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December 08, 1944 • Page Image 24

… AMRAM PRERO, director, University of Winni- peg; RABBI JEHUDAH M. COHEN, director, University of Michigan; DR. ABRAM L. SACHAR, national director, Bnai Brith Hillel Foundations; RABBI GILBERT KLAPERMAN…

… officials and national administrative assistants who attended the Mid-west Hillel di- rectors conference at Ann Arbor on Nov. 24-25. Photograph taken in the Zwerdling Lounge of the University of Michigan

Hillel Foundation shows: Third row (standing, left to right): LOUIS H. SCHOSTAK of 1442 Griswold. Detroit, chairman of the Detroit Council Bnai Brith and secretary of the Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel

December 27, 1940 • Page Image 26

… CUSTOM MADE QUILTS the of Michigan, di- at and states : "In fact, education and University the Hillel Counselorship '-'. 1 Cadillac - LaSalle Oldsmobile Carl S. Schiller General Manager Northeast…

Hillel Counselorship at are Rabbi Drazin repudiates the Michigan State is one of 50 maintained on as many college view of some educators who hold at "compulsory education nev- campuses by Bnai Brith. There…

… the Legal Chronicle OUR E A R LY EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM New Di rector of of Present Schools in 700-Year Period Pre- Hillel in Lansin g Forerunner ceding Present Era Is Described by a musical and dramatic…

… by Miss Florence Applebaum as director of the nukah party Wednesday, Dec. • 25, contributions to the Home : from Bnai Brith Hillel Counselorship the first day of Chanukah. Lunch- Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mrs…

…. A. 0. at Michigan State College, Lan- eon was served to the children Barsky and Mrs. S. Schwartz in sing, Mich., to succeed Rabbi and each received a gift. memory of brother, Dr. J. Levitt; Arthur…

… the RABBI M. M. APPLEBAUM favorable comparison with the school system's development. The transferred to the American directorship school system stories is that of Hillel, Shammai, Joe- of the new…

… provided many forms of the record and to show a battle the National Hillel Commission, adult education for both men for liberalism which finally pre- which governs all Hillel units for and women. vailed. The…

…, sis of an old school system which activities pr i unishine few, 0 12017 DEXTER BLVD. dents at Michigan State. when any do offend, to escape compared well with our present NOrthlawn 9786 0 systems. The…

… at that are two others in Michigan, the er existed among the Jews." He BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS CHANUKAH Bnai Hillel Jehudah Foundation rested Brith by Rabbi Cohen, expresses the exact opposite view…

…,000 years serviced by ed for free. It was an universal ago, Rabbi Drazin describes the and compulsory school system. educational setting of the time, An important exception to the the growth of colleges and…

December 20, 1946 • Page Image 9

…. Metz. clinic day symposia. Both the University of Detroit and University of Michigan Den- tal schools have Alpha Omega undergraduate chapters. HOLLYWOOD LUGGAGE 349 M4COMB at BRUSH Opposite Lokrosiia…

…Jewish Dental Fraternity To Convene Here Dec. 28 Michigan members of Alpha Omega, national Jewish dental fraternity,. will be hosts at the group's 39th annual meting, an Atomic Convention 'scheduled…

… special matinees to benefit the SOS collection. Price of admission to these matinees is one or more cans of food. WASHINGTON — Bnai Brith Abe Nussbaum of the New York Linoleum and Carpet Co. Hillel

…, schedul- ed for New Year's Eve in the Grand Ballroom. The conven- tion closes with a "Till We Meet Again Brunch" Jan. 1. Members of the Michigan steer-. ing committee, which is in charge of convention…

… for Dec. 28 through" Jan. 1 at the Book-Cadillac Hotel. pr. Louis I. Galin and Dr-- Samuel S. Gerendasy, of Detroit, are national marshal and nation- respectively. The five-day program will in- clude…

… professional and com- mercial displays, clinics and lec- tures, as well as business meet- ings and a series of social events. Special plans have been made for entertaining the wives of delegates. as well as a…

… date bur- al Page Nine THE JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, - &mamba-- 20, 1944 Detroiters Ship 22,000 Pounds Of SOS Supplies Sunday, Dec. 29, with a night- A • 22,000-pound shipment of club night in the…

… evening. Dr. Leon A. Katzin, of Detroit, na- SOS contributions, comprising tional editor of the Alpha Ome- over 20 per cent of the city's 100- ton quota, left Detroit Dec. 9 for the Mt. Vernon, N. Y…

…., warehouse of the Joint Distribution . Corn- mittee. Morton Feigenson, chairman of the committee which collected and packed the shipment, an- nounced that 3,000 pounds were medioal supplies,--9,700 were items…

of clothing, and 12,000 pounds were cans of food. From Mt. Vernon they will be sent directly to displaced persons in Europe. Monday, Dec. 23, three theaters, the Oriole, Krim and Abington, will present…

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 13

… members can at- tend. Winners of Hillel Scholarships Named The members of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the Univers- ity of Michigan who have won Bnai Brith Auxiliary Scholar- ships for the school…

… to be held in the Bnai Brith Hillel Founda- tion at the University of Mich- igan on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 8 p. m. Mr. Cohen will discuss a num- ber of fields which are available now to Jewish students…

University of Michigan campus. There will be a discussion period following. Arrangements for the film show- ing have been made with the Bureau of Visual Education, Uni- versity of Michigan. In charge of the…

… Ann Arbor Sunday, Dec. 10 Albert Cohen, of the Bnai Brith Vocational Guidance Serv- ice for the Michigan area, will speak on "Opportunities Today and After the War," at a voca- tional guidance lecture…

… year 1944- 1945 have been announced by the Hillel Scholarships commit- tee of Bnai Brith Women's Dis- trict Grand Lodge No. 6. The Detroit Pisgah student di- rector scholarship of $250.00 has been…

…. The Jackson (Michigan) Tem- ple Sisterhood work scholarship of $26.00 was won by Joan Schwartz of Chicago, Ill. pa • IS CENTER ACTIVITIES -:- Mothers' Clubs to Discuss Role of Women The theme to be…

…, gradu- ates of American universities, and he will indicate where the best employment opportunities will exist after the war. He will also deal with job-getting tech- niques and the possibilities of using…

… City, co-chairmen of the cost suppers for Avukah. Dr. Melvin Tumin to Be Temple Israel Jr. , Guest Speaker Dec. 10 Dr. Melvin Tumin of the so- ciology department of Wayne University will discuss "Educa…

… Mortimer Adler at the University of Chi- cago as one of the editors of the Great Books Index staff, aid- ing in the preparation of a guide to the major discussions of the principal categories of Western…

… civilization. He was awarded his fellowship predoctorate by the Field Fellow Social Science Re- search Council in New York. Dr. Tumin received his doctor- ate last June at Northwestern University on the basis of

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 9

…, founder of Hillel health, died Friday, Nov. 24, at that the J.D.C., which has dem- movement; Harvey Steadman, his home, 202 N. Erie Ave. He onstrated its abilities to meet president of the Michigan Men…

… honor, and brides- Nary, Canary maids, Betty Kahn, sister of the groom, and Miss Netta Siegel of Shaker Heights, Ohio, former classmate at the University of Michigan. Sherman Kahn, broth- er of the bride…

Michigan Council conven- guished pleas of European Jews the sword be fully restored to World." caught on the battlefields of the tion of the Bnai Brith held at Mrs. Fannie Schoenberger, who us." On Thursday…

… "Spirit of Michigan Kalman and Leo of Ludington. Joint Distribution Committee was Women of Bnai Brith." Mrs. * * * that agency, and in three decades Samuel Aaron, president of the A games party sponsored…

… stationed in Geor- the salvation of the body and the soul of the Jewish people." convention were the burning of gia, visited his sister and brother- week. Rabbi Israel Herbert Levin- the U. of M. Hillel

… Foundation in-law the past * * * mortgage. It was an impressive thal: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koffman "As the long night of Nazi ceremony and ended 18 years of terror and barbarism approaches Hillel activity at the…

… Kessler is in Chicago dare for the first time in 11 years Abram L. Sacha•, national di- to lift their eyes to the future. recto• of Hillel Foundations, was where she is visiting friends and relatives…

… ways of Michigan, spoke about "Occupa- and Scotland. He and his family peaceful living in a civilized tion of Germany After the War." reside in Flint. * * world. Providing economic op- Robert Lappen…

…, Hillel commis- Louis Price, who conducted a portunity for displaced and tor- sioner from Des Moines, Ia.; tured European Jews will require Harry Frankel, brother of the clothing store on the West Side…

…'s was 75 years old. The body was catastrophies in the past 30 years, Council; Mrs. Samuel Aaron, taken to the Edward Gilbert Fun- will prove equal to this under- president of the Michigan Wom- eral Home…

December 12, 1947 • Page Image 15

…,000 to can Defense Service Medal are Sheldon Otis and Dave Brown. Smith and June Zieve .. The rally, which will be at- Hillel at the University of Chi- reminded that these medals are It's interesting to…

… wing k Repoli. Dr. Weitz received his M.A. 3 Members to Board We Pick Up and Ph. D. degrees from the Three new members have University of Michigan in 1943 been added to the Board of Di- and joined the…

…, Aubrey American Legion, Department of tory in its first game with Chad- Mayerson, Ilarve Tushman, Con- Michigan at its mid-winter con- sey . . . Everyone of the 3,000 rad Discount, Herm Eizelman, ference…

… triumphant party In acknowledgement of the be the affair of the season. Allan (Pappy) Douglas' Band was given by the Knock-Outs of Mayor-elect Eugene Van Ant- gift, the Hillel trustees at Illi- Box and also…

… commander of the VFW, will be you about our contest . . . Do gals and their dates were Ber- the $200,000 Hillel building soon one of the honored guests as hope you heard of it! nice Kuhn and Ed Levin, Phyl…

… all-city confer- with the massing of colors by work of Hillel itself. 400 ballots so far. Here are some man and Arlene Lexon with ence called by the Detroit coun- 13 auxiliaries. His gift is the second…

… contributed a total of Horowitz, Fred Stoller, Alice members into their club. The the JWV services in the pro- Another session will start at $250,000 to Hillel at Northwest- curement of the World War II Jean…

…. • • • BULLETIN Illinois Hillel Foundation Gets $55,000 Bequest of Clothier Rabbi Wolf Gold at JNF Parley • • • CUSTOM BUILT LAMPS HOUSE OF LAMPS Blackstone Cleansers GARLAND FLEANIeRSI 10345 Mack at Larland…

… annual classic with Mac- Also a huge success was Ger- the speaker's table near James kenzie Friday . . . Loads krid rie Keller's "Radar" Club Party. tate—to Hillel at the University O'Neil, national…

… Harris, Mary Lebovitz, Ar- gals are Doris Ruskin, Janet ern University, and Max Kara- lane Madison, Sidney Klaus, Sell, Roberta Snyder, Marilyn 2 p.m. Victory Medal and . the Ameri- sik of Chicago gave $50…

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 27

… After the War," at the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation of The University of Michigan this Sunday, at 8 p. m. A film will be shown in con- nection with Mr. Cohen's talk, and there will be a discussion period…

… Bonds Page Twenty-Seven Cohen to Lecture On 'Opportunities' Sunday at Hillel Albert Cohen of the Bnai Brith Vocational Guidance Service for the Michigan area will speak on "Opportunities Today and…

Hillel Foun- dation of the University of Mich- igan. JACOB SKLAR FAMILY David Lowenberg of Chicago, CLUB met last Sunday at the vice-president of the Hillel Stu- home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gold- dent…

December 03, 1943 • Page Image 3

… Brith Hillel Founda- tality committee for the event in- released by the Emergency Com- Yeshivah scholars, stranded in tion at the University of Michigan eludes Mrs. Mae Lieberman, house- mittee for War…

… Brith, To Be Held at Michigan Hillel Dec. 5 PROMOTED $400,000 Sent by Vaad Hahatzalah for Relief And Rescue Work To Europe in Year A recent summary of activities, A group of 465 rabbis and The Bnai…

… Company. The Hillel Foundation's hospi- own poems. Another avenue for the trans- The theme of Mrs. Adler's ad- for a series of speaking engage- port of parcels to the refugee Of JWEWO Donor is in Michigan

… tour of the University saving of lives, had the necessary lies, among them some of the out- of Michigan campus, a tea, buffet standing European rabbis and re- funds been available. supper, and…

