 for
American communities receiving
and aiding in the adjustment of
newcomers, at the luncheon ses-
sion of the conference.
Civic leaders and welfare work-
ers from communities through-
out the state ..will attend the con-
ference, which will be keyed to
the theme, "Our Newest Amer-
ican—The DP."
The Sunday luncheon session

also will hear an address by
Carlos L. Israels of New York,
treasurer of United Service for
New Americans. Julian H. Krolik,
president of the DetrOit Resettle-
ment Service, will preside' and
Dr. B. Benedict Glazer of Temple
Beth El will deliver the invoca-
Technical aspects of the work
of United Service and cooper-
ating local agencies in com-
munities throughout the state
will be discussed at conference
sessions. Community leaders and
professional workers in various
fields will analyze techniques for
aiding new arrivals through re-
ception, resettlement, vocational
and social adjustment, and Amer-
icanization services.
The morning session, at 10
a.m., will be devoted to the topic,
"Facilitating the Economic and
Social Adjustment of Newcom-
ers." This will be followed by the


luncheon session on the "Impli-
cation of the DP Act of 1948."
The terminating session, from
2:20 to 4 p.m. will have as its sub-
ject, "Facilitating the Integra-
tion of Newcomers."

onion N. , Cohen, Isaac ICnopitow,
Arthur Gellman, Irving Schlus-
sel, Leon Mutchnik, Joe Gross-
man and Herman K. Cohen.
A brick campaign, seeking $1
donations, will soon be under-
way, Charles T. Gellman, brick
fund chairman, reported.
In addition to its building
campaign, Young Israel is con-
ducting an intensive educational
program Tuesday evenings at
Central High School, part of the
National Council of Institutes
for Jewish Studies.
A new Sabbath program has
been inaugurated for Friday
evenings, including a lecture on
the Haftorah of the week, by
Rabbi Max J. Wohlgelernter, a
class in Chumosh and Rashi,
and a class for young people on
laws and customs of Israel, all
from 8 to 9 p.m. From 9 to 10,
an Oneg Shabbat is conducted,
with singing, humor, a talk on
the Sedrah of the week and re-

The importance of organized
labor to the American Jewish
community was the theme of the
talk delivered last Wednesday at
the Tuller Hotel to the commun-
ity relations committee of the
Jewish CoMmunity Council by
Emanuel Muravchick, field direc-
tor of the Jewish Labor Com-
Muravchick pointed out that,
while there are only about 750,-
000 Jews in unions in this coun-
try, organized labor as a whole
is compelled by its own interests
to take positions on many issues
which are the same as the posi-
tions taken by Jewish groups.
The talk was one of a series in
which the community relations
committee invites leaders of na-
tional Jewish organizations to
discuss work being done in com-
munity relations. The next meet-
ing will be held Jan. 12, with
Benjamin Epstein, national direc-
tor of the Anti-Defamation Lea-
gue of Bnai Brith, as speaker,
Harry Yudkoff, committee chair-
man, ' announced.

Yiddish-speaking organizations
throughotit the city have receiv-
ed tickets for the Book Month
program to be held Sunday, Dec.
12, at the Jewish Community
Hayim Grade, prominent Yid-
dish poet and author, will be
principal speaker: He will dis-
cuss the state of Yiddish - litera-
ture today with special reference
to the effects. of the war upon
Jewish writers.
Also on the evening's program
are readings from Yiddish litera-
ture and musical selections by
Detroit instrumentalists. There
will be a display of current Jew-
ish books in the- Center lobby in
connection with Jewish 'Book
Month, which extends from Nov.




Sunday, Dec. 12, 8:30 p.m.—Joint Yid-
dish Culture Committee, speaker, Hy-
man Grade, Jewish Center.
Monday, Dec. 13, 12:30 p.m.—Eva
Prenzlauer Maternity Aid Society,
donor luncheon, Hotel Statler. 1 p.m.
—Shareay Zedek Sisterhood, meeting,
Shaarey Zedek. '7:30 p.m.—Temple
Israel, PTA meeting. 8 p.m.—National
Council of Jewish Women, fashion
revue, Masonic Temple. 8:30 p.M.—
Hashofar, concert, A r t Institute.
Temple Israel Sisterhood, meeting, Art
Institute. ORT, Board meeting.
Tuesday, Dec. 14, 1 p.m.—Jewish
Women's E'uropean Welfare Organiza-
tion, North Woodward Branch, donor.
8:30 p.m.--Bnai Brith Women, Rabbi
M. Zager Chapter, Membership tea.
Evening—Jewith National Fund Ladies
Auxiliary, board meeting and rally.
Hadassah, meeting.
Wednesday, Dec. 15, 8:30 p.m.—
Shaarey Zedek Men's Club, program,
Shaarey Zedek, American Jewish Con-
gress Women's Division, meeting.
Northwest Sisterhood, board meeting.
Sunday, Dee. 19, .10 a.m.—UFNA

Aiding in solicitation are Da-
vid I. Berris, building committee
chairman, Meyer Eisenberg, Sol- meeting.


All are invited to attend the rally of the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish National Fund

TUESDAY EVE., DEC. 14, 8:30 O'Clock



Dexter and Buena Vista

and hear the authoritative address by

The Prominent Israeli Woman Leader







Musical Program:


Accompanied by


TMs meeting marks the inauguration of the annual donor
fund-raising project of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Jewish National Fund.

