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December 08, 1944 - Image 9

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1944-12-08

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Friday, December 8, 1944

Spokesman of Orthodox, Conservative and
Reform Jewry Endorse J. D. C. Sabbath

▪ •




The Legal Chronicle

Jr. Hadassah to Hear
Convention Report at
Meeting on Dec. 10


Mizrachi Mobilizes Synagogues for Active
Participation in Fight for Commonwealth

Rabbi Leo Jung of the Jew- private agency. It far outstrips
An intensive campaign is be- Detroit is continuing with plans
ish Center in New York, Rabbi in knowledge of need, in econ-
ing instituted by Mizrachi to ac- for the 33rd anniversary celebra-
Israel Herbert Levinthal of the omy, in action and in the speed
tion, which will take place on
Brooklyn Jewish Center, and Rab- with which it can bring relief, ior Hadassah will take place this quaint the memberships of the Jan. 14, at the Social Hall of
bi Jonah B. Wise of the Central wherever possible, any other such Sunday, Dec. 10, at 2:30 p. m. local synagogues with the prob- the Shaarey Zedek. Everything
at the Shaarey Zedek.
Synagogue, today issued state- agency.
lems facing our people in the is being done to make this an
Leah Davidson, former presi- reconstruction of Eretz Israel as outstanding community celebra-
ments urging all American Jews
"The Joint Distribution Com-
to attend their synagogues on mittee known no political boun- dent of the Little Women of Ha- a Jewish Commonwealth, and to tion.
"J.D.C. Sabbath," Saturday, Dec. daries or barriers either of in- dassah, will give a report of the mobilize them for active partici-
On Saturday evening, Nov. 25,
2. The Sabbath, which will be formation or of ideas. It knows 21st annual convention of Junior pation in this great task.
at 8:30 p. m., Mizrachi held a
observed in Orthodox, Conserva- only human beings and has main- Hadassah recently held in Atlan-
Every congregation will be general membership meeting at
tive and Reform synagogues tained that attitude during all tic City.
asked to enroll in tote as a mem- Lachar's on 12th St. at Taylor,
The speaker for the meeting ber in Mizrachi and will be asked and every member is urged to
throughout the United States, has of its 30 years war for thP re-
is Miss Zelda Rosenthal, prom- to sign the following pledge as come and participate in our work
been proclaimed by the Syna- demption of Jews."
for Eretz Israel.
gogue Council of America to
The following local rabbis will inent in Jewish educational work part of securing membership:
honor the American Jewish Joint speak on the J.D.C. on Sabbath, in Detroit, and an active Zionist.
"Our Congregation, which is
All Jewish girls from 18 to 25 faithful to the Torah and to the
Distribution Committee for its 30 Dec. 2: Rabbi Fram, Temple Is-
years of service to Jewry.
rael; Rabbi Hershman, Shaarey are welcome to come to the meet- prophetic assurance of the divine-
These spokesmen stressed the Zedek; Rabbi Wohlgelernter, Beth ings, and to join in the work.
our own land, join in the de- Rabbi Fram on Round
For further information call mand of the Jewish people that
problems facing European Jews Tefilo Emanuel; Rabbi Fischer,
Table Program Dec. 12
in the postwar years. They em- Bnai Moshe; Rabbi Levin, Beth Gertrude Goldman, membership ly promised return of Israel to
phasized that American Jews Tikvah; Rabbi Stollman, Mishkan chairman, TY. 5-4985, or Cor- the peace conference, following
On Tuesday, Dec. 12, Rev. Jos-
must bear primary responsibility Israel; Rabbi Rosenwasser, Down- inne Perlis, TO. 8-3399.
the victory of the United Na- eph Q. Mayne, executive secre-
for their financial help and that town Synagogue; Rabbi Sperka,
. tiops, Palestine be proclaimed a
tary of the Detroit Round Table
Jewish Commonwealth.
the J.D.C. is the organization Bnai David; Rabbi Silver, Anshe
Catholics, Jews and Protest-
equipped to undertake the re- Moshe; Rabbi Thumin, Beth Ab-