… approxi- declares. Much more could have neutral European countries for day by the Hillel Foundation will mately 400 are Jewish. been accomplished in the actual the rescue of individuals and fami- include a…

… part in the program: operated in Poland and Lithu- requirement of $1,182,000 for the event representing the Hillel Saul Meisels, well known singer his training in the Army Air up to 1943. Foundation and…

… or mail to Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Masonic Temple, Detroit 1, Michigan. Tickets are held un- til receipt of remittance, but not later than one week be- fore concert. PRICES: Evenings, 85c to $2…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 6

… Fort Custer, Michigan, mem- bers of the Michigan State Hillel Extension, and friends of Hillel throughout the state. The Social committee headed by Grace Freudberg '45 and Harry Miller '45 working in co…

… dance. Michigan coeds will also be the recipients of the very popular "warsages" which are sold in con- junction with the general war theme of the affair. These war- sages are made by the Social Service…

… the vari- ous fraternities on campus. Hen- rietta Browersky, chairman of Hillel's USO committee has ar- ranged for the soldiers to he guests of various organized houses over the week-end, and a special…

… ciated with the Michigan State streets for the scrap-metal col- direct the operation of this war Unemployment Commission. lection suggests that one of but for the help of their ig- His new assignment will…

…. Phone REdford 1030 P. O. Box 163 Redford Station Residence-5623 W. Outer Drive—UNiversity 3-5221 Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation Holds Gala Week-End for Soldiers at Ann Arbor December II, 194. PROMOTED…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronic!, Dr. B. Benedict Glazer To Address Zedakah Luncheon on Dec. 15 Mrs. Joseph Staub, chairman of Zedakah's donor luncheon again wishes to remind members…

… and friends that Mrs. Marvin Gold- berg, financial secretary, 3047 Tuxedo Ave., TO. 8-7732 will have open house until the date of the luncheon to accept pledges. Luncheon proceeds will be used to carry…

… on Zedakah's char:ty work, and to meet the club's war effort responsibilities. Mrs. Morris Davis, president of Zedakah Club is planning a victory party to be held at her home at 2676 Webb Ave., on the…

December 06, 1946 • Page Image 10

Hillel Hears Atom Research Man Dr. Martin Chanin, research as- sistant in the Rackham Arthritis Research Unit, will speak on atomic energy at the Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan this…

… at the bride's home in Gary. Joanne Gordon, was her sister's maid• of honor, and Seymour Abramson was best man. The bride was graduated from the University of Michigan, where she was affiliated with…

… Uni- versity of Michigan, he served as an officer in the Navy during the war and is a member of the law firm of Butzel, Levin and Wi ns n . • • • Members of the faculty of the MUSIC FORUM will present a…

… on U. of M.'s Hillel program for next week is Rabbi Morris Adler, of Cong. Shaarey Zedek, who will discuss "Intermarriage" as part of Hillel's marriage lecture series, next Wed- nesday evening. Bar…

…-1456 Fort Wayne Hotel Tickets $1.00 Funds for Benefit of Hillel Foundation For Tickets Call CH. 3972 or TO. 8-1346 …

December 07, 1945 • Page Image 10

…-Together Conservative and Reform Sab- At • Shaarey Zedek bath eve services will be • held simultaneously at the University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation this Friday evening. Conservative services will be led…

… Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Frank L. Huntley of the University of Michigan English department ; and Dr. George Shepherd, Minister of the Con- gregational Church, Highland Park, will discuss "American Policy M…

….stant to Rabbi Abba Hillel Sil- Ver in Cleveland. In 1935 he was called to Toledo to serve the Col- 1ingwood Ave. -Temple. Active in communal affairs throughout the country, he is the author of several books…

… anniversary service • and banquet at Temple Emanu-El. He will go from there to Los •Angeles and will return to De- troit the end of the month. AN. Plan Book Review Sabbath Services At 'AV Hillel Friday At Get…

… China: Imperialistic • or :Dernocratic?" On Sunday evening, `.Hillel will hold. its second Supper-nar. Stu- .dents will discuss "Is There a Jewish. Way of Life?" Rabbi Je hudah M. Cohen, Hillel director…

… hall of the synagogue at 9:30 p. rn. It will consist of the - singing of Sabbath .songs led by Cantor Sonenklar; a soprano solo' by Miss Marjorie Silberblatt; an applied music Ma- jor at Michigan State…

December 27, 1946 • Page Image 15

…, instead of the Keidan Lodge, as reported last week. The women of district No. 6 also furnished the Hillel House at Michigan State. College during the past year. MISS R. E. KAPELSOHN Miss Rebecca E…

…'s District Lodge No. 6 of Bnai Brith, has informed The Jewish News that it was the members of this dis- trict which provided kitchen equipment and house furnishings for the Wayne University Hillel Foundation…

Michigan Jewish War Veterans and its military ball committee will sponsor a social evening Satur- day, Dec. 28, at JWV Auditorium, 8212 12th. St. The Miltimore School of Dance and Music will feature a number…

… Furnishes 2 Hillel Houses JERUSALEM, (Palcor)—The primitive penalty of flogging is apparently the established prac- tice of British military courts in Palestine as evidenced by the sentencing of two youths…

…■•■ I Friday, Deed:mbar 27, 1946 it, Veterans Plan Annual Military Ball For Feb. 22; Install Lt. Green Post Fishman, N. Y. Editor, Dean of U. S. Jewish Writers, Dies in Basle The Department of

of entertain- ers. including singing, dancing and acrobats. The 19 posts, eight auxiliaries, their friends and rel- atives are in"ited. There will be no admission charge. The military ball co…

…-chairmen, Norman Berkley and Rudolph Stein, report a brisk sale of tickets for the Annual Patriotic Military Ball to be held on Washington's birthday, Feb. 22 in the Masonic Temple Ball Room. The Lt. Roy F. Green…

… Post No. 525 was instituted and officers installed on Dec. 22. Clifford Epstein, Detroit News staff writer, delivered an address on "Plight of the Jews in Europe." The officers are: Commander, Russell 11…

…. Feldman; chaplain, Leo Becker; patriotic instructor, Al Davidson; officer of the day, EU- gene Radding; sergeant-at-arms, Sol Raikow; color sergeant, My- ron Handelsman; color guards, Bernard Dizik and Art…

… Carib- bean. Mr. and Mrs. Greenberg, parents of Lt. Green, presented the new post with the American and Jewish flags. Jack Penman, commander of Robert Rafelson Post, announces that his Anti-defamation Com…

December 03, 1943 • Page Image 5

… Bnai Brith a the University of Michigan is with an afternoon and evening program at Temple Beth EL preparing for the annual pilgrim- Henry Monsky, president of Supreme Lodge of Bnai age of Young Women…

… and Navy trainees stationed at the University of whom approxi- mately 400 are Jewish. The Hillel hospitality com- mittee for the event includes Mrs. Mae Lieberman, house mother; Hannah Katz, Tampa, Fla…

…Friday, Detemlier 3, 1943 THE JEWISH NEWS Local Bnai Brith Lodges Honor Centennial Dec. 12 100 Detroiters Guests of Hillel This Sunday Bnai Brith Leaders Meet to Spur Campaign for New Members…

… To Ann Arbor On Sunday, December 12, all local Bnai Brith groups Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation under the sponsorship of Greater Detroit Bnai Brith Coun- cil will commemorate the 100th anniversary of

of Michigan faculty. Joyce Siegan of Benton Harbor and Sylvia Modiest of Detroit are chairmen of the event. Invitations to attend the tea and reception during the after- noon have been issued to Army…

… at the Foundation. The guests will also attend a concert at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Artists who will perform include Arthur Hackett, tenor, and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, both of the University

… * 4, * Henry Monsky, President of Supreme Grand Lodge, to Be Bnai Brith Women's Council Guest Speaker at Rally at Temple Beth El; Rabbi to Make Annual Trip Folkman to Initiate Hundreds of New Members…

…'s Council of Bnai Brith of Detroit, on Sun- Brith, will be the guest speaker of the evening. A past president of District Grand Lodge No. 6, Mr. Monsky is now serving his second three- year term as president…

… s of the Supreme Lodge. He has been ac- tive in non-sectarian and Jewish organizations and his most re- cent effort was the calling of the Pittsburgh Conference which culminated in the convening of

… the American Jewish Conference I in which he played a prominent role. Initiate Members The afternoon's session will feature the initiation of a large class of candidates who were obtained in a city…

December 30, 1949 • Page Image 11

…, Ont. TRinity 1-8046 Detroiter Gets U. S. Grant for Philosophy Research in France Bnai Brith Foundation Cites U.-M. Hillel Drive Contributions of $9,888 by stu- dents at the University of Mich- igan…

Hillel Foundation in its 1948-49 drive were cited by the National Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- dation among other large Hillel totals. A total of $176,132 has been contributed by students on 67 campuses. Chief…

… page, "Fields and Streams of Michigan" op. DIETARY LAWS OBSERVED AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN pr. re e e e ac't, re oat, ee 'a eer $4 For our- Fisher Bldg., Detroit ; UN Press Attache Speaks to…

…Young Adult Community Midrasha Winter Quarter to Begin On January 10 The winter quarter of the Mid- rasha will begin Tuesday, Jan. 10. Registration will begin. Tues- day, Jan. 3, continuing through…

… Jan. 10th. The following courses are of- fered: Hebrew, primary, intermediate and advanced; Yiddish, primary, intermediate a n d advanced; Bible, Ezekiel and Mishle from the Hebrew text, with medieval…

… , and modern commentaries; Ezekiel in Yiddish using as text Yehoash's translation; - the Pen- tateuch in English; Mishna; Modern Hebrew literature, with special stress on the- works of Lamdan and…

… Greenberg; Yid- dish literature, an interpretation of the works of Sholem Aleichem and Y. L. Peretz; a survey of Jew- ish literature in English; Jew- ish sociology, the development and present structure of

… -the American Jewish community; Jewish philosophy, an interpre- tation of representative Jewish thinkers; Artcraft, workship de- veloped around Jewish themes; and Jewish folk dances. The staff will…

…. Segal, Samuel Sigal and Wolf Snyder. These courses are offered Tuesday and Thursday each week, from 8 to 10 p.m. In addi- tion, for women, classes are of- fered in Hebrew, Bible and the Land of Israel on…

… meeting of the Community Ser- f vice Committee of the Young Adult Council were four new board members, Albert M. Cal- man,_ chairman of the commit- tee, announced. The new ap- pointees, who will bring the…

December 05, 1947 • Page Image 11

University of Detroit and the University of Michigan. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Virginia. T h e Please Mail Copy Early, Avoid Delay In Holiday Rush On account of the approach or the…

…. and Mrs. Nathan Man- Markus is a graduate of Flora Stone Mather College of Western Reserve University. Her fiance who served as a major in Europe, was graduated from the Univers- ity of Michigan where…

… daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cambridge Road. Louis Gorman of Buena Vista Miss Cohn attended Wayne Ave. Her fiance is the the son of University and the University of Mr. and - Mrs. Leopold Metchis of Wisconsin…

…, Wyoming near Thatcher. Philip Kramer, chairman, announces a program of movies, a magician act by Avery Weisenthal and • a piano duet by Marvin and Bar- bara Littky. * * * Milt Stern set a new high in , the…

… Tikvah Bowling league when he rolled 252. Brotherhood Unity Benevolence Conservation H. Monsky Justice Fellowship Victory Courage • Liberty Hillel Membership • Anti-Defam. Harmony Freedom Americanism…

… MISS MARILYN ADLER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Adler 'of Woodward Ave. announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mar- ilyn Jean, to Walter B. Herbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Herbach of Monterey Ave. The…

… ,Detroit Grill Feldman Bros. Builders Steel Bankle Supply Disreal Mich. Scrap Iron Bonn Bros. * * * Bar Mitzvahs Mr. and Mrs. David Berg of 18074 Greenlawn announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Lawr- ence…

… • J., at Temple Israel at 8:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 26, at the Art Institute. No cards. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rosenfeld announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, David, at 8:30 pan. Friday, Dec. 12, at…

… Temple Israel in the Art Institute. A dinner and reception honoring the Bar Mitz- vah will be held Saturday eve- ning at the Wardell-Sheraton Hotel. * * Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edelman of 3039 Collingwood…

… • announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Herbert Melvin, Saturday morn- ing, Dec. 6; at the David W. Simons Hebrew School, Tuxedo at Holmur. A reception in the will be held at home from 2 to 6 p. -m. Sunday…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 18

… present from Fort Custer. Members of the Michigan State Hillel Extension will also be guests. Grace Freudberg, Harry Mill- er, Charlotte Kaufman, Herbert Levin have planned the event. Included in plans for…

… were sold at this meeting. Forty uniformed men will • be the guests of the Bnai Brith Hil- lel Foundation of the University of Michigan at the Week-end jamboree, starting Saturday. Sol- diers will be…

… Brith, succeeding Mrs. Lenore Underwood of San Francisco, who was elected councilor. Radio Repairs Friday, December II, 1942 Altar Presented To Pisgah Lodge U. of M. Hillel Jamboree Saturday Pisgah…

… this event are meals and lodgings for men in the service at fraternities on the campus. Henrietta Browarsky of the Hillel USO committee has made these arrangements. 20 Shaarey Zedek Jrs. Get Membership…

…- paired now -- parts may be unobtain- able later. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. FREE LOANER Largest Selection of Jewish Records in Michigan Dexter Radio Co. 11525 Dexter HOgarth 4717 Zionist Youth…

…THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eighteen Congregational Activities Frarn to Give Third Sermon on Folklore Rabbi Adler to Review Hadassah Book Dec. 18 "The Legend of Joseph" will be the subject of Rabbi…

… Leon Fram's sermon at the Sabbath Eve serv- ices of Temple Israel Friday, Dec. 18, at 8:30 p. m., in the Institute of Arts lecture hall. This is his third sermon on "Jewish Folk- lore as a Mirror of the…

… Jewish Soul." The first-two sermons were on Abraham and the folklore of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Fu- ture titles will be, "The Epic of Moses," and • "The . Legendary Wisdom of Solomon." Karl W. Haas…

… will be at the console of the new Louis Frank- enstein memorial organ. Cantor Robert S. Tulman will sing the traditional Sabbath melodies. The Religious School of Temple Israel will observe a winter va…

…- cation. Sessions will be resumed Saturday, Jan. 9, and Sunday, Jan. 10. Rabbi Fram, on Friday night, Dec. 11, will review the book, "Sabotage", written by Albert E. Kahn of Detroit and Michael Sayres. Dr…

December 05, 1947 • Page Image 15

of honor will be Rabbi Harry Essrig of Grand Rapids. Rabbi Essrig, born in Palestine, has served as director of the Hillel Foundation at the Uni- versity of Chicago and at Har- vard University. He was…

… assisted by Dorothy Gross, Phyllis Zieve, Earl Kan- ners and Yona Weisner. Dr. Haber Speaks To Council group Dr. William Haber of the Uni- versity of Michigan will address the Internal Relations Committee…

… accompanied 'by the Center orchestra under the direction of Julius Chajes. The program also will include Beethoven's "Egmont Overture" and Mendelssohn's "Symphony in A Major." Hillel Starts Campus Tradition At…

… Maccabees Auditorium at 1 Wednesday, Dec. 10. The convo- cation will be open to all uni- versity students. Featured on the program will be the lighting of the candles by a Hillel student, with the Uni…

… Hanukah Convo Hillel Foundation at Wayne University in conjunction with the University Interfaith Council, this year will mark another first in campus activity by sponsoring a Hanukah convocation at the…

…11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111H1111111111111111111111111111 Danny Raskin's o S LISTENING T THE BIG Junior Service Group Dance . • . to be given in co- operation with Holiday Hop, Com- mittee of Jewish Center . . . Dec. 13 at…

… . . . Thanks to Hy Zemon, baking genius and perfector of the "Architectural Dream" wedding cake ... for the cute little pettifour with our name on it . . . Welcome into the community family, Young Adult group of

… Detroit Young Israel . Received charter Dec. 1 . . . Hillel Abrams is. first • president . . . Sadie Mattes won first prize for best costume at Infant's Serv- ice Group "Sadie Hawkin's Day" party . . . with…

… a laundry bag completing' her rendition of • a "new look" . . . Songstress Millie Gross is back. • after -five months with a USO troupe in Japan . Sang for the boys on what was next to the final unit…

… to be leaving the states for USO activity . . . Tells of meeting Ida Lippman, local attorney and former police- woman, in Korea ... where she is teaching police work . . . Says that Ida will be home…

December 21, 1945 • Page Image 12

of the -127 Bnai HOME RELIEF. SOCIETY will Brith Hillel Foundations and meet at the home of Mrs. Al Counselorships on as many col- Weisman, 2424 Oakman, at 1 leges and universities in the p. m. on…

…-in- /8 law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Tendler of San Juan Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Blumenstock left 7500 W. McNichols Rd. 14 plane for Bermuda and upon Marriages Lemberg Fund Provides Aid to Hillel

… families will and New York State, was an- feature the meeting. Admission will be a can of food. All drug- nounced at the annual meeting of the Hillel Commission, gov- gists' 'wives are invited. erning body…

UNIVERSITY AREA WOM- EN'S CLUB will have a book re- view at it meeting Wednesday The Jewish Center marked the 25th anniversary of its Art evening at the hOme of Mrs. Hel- Department with an_ exhibition in…

… .University of Mich- The program and social commit- News; Herman Jacobs, executive igan. tee- chairmen, Ruth Flotnick and director of the Jewish Center; Notes were received from Max Lenore Bayles, are' making…

… will meet at the state-supported universities, pre- home of Mrs. Robert Fleiss, 2452 ferably but not necessarily limit- Calvert. A food tin can shower ed, to those in New York City for •needy European…

… honor of Mrs. David B. Werbe, en Karo, 17578 Kentucky. Pros- founder of the department. The exhibition was held from Nov. 12, pective members are invited. through Dec.. 10. Seventy-nine•• * * works were…

… included in the show JEWISI-1 WOMEN'S SERVICE and 50 artists were represented. CLUB is sponsoring a New The highlight of the month's Year's Eve dinner dance to be activities was a dinner given in held at the…

… Penthouse of the Park honor of Mrs. Werbe which was Avenue Hotel. There will be en- held on Tuesday, Nov. 27. Lead- tertainment. Music will be fur- ers from the city's art, music nished by Mickey WOolf and…

…. Butzel was the chairman • Edith Cohcn, chairman, are in of the dinner program. The in- charge. The following are ac- vocation was given by Rabbi cepting reservations: Mrs. Sophie Leon Fram. Ellenbogen, TY…

December 19, 1941 • Page Image 24

…. Herbert R. O'Conor, of ples by Ben Hecht. He speaks of the "damnable Maryland, who hailed the Bnai obfuscations" which permit Nazis Brith Hillel Foundation at the to air their views and to abuse University

… been translated into Hebrew are "Julius Caesar," "Macbeth" and the "Merchant of Venice". ers, has done the illustrations for all of the sketches. A Joyous Chanukah to All BEN'S UNIFORMS Lauds Hillel

… Chanukah to All MICHIGAN CARTAGE and STORAGE CO. Only One of Many But there are at least 50 more articles just as effective, just as powerful, just as stimulating. These combine to make "1001 Afternoons…

…December 19. 1941 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 4 BEN HECHT'S 1001 AFTERNOONS CENTF'AL FACTORY AND OVET'ALL SUPPLY CO. result of Harpo's trick. Multi-colored New York has job…

… as a been stripped and is now on dis- "Don Harpo de la Mancha" fail is play in all its nakedness. the title of this story. Don't h A master does the trick: Ben to read it. It will do yourheart Hecht…

… describes the great Ameri- good. Most signifificant of all the es- can metropolis in his fascinating "1001 Afternoons in New says is the one entitled "Run, book, York,"—a collection of sketches Sheep, Run…

…," which is one of the which originally appeared in PM most excoriating condemnations and which is now out in its en- of frightened Jews who fail to e tirety as a Viking Press publi- see danger ahead and who…

… It 's hide their heads in the sand. cation. To enhance the value of this dandy. These are merely samples of book, George Grosz, one of the 100gems included in Ben IIecht's most eminent of modern paint…

…- the "1 Afternoons in New York". IMMO This is the stuff that great litera- ture is made of. Primarily it is the stuff out of which is cre- ated fighting material for de- mocracy. Ben Hecht did an ex…

…- cellent job—perhaps the best of his career. PLAZA 8180 SINCERE CHANUKAH GREETINGS Coin haufs "ow& eirozers There IS ONE In Your Neighborhood • FISHER WALL PAPER CO. 514 RANDOLPH ST. DISTRIBUTORS…

December 19, 1947 • Page Image 7

… activities of Foundation Shaar Hashomayim. University Hillel, and Moe R. Ilillel the Jewish Welfare Board. ...."December Moods" is the title Honour Miller, lodge oresident. Sam Linde, 100; At Makin, 201, 204…

… Community" at a meeting feature a drama by the Catho- Rabbi Irwin Gordon, director who helped make the Detroit of Pisgah Women at 9 p.m., lic Players and addresses by of Wayne University Hillel, de- Truth SOS…

…, 7838. 13 34 Scrap Iron Arrangements are in charge of Bnai Brith contributed 350 Michigan nigh scores; Sherman, 218, 200. 2 0 0: out of the 550 drivers who par- Linden, 211, 211; Butni, 204, 201; Mrs…

… Following are the top four teams and "200" bowlers in the A special meeting of the Louis divisions: ' D. Brandeis Chapter has been RED DIVISION By ILENE RATNElt called for 8:30 p.m., Monday, NOTICE TO ALL…

… edition of 'The Anno- several outstanding attractions Members are being asked to Peace tore attractions should prove tator," the new BBYO paper, bring in money for ads and Liberty for its meetings during…

… the next enlightening," he added. will make its debut. few months in honor of its Ilerrio, 200; Jark Brun, 200, Stan Charlet, For the first part of 194B, the tickets to be allocated to various 202…

…; Hamner, 202, alax Bur- Staff consists of yours truly 90th anniversary jubilee year," charities. wood, 202; Sam nuts, 202, Das 0 Kan- following programs have been Members of the Brandeis In, 206; Moo Kgren…

… Feldman, 212; Dave Penner, nouncement of great import- Sten 1 0 1 kalman, ly in appreciation of their efforts 210 ; 11 .Y T1.1.10. 220; to arrange for prominent talent ly-capable staff members. 239; and…

… Bernard ance Will be made." 224; Cave in helping the women organize. for its open meetings. The meet- • • • Dr. Barnett R. Brickner, I Highlight of the affair, was a K.11z, ings of a musical and humor…

…, the girls are throw- Brickner is administrative chair- Guest speakers were Rabbi ing a big dance Wednesday at man of the committee on army Justice Irwin Gordon, director of Wayne and navy religious…

December 06, 1946 • Page Image 6

…- tenance of Hillel foundations at Wayne University and Michigan KIELC4 ER RELIEF SOCIETY State College, Pisgah Lodge is sponsoring a pre-Chanukah fea- An open meeting of the Kielcer ther party at 8:30 p. m…

… entertainer, will present a pro- gram. For information call Lillie Singer, HO. 0385. 1VAYNE IIILLEL The debating team of Wayne University Hillel will discuss "Re- solve that State and Federal Legis- lation are…

… Necessary as an Aid in Combating Anti-Semitism" at 8:30 p. m. Monday at Hillel. BRANDEIS CHAPTER A membership tea will be held by the Louis D. Brandeis Chapter of Bnai Brith at 1 p. m. Tuesday at the home of

…-CHANUKAH FEATHER PARTY of PISGAH LODGE at FORT WAYNE HOTEL Wednesday, December 11, 1946, at 8.30 P.M. Chickens - Geese - Ducks, etc. — Many Valuable Door Prizes Tickets $1.00 Funds for benefit of Hillel

… speaker will be Leonard Baruch, a member of Masada. The Russell Wood group will meet in the home of Violet Mes- ser, 2472 Highland avenue. The meeting place of the university group, will be the home of

…, will be the speaker of the afternoon. University East Group has ar- ranged a diversified program at the home of Mrs. I. Jerome Hau- ser, 18508 Prairie avenue. Mrs. Milford Pregerson will entertain with a…

…Page Six Conclave Is Topic of Jr. Hadassah DETROIT SWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Luncheon Entertainer Detroit Units to Hear Report on Convention Units of Junior Hadassah will meet at 2…

…:30 p. m. Sunday to hear a report on the national conven- tion which was held Nov. 27-30 in Atlantic City.' The central group will meet in the home of Estelle Schmalberg, 4348 Glendale avenue. The guest…

… Elaine Phillips, 18467 Woodingham drive. The senior advisor of Junior Hadassah, Mrs. Sidney Brand, will WYN GARDEN, young colora- be the guest speaker. tura soprano, will be guest artist at the fourteenth…

… annual donor _MEMBERSHIP HEAD For, information, call Rhodine luncheon of the Hebrew Ladies Ungar, membership chairman, TY. Aid Society, Tuesday, Dec. 17, at 5-3094. Congregation Bnai Moshe. She Detroit was…

December 06, 1946 • Page Image 6

… organizations are invited. Wayne Hillel to Debate Federal Legislation to Combat Anti-Semitism Among those who are leading Debating teams of the Wayne in sales of patron tickets for the University Bnai Brith…

… their guests. at 3 p.m. Wayne University and Michigan State College, Pisgah Lodge is a pair of children'. Raise $250,000 for School sponsoring a pre-Hanukah Games Admission. shoes (rew or old) or ? Under…

…. Lappin is chairman of the sary as an Aid in Combatting •t'on call Anti-Semitism." at 8:30 p.m. next committee. Thursday at Hillel House. the Zionist Friday, December 6, 1946 Hermine Stone Heads Junior…

… will be Pre-Hanukah Games Party 2705 Joy Rd., on preceded by a dinner at the To raise funds for the main- Book-Cadillac for Congress mem- Thursday Eve., Dee. 12 tenance of Hillel Foundations at bers and…

… Joseph M. Proskauer urged ESTAURANT support of the $4,000,000 Medical And DELICATESSP' School Campaign now being con- ducted by the American Friends KOSHER STYLE of the Hebrew University and 11…

…Page Six THE JEWISH NEWS Frank, Noted Correspondent, Combined Units To Address JNF Auxiliary Dec. 17 Of AK to Hear Gerold Gerold Frank, eminent corre- spondent who covered the trial of Lord Moyne…

…'s assassins for The Jewish News in• Egypt, will ad- dress a public meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish National Fund Tuesday evening, Dec. 17, in the Brown Memorial Chapel of Temple Beth El…

…. Recognized as one of the out- standing authorities on Palestine and the Middle East, Frank has just returned to this country after adding new laurels as the only newspaperman to accom- pany the Anglo…

…-American Com- mittee of Inquiry on the whs4e of its historic investigation through Europe. Egypt, Palestine and the Arab States. His news- paper and magazine articles on the Palestine problem have been quoted…

… both here and abroad. paper work has been reprinted in anthologies, including "Head- lining America," a compilation of the best 100 newspaper stories of Alex L. Easterman, noted edi- tor and war…

December 06, 1946 • Page Image 15

… • ••••••• ••••••• Collins Avenue at 43rd St. MIAMI BEACH • FLORIDA DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING CORSAIR Pofi , Ill (FORMERLY THE BRAZNELL) 0119. RABBI ZAGER WOMEN Rabbi Herschel Lyman of the University of Michigan

… Ladies Auxiliaries, Department of P Michigan, and the presidents of the different auxiliaries and com- manders of the 20 posts of the Department. Dignitaries representing t h e Jewish War Veterans national…

…. Moses P. Epstein, president of Hadassah. (See story on page 10). History of the Jews in Michigan; First Women's Society Constitution (Continued from Page 11) ing, signed by at least one-fifth of the…

… State of Michigan the length of time specified in No. 6 of the Constitution, are entitled to support; however, this shall not be operative until the society pos- sesses a basic capital of not less than…

Hillel was guest speaker Dec. 3 at a pre- Hillel shower of the Rabbi Mandel M. Zager Women's Chapter No. 542 of Bnal Brith. He stressed the importance of Hillel on the campus. V No tr. JERUSALEM (Falcon…

Michigan, at the Civic Center Au- ditorium, 114 Erskine street at 1 p. in. Saturday, Dec. 14. Through mass participation in planning, the Herald, backers say, will satisfy the needs of a large section of the…

… support of the $4,000,000 campaign now being conducted by American Friends of the Hebrew University and 11adassah. Left to right, Col. Harold Riegelman, national co- chairman; Judge Proskauer; and Mrs…

…. Jivers; The Dancers and d his orches. or the shoe By DR. PERRY P. BURNSTINE AMONG THE 22 groups, author- ized to represent veterans submit-. ting claims through the VA In Michigan, are the Jewish War…

… and The Legal Chronicle Spur Zion Medical School Drive JWV 'Supports Rogge Report 11. Persons may arrange to have the Kaddish prayer recited by orphans on the anniversary of their death (Yahrzeit…

…), at each service in the synagogue, by con- tributing to the society during their lifetime a sum of not less than $50. 12. Paid Employees The executive board has the right to engage a janitor at a modest…

December 17, 1943 • Page Image 8

of Miss Sam Weinman. Zeme's classmates at the University of Michigan. * * * Miss Zeme, who is a senior at the University of Michigan, was Business and Professional Wom- recently appointed student…

… Gordon are in charge of the social hour which will follow the meeting. THE JEWISH NEWS Betrothal of U. of M. Hillel Student Director Announced rildAy, December 17, 1941 • ACTIVITIES IN SOCIETY Mr. and…

… director Of the Hillel Foundation in Ann Arbor. She is a graduate of Central High School, the United en of ,Bnai Brith will sponsor a Hebrew Schools and the Shaarey Zedek Sunday School. She is a tea from 2…

…Page Eight Hadassah Will Honor Henrietta Szold's 84th Birthday Saturday Detroit Chapter of Hadassah will honor Henrietta Szold's 84th birthday at an Oneg Shabbat at Congrgeation Shaarey Zedek this…

… Saturday at 2:30 p.. m. Mrs. Ralph Davidson, former presi- dent of the Detroit chapter, a national board member of Ha- dassah, who visited with Miss Szold in Palestine, will be the speaker. . Mrs. Max…

… Engelman will re- view current news events. Mrs. Tobias Garon and Mrs. Martin Weisberg are in charge of arrangements for the day. Mrs. Robert L ow enberg, Mrs. Morris Krause, Mrs. M. S. Perlis and Mrs. Ben…

… Mrs. Aaron Bernstein of 1476 Pingree Ave. will cele-4 brate their golden wedding anniversary at a family dinner at Lach-4 ar's, Sunday, Dec. 19. Married in Lodz, Poland, in 1893, Mr. ancT Mrs…

…. S/Sgt. Max Yost is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr.,' and Mrs. M. Yost of Leslie Ave.. He is stationed at Camp Maxey. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Simons are spending the week-end iii Chicago…

…. • Capt. Max Gordon Aiken spent a 10-day leave from his statiomi at Medford, Ore., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Aiken of 25211 Blaine Ave. Sgt. Sherman S. Schwartz, who is stationed at Fort Sheridan…

…, Ill., was home for the week-end visiting with Mrs. Schwartz and children. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farbstein are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Farbstein of .Burlington Rd. Mrs. Clarence H. Enggass…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 14

… Pergament, Marty gan State College Hillel Extension, at the Hillel Jamboree given Weinstein, Dr. Charles Stolar and by the University of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation last Dr. Ben Stamol. Saturday…

…December DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 14 A Group at U. of M. Hillel Jamboree Supper of Beth El Sister- PRIMROSE BENEVOLENT hood Attended by 500 The Pr imrose Benevolent Club…

… Detroit Chapter of Rho Pi Phi, Jewish pharmaceutical fraternity, have completed annual •initiation at Wayne University. The newly in- ducted members were Leo Gran- don, Abraham Reichmann and Martin Winokur…

…'s annual donor luncheon will be held on Jan. 20, at Web- ster Hall. The affair is planned by a committee under the lead- ership of Mrs. G. Pearl. Out- siders will be aided in every way to raise their money…

…. All, inter- ested, please contact Mrs. Pearl. Five hundred men, women. and children attended the Sisterhood supper last Sunday night in the social hall of Temple Beth El. The supper was under the joint…

… • direction of Mrs. Melvin Baer and Mrs. Jerome Manheim, co- chairmen of the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El ways and means.• committee. Mrs. IIarvey Rottner had charge of ticket sales. Mrs. Iry ing,' Hirschman…

… and Mrs. Al Drei- fus directed the preparation of food. Mrs. Lawrence Freedman and Mrs. Oscar Zemon had charge of the sale of home-made canned goods. Bess Rosenman to Manage New Flower Shop in the…

… peo- ple of discriminating taste. Bess Rosenman, who has made many friends through her under- standing of floral problems, and whose anxiety to satisfy has made her services invaluable to the patrons of

…, etc., and in- vites a telephone call at Univer- sity 3-6638, which will bring her to patrons homes. Robert Brown, who is known to hosts - of Detroit people for his creative designs, will continue to…

… please particular customers in his capacity as designer. The shop is filled with novelty house plants and gardens to add to the beauty of glass shelves and cabi- nets. • Of Yivo, to Speak in De- SHELVIN…

December 15, 1944 • Page Image 22

… be held on Saturday evening, Dec. 17, at the Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan at 9 p. m. The plans for the party in- clude Chanukah and Palestinian songs to be sung by the Avukah Choral…

… included in the plans for the party, according to Muriel Klein- waks, of Hillside, N. J., and Bar- bara Levin, of East Chicago, Ind., co-chairmen of the Hillel social committee. Dancing and games will also…

…- partment of Michigan, Jewish War Veterans of the United States, held a special session. The guest at this session was Mrs. A Special Class for Beginners Organized by Sholem Aleichem Schools A special class…

… the eve- ning. On Sunday morning, Dec. 10, Mrs. Kroenberg addressed the Men's Group of the Department of Michigan at their special meet- ing, and later appeared at the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal Chronicle Page 6 Friday, December 15, 1944 Northwest Hebrew Congregation to Hold Open Meeting Jan. 22 Hillel and Avukah to Hold Joint Chanukah Celebration…

… Dec. 17 Rabbi Fram to Lecture National President of Ladies Auxiliary, JWV, On American Jewish Conference on Dec. 22 Visits in Detroit The Northwest Hebrew Con- gregation and Center held its monthly…

… meeting of officers and trustees of the synagogue at the home of Allan Waller on Mon- day, Dec. 11. Alexander Moss, president of the Congregation, announced that three Sepher Torim had been prospectively…

… donated by mem- bers of the synagogue to per- manently replace those loaned to the Congregation. Appropriate ceremonies will be held at a later date to celebrate the occasion. An open general meeting of the…

… will be present and the entire north- -west community is invited to be- come acquainted with the accom- plishments and aims of this new synagogue. David Miller, chairman of the Sunday School committee…

…, and Max Goldsmith, first vice presi- dent of the congregation, re- ported that shortly the Hebrew and Sunday Schools will actually be functioning with a staff and curriculum. The success of the Sabbath…

December 13, 1946 • Page Image 6

…. Rabbi Goldin A. L. Sachar, na- tional director s of Hillel Founda- tions. Rabbi Milton Aron, director of the Hillel Foundation at Wayne University, will preside. Jewish students of Wayne, Michigan and…

… na- tional and international relief problems. Prof. G. Steiner of Wayne University, past president, also welcomed the newcomers. Rabbi Neuhaus replied on be- half of the new arrivals. Hadassah…

… courses of study in the Farband Schools includes Hebrew and Hebrew literature; Yiddish and Yiddish literature; Bible; Jewish history, ancient and mod- ern; and Jewish traditions and customs. In addition to…

… these formal studies, current Jewish events the world over, achievements of the Halutzim in Eretz Israel, and Jewish music are an integral part of the curriculum. The school board has also de- cided to…

… Saturday, from 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. Chapter 1, ZOA, Plans For Hay-Sleigh Ride Dr. Goldin to Address Shaarey Zedek Men's Club Next Wednesday Zionist Ball Here J. J. Segal, Yiddish poet, win- ner of the…

… 1945 LaMed Founda- tion Prize for Literature, will be the guest of honor at the Oneg Sahabbat given jointly by the Sholem Aleichem Folk Institute and the Farband Folk School at the Workmen's Circle…