We call upon all Detroit Jews to participate in this
year's project and to assist in raising the large funds
needed for the acquisition of large stretches of land in
Israel to become the property of all Jewry.

26 to Dec. 26.

The program is sponsored by
the Joint Yiddish Culture Com-
mittee of the Jewish Community
Council and the Jewish Com-
munity Center. J. Rosenshine and
L Zemel are co-chairmen.

Officers Chosen by
JNWA City Council

Morris Schaver was elected
honorary chairman of the City
Committee of Jewish - National
Workers Alliance at a recent
meeting. Other officers chosen
Harry Mondry, chairman; H.
Wiener, S. Jacobs and I: Fine,
vice-chairmen; M. Goldoftas, sec-
retary; Simon Richardson, re-
cording secretary; M. Glass, fi-
nancial secretary; Harry Schu-
mer, chairman 'of • organizations;
M. Smukler, vice-chairman of or-
ganizations; I. Zemel, district
Saturday afternoons at 2:30, chairman; Wolf Snyder, Folk
Young Israel conducts story Schools chairman; representatives
of branches, S.. Kutnick, B. Ku-
hours from boys and girls four mow, S. Greenberg, and others
to five and six to eight.
yet to be chosen. .


ing to supervise the construction
work and is particularly active
in the campaign, spurred the
members to new efforts with his
talk on the need for a building
in. which • ."Detroit Jewish youth
may grow . to be a generation of
healthy Americans who will live
in the warm environment of ob-
servant Judaism."
Members of • the steering com-
mittee • are Karbal, Benjamin,
Gould, David J. Goldberg, Sam-
uel Hechtman, Morris Kaner,
Max Kaplan, Arthur Klein, Mor-
ris Mohr, Abe Nusbaum, Morris
Snow, Max W. Temchin and

Muravehik Tells
Of Labor's Role
In Aiding Jewry

An Invitation to All Supporters of Israel

Groups Sell Book
Program Tickets

Keywell Spurs Workers' Efforts
For Young Israel Building Fund

Members of Young. Israel and
its affiliated organizations held
their first rally for the Young
Israel Youth Center, now under
construction at Dexter and Stur-
tevant, Dec. at the Barium
Hotel, where they heard a report
of the community steering corn-
iiiittee which is leading in solici-
tation of funds to complete the
Morris Karbal, committee
chairman, reported that 47 per
cent of the $120,000 building
goal already has been pledged.
Henry C Keywel; who is help-

Friday-, December 10, 1948

Labor Zionist Branch
To Hear Oscar Cohen

CONTRIBUTIONS: $250, Settle a Family; $150, Garden of
Trees; $100, Golden Book; $25, Dunam Donor; $1.0, Patron;
$6, Donor.

OTHER PROJECTS: Sefer Bar Mitzvah, $25; Sefer HaYeled;
$10, and tree planting.

Make your contribution NOW through the following members of the
fund-raising committees:

MRS. JACK L. ROSENTHAL Mrs. Peter Chodoroff


2924 Elmhurst

TOwnsend 7-5757


Mrs. William Kaplan

Mrs. Harry Schwartz

Mrs. Charles Friedenberg,

Mrs. Irving Lawton

Mrs- Sol Pearlman

Mrs. Albert Newman

Mrs. Sam Solomon

Mrs. Morris Davis

Mrs. Norman Adilman

Mrs. Ralph Falk
Mrs. I. Kardener

Mrs. Philip Stollman

Chairman of Organizations

Branch Seven of the- Labor
Zionist Organization will present
Oscar Cohen, executive director
of the Jewish Community Coun-
cil at an Oneg Shabbat at 8:30
p.m. Friday, Dec. 10, at the La-
bor Zionist Institute.
Cohen will speak on "Future

Relationship of the. American
Jewish Community. and Israel."
His talk will be followed by
group singing and refreshments.
The public is invited to attend.

The September, 1948, issue of
Michigan History, official publi-
cation of the Michigan Historical
Society, contains a 10-page ar-

ticle by IRVING I. KATZ, execu-
tive secretary of Temple Beth El,

entitled "Ezekiel Solomon: The
First Jew in Michigan."

Mrs. Oscar Ruzumna

Dunams and Settle-a-Family

' Fund-Raising Chairman

4044 Sturtevant

HOgarth 4569

Mrs. Albert Prag

Chairman of the Board

Mrs. Harry Buchman

Chairman of Pledges

Mrs. Jack Grossbart

Chairman of Tickets
and Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Harry Newcorn

Board of Directors
Corresponding Secretary

Mrs. Irving Shevin
Mrs. Nathan Linden


Mrs. Samuel Krone

Recording Secretary

Mrs. Irving Arlin

Tree Chairman

Mrs, Morris Lachover .

Mrs.. Jack Krass

Golden Book Chairman

Mrs. Al Schneider

Publicity Chairman

Sefer HaYeled Chairman

Mrs. Jules Kraft

Sefer Bar Mitzvah Chairman

Advisory Committee: Mesdames Philip Cutler, Samuel N. Heyman,

Wiltiom Klofer, Philip Slomovitz


Additional information mosey be secured about Jewish National Fund
projects at the Office of the AO Camcil, 11816 Dexter, TO. 8-7384.


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