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December 28, 1945 - Image 11

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1945-12-28

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Page Eleven

DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE and The Legal t..hronicl•

Friday, December 28, 1945



toe Realm o Zocal Societ y

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink of
Miss Louise Schiffman and her
father Mr. A. Schiffman have re- the Lee Plaza are spending the
turned from several days spent holiday week-end with relatives in
in Cleveland.

Junior Mizrachi

Seek New Members

JNF Ladies Hold Rally Lechem Aneeim Ladies
An open meeting and rally of Plan Annual Banquet

the Ladies Auxiliary of Jewish
The Detroit Ladles Lechem An-
National Fund will be held Wed- eeim are having their 25th Annual
nesday, January 2, 1946, at 12:30, Banquet at the Bnai Moshe Social
at the Rose Sittig Cohen Bldg. Hall on Sunday, Feb. 17, 1946. As
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Levin will of Cleveland spent the holiday
This will be a dessert luncheon. this is their Silver Anniversary,
be at home to a group of friends week-end with their parents, Mr.
Mrs. Philip Cutler, co-chairman, they are seeking a special repre-
New Year's afternoon.
and Mrs. Jack Rosenthal, chair- sentation of all friends and mem-
and Mrs. Isadore E. Goodman of
man of fund raising wish to urge bers who have helped all these
Sherbourne Road.
Ellen Arden is spending her
all members and workers to at- past years to make such a good
holiday vacation from the Uni-
tend this rally.
name for the women of this so-
Mrs. Isadore Katz entertained
versity of Michigan with her par- at a farewell luncheon honoring
The guest speaker of the after- ciety. They are asking that all
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Arden Mrs. Samuel Ackerman of McLean
noon will be Rabbi Eliezer A. Levi the societies reserve this date for
of Congregation Bnai Moshe, and their committees to represent
of Wildemere Ave.
Ave. and Mrs. Lewis Berkhower.
the musical portion of the pro- them.
gram will be rendered by Cantor
David A. Reibel, who is at-
Mrs. Samuel Ackerman is leav-
Hyman Adler of Congregation
tending the University of Chicago, ing for Miami Beach for the win-
Ezra Women Make
Thud David.
has arrived home and is spending ter. She will be at home at the
Mrs. Irving J. Shevin, president
his vacation period with his par- Boulevard Hotel on Dade Blvd.
of the Auxiliary, wishes to pay Final Donor Plans
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reibel
Ezra, Woman's Division of the
special tribute to Mrs. John Hay-
of Huntington Woods.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Green with
man, who has done so well in pro- Federation of Polish Jews, at a
their on Howard are spending
viding refreshment at every open meeting at the home of Mrs. C
Pvt. Arthur Smith has received ten days in New York City.
Segal, 3221 Sturtevant, made last
meeting and rally.
his discharge from the army and
Embarking on a drive to enlist
The following contributions have minute arrangements for the an-
is at home with his parents, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mailer of the young Jewish women of Amer-
nual donor luncheon to be held
and Mrs. Barney Smith of Boston 3205 Fullerton will hold open ica in the Junior Mizrachi Wo- been received: $100 from the Youth Jan. 9th at Hotel Statler. Pledgos
house on New Year's Day from 3 men's Organization, Miss Helen Arnold Gross; $250 from the Ze- are still being accepted by Mrs.
to 10 in honor of their son Ber- Freiman, first vice-president of
Pvt. Herbert Grayson is spend- nard, who has been honorably dis- the National Organization, visited dakah Club; from Mr. Harry S. Stockier, To. 5-0764, and all
reservations should be in by Jan.
ing his furlough with his parents, charged from the armed service Detroit to organize Junior Mizra- Becker who redeemed 4 "Settle 1st. Mrs. A. P. Kaplan of New
a Family" pledges at $250 each;
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grayson of after serving 29 months in the chi Women's youth groups here.
in honor of the silver wedding an- York, president of the Woman's
Royal Oak.
The Junior Mizrachi Women's niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Division of New York, will be
E.T.D. No cards.
Organization, together with its C. Davidson, 2918 Webb, $250 was guest speaker. Marguerite Kozenn,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ettlinger
Miss Marilyn Katz a student at parent body is an integral part af received.
prominent soprano, accompanied
are entertaining a group of the University of Michigan is the World Zionist Organization
by her husband, Julius Chajes, the
friends at dinner on Wednesday spending the holidays with her They are particularly concerned
Lt. Eugene Fisher, is home on noted pianist, will render the mu-
night, Jan. 9th.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Katz of with the development of Chil- leave visiting his parents, Mr. and sical program.
dren's Houses and nurseries in Mrs. Morris Fisher of Hazelwood
Pennington Drive.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Rosen-
Palestine where native and refu- Avenue. Lt. Fisher will report to
thal Jr. have returned from a
gee children are given much need- Great Lakes, Ill. at the end of his
r and Mrs. Sam Pinsky and
few (lays spent in Cleveland.
daughter, Dorothy, of Tyler Ave. ed care and are educated in the leave.
left Thursday for Los Angeles, uphuilding of Palestine as a Jew-
Mrs. Maurice Klein and Mrs. California.
ish Homeland in the spirit of tra-
Miss Joyce Barrer is spending
Meyer Rosenbaum plan to enter-
Catharine Shillman, daugh-
ditional Judaism.
her vacation from Smith College
tain at a luncheon to be given at
The Misses Devorah and Etta with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mrs. Bessie Shillman, was
Miss Millicent Dalitz, a Uni-
the Women's City Club on Thurs., versity of Michigan student, is Levine will be hostesses to Miss
united in marriage to Mr. Harry
Martin Barrer of Ohio Avenue.
Jan. 10:
Black, on Sunday, December 16,
spending her ten day vacation with Freiman on Wednesday afternoon
at a lovely wedding ceremony in
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis at 2 . 00 o'clock at their home at
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. David- Dalitz of Parkside Avenue.
3265 Burlingame Avenue. Girls of Hazelwood Avenue have as their the home of the Kutnicks, 2252
son of 2918 Webb Ave. will be at
the ages of sixteen through twen- guests Mrs. Sam Biam and daugh- Gladstone Ave. Mr. and Mrs. J.
home this Sunday afternoon from
Berman attended the bride and
Seaman 2-c and Mrs. Joel Rosen- ty are asked to attend. Mrs. Jos.
2 to 5 p.m. in honor of their 25th thal (Paula Schott) left this week Kunin of the Sisters of Zion Miz- ter of Newark, N. J.
Rabbi Rabinowitz performed the
wedding anniversary. No cards.
for Chicago, Ill., where Seaman rachi and Mrs. Lew Friedman of
In honor of their son, Lt. Maur- ceremony. Mrs. Doris Markel sang
2-c Rosenthal will report to Great the Young Women's Mizrachi arc ice J. Fried who just returned "Oh Promise Me" and "Because."
Cpl. James Marx; son of Mr.
sponsoring this group.
The bride was attired in a love-
from the South Pacific, and Cpl.
and Mrs. Samuel Marx of Cherry- Lakes.
On Saturday afternoon an Oneg Seymour G. Fried who is home on ly acqua-colored afternoon gown
lawn Ave. after spending his fur-
and had a large bouquet of pink
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schaf- Shebat will be held at the Bnai
lough 'with his parents will return larder of Merrick Avenue have Moshe to honor Miss Freiman. furloagh from California, and and white carnations on her shoul-
their brother, Martin Friedlander,
to Camp Swift, Texas.
as their guests their children, Mr. Miss Esther Cohen and her Jun- who recently returned from the der. The bride's mother wore a
black-studded sequin gown with a
and Mrs. Gerald Schaflander and iors will be hostesses. Girls inter-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert .1. New- daughter, Susan Joan, and Miss ested in joining either of thess European theatre. Mr. and Mrs. corsage of gardenias. A lovely re-
man are leaving on Jan. 14 to Constance Schafiander all of New groups may call Mrs. Philip Fealk,
ception followed the ceremony for
President of Young Women's Miz- Avenue, will hold open house on relatives and friends.
spend a fortnight in Hollywood, York City.
rachi, No. 6038, for further details.
After a short honeymoon, Mr.
and Mrs. Black will be at home
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kadushin of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tauber of Kentucky Avenue have returned eats. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Raiskin
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Winshall and on Pingree Ave.
Webb Ave., have just returned from a visit to Los Angeles,. Cal. of Webb Avenue.
of Pennington Drive are
from a week's vacation in New
snending a month in Miami Beach
York City.
Lt. Col. and Mrs. G. H. Green-
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Weber, of
berg and son Steven, are visiting Mass. is a guest at the Hotel