… center at 9 p. m. this Friday. Mr. Segal will deliver an ad- dress on Jewish Literature and read his poems. Several well- known Detroiters also will par- ticipate. Detroit Branch of Selfhelp, or…

…- ganization of emigres from Cen- tral Europe, held its first social gathering Nov. 16 and installed its new officers. Ernest Gans, president, wel- comed recent arrivals to the city, and Fred M. Butzel discussed…

… Steinberg and Arthur Winer. Prominent Detroit Jewish lead- ers again will be active in the annual sales of newspapers spon- cored by the Old Newsboys Good- fellow Fund, next Tuesday. Alex Schreiber, former…

… presi- dent of the Old Newsboys, will be at his regular post at the Film Exchange Bldg., Cass and Mont- calms from 11:30 to 1:30 p. m. David A. Brown, nationally promine.Rt leader, is visiting in NW…

December 10, 1948 • Page Image 9

… annual Hanukah carnival 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Dec. 14 and 15 of the University of Michigan at 5015 Cass. Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation, Roberta Gellerm an, head of will be held at 2101 Hill Street, arts and…

… the Jewish - Rabbi Kapustin to Begin Study Groups at Wayne Beginning in January, Rabbi Max Kapustin, director of the Wayne University Hillel Founda- tion, is planning to lead one or more study or…

… crafts at the Jewish Ann Arbor, Sunday, Dec. 12. The Community Center, is in charge carnival is being co-sponsored by of decor. Highlights of the Hillel and IZFA. show, according to Beatrice Proceeds will…

… Chi, national profes- sional business administration fraternity of Wayne University, held installation of officers. Sponsor Edward Shapiro of the economics department of the Uni- versity, presented the…

…, water color paintings, and linoleum block prints are a few of the Hanukah Carnival Set attractions at the 20th annual By Ann Arbor Students show of the Wayne University Art Education Club to be held The…

…The Young Adult Community Juniors Hold Town Hall Meeting ; Masada Theater Consider Service Group Revision Program Benefits Continuing its series of unusual programs on the Jew- Colonies in Israel…

… ish community designed to meet the needs of young adults, To raise funds for the rebuild- the Junior Service Group will feature a Town Hall meeting ing of the Masada colony in Is- at 2:30 p.m. Sunday…

…, Dec. 12, in the auditorium of the Jew- rael, Kibbutz Nitzanim, Detroit ish Center. A social hour will follow the program. chapter of Masada, will present In addition to the Town in which George Stutz…

…, president of Temple Israel and Moshe Harr, director of the Sholem Aleichein School, will discuss "Youth's Responsibilities to the Jewish Community," Lawrence Fleischman, president of the Junior Service Group…

…, will pre- sent to the membership a plan. for reorganization of the Junior Service Group. This plan has been under discussion for the past few months by the board of directors, and will be an effort to…

December 24, 1948 • Page Image 14

… Club Beginning in January, Wayne University Hillel will conduct a number of programs entitled "The Jewish Community Series." Purpose of the programs is to acquaint students with the or- ganizational…

… Brown, executive di- rector of the American Jewish Congress, who will talk about his organization. TA 6-5855 3511 Michigan Ave. Chanukah Greetings LEVIN GLOVE MANUFACTURING CO. DETROIT, MICHIGAN

… . Detroit, Michigan PUBLIX CLEANERS We Own and Operate Our Own Plant UNiversity 2-8709 13039 W. McNichols Road KE. 2-3430 . 19504 W. McNichols Road CHANUKAH GREETINGS... Greetings to All GENERAL SMOKED…

…. Friends are invited. Zmiros will be sung by the Balya Girls of Young Is- rael. The Women's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools plans a paid-up membership luncheon- meeting at 12:30 p.m., Wednes- day, in…

… be held by the North Woodward Branch, Jewish European Wel- fare Organization at noon, Tues- day, in the home of Mrs. Albert Kurzman, president, 3287 Cort- land avenue. Mrs. Sam Gordon is chairman of

… the fourth annual donor luncheon of the Rachel Laya Stepin Aid Society, March 2 at Bel-Aire. Assisting her are Mes- dames Rueben Galchinsky, N. Norman Goldenberg, Nathan Rosenthal and Harry Friedman…

…. For reservations call any of the above. Friends are invited to a Cha- nukah party of the Detroit La- dies Lechem Aneeim at 8 p.m., Sunday, in Assembly Hall, 9215 Twelfth street. Monday at Bnai Moshe…

…. Hus- bands and friends are invited. On Jan. 3, the club will sponsor a Chanukah party for patients at Eloise. Council. Booklet Guides Readers As part of the holiday festiv- ties, Alpha Epsilon Phi…

… Mopper and Allan Schmier. In conjunction with Jewish Book Month, the culture com- mission of the Jewish Community Council will issue a booklet de- scribing Jewish periodicals of in- terest to Dc- troiters…

…. The project is under the direction of L a w rence W. 2rohn, commis- ; i o n co-chair- man. Crohn, in the I ntroduction, ; a y s, "Jewish nooks and pe- Crohn riodicals p u b- lished in America are a sure…

December 19, 1947 • Page Image 15

… and brother, Mordecai Grossman, who passed away Dec. 23, 1944. Sadly missed by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Grossman; sister, Florence; and brother, Hillel of Palestine. HERMINE WEISS, three- month…

…, the Zion- ist Youth Commission, Hillel Foundation, Young Israel, Ha- bomim, Hashomer Hatzair and Windsor Youth, for the purpose of better training those already leading youth groups and for LOUIS LEVINE…

… JOT ROAD 2236 Michigan CA. 8613 Censer WIldemere Sitter 6-0196 DAVID LYONS, 55, of the Boulevard hotel, 2923 Second boulevard, died Dec. 14 of a heart attack while attending a banquet of the Lutzker…

of social sciences at Wayne University, spoke on the "Significance of Group Experi- ence." The leadership program was arranged by the Jewish Center in cooperation with Bnai Brith Youth Organization…

…Friday, December 19, 1917 Rabbi Fram Lists Sermon Subjects Series Hails UN's Decision on Palestine "Palestine: The Land that Produced Christianity" will be the subject of Rabbi Leon Fram's sermon…

… to be delivered at Sabbath Eve services of Tem- ple Israel, Dec. 26 in the lecture hall of the Art Institute. This is the second in a series of sermons which Rabbi Fram is delivering on the "History…

… and Destiny of the Jewish State," celebrating the action of the United Nations on Palestine. On Friday night, Dec. 19, Rab- bi Fram will preach on "Pales- tine: The Land That Produced the Bible". Beth…

… Yehudah Issues 6-Month Financial Report Members of Yeshivath Beth Yehudah and their friends filled the Mogen Abraham Syn- agogue last week for a Chanu- kah festival, which was held in conjunction with the…

… semi-an- nual membership meeting of the institution. The program was opened with the blessing of the Canu- kah candles by the student's choir. Rabbi Max J. Wohlge- lernter, president of the Yeshi- vah…

…, presided, and Rabbi Leizer Levin, member of the Board of Education of Beth Yehudah, presented a picture of the edu- cational setup in the three de- partments of the Yeshivah. Morris Snow, Y'shivah treas…

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 26

… Women, held Nov. 27, Mrs. Nathan Wolf, president, presented checks to Mrs. Louis Perlman, president of District Women's Lodge . No. 6, for the following: $1,250 for war service, $550 for Hillel

… be expected to present their credentials so that their at- tendance can be checked. 4 Detroit Students Awarded Bnai Brith Scholarships at U. M. Members of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the…

… Univer- sity of Michigan who have won Bnai Brith , Auxiliary scholarships for the school year 1944-45 have been announced by the scholar- ships committee of Women's Dis- trict Grand Lodge 6. The Detroit…

… Brith's National Hillel Commission has created the Wendell Willkie Interfaith Fel- lowship at Indiana University, Mr. Willkie's alma mater. AFL Convention Asks Federal Ban On Anti-Semitism Also Urge…

… series, sponsored by the joint Yiddish culture committee of the Jewish Center and Jewish Community Council, will be the anneal Hanukah festival on Sun- day evening, Dec. 17, in the Cen-, ter auditorium…

…. . Moishe Haar has prepared an elaborate dramatic presentation for the Hanukah observance. He has enlisted several groups and individuals who will contribute their talents. He has written the text of the…

… program based on material from the Book of Mac- cabees, including portions of the poetic works of the modern poets Bialik and Lessin. The program will open with the lighting of the Hanukah candles by a…

… group of boys and will be followed by a choral reading, solo and commun- ity singing, a one-act dramatic sketch, interpretive dance and declamation. Talented students of the United Yiddish High School…

… Dramatic Society under the direction of Meyer Eisenberg, who will take a leading role in the play in addition to directing the cast of 20 members: Community singing will he led by Louis Levine. The evening…

… will be available. at the Center on the evening of the pro- gram. %Villkie Interfalth Fellowship Created At His Alma Mater WASHINGTON—The name of the late Wendell Winkle was added to the galaxy of

December 12, 1947 • Page Image 7

Hillel Foundations, Louis 28 THAT PING PONG tourna- 20 groes in Missouri, Michigan and Business and Professional Chap- Disrael Rosenzweig, chairman; mem- 32 ment between Chapters 313 and 16 the District of

… and Pisgah Lodge, has announced Irwin Gordon, director of •Wayne cision voiding . restrictive cove- William J ■ dson; Hillel, Rolfe Well and Ray Davis; Mundy SWAM; filiYO. the appointment of committee…

… Columbia. The ter at 8 p.m., Wednesday, in the Borin Bros. bership, Isadore Starr, chair- 527 of AZA resulted in a vic- 15 33 Michigan Scrap Iron Jewish Center. man, Meyer Lebowitz and Her- tory for the…

University Billet. Girls between nants which discriminate against RwIllberYllip, Arnold Frank and Paul chairmen who will serve until Zu,kel man; conservation. Maxwell D. the ages of 18 and 25 are in- racial…

… Hit Before Court By ILENE LATNER • TWO BBYW GROUPS, the Rebecca Gratz and Louis Mar. shall Auxiliaries, are joining to 4 Jewish Groups Named chairmen of com- sponsor a Chanukah program Support Appeal…

… mittees by Detroit Lodge No. Tuesday evening at Central 1374 are the following: High School. Herbert S. Eskin, president of WASHINGTON —Judicial de- Guest speaker will be Rabbi Interiaith, David B. Kurxtuan…

…, religious or ethnic groups Goldman and Jack Idedv in; A1/1., Stan- the termination of his adminis- in real estate transactions was vited. ley Yates and Harold It. Nelson; pto- giant, liar id H. I:tit:7.'1'ml…

… and IVilliam For information call Marcie asked of the United States Su- tration June 30. Joelson; publicity, Dr. Morton Hack, Eskin also said that several Becker, WE. 4-5100. or Roberta preme Court by…

… civil as part of the 90th anniversary Chanukah gifts were given to In a joint brief filed as friends affairs, Nathan Kaplan and John M. patients at Percy Jones Hospital of the court, the American Jew…

…- celebration of the lodge. Wise; veteran's affairs, Harry Nayer; refr. ltnients V.'illiam B. Harris; aux- „iii Appointed to committees were: by the Rebecca Gratz girls. ish Committee, the Anti-Defama- 11h . . 1…

December 07, 1945 • Page Image 9

… social program will follow bath Eve Services will he held the meeting. Plans are being simultaneously at the University completed for the Donor Lunch- of Michigan Bnai Brith Hillel eon to be held at the…

… 9 p. m. Pillar Temple, on Kercheval. Guest speaker, James P. Welsh, better known as the "Old AAA Traveler" of Automobile Club of Michigan, will talk on "This Amazing America." Welsh, veteran…

… students will discuss the topic, "Is There a Jewish Way of Life?" Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of Hillel Founda- tion, will lead the discussion. Allene Golinkin of Chicago and Edward Tumin will lead off…

MICHIGAN SYNAGOGUE CONFERENCE Pisgah Women B 8 P An open meeting of the Busi- ness and Professional Pisgah Women will be held at Webster Hall, Wednesday evening, Dec. Conservative and Reform Sab- 12. A…

… direction of Frances Pearl, Newark, N. J. Morris U. of M. Hillel F. Solovich Chapter M Center ActivitieJ . . Dexter Blvd. and Cortland St. Pisgah Women "Intolerance" will be Dolly Mason's subject when…

