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January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…;I i N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TRURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1918. ERSITY UNDER IISEO SCHEDULEI i L term Regents Abolish 7:30 Classes, Revert- rie a ing to Former 8 o'Clock e of Recitations uess. Re last time EASTERN INSTEAD OF CENT1IAL TIME OBSERVED BY CAMPUS elected Health of to y1 Students Influences Board Make Changes in Progranm to are BUDGET IN ALL I of re- school an ex- oth the literary and llege will be given es as last year. I s...…

January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…4, 1918 STATE STS Tickets able necessar- 1 we have the rvation down s concentrate I the nation as arise-anyhow, ter again. that's a diffe: The attendance committee will all kinds of reports of wrecks, trains, and so forth, within the few days. hear late next In our schools - and colleges there was a great decrease in attendance in the fall of 1917. Yet what can we ex- pect for the fall of 1918'unless we start now in this move for conc...…

January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…TT * tract. 1 * the * met g to a mistake in the send- he Michigan track schedule hicago several weeks ago, to was said to have two meets with Chicago, both in ndy City. The first of the however, will be in Ann being run in Waterman ;ium on March 16. The meet between the two will be May 26 in Chicago. *: * * k ' t * t 1 PENN RE~LAYS A-ND EASTER'S TERCOLLEGIATES MAY 1BE ABANDONED IN- ools * i * * * * * * * * . * * * Two .vMore Tilts sr...…

January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…AT THETHEATERS TODAY * I s 0. itions ,k of ential f ael, COM'- ,le ed- fnew ag to omes Majestic-IThe Silent Wit- ness." Orpheum-"One' Touch of Na- ture." Wuerth--Claire McDowell in "The Ship of Doom."' Also com- edy and Ford weekly. Arcade-June Elvidgeh Irving Cumimngs, and Alma Hanlon in "The Whip." Also Christie come- dy. * * * * * * * * * * ;x * The Complete Coat Collection at These Amazing Reductions Wool Velours, Chiffon-Broadcloths...…

January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…L I WAS CAU8E IURDER Jan. 2.-Interest in Asa W. Chamberlain, murder of his broth- amberlain, was heigh- nnouncement by the ccused that he would guilty. The case was W{ , ts St . ut'i Dr. Chamberlain's arrest followed the finding of his brother's body, dis- membered into nine parts, buried in post holes on his farm near Elk Hill. The brother was last seen alive at his own home four miles away on the night of October 22. Dr. Chamberlain h...…

January 03, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…to Ben- ig at 00 TO DORMITORY R to Replaee Detroit, a farmer rsity, announced a e scholarship fund . Monday. This a:1 . * 'i ,, . Here's to the Michigan Daily boys * Who have treated me like men, * And because of it, I want to thank " yoI1, To wish the best new year again. For every new morning The Daily comes With stor es of the men in front, For the boys once on the campus To send them news is a good' stunt. With th Daily boys who are' ...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… ] lt I t t ASSOCIAT PRESS D AY AND NIGHT 'B SERVICE ANN ARBOR,MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1918. PRICE THR _ Is to Re- MAY PUT ENGLAND ON RATION BASIS Food' Controller Believ-es it Must Come; 1Departmiet orksOut System London, Jan. 3.-Compulsory ration- ing is to be put into effect in Eng- land at an early day according to Lord Rhonda, the food controller, in a speech today. He prefaced his an- nouncement by saying that he was' a...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…1918 Your NoI In j This, the greatest of a] want in the entire yea3 mnd drastic reductions. great disposal sale offer known. All excess wintE repriced for an immedia It Will Pay , VIAn V INPRO6RESS' Ug Far the 'Greatest. wzary Sale A. Siegel Co.'s. History Ul sales known to women shoppers, is the most important .r, surpassing all others in completeness of assortments A With the largest part of cold weather yet, to come, this ~ rs to wome...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