Shaker Heights, Ohio, announce
Mr. and Mrs. Max Tauber of Mrs. Greenberg's parents, Mr. - and Stealer, while visiting in Detroit.
Mrs. John R. Herman of Penn- the marriage on Dec. 23, of their
3345 Buena Vista are entertaining Mrs. Ben Rothenberg of Genessee
ington Drive left on December daughter, Marilyn, to Robert Lew-
Mrs. Tauber's mother and sister, Avenue before going to Florida.
Cpl. Samuel G. Harvith has re- 22nd with her daughter Hortense is Weisman, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Mary Roth and Miss Phyllis IA. Col. Greenberg has just re- ceived his discharge from the and son Donald. to spend a week Albert Weisman, of Edison Ave.,
IsasRoth of New York.
turned from two and one-half Army of the United States and in New York City. to celebrate Detroit. Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver
has joined Mrs. 1-farvith and the 80th birthday of her mother. officiated at the Oakwood Country
years overseas duty in Europe.
David J. Levy Jr. has returned
daughter Sharre Etta of Steele Mrs. David Pokorny of Brooklyn Club. After a honeymoon in Flo-
to his home in Hewlett, L. I. after
Lt. Dora Cashdan who was re- Avenue.
rida, the couple will make their
on Christmas Day.
spending a week in Detroit.
cently discharged from the WACS
home in Cleveland.
David Burnstine and Donald
is home with her parents, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fields
Louise Hopp, who is attending Mrs. Joel Cashdan of Boston Blvd. Fields students at Albion College (Thelma Mitchell) and their twin
Frances Schimer College is spend-
are home during the holidays daughters. Ardith and Sheila, left
ar mitzvahs
ing the holiday vacation with her
Norman Kurland, age 18. son of visiting their respective parents. on Dec. 22nd by plane for Los
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kurland of
Angeles, California. where they
•Mrs. Betty Harris, of 3240 Ro-
Rapp of Boston Blvd.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boesky, will reside. Mrs. Fields' parents.
Calvert Avenue was graduated
chester Ave., invites her relatives