… which bonds were auctioned were matched by Sam's Cut Rate Inc. Sam's staffed the bonds and contrib- uted prizes. Songs and dances were performed by a troup e of young folks from the Miltmore Studios…

…, Dexter and Boston Blvd. Mr. Young was assisted in the rally by the Entertain- ment Committee, consisting of Bros. Sossin and Sam Gutterman. C Brandeis Women Mrs. Francis Solovich presided at a meeting…

… and Jean Howell, trustees; Adelaide De Roven, Belle Dubrinsky, Bernice Howell, Selma Feinberg, Molly Feldman and Rose Stevens, board members. Sam Shulman, president of the Brandeis Lodge, was introduced…

… by Mrs. Solovich, who congratulated the new offi- cers. Det. Lodge Aux. 4 "Your Child and His Future," will be the topic of Guest Speaker Walter Levy of Jewish Vocational Service at the next open…

… meeting of the Detroit Lodge Auxiliary, Dec. 11, 8:30 p.m:, at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. Boasting one of the largest groups of new members to be admitted, Mrs. David Ruby, 1st V. P., in charge of member…

December 31, 1949 • Page Image 14

… deis UniVersitY corrimenceMent president of Michigan Shoe Re- one scholarship from Mr. and exercises or closing convocation. tailers' Association and is a past Mrs. Charles Tarnopol of Cle- * * * ments…

…. 15, A program entitled "Can You HEALTH and WELFARE FUND at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Top This" will be conducted by of MICHIGAN to take • part in Joseph Hirsch, 15361 Linwood Mrs, Morris Adler and her…

… admitting versity of Michigan, where he is displaced persons." affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu. president of the Council of 'Jew- * * * A June wedding is planned. ish Women. NATHAN. HACK, founder of * * * As a…

… volume as a Hillel book for the Nuys and Sawtelle Veterans Ad- ensuing year—will be presented ministration Hospital at West Los the Receipt of publicly each year at the Bran- Angeles. He is honorary ,life…

… tribute to Dr. A. L. Hack Shoe Co., who since his retirement in 1946 has made Sachar, president of Brandeis home in Santa -Monica, Calif., University, the Supreme Lodge will be guest speaker at the Wed- of

…14 THE JEWISH NEWS News Brevities — Friday, December 31, 1948 Shaarey ledek Women, 1. Schlussel to Address Feature Jewish Humor Sisters of Zion. Mizrachi At January 10 Program Irving Schlussel…

…, president of WILLIAM B. HERLANDS, for- CONG. BETH SHMUEL•in- Plans 'June Wedding vites its friends and members to mer New York City Commis- Detroit JNF, will be guest speak- a Hanukah latke party at 7 p. m…

…. sioner of Investigation, has been Mrs. Abe Katzman, president er at a Hanukah., latke • party of of the Sisterhood of Shaarey Ze- the Sisters of Zion Mizrachi at Sunday, Jan. 2, at the synagogue, elected…

… president of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations dek, invites the membership and Dexter and Buena Vista. of America, succeeding Dr. * * * friends to a dessert luncheonette at 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 10, in…

… the Eighteen health and welfare Samuel Nirensteiri. * * * social hall of the synagogue. agencies raising Money in Michi- NORDAU • CHAPTER of the gan have • joined the UNITED Zionist Organization met Dec…

December 05, 1941 • Page Image 6

… Beautiful Dream," a Jewish For joyous, carefree gaiety, ed by the Bnai Brith Hillel Foun- folks operetta, has an interesting dation at the University of plot, with lots of comedy, with rest and relaxation…

…, don't hesi- Michigan on Nov. 29 and 30, modern American-Jewish catchy tate to write for information to H. B. Friedman, managing di- was the largest social undertak- melodies. rector of the Governor…

…, chairman; lunch- University under the direction of at Bnai Moshe Center—Dexter and Lawrence walking distance of all the night eon arrangements, Mrs. Ben Gor- George L. White to raise, money Outsfendisg Event…

…DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and the Legal Chronicle 6 Pre-Holiday Dance of Shaarey Zedek Y. P. S. Sunday Night Annual Chanukah Ball of Bnai Moshe on Sunday Beth El High School Student Council Dance…

… Marvin Frederic and his or- chestra, who have previously been The Wothan's Auxiliary of the Holidays raised amounts for a featured at the Book Cadillac United Hebrew Schools have com- total of $965.36 as…

… provide music for Wednesday, Jan. 28, at the social 3370 W. Boston Blvd., $100; M rs. Grossberg, 2663 Elmhurst, $17. the opening of Club Havana, the The sum of $500 was sent to 13 Temple Beth El social hall…

…, on yeshivoths in Palestine and $200 Dec. 20. was given for the Shanghai ap- The affair is under the aus- peal. The balance of $215.36, is pices of the High School Stu- left for three yeshivoth in…

… Europe dent Council and an evening of DR. WISE SENDS MESSAGE dancing and entertainment is which will be given to Rabbi TO L J. ROSENBERG Cuttler, Rabbi Jaffe and Rabbi promised. Tickets are now on sale…

… Zack of Chofetz Chaim Yeshivoth, by all Council members. In a message to Louis James The 'women thank all who had PHI. GAMMA ETA SORORITY Rosenberg, acknowledging his a share in making this collection…

…- S. Wise wrote: Young People's Society of Baby Aaron Moshe, son of Mr. brated their second anniversary "I appreciate your message to and Mrs. Louis Block of Wash- Congregation Shaarey and the…

December 24, 1948 • Page Image 6

… extends its deepest Your Voice sympathy to Ilarry Mirvis, University of Michigan ,students, Phone TO. 8-6633 president of the BBYO Coun- as judges. PEERLESS The winne'rs of both contests cil, in his recent…

… Rabbi Mandel M. Zager Lodge, Bnai Brith, will be guests of the Zager Chapter at a meeting, Jan. 5. The prgram will coincide with the golden jubilee of the Hillel Foundation, Mrs. Max Sinclair, chapter…

… quintet to pay their dues to be eligible American Jewry Should Support representing the Brewster Center for the two paid-up niunli,ership the dynamic chairman of the war surplus goods division. Michigan

… bereavement, RECORDING STUDIO the loss of his mother. will compete at the District No. 6 convention in Omaha, Neb. A sleigh ride is scheduled for Sunday evening at Roseland, Ont. "Miss Michigan Region" will…

… under wartime conditions, according to Maurice Bisgyer, national sec- retary of Bnai Brith, in a series of articles published by the New York Daily Mirror. Bisgyer recently returned from a trip to Europe…

… and Israel. In Israel, according to Bisgyer's articles, "c hildr en come first in the order of im- portance, cows second, and pa- rents last . . . Yet they carry on — and not for themselves alone. Every…

… , newcomer is wel- come. Refugees, arriving at the rate of 10,000 a month, mean less food, less housing and less of the good things of life for those already there; neverthe- less, the wandering and op…

… guns ready at their side. They pray for Sho- lom — Peace — but it is still a hope to be attained by force of arms. "Although great effort has been made to teach the democ- 1,prr JOE KATZMAN RECORD…

…." Brandeis Lodge to Hail Dubrinsky Samuel Dubrinsky will be hon- ored Tuesday at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg., when the Louis D. Brandeis Lodge, Bnai Brith, pre. sents him 50 new members as part of the current…

… membership drive. ' Max Sosin will act as mas- ter of ceremo- nies for "the evening of fun," Moe R. Miller, pr es i- dent, said. The public is inxit- ed. Robert Rud- Dubrinsky man, Member- ship chairman…

December 03, 1948 • Page Image 13

… kept the fires burn- Hour." It will be presented at manitarian of the Year" award ing were Jack Cooper, Maxie the Michigan Showman's Asso- of the United Jewish Appeal. Robins, Larry Siegel, Judy Aar…

… Har- Weinberg, Dahny Cooper, Har- tournament in Detroit is looking for a queen of the Michigan Re- ris; Dolores Halberstam with Stan vey Miller, Saul Levin, Norm gion. Big personalities will choose…

… the delicious food that was on sale, specially in the booth of Wayne's Hillel RED t.05 worm ; ; She has an electric blanket • • • PARTY AND CLUB NEWS: Beverly Ribiot and a member of the "Cameos…

of the summer camp Local sponsor of the programs for boys and girls. is the coordinating council on Fine, an honor graduate of human relations of the mayor's the University of Toronto in interracial…

…Friday, December 3, 1948 DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Teen-Age Sophisticates By IIELEN TENNENBAUM be of CENTRALITES ON the road to fame: Usually you wait until you graduate to make the head- lines…

…- man, Janis Reiss, Janet Lowinger and Barbara Novick , • . • • • Page Thirteen Town Hall Session Planned by JSG "What Does the Community Expect of the Jewish Young Adult" will be the subject of a Town…

… Hall meeting, Dec. 12 in the Jewish Center, under the auspices of the Junior Service Group. The session will be addressed by George Stutz, president of Temple Israel, and Moshe Haar, director of the…

…- SAMUEL GOLDWYN, noted nie Grodam, Gerre Aaron, Larry Actors Company performance of motion picture producer,. has Lillian Hellman's "Children's Cowan and Grace Wuntner. been awarded the 1948 "Hu- More who…

…- ciation, 3153 Cass near Peterboro. Goldwyn is president of the on. Arnie Atter, Tamara Mitchell, Hal Levy, Al Aaron, Adelle United Jewish Welfare Fund of Los Angeles, which raised ATTENTION ALL GALS who…

… Pearlinan and Howie Finkelstein. $10,000,000 this year. hope to be future Miss Americas. • • • Here is your chance. To cele- OTHERS AT weiner roasts brate the 25th year of AZA, its were Irene Swartz with Joe…

December 08, 1944 • Page Image 28

… was employed In the cus- tomer's service of the Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. Inducted on April .1, 1943, •he was sent to Camp Gordon, - Ga.., where he 'remained for _15 months. With -.the mechanized…

… second year in service. Bnai Brith Records 26,631 in Service; 268 Die in Action WASHINGTON—Of the 26,631. members of Bnai Brith, Aleph Zadik Aleph, Bnai Brith Girls and Hillel Foundations, 268 have been…

…. Ralph David-_ son, who attended as an alter- nate for Mrs. J. H. Ehrlich. Rabbi Jerome D. Folkmart of Gran d' Rapids represented the state of Michigan exclusive of Detroit. Absentees from the Detroit…

… aboard the troop transport SS Dorchester when it was torpedoed off Greenland early on the morning of Feb. 3, 1943. . Teachtrs' Seminary, Peoples University Launch 26th Year 7 rtesiimger TH,E JEWISH…

… NEWS w .4Y-894 NEW YORK—The 26th year of the Jewish Teachers' Seminary and Peoples' University com- menced, on Oct. 16, and continues until Jtine, 1945. Besides the prescribed teach- ers' curriculum…

…Pvt. Frank Selman At Camp McCoy Sgt. Stein Wounded In France, Nov. 13 Conference Armed Forces 1,44 et Five Torahs . .. The father of two children, Earl, 3, and Gerald, 10 months, Pvt. Frank…

… Selman, a former window trimmer and manager of the Fay Shops is serving with the medical corps at Camp McCoy, Wis. Inducted in April, 1944, Pvt. Selman, 29 was first sent to Camp Hood, Tex., from there Pvt…

…. Selman to Camp Chaffee, -Ark., and then to his present station. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Selinan of 3375 Collingwood. His wife, Anne, and children reside on Elmhurst Ave. Sgt. Klein Injured; Gets…

… he in- curred in action. Sgt. Klein, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klein of 4038 Duane Ave., a Central High Sgt. Klein School graduate, was studying accounting at the Detroit Technical Institute.' He also…

… cavalry as a radio operatoi; he was sent to England last July. Hero Chaplain Awarded DSC Posthumous Honors Given Rabbi Goode and Three Christian Clergymen WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rabbi .Alexander D.` Goode of

December 05, 1947 • Page Image 9

…- dations at Wayne University and University of . Michigan or from any member of the JS( committee. 01111111111111111111…

… constructive aspects, since it is completely devoid of the positive approaches to Jewish life. Let's hear the view of a non-Jew! * * * Faye Portner of Temple Beth El was elected president of the Ohio-Michigan

… night, Dr. Abba Hillel' Silver told the gath- ering of 20,000 that arms are necessary and demanded strong efforts to protect the new state). An indictment of Soviet Russia as "destroying all hope of eco…

… previously scheduled dance in order to assure the suc- cess of the Hanukah Hop. Tickets, at $3.60 per couple, are on sale at Grinnell's, the Jewish Center, Jewish Welfare Federation Office, Hillel Foun…

… attained -unanimous approval from the UN Ad Hoc Committee. His intimate friends call him "Mike" and refer to him as "Coach.' Former Canadian ambassador to the U. S., he piloted University of Toronto football…

….—The American Jewish Conference fell "flat" in one of the most historic moments in our history. The first session was as cold as the tremendous Chicago Civic Opera House (the Insull creation). Dr. Stephen S. Wise…

… and Dr. Israel Goldstein gave it some life. But real warmth was lacking. The conventions of the American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers and of Junior Hadassah radiated a considerable amount of

… enthusiasm upon hearing the significant reports from Lake Success. Perhaps the absence of the leading Zionists, who, of necessity, had to be at Lake Success, was directly responsible for the chill. It took 24…

…. hours for the real spirit which motivated the formation of the American Jewish Conference to gather momentum. * * * Bob Gamzey — Clear-Thinking Jewish Publisher Robert S. Gamzey of the Denver Jewish News…

… is not only one of the most enterprising but is also one of the clearest thinking English-Jewish publishers. Gamzey—he has been elevated to the national secretaryship of the American Association of

December 12, 1947 • Page Image 18

… WOMEN will meet at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, at Central High, room 2111. Rabbi Irwin Gordon of Wayne University Hillel Foundation will be guest speaker. Young women 18 to 25 are invited. For…

… United Hebrew Schobls and a memlker of Habonim. He hopes to attend the University of Michigan after graduation from Central. Eliot will receive $200 in bonds for his victory in Detroit, and, with the…

… presentations by the The bride-elect attended Wayne Sisterhood choral group. Pro- University, and her fiance attend- ceeds will go toward the building ed Purdue University before serv- fund of the synagogue: ing…

…— h ---- _. Iiimul.1110111111111111.1w-7 Ll THE JEWISH NEWS Page Eighteen Youth Groups During the SOS campaign, the girls of the REBECCA GRATZ AUXILIARY of Bnai Brith Young Women donated cans…

of food and assisted in the city-wide drive. Dec. 7. As part of their Hanukah program the girls sent Hanukah gifts to Percy Jones Hospital. Tuesday evening, Dec. 16, at Central High School, Re- becca…

… •• Becker, WE 4-5100. * * • The TALL TOWERS -- social comniittee; consisting of Myron Korner, Rose Seats:' Rita Getof- - sky, Maryin Victor, Norman _Peck and• Norman Meyers, has arrang- ed an open latke party…

…. Sunday evening, Dec. 14, at the •home of Doris prober, - 2547 Monterey. Any one interested in attending will be welcome, providing they meet the height requirements. For information call TY.. 7…

…-2027. * * * YOUNG PEOPLE'S CLUB OF TEMPLE BETH EL will hold a hay ride, or sleigh ride—depend- ing on the 'Weather—at Morton's Riding' - Stables,- Saturday - night; Dec. 20. The affair is -, Open to, members and…

…'S MIZRACHI will hold a membership cocktail party Monday at 12:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. William Heller, 18980 Wildemere. _ Entertainment will be by Mickey Wolfe, - * * * LOUIS MARS H A L L BNAI BRITH YOUNG…

… information, contact mem- bership chairman Roberta Silver- stein, stein, TY. 8-5038. • * * Isidore Sobeloff, executive di- rector of the Jewish Welfare Fed- ' eration, will discuss "Inner De- fenses Against…

December 03, 1948 • Page Image 16

…, 2705 Joy road. Friends are urged to at- tend. By FRANK BECKMAN IF YOU DROPPED in at any major Jewish social function at the University of Michigan, chances are you would see at least one Jew- ish…

… Roy F. Green Post last week donated 10 new overcoats to the Dearborn Veter. ans Hospital. • • • Beckman Danny Dworsky, the brilliant center on the football team, for example, is a member of Hillel

… uncertainty, is now stronger and more hopeful than it has been since the historic resolu- tion of exactly a year ago. 2 Star for Iowa AT ANOTHER Big Nine insti- tution, the University of Iowa, two Jewish…

University of Iowa. The Hawkeyes expect big things of him. (See "Our Athletes," col- umn 1). Eban at JDC Parley • • • Ginsberg Returns THE OTHER Iowa gridder is Lou Ginsberg, 21-year-old junior in the…

…Page Sixteen Our Addeies Our Athletes' at M' Active in Jewish Life DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Friday, December 3, 1943 HailN Bel-Ai•e Food BULLETIN THE NEXT MEETING of the Yetz-Cohen Ladies…

… Auxiliary is scheduled for 8:30 p. m., Mon- day, in the home of Minnie Al- pert, 2715 Rochester avenue. Prospective members are invited. Mickey and Sam Woolf, Jimmy Clark, Marian Gilette and Fred Kendall…

… athlete among the throng. This is an- other way of sa ying that Jewish athletes are very much a part of Jew- ish life on the campus. AS PART OF ITS program to bring comfort to convalescing servicemen, the…

… tackle respectively, were star performers on the first-string junior varsity, while Laker held down a reserve tackle post f& the JV's. The Sammies also list Al Lip- nick, member of last year's fresh- man…

… basketball team and now a candidate for the varsity. A third fraternity, Pi Lambda Phi, is looking to its Neil Brown to win a spot on the varsity cage squad. Also a pitcher of no lit- tle ability, Brown will…

… be seek- ing a baseball spot come spring. In addition, Pi Lambda boasts three members of the 150-pound football team in Stan Emerling, Jerry Briskin and Lloyd Gilden. George Givot, noted comedian…

December 17, 1943 • Page Image 11

… Homeland; Senators Wagner, McNary Head National Effort With Judge Anna Moskowitz Kros of New York as guest speaker, the Michigan Chapter of the American Palestine Committee will convene. at a luncheon at…

… the - Book Cadillac Hotel at 12:15 p. m. on Tuesday. Judge Frank A. Picard, chairman of the Michigan Chap- ter of the movement of Christian friends of a Jewish Pales- tine, will preside at the luncheon…

… the Bnai Brith activities, including the work of Rev. Howard R. Carey, Grand Rapids; Charles L. Anspach, Mt. Hillel Foundations,. AZA, Anti- Pleasant; Paul W. Finks, Grand Defamation LeagUe and Voca…

… enroll the broad choir of the Halevy Singing Society. mass of Christian Americans. "The initial response to our ap- peal for membership is highly en- MICHIGAN'S LARGEST couraging," Senator Wagner said…

…Friday, Deeember 77 1941 THE JEWISH NEWS , Judge Kross Will Address Our Palestine Group's Luncheon CHILDREN'S N. Y. Woman Jurist to Speak Tuesday at Gathering Here of Christian Friends of Jewish…

… which will be attended by promi- litical support from the United nent state leaders in all walks of States under successive adminis- life. trations, regardless of party," and Judge Kross has gained fame…

… declared that by joining the for her decisions in cases involv- American Palestine Committee, ing juvenile delinquency prob- Americans "will strengthen the lems, and for her efforts to im- hands of the…

… American Govern- prove Negro relations in New ment in its traditional support of York. the Jewish - National Home policy, Manifold Activities and hearten the homeless Jews of A graduate of the New York…

…." litical commissions before becom- "ing judge. She was an assistant corpora- tion counsel of the city of New York, 1918-1923; legal advisor to the Building and Allied Trades Compensation Bureau, 1923 - 25…

…; was appointed by Governor Al Smith on commission to investi- gate defects in the law and its administration. Monsky Outlines Activities; A director of many women's Sees Conference Dispute civic…

December 01, 1944 • Page Image 15

… died Nov. 23 at HARRY NEW-MAN, one of Sniderman announce the unveil- University of Michigan's all time ing of a monument over his grave Paul Muni's home this week for the age of 15. Funeral services…

… from the 10 a. m. Wednesday. Rates: 25c a line. fairs, will be the speaker for the Minimum charge 50c. Detroit Town Hall in the Cass At the Meeting of the Michigan World. Jewish Congress names of Jewish…

… Brith. Hillel Home, a may be consulted at the- office fied the Detroit:Town Hall • audi- , for postwar security. Good hours of the Jewish Social Service Bu- resolution was adopted pledging ence at the…

… - Michigan Women of Bnai CA, 1729 between 11 and 1. ; Sense in Child Training." Brith." By Danny Raskin * * * WANTED • by educational director of Speakers at the meetings of the Trees were planted in Palestine…

Hillel ceremony' includes missions over Germany, Italy by the BEN STONE FAMILY. Prof. • James K. Pollack,• Dr. MRS. FANNIE WASSERMAN, - neighborhood within a walking dis- tance of Chicago Blvd. The home…

… name * * * can't know of the care and needs GIRDLES made to order. Natural children. Burial was in Mach- of patients . . . Michigan's un- AGUDATH HANOAR HAIVRI is Siegel and a mighty nice pelah Cemetery…

…Friday, December 1‘, 1944 THE JEWISH NEWS Local Brevities Jewish Youth's Bnai Brith Women Set .$500;000 Goa/ In Sixth War Loan Page Fifteen Social Service Bureau Has List of Refugees…

… bookkeeper to DR. GEORGE W. CRANE, dy- junction with the ceremony for The lists with these names the burning of the mortgage of namic _psychologist who electri- start Tan. 1. Excellent, opportunity the.: Bnai…

… . Fisher theater last ence ' and good pay. CA. 7632, Mr. Nakell. reau, 5737 - Second Ave., 8:30 a. the: sale. of $500,000 in War Bonds season, returns by popular mand, Wednesday morning, Dec: during the…

…. Sixth War Loan, in m. to 5 .p, m., Monday through TYPIST with knowledge of bookkeep• 6, at 11 a. m., to talk on "HorSe orderto_ .name 'a bomber "Spirit Friday. ing for accountant's office, Phone \ of

December 28, 1945 • Page Image 11

… Miss Marilyn Katz a student at parent body is an integral part af received. prominent soprano, accompanied are entertaining a group of the University of Michigan is the World Zionist Organization by her…

… years to make such a good holiday vacation from the Uni- tend this rally. name for the women of this so- Mrs. Isadore Katz entertained versity of Michigan with her par- at a farewell luncheon honoring The…

…., versity of Michigan student, is Levine will be hostesses to Miss united in marriage to Mr. Harry Martin Barrer of Ohio Avenue. Jan. 10: Black, on Sunday, December 16, spending her ten day vacation with…

of the United States and in New York City. to celebrate Detroit. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver has joined Mrs. 1-farvith and the 80th birthday of her mother. officiated at the Oakwood Country years overseas…

… Klein of 29KI Franklin Herbert, at Congrega- Dr. and Mrs. Perry P. Burnstine sity of Michigan visiting her par- Srere. Monterey Avenue celebrated their tion Shaarey Zedek, Saturday, . of LaSalle Blvd…

…. Samuel Ackerman is leav- Hyman Adler of Congregation tending the University of Chicago, ing for Miami Beach for the win- Ezra Women Make Thud David. has arrived home and is spending ter. She will be at…

…. Calvert Avenue was graduated chester Ave., invites her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katkin. • Mr. last week from the University of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mitchell ac- and friends to the Bar-Mitzvah of Mr. and…

…- nearly four years of service, the gree. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Pur- dent at the University of Michi- Past year being in the ETO. --- ther, of Grand Ave., announce s). David Burnstine is home from Miss…

…" CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI toe Realm o Zocal Societ y Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink of Miss Louise Schiffman and her father Mr. A. Schiffman have re- the Lee Plaza are spending the turned from several days…

… spent holiday week-end with relatives in Cincinnati. in Cleveland. Junior Mizrachi Seek New Members JNF Ladies Hold Rally Lechem Aneeim Ladies An open meeting and rally of Plan Annual Banquet the…

December 02, 1949 • Page Image 24

… Haskell L. Lazare, Michigan ADL direc- tor. Information booths attended by Hillel Foundation members of Wayne University will be under the direction of Rabbi Max Ka- pustin, Wayne U. Hillel director. Bnai…