United States, which has entered ants will address the assembly
quired ' rehabilitation and recon- raham; Rabbi Hobermari, Beth
of the goo d w ill industries ; on the
struction program.
Itzchok; Rabbi Rabinowitz, Beth
Lt. (jg) Sally Lieberman, t e war against tyranny and in
The full text of their state- Shmuel; and Rabbi Glazer. Tem- USNR, who is stationed with the protection of the smaller nations, same day, the Detroit Round
ments follow.'
ple Beth El.
WAVES in Washington, D. C., and which endorsed the original Table will present Rabbi Leon
Rabbi Leo Jung:
is home on leave at the home Balfour Declaration favoring the Fram before the Women's Asso-
homeland, openly demand elation of the Grosse Pointe
"The Union of Orthodox Con-
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Jewish
at the peace conference that the Memorial Church; on Wednes-
gregations is particularly proud Bnai Brith Women
J. Leiberman.
gates of Palestine be thrown day, Dec. 13, Mr. Mayne will take
* * *
to be observing J.D.C. Sabbath Set 500,000 Goal in
open to homeless Jews seeking part at a panel discussion before
today. Thirty years ago we heard
Mr. and Mrs. William Lutren deliverance in the cradle of re- the Guidance Association of the
the 'voices of our brothers' blood 6th War Bond Drive
have returned home after spend- ligion and civilization; and that Detroit Schools, on "What Youth
crying from the ground'—the an-
ing several weeks in California. the land wrested from Israel by Seeks Now and in the Postwar
* * *
At a Michigan Council conven-
guished pleas of European Jews
the sword be fully restored to World."
caught on the battlefields of the tion of the Bnai Brith held at
Mrs. Fannie Schoenberger, who us."
On Thursday, Dec. 14, Mr.
first World War—and we re- Ann Arbor, a resolution was died in Ludington last week, was
Rabbi Dr. Israel Elfenbein, a Mayne will confer with Morey
sponded to their need, bending passed to raise at least a half buried in this city on Friday
our organized efforts to the crea- million dollars in the current afternoon, Rabbi Mendel Glancz noted Zionist leader, will visit Plovin of Bnai Brith and other
tion of an agency which would War Loan Drive. When that officiating. She is survived by our city to institute this great community leaders in Flint,
Mich., with regard to the estab-
be able to cope with the tremen- goal is reached a bomber will be her husband, Gust, and two sons, campaign.
The Mizrachi organization of lishment of a Flint Round Table.
dous problems facing Jewry. The named the "Spirit of Michigan Kalman and Leo of Ludington.
Joint Distribution Committee was Women of Bnai Brith." Mrs.
* * *
that agency, and in three decades Samuel Aaron, president of the
sponsored for
of world service it has justified Women's Council, urged the Braille by the Temple Sisterhood
our hopes. Facing the gigantic
on Sunday was very successful
responsibilities of the future, a They were greatly encouraged financially as well as in attend-
combined American Jewry dedi- when Mrs. Samuel Banks an-
cates itself solemnly on this day nounced that the Louis Marshall ance.
* * *
to continue, in ever-expanding group has already sold in excess
Levinsohn of De-
programs, its merciful work for of $50,000.
The other highlights of the troit, who is stationed in Geor-
the salvation of the body and
the soul of the Jewish people." convention were the burning of gia, visited his sister and brother-
Rabbi Israel Herbert Levin- the U. of M. Hillel Foundation in-law the past
* * *
mortgage. It was an impressive
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koffman
"As the long night of Nazi ceremony and ended 18 years of
terror and barbarism approaches Hillel activity at the University. left this week for Florida to
its end, persecuted remnants of The building, however, was pur- spend the winter
* * *
devastated Jewish communities chased only two years ago. Dr.
Mrs. Sam Kessler is in Chicago
dare for the first time in 11 years Abram L. Sacha•, national di-
to lift their eyes to the future. recto• of Hillel Foundations, was where she is visiting friends and
Hundreds of thousands of Jews the principal speaker.
* * *
The $10,000 that the Council
now beginning to creep out of
Roman has left for
hiding owe their lives to the
Joint Distribution Committee; to remodeling of three lounge rooms New York where she will visit
Europe's Jews it has been a con- at the Percy Jones Hospital is her son, Robert, a student at
Columbia College.
also nearing its end.
stant source of help and hope.
* *
Many notables were present