last week from the University of
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mitchell ac- and friends to the Bar-Mitzvah of
Mr. and Mrs. John Flesch of Chicago with a Ph.B. degree. He and Mrs. Samuel Green and Mr.
Chicago, spent the holidays with is home between semesters and and Mrs. Harry Frank left Tues- companied them on the trip and her son, Gerald, at the Congrega-
their brother-in-law and sister. will return to the University this day for a visit in New York City. will remain several weeks. Mr. tion Bnai Moshe, Dexter at Law-
Fields recently received his dis- rence. on Saturday, Dec. 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen of week to work for his Masters De-
charge from the Army. after
Burlingame Ave.
Miss Beth Elaine Srere. a stu- nearly four years of service, the
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Pur-
dent at the University of Michi- Past year being in the ETO.
ther, of Grand Ave., announce
s). David Burnstine is home from
Miss Barbara Raiskin is home gan is spending her vacation with
the Bar-Mitzvah of their son,
s sciAlbio,n College with his parents, between semesters at the Univer- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Klein of 29KI Franklin Herbert, at Congrega-
Dr. and Mrs. Perry P. Burnstine sity of Michigan visiting her par- Srere.
Monterey Avenue celebrated their tion Shaarey Zedek, Saturday,
. of LaSalle Blvd.
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary January 5.
on Dec. 16 at a dinner party
Mrs. Morris Zack is spending
Dexter-Joy, Florist, Tyler 6-6622
which included their relatives and
n gagem . en
the winter months in Hot Springs,
Flowers for all occasions--
most intimate friends. Dr. Syd-
ney Klein of Cleveland Heights,
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Florence, of Martindale Ave., announce the Ohio was present among the out-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mayer are
now in their new home at the Lee engagement of their daughter. Doreen Evelyn, to Elias Jacob Raskin. of-town guests.
Mr. Raskin. recently honorably discharged from the army, is the son
Crest Apts.
For Any Occasion
Mr. and Mrs. George Lowell and
of Mr. and Mr.:. Nathaniel Raskin, of Collingwood Ave. No date has
Shows • Name Bands
Dr. and Mrs. Leo M. Franklin been set for the wedding.
turned from a month's stay in
of Edison Ave. have as their
New York City and will be living
guest over the holiday vacation
CA. 4710
753 Book Bldg.
at the Lee Crest Apartments, Sec-
their granddaughter, Mary Frieda
ond and Blaine, for the Winter.
Einstein of Pittsburg, Pa.







'Weidi„ gi

Mrs. Jennie Sempliner of Los
Jan. 6—Miss Rhoda Higer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Meer,
Angeles, who has been the guest of to David Mintz, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek.
her daughter Selma Sempliner is
visiting with relatives in Cleve-
land. Miss Sempliner joined the
family over the holiday week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Fink of the
Lee Plaza Apts. are spending the
winter at The Rancho Del Reo
in Arizona.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Kay,
formerly of Detroit, are now
making their home in Los Angeles
and are living at 10974 Wilshire
Blvd., Apt. 10.

Dec. 13—To Mr. and Mrs. Yale Weinstein (Shirley Schlussel), of
Utica, N. Y., a daughter, Janice Lee.
Dec. 14—To Mr. and Mrs. Max Silverstein of Milwaukee (formerly
Gertrude Mendelsohn of Detroit), a son, Harvey Bernard. The mater-
nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of Detroit.
Dec. 18—To Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. GoodfrIend (Mae Weisenthal),
of Leslie Ave., a daughter, Joanne Marlene.
Dec. 21—To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Friedman (Shirley Slobin), of
2545 Taylor Ave., a son, Douglas Earl.




on Tuesday afternoon, January 8th, 1946

at the Masonic Temple
HELEN WAREN, Guest Speaker


Make your pledge now.

TO. 8-1239

9142 Linwood Ave.
TO. 7.2880

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