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December 02, 1949 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1949-12-02

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Zionist Organization to Launch
Membership Drive on Hanukah

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Friday, December 2, 1949

Viewing JWV Home Progress

Tickton to Present
Musical Lecture
For Hadassah BP

Leon Kay, president of the Detroit Zionist District, an-
nounced that Benjamin Weiss, Detroit industrialist and mem-
bership chairman of the Zionist Organization of Detroit, will
head the local Zionist membership drive, to be launched
The Business and Professional
on Hanukah.
The drive will reach its peak on Z-DAY, Jan. 8. Volun- Division of Hadassah will mark
the culmination of their success-
teer workers will' call on every
ful Honor Roll drive at 8:30 p.m.
Detroit Jewish family.

Weiss called upon the 4,000
members of the local Zionist
District to reaffirm their faith
in the eternal concept of Zion-
Philip Slomovitz, editor of The
Jewish News, who has just re-
turned from an extended visit
to Israel, will be the guest speak-
er at a public meeting of the
Detroit Zionist District Thurs-
day evening, Dec. 15, at North-
west Synagogue. His topic will
be "American Jewry in Israel:
Pretense or Cooperation?"
Kay is calling a special meeting
of the board of directors to dis-
cuss and adopt an eight-point
plan to be known as the "De-
troit Program."
Adoption of the "Detroit pro-
grant" was urged by the presi-
dent. to bring the Zionist pro-
grani "into the heart and home"
of Detroit's Jewry.
ion of the policy committee of
Recommendations for action the Zionist Organization, held
resulted from the all-day sess- Nov. 27.

Israel Must have Priority
On UJA Funds Goldmann

Continued from Page 1
• mann of the American section of
Jewish Agency, appealed to
Addressing the conference the
from his home in Princeton, the conference not to allow
communal needs to deflect
N.J., over a radio hook-up, Dr. them
from continuing large-
Albert Einstein stressed the im- scale support
Israel. The con-
portance of "consolidating that troversy over of
needs, said
which has been accomplished Dr. Goldmann, local
versus overseas
in Israel with amazing energy needs is meaningless.
and unequalled willingness for denies the importance "Nobody
sacrifice." Paying tribute to the needs. The question is of
not one
sacrifices made by the Jews of
Israel, Dr. Einstein said they of principal but of timing," he
were now making an additional pointed out.
New Settlement Plan
sacrifice in absorbing the vast
influx of immigrants. The eco-
Judge Morris Rothenberg, na-
nomic means of the Jews of Is- tional chairman of the UJA and
rael are not sufficient to bring the UPA, revealed to the dele-
this tremendous enterprise to a gates the details of a new plan,
successful end, he added, "it under which agricultural settle-
must not happen that this work ment in Israel has been accel-
breaks down because Jews of erated. The new plan is based on
this country do not help suffici- the priciple of placing a new
ently or quickly enough."
immigrant on the soil before he
has had any training and hav-
Arab Sabre Rattling
In a message read to the con- ing him build his own home in-
ference, Israel . Premier David stead of his own farm as part of
Pr e m i e r David Ben-Gurion a community of 100 settlers.
stated that because of the Arab This plan has resulted in the
in the past year
states' refusal to conclude final establishment
of 63 settlements of immigrants
peace agreements with Israel, without
any previous agricultur-
the Jewish state must pour its al experience,
he said.
resources into guaranteeing its
Moses A. Beckelman, execu-
physical security. As a result, he
said, the people of Israel find it tive vice-chairman of the Euro-
necessary to appeal to Ameri- pean JDC Council, declared that
can Jewry to assist them in the "there are areas in the Near East
task of bringing immigrants to from which Jews are emigrating
Israel and in absorbing them on a basis strongly reminiscent
of the Nazi days before the war."
into the economy.
DP Camps Liquidated
Israel Foreign Minister
Moshe Sharett expressed hope
Harry Greenstein, until a
that the war would not be re- month ago advisor on Jewish af-
sumed despite what he des- fairs to the American occupa-
cribed as "sabre rattling" a- tion authorities in Germany,
mong the Arab nations. "Some said that the Jewish DP camps
Arab states are busy rearm- . in Germany have been substan-
ing," he added. Israel, he said, tially liquidated. He added that
Was preparing to meet any this did not, however, lessen the
possible peril by overhauling burden on the .UJA since the ex-
and strengthening its defen- pense of caring for these people
ses. Mr. Sharett charged that while they were in the camps
the Arab states were insincere had been borne largely by, the
in their negotiations and that International Refugee Organiza-
"conciliation was not only of tion.
no avail but liable to do harm.
A strong plea by Spyros Skou-
It has enabled the Arab states ras, president of the Twentieth-
to have it both ways, to refuse Century Fox Films, for Jewish
to negotiate and appear as if communities throughout t h e
they were engaged in the pro- country to "concentrate on Is-
cess," he said.
rael as a first priority of your
"The attainment of a perman- philanthropy and generosity"
*ent and lasting peace," said the elicited an enthusiastic response
Israel leader, "remains a pri- from the delegates.
mary objective of Israel's foreign
(Detroit delegates at the con-
policy and the armistice agree- ference included: William Avru-
ment which Israel concluded nin, Louis Berry, Sol Edelman,
with its four Arab neighbors in Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frenkel,
1949 are a secure basis for such Mr. and Mrs. Nathan R. Epstein,
a peace." The entire Jewish Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kallman,
World is awaiting "'anxiously the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred May, Mr.
outcome of the U.N. debate on and Mrs. Max Asnos, Isidore
Jerusalem, he asserted, • express- Sobeloff, Mrs. Milford Stern,
ing the hope that the U.N. would Mrs. Leonard Weiner, Mr. and
not set up "an illusory *interna- Mrs. Frank A. Wetsman, Mrs.
tional regime which might well Hyman C. Broder, Harry Madi-
plunge the city into chaos from son. Jack Krause represented
which it his:merged after so Flint and Pontiac delegates were
2 much suffering."
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosenthal
Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chair- and Sam Stolorow).

Thursday, Dec. 8, at Baldwin
Recital Hall.
An illustrated lecture on He-
brew liturgical music and Israel
folk songs will be presented by
Jason H. Tickton, accompanied
by the Temple Beth El quartet,
featuring Margit Kormendy,
contralto soloist. Tickton is music
director of Temple Beth El and
assistant professor of music at
Wayne University.
Rebecca Ehrinpreis and Rosa-
lind Schubot are co-chairmen of
this fund-raising project. Sophie
Blanche Schwartz is chairman
of the division.

Labor Zionist Units
Launch Shekel Sales

Delegates from all branches
of the Labor Zionist movement
in Detroit attended a special
conference to launch the 1949-
50 Shkolim sale.
The LZOA, Jewish National
Workers Alliance, Pioneer Wo-
men and Habonim were in-
cluded. Representatives of these
groups will canvass the com-
munity in coming weeks to sell
the Labor Zionist shekel.
Directing the campaign are
L. Hoffmitz, chairman; A. Gorn-
bein, LZOA, H. Mondry, JNWA,
Mrs. C. Michlin, Pioneer Women,
and Melvin Annis, Habonim; A.
Bornstein; recording secretary;
Alex Schreier, treasurer, and B.
Hearshen, S. Richardson, B.
Kumove, A. Kaminker, D. Sislin,
C. Berman, S. Goldoftas, D.
Hirshhorn and M. Turner, ex-
ecutive board.

Jack Benny to Get
Bnai Brith Honor
On WJR. Program

Bnai Brith Supreme Lodge
president Frank Goldman will
present a national citation to
radio comedian Jack Benny on
a one-half hour radio show, em-
anating from New York fea-

Jack Benny

F. Goldman

turing Benny and other national
personalities at 5 p.m., Sunday,
Dec. 4 over WJR and the entire
Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
The program will commemo-
rate the 160th anniversary of
Bnai Brith and the birthday of
president Goldman and winds
up the fifty-day Bnai Brith na-
tional membership campaign.
Maxwell M. Lowe, council
membership chairman, has ar-
ranged for an "open house" at
the Bnai Moshe Social Hall,
Dexter and Lawrence Ave., from
2:30-6 p.m. for the afternoon
of Dec. 4, which will culminate
in the Jack Benny broadcast at
5 p.m., in the Social Hall.
Motion pictures and record-
ings -of ADL services of 13nai
Brith will be on the program
under the direction of Haskell
L. Lazare, Michigan ADL direc-
Information booths attended
by Hillel Foundation members of
Wayne University will be under
the direction of Rabbi Max Ka-
pustin, Wayne U. Hillel director.
Bnai Brith Youth Organiza-
tion will have a display on their
activities under the direction of
their director, Charles Levy.
Members of Bnai Brith and
theL friends are invited to at-
tend. Refreshments will be

Officers of the Gold Star Parents of Jewish War Veter-
ans (formerly the Gold Star Fathers) and members of the
Jewish War Veterans Memorial Home Association recently
visited the JWV Memorial Home which is nearing completion.
It is hoped that necessary funds for the cost of the building
will be raised by the end of the year. Community participa-
tion in the drive for funds is urged by JWV leaders. Left to
dent, JWV Memorial Association; JOSEPH NEWMARK, MEY-
ER SILVERMAN, president, Gold Star Parents; PHILIP CAN-
TOR, JWV department commander; HARRY T. MADISON,

Detroit Opens Its $300,000
Histadrut Drive at Masonic

Reuven Shreibman, vice-May-
or of Jerusalem and member of
the Kensseth, will bring a mes-
sage direct from Israel and the
Histadrut to hundreds of work-
ers, contributors and friends at
the city-wide Histadrut demon-
stration Sunday evening, Dec.
11, in the Scottish Rites audi-
torium, Masonic Temple. The
meeting launches Detroit's His-
tadrut Campaign for $300,000.
Shreibman, who arrived in
the United States a few days
ago, played a key role in the
heroic defence of Jerusalem and
is recognized as one of Israel's
outstanding leaders.
The campaign will be
launched with Dr. Frank King-
don, noted columnist, political
analyst, educator and civic lead-
er as the guest speaker and
Mascha Benya, soprano, who
has just completed an Israel
tour, as the artist.
Mayor, Governor to Attend
Mayor Eugene Van Antwerp
and Governor G. Mennen Wil-
liams are expected to partici-
pate in the campaign's formal
opening, according to Morris L.
Schaver, program committee
Officers of the new campaign
will be formally presented and
a financial report of the year's
achievements will be given by
Norman Cattier, treasurer. A
report on the work of the 175
participating groups in the Or-
ganizations Division, which
raised more than $90,000 to
make it the most successful Or-
ganizations Division in the en-
tire country, will be given.
Harry Schumer, chairman of
the executive board, urged all
workers and groups to mobilize
for a speedy and successful
campaign. In a special appeal,
he pointed out the unprecedent-
ed responsibility that the His-
tadrut is meeting because of the
urgent need to absorb and pro-
ductivize the thousands of new-
comers flooding to Israel.
Histadrut's Work
"The Histadrut, among other
things, is an instrument that
absorbs immigrants and colon-
izes Jews. The State is not in a
position to carry the full bur-
den. This task must be per-
formed by voluntary forces in-
side and outside of Israel,"
Schumer stated.
"The social and cultural ac-
tivities of the Histadrut among
immigrants include kindergar-
tens and children's homes in all

Jewish Tourists Denied
Landing in Uruguay

group of 78 Jewish tourists from
Europe aboard • the French ves-
sel, "Florida," were not permit-
ted to land by Uruguayan immi-
gration authorities. All car-
ried visas by the Uruguayan
consulate in Paris, and were re-
turned to France aboard the
same vessel that brought them

immigrant centers. It provides
social welfare for families re-
quiring help. Through the clin-
ics and hospitals of the Kupat
Holim, each immigrant receives
full health care for six months
after leaving the reception cen-
ters for only fourteen cents a
month. Evening classes in Heb-
rew, educational and recreation-
al clubs have been established in
all important centers. Over 65,000
have been served through the
special Histadrut immigration
Histadrut Needs Critical
"Thousands of the youth are
obtaining vocational training in
our vast network of schools.
50,000 newcomers are served in
the consumers cooperative
stores. More than 120 industrial
cooperatives, providing gainful
employment to hundreds of
newcomers have been launched.
"These enterprises and activi-
ties, so vital to the future of
Israel, are made possible by the
Histadrut campaigns conducted
throughout the country.
these critical days in the life of
Israel, Detroit's $300,000 Cam-
paign must be a success."

Rex Lodge Formally
To Enter Bnai Brith

The • institution, installation
and initiation of Rex Lodge of
Bnai Brith will take place at
8:30 p.m., Monday, Dec.• 5, at
Beth Shmuel Synagogue. This is
the 19th lodge in Detroit.
Harry Mirvis, BBYO director
of Milwaukee, and charter mem-
ber of the Lodge, will be master
of ceremonies. Isidore Starr,
general committeeman of Bnai
Brith District 6, will institute
the lodge, and Dr. Lawrence I.
Yaffa, president of the Greater
Detroit Bnai Brith Council, will
install the officers.
The degree team of Pisgah
Lodge will initiate the members,
and Samuel W. Leib, president
of the district grand lodge will
give the principal address.
The following officers will be
installed : honorary president,
Harry Mirvis; president, Murray
Hozman; vice presidents, David
Rappaport, Irving Adler; re-
cording secretary, Joseph Sil-
berschein; corresponding secre-
tary, Harold Pazner; treasurer,
Bob Burk; financial secretary,
Jack Klenov; warden, Harold
Adler; guardian, Harold Fine-
good; trustees, Martin Rand,
Larry Dresner, Jack Ribiat.

Schachter To Address
Kvutzah ivrith Meeting

Abraham Schachter of . the
United Hebrew Schools, recently
returned from Israel and Italy,
will speak before Kvutzah Ivrith
at 9 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 3, in
the Rose Sittig Cohen building,
13226 Lawton. Michael Michlin
will be chairman for the eve-
ning. The public is invited.

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