….IL MOST CONFERENCE TEAMS HARD ilT BY DRAFT AND IEN LISTMENTS Chicago, Jan. 3.-Although the war will undoubtedly affect the playing N strength of "some of the teams, the "Big Ten" championship basketball li season will get under way on Jan. 5, with every indication of producing as interesting a race as the 1917 football season. The return of the University of es Michigan to the Western Conference has added a new interest to the wint- be er s...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…ILxchange; The records tis ye,, women are in the rn. tie of three to one. I'± r I 'omen. Mr. neral secre- d society of ;talk under cial service SOLDIERS AM) SAILORS s B=I SCRIBE $5,073,72S,500 OF U. S. WAR INSUR.INCE F tE Washington, Jean. 3.-The insurance offered by the United States govern- ment to members of its military 'and naval forces has been called the most just and humane provision ever made by any nation for its soldiers and...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 5

…Inspeotion p as & Co. MAIN STREET OUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE Affords a method of practicing genu- ine economy. Renews the life and freshness of clothing and other articles " and thus obviates the necessity of a new purchase. TEST our promptness as well as our workmanship -on next r _1 order. Phono 628. ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS 1 J, 6,000 i. FOR EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL No Job too Small or too Large WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "The Shop of Q...…

January 04, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 70) • Page Image 6

…%WS I to get. But despite -wool fabrics in the stylish clothes are on i can't afford to over- good suit that is truly 1A Our Difference rice Others on 5 Roll loc 15e 25c 04c ea. 05c ea. 90c ............... $1.15i US AND SAVE MONEY ay to day sooner than others. ral Shop RTMENT us for Party and Group Pictures PURE FOOD LWL OF 19DB HAS DECADE OF SUCCESS ACT ACCOMPLISHES GREAT DEAL IN SAFEGUARDING HEALTH OF CITIZENS Washington, D. C., Jan. 3....…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…p, r i po1 q tan t r V ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1918. 156 STUDENTS TO - TAKE TELEGRAPHY V t r Asks $2,000,000,000 For Ships I is Local Work Begins Immediately; Men Will Spend Over Five Hours Each Day in Class Fifty-six students enrolled in the telegraph code practice class which met for the first time last night. Fif- teen of this number are subject to immediate call and the balance are in class one or under age. ...…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

… means of the association o1 ws, the heritage of Michigan and ideals. Their comrades re their friends long before the first enemy fire to- UNIVERSITY MEN! Suppose we start the New Year right by attending the Upper Room Bible Class this evening at 7 o'clock (Campus Time) II 1918 Your ( A An Excelsior Diary A Handy Desk Calendar Dozen Letter Files Ledger, Day Book and Cash Book Ink, Paste, Pencils Pens, Clips, and Files, Etc., Etc. exce...…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…*w- .uw-w. TONIGHT-MITCHEL. BASKETBALL COACH EVES WOLVERINES WILL WIN. ice at the Michigan-Cas ht till be lim ited to 7 ,W to an announcement froi ic association. le irs r AN'1 be admitted but til be kept. )uld give Case a decisiv tomorrow night" varsit coach Mitchell decLre ho have been watching ti; have seen them play thi f the same opinion and sa uintet that meets the scien . tonight is a much strong Ltion than the one that wa ake the count...…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…oAd-Sk44 Seventy-five New Coats Tu in. Yesterday for the Blue Tag Sale A Mragnificent Clearalvay Purchase Made Thursday By Our Buyer in New York and AT TM WHIT Checked Through---for Speed---as Excess Baggage * * * * * * * * *. . THEATERS * TODAY * A The coats are beautiful. Their maker is noted fo I enteen" at the Garrick. inka" at the Whitney. stic-Carlyle Blackwell and Ostriche in "The Good for g." Pathe News of the * * * * ...…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