"Today, as J.D.C. maps its pro-
Mrs. I. Voight was agreeably
gram for the future, it faces both at the banquet, which cul-
greater problems than any Jew- minated the convention, and at surprised during the past week
ish relief agency has ever known. the ceremonies. Dr. James K. by the arrival of her son, Ph. M.
Whole commuities will have to Pollock, Professor of Political 1/C Stuart Voight, after an ab-
be rebuilt. A new generation Science at the University of sence of 14 months in England
must be taught the ways of Michigan, spoke about "Occupa- and Scotland. He and his family
peaceful living in a civilized tion of Germany After the War." reside in Flint.
* *
world. Providing economic op- Robert Lappen, Hillel commis-
Louis Price, who conducted a
portunity for displaced and tor- sioner from Des Moines, Ia.;
tured European Jews will require Harry Frankel, brother of the clothing store on the West Side
tremendous resources and ener- late Rabbi Benjamin Frankel, for 42 years until retirement a
brother of the late Rabbi Ben- few months ago, because of ill
"We are confident, however, jamin Frankel, founder of Hillel health, died Friday, Nov. 24, at
that the J.D.C., which has dem- movement; Harvey Steadman, his home, 202 N. Erie Ave. He
onstrated its abilities to meet president of the Michigan Men's was 75 years old. The body was
catastrophies in the past 30 years, Council; Mrs. Samuel Aaron, taken to the Edward Gilbert Fun-
will prove equal to this under- president of the Michigan Wom- eral Home in Detroit, where serv-
taking. On J.D.C. Sabbath, Amer- en's Council; Mrs. Louis Perlman, ices were held Sunday afternoon
ican Jewry reaffirms its support president of District Women's at 2 o'clock. Burial was in Oak
Grand Lodge No. 6; Harry Yud- Vitw Cemetery, Royal Oak. Mr.
of this great organization."
koff, president of District Men's Price came to America when 14
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise:
"Now that the war is drawing Grand Lodge No. 6; Osias Zward- years old, from Lithuania, where
to a close, the fate of millions of ling, president of the Ann Arbor he was born. He met his wife,
Jews in Europe is becoming USO and chairman of arrange- the former Miss Mildred Wartell,
known. Evidence enough has ments for the three-day session in Detroit, and married her there
gatching Mufflers and Gloves
been found to justify every ru- at Ann Arbor; Dr. Jehudah Co- March 28, 1896. About five years
mor, no matter how bestial. 'I hen, director of the U. of M. later the young couple came to
Bay City. Surviving besides his
seek my brethren' has been the Hillel, and others.
Other announcements of im- widow are two brothers, Nathan
only hope and mainstay for the
Men with a flair for putting things together
survival of the Jews through the portance were the organizing of of Chicago, and Jacob of New
agencies of the Joint Distribution a new Business and Professional York City.
and creating a style trend never achieved
* *
Women's group under the aus-
The wedding of Miss Sybil
"Thousands were saved from pices of the Pisgah Auxiliary,
a. smarter s note than in wearing these
behind the German lines as a and the dinner on Dec. 12 at Fyliss Kahn, daughter of Mr.
matching muffler and glove sets with fleece
result of the J.D.C. For other the Book-Cadillac Hotel culminat- and Mrs. George L. Kahn of Bay
thousands within enemy lines, it ing the very successful fund City, to Norman F. Kahn, son
or tweed overcoats ... Scholnick' s presents
made relief possible by its guar- drive for the Leo N. Levi Memo- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Kahn
antee for maintenance. It is a rial Hospital at Hot Springs, Ark. of Kansas City, Mo., took place
them in string knit with leather palm and
on Thursday, Nov. 23, at 1
o'clock at the Wenonah Hotel in
$5 set
fingers . . . or all wool
Bay City. Rabbi Ganz of that
city performed the ceremony.
The bride was attended by her
beige, Morton, Orton,
sister-in-law, Mrs. Sherman Kahn,
as matron of honor, and brides-
Nary, Canary
maids, Betty Kahn, sister of the
groom, and Miss Netta Siegel of
Shaker Heights, Ohio, former
classmate at the University of
Michigan. Sherman Kahn, broth-
er of the bride, served as best
man, with Roy Plotkin of Lon-
don, England, and Elmer Swack
of Ann Arbor, and Jack Korn
of Cadillac, Mich., as ushers.
The newlyweds were honored
at a reception immediately fol-
lowing the ceremony in the Bay
Room of the Hotel. They were
then tendered a dinner at which
85 guests attended. Abe Roman 1
acted as toastmaster.

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