… music at Wayne University. Rebecca Ehrinpreis and Rosa- lind Schubot are co-chairmen of this fund-raising project. Sophie Blanche Schwartz is chairman of the division. Labor Zionist Units Launch Shekel…

… Progress Tickton to Present Musical Lecture For Hadassah BP Leon Kay, president of the Detroit Zionist District, an- nounced that Benjamin Weiss, Detroit industrialist and mem- bership chairman of the…

… Zionist Organization of Detroit, will head the local Zionist membership drive, to be launched The Business and Professional on Hanukah. The drive will reach its peak on Z-DAY, Jan. 8. Volun- Division of

… Hadassah will mark the culmination of their success- teer workers will' call on every ful Honor Roll drive at 8:30 p.m. Detroit Jewish family. Weiss called upon the 4,000 members of the local Zionist…

… District to reaffirm their faith in the eternal concept of Zion- ism. Philip Slomovitz, editor of The Jewish News, who has just re- turned from an extended visit to Israel, will be the guest speak- er at a…

… public meeting of the Detroit Zionist District Thurs- day evening, Dec. 15, at North- west Synagogue. His topic will be "American Jewry in Israel: Pretense or Cooperation?" Kay is calling a special meeting…

of the board of directors to dis- cuss and adopt an eight-point plan to be known as the "De- troit Program." Adoption of the "Detroit pro- grant" was urged by the presi- dent. to bring the Zionist pro…

…- BENJAMIN WEISS grani "into the heart and home" of Detroit's Jewry. ion of the policy committee of Recommendations for action the Zionist Organization, held resulted from the all-day sess- Nov. 27. Israel…

… Must have Priority On UJA Funds Goldmann Continued from Page 1 • mann of the American section of Jewish Agency, appealed to Addressing the conference the from his home in Princeton, the conference not…

December 12, 1947 • Page Image 13

…Sed• at Hillel the door., or "-, at FounelatiOnS at Wayne University and the :University of. Michigan, Ann -Arbor; Jewish Center, Jew- ' ish Welfare Federation office or from any cominittee • member…

…- Dr. Weitz, who came to Vassar Dr. Morris Weitz, professor of in 1945, received his M. A. and philosophy at Vassar Callege, son Ph. D. from the Universtiy of of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weitz of 3344 Michigan in…

… 1943 and spent the Fullerton. has been awarded a following year at the University faculty fellowship and will be of Washington as assistant pro- An exhibit of photographs de- on leave next term to…

…Jr. Service Group Hanukah Hop Display of Photos At Masonic Temple This Saturday On Life in Poland Ticket sales for the Hanukah Hop, sponsored by the Junior Service Group of the Jewish Wel- fare…

… Federation, at 9 p. m. Satur- day night . at Masonic Temple, in- •dicate the event will be one of the social highlights of the season, ac- cording to Law- rence ,Fleisch- man • and Elaine Krohn, chairmen of

…. • Cooperating with the Junior Service Group, the Holiday Hop Committee of the Center can- ,. celled its Hanukah dance, origin- ally scheduled for this Sunday. Mrs. Adler to Deliver Book Review for JSG…

… Continuing the series of Book Reviews sponsored by the Junior Service Group, Mrs. Morris Adler will give a summary review of several recent books at 8 p. m., Monday, Jan. 12, at the Jewish Center. The series…

… is under the chairmanship of Agnes A. Brown. Three Named to Board of Junior SerVice Group Jerome W. Kellman, Lilo Stark and Adeline Subar have been add- ed to the board of directors of the Junior…

… Service Group to serve the remainder of unexpired terms. Dr. Samuel Krohn, JSG presi- dent, announced. JSG Discussion Group To Hear Council Director Oscar Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Community…

… Coun- cil, will discuss "What Good Is a Law?" at the neJct: . discussion group, sponsored by the Junior Service Group, at 2:30 p, m., Sun- day, Jan. 18, in Butzel -Hall of the Jewish Center.. The…

December 11, 1942 • Page Image 7

… Foun- dation and Avukah chapter of the • University of Michigan on Dec. 6. The choral group of Avukah, directed by Elyse Git- low and David Mondrey, sang a group of songs. Games, directed by Len Levy and…

… Democracy," MICHIGAN'S LARGEST ' of 60,000 once employed there. Jewish lives ,taken by our en- Asher Mitteldorf Family under auspices of the Detroit FLORSHEIM. DEALER t I ItORSHEIM The report also "confirms…

… Representatives on the GLOVES . "•" I 1 , Frank AL Seder's Gift Suggestions Avukah's Midwestern Conference Jan. 1-3 Rabbi Herschel Lymon of Tem- ple Beth El addressed the Hanu- kah celebration of Hillel

Michigan chapter will include Zav Schumer, president; Elise Zeme, secretary; Elyse Git- low, treasurer; Max Dresden, fac- ulty advisor, and Stuart Gold- farb, member of the executive board. A delegation will…

… - this week observed Palestine with a huge demonstra- — with miniature hat in tion in Tel Aviv culminating in Jew within the area. - a universal day of mourning and a bonfire on Habimah Square at box makes…

…• Page Seven: _THE JEWISH NEWS Friday. Decernber.:1I, Dr. Louis Finkelstein Speaks Wednesday for Detroit Round Table Two2 Thirds of Jews in Poland Slain Since Nazi Occupation omen's Clubs…

…. 5-6875. .,* Infants. Service Group met at the home of Mrs. M. Wittits, 18450 Wisconsin, where mem- bers packed Hanukah boxes to be distributed among needy. It was decided that for the duration of the…

… war Meetings be held -during the day instead of evenings. A victory luncheon for mem- bers was given at the Lee Plaza Tuesday. J: Hackman was asked to double the amount of boxes sent last year to the…

… boys in service for Hanukah. Dr. Louis • Finkelstein, presi- Theological dent Of the _ 0 Seminary of merica, will speak Underground Report Bares National Tragedy, Urges Action, in behalf of the American…

… leading • organizations. The Jewish Labor . Committee LONDON,. (JTA) — Jews in • a number of Polish towns erected barricades around the Jewish quarters and made public the text of a mes- sage received from…

December 03, 1948 • Page Image 6

… Coun- Foundation at the University of cil, will speak on "Future Re- Michigan in Ann Arbor. In line with the expansion of lationship of the American Jewish Community and Israel" the educational…

… worker in this cause. He is a member of Congregations Shaar- ey Zedek and Bnai Moshe, High- land Park Lodge No. 468, F. & A M., Michigan Sovereign Consistory, Moslem Temple, Har- ry B. Keidan Lodge of Bnai…

… Brith, State Bar of Michigan, and of the American Bar Association. He has been actively engaged in the practice of the law for 28 years, and is presently associated with his brothers, Abe, Walter and…

… for rabbis .and the College- Institute's pre-rabbinic training To Labor Zionist Group program with Rabbi Herschel Oscar Cohen, executive director Lymon, director of the Hillel of the Jewish Community…

of. Wayne University. Three scholarships will be awarded each year for three suc- cessive years, commencing with the 1949 fall school term. The scholarships will cover tuition for four years for each…

… selections will be made by the Wayne University Counselor in Student Financial Aids and Council Delegates To Meet Thursday Election of a member of the executive committee to fill the vacancy caused by the…

…. Students Fin- ancial Aid Committee. Announcements of the scholar- ships will be sent to all high schools by Wayne University and forms for applications for the scholarships will be. furnished to principals…

…Detroiters Invited to Windsor's `Night of Stars' Saturday Night; Also Sponsor 'International Night 6 Friday,. December 3, 1948 9 Windsor Lodge No. 1011 of sponsoring "International Night" Bnai…

… Brith will sponsor its long- at Elmwood Hotel. The "International Night" pro- awaited "Night of Stars On Sat- urday, Dec. 4, at midnight, at -gram will precede the midnight show on Saturday. There will be…

… Capitol Theater in Windsor. Principals and the , cast of cocktail's, dinner and dancing, "Song of Norway" and "Annie and hundreds of Windsor and De- Get Your Gun", Phil Brestoff troit residents are expected…

December 06, 1940 • Page Image 7

…- sity. Mr. Dunitz graduated from the University of Michigan, Col- lege of Engineering, and the University of Michigan Graduate School. Mrs. Morry Skolnick, program chairman of the Detroit League AZA De…

…Molay ° will open up the activities of the three-day AZA Jr. Bnai Brith Michigan Regional Tournament on Wednesday evening, Dec. 25. Le- roy Smith and his Victor Re- cording band have been engaged to play for the…

Hillel Committee for Dis- League Congress to be held in trict No. 6, and last week-end was Symphony Orchestra. Detroit on Feb. 16, when more in Chicago and Champaigt for Maxie Rosenbloom, of the than 1000…

…, assistant pro- fessor of medicine at the Bos- ton University School of Medi- cine, whose address on "Recent Advances in Vitamin Therapy," will be given at the Detroit In- stitute of Art Lecture Hall on…

… bowlers from all sec- the rededication of the New Hil- screen and ring, is going to run tions of the country will compete lel Foundation at the University of Illinois. a Miami night club this season. for…

… as Altman Observes Honors Her Betrothal Her Wedding Date Ballin Lecture on Ilth Anniversary Of Broadcasting Wednesday, Dec. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Max Siegel of Judges Scallen, Skillman, and Nicol and Aaron…

… Rosenberg Among Speakers On Sunday, Dec. 1, Hyman Altman completed 11 years of continuous broadcasting on Sta- tion The final speaker in the eighth series of the Dr. Max Ballin Memorial Lectures, sponsored…

… by LONDON, (Palcor Agency)— Zionism, the rebuilding of Eretz 1110 Atkinson Ave., will be hosts Israel as the Jewish National at a reception on Sunday, Dec. Home, is the only logical answer 8, from 2…

… to 5 p. m., in honor that can be made by the Jewish people to the ruthless policy of evacuation now being pursued in Central Europe, or to the more insidious inroads made on its national integrity by…

… assimila- tion, according to Prof. Selig Brodetsky, president of the Jew- ish Board of Deputies and Po- litical Head in London of the Jewish Agency Executive. North End Clinic, will be Dr. Harold J. Jeghers…

December 17, 1943 • Page Image 14

… Moshe of Detroit, has been in- vited by the Hillel Foundation of the University of Michigan, to addres the Friday eyening serv- ice on Dec. 17, at Ann Arbor. The topic of his address will be, "Changing…

… Palestine in New York. • Opens Hotel in Miami Beach, Dec. 20 Gittleman Friday, December 17, 1943 Rabbi Nathan Talks At Hillel Services Rabbi. Jacob J. Nathan, spirit- ual leader of Congregation Bnai…

…THE 'JEWISH NEWS Page Fourteen Israel Sisterhood Honors Members Approximately 150 women at- tended the meeting and dessert luncheon of the Temple Israel Sisterhood on Dec. 13 at the De- troit…

…' Institute of Arts. The Red Cross unit was hostess at the luncheon. Mrs. Samuel B. Danto, presi- dent, welcomed members and guests following group singing of the Star Spangled Banner and the National…

… Sisterhood Prayer, read by Mrs. Harold Schakne. Mrs. Arthur Hass made the an- nual presentation of the Hanukah candles to the Sunday School. Mrs. Jerome Kanter, chairman of the Red Cross unit, presented a…

… corsage to Mrs. Hilda Morris for her 1,600 hours of service. Mrs. Leo Rubenstein, with 700 hours of work, was cited and service stripeS were presented to the fol- lowing: Mesds. Phillip Arnold, . Max Abram…

… set for the Sisterhood - appearance at the Blood Bank. For information call Mrs. Harry Goldberg, TE. 1-2422. Mrs. Harry Singer, UN. 3-9091, is chairman .of the :USG committee, which set Dec. 27 as the…

… date at the USG. Yeshivah Reports Large Enrollment Rabbi Moses Fischer, chairman , of the Vaad HaChinuch of Yeshi- vath Beth Yehudah, at the semi- rrinual membership meeting of the institution, gave a…

… highly in- t'resting report on enrollment. At present, 271 students attend the Yeshivah, 228 in the main building and 43 in the two branches. Nine instructors con- s'_Lute the staff of the Yeshivah and 15…

…' classes are offering in- • struction to students according to their level of knowledge. The elementary department of the Yeshivah contains two grades. The high school has five classes and the Talmudical…

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