…INJURIES TO CHILO .ay. The recruit soon a soldier-trim, smart, CAPTAIN RILLS EIGT~1' IIE'IALiATJO-N FOR RkA11) iiNS sIN AIR would attain success-you -h n Suit for the man who wants to i. Apfel Co. s QUARDT AGE Six" ull line of Accessories, and Hood Covers. .ars by experienced men. mmoom Music House It whatever see us I1 . 116 S, Main St. TYPEWRITERS For Sale and Rent TYPEWRITING Mimeographing aternity and Social Stationery ,. ...…

January 05, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…tE I G ~1I I I. ,J County Exceeds Quota in Recent Membership Campaign by 3,000 1 w RI L V! .L- I Shipment Just Arrived izes and widths ion or Oil Tanage 'rice $7.00 O ver SHOP AIN ST. Washtenaw county contributed 10,- 800 members to the American Red Cross as a result of the part it play- ed in the "Million Members by Christ- mas" drive, carried on in Michigan recently. It is expected that when all reports have been turned in, this num- ...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1918. NGER TRAINS VDED IN EAST. for be ii Dean CUooley Deports Pullmauns Taken hlast Off Lines and All Service Cut Many Doi, desire t tilt HOTELS ARE OVERFLOWIN(G Mich- AND RO HENTS ADVANCED natur - th sue Trav ellers Experience Difficulty Se- ration curing Even Meager Accommo- d"ations in Washington Swain- -- ~Railroads, hotels and other public Pack; servants are absolutely unable to cope N US ...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…Itarian Churci State and Huron Streets d and him in good stead in the f such criticism. When a man n opportunity for bettering him- nd for serving his country with r skill, he should grasp that unity immediately.J MAN TAKES HER. PLACE the first time in -the history of [ichigan Daily, a regular issue lited by a. woman Saturday ig. Heretofore, only a small f the paper has been entrust- that functionary known in The offices as the women's night...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…CAMP'S SERVCE TEAM P1T SUITH ANI) AQUA 1LLMEND. INGER CHOSEN BY DEAN OF GRID CRITICS Walter Camp, dean of American football critics, picked two former Michigan gridiron stars on his All- Service team for 1917. On this aggre- gation Camp has placed the men who would have won All-American recog- nition had they not been fighting for Uncle Sam. Aqua Allmendinger and Pat Smith, the former a guard in 1913-14 and the latter fullback in 1915-16 and c...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…-i Calamity" at the * * * * Beds" att Jan. 10. TODAY the Whitney, * Castle in * * -Mrs. Vernon of Cain." m - Peggy Adams in the Earth." Also Com- ;' * A number of the men in the R. 0. T. C. have not been measured for the egulation army shoes. Yesterday' was the last day in which the men could be measured at Lieut. George C. Mullen's office, and those who desire sboes will have to get their measure- ments taken at some shoe store in th...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

…Co. MAIN STREET NING method of practicing genu- >my. Renews the life and of clothing and other articles obviates the necessity of a base. TEST our promptness s our 'workmanship on next FOR EVERYTHING - ELECTRICAL 31111 IWUUI LL hUll II INBIYIDUAL. SAYINGS PRIVATE RESOURCES NEEI) OR- ,ANIZING, SAYS MR. VAN- DERLIP New York, Jan. 5.-That war must be won by money saved by the people in their private buying, and'not taken from their bank acco...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…despite in the are on :o over- is truly serve will be held at Delta Chi house, 733 South State street, from 2:30 to 4 o'clock this aft- ernoon. Chief Petty Officer Howard B. Pelham, ex-'17, will at this time enroll men who wish to leave for training camps immediately. The navy is in need of men for its reserve force and has sent Pelham here from camp to recruit. Those who sign the list will be called for service within a few days, in all prob...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…) ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1918. LZ r of Li( mmande of thef pect To find Final Solution Labor Shortage By This of SHIP PROGRAM CHICAGO REMAINS TIED UP BY SNOW Chicago, Jan. 7.-Thirty hours after the abatement of the unprecedented blizzard, Chicago's streets were still badly impeded. Traffic for the most part was confined to the paths made by street cars. which made uncertain progress through canyons of snow heaped and drifte...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…so that when a certain amount of Toney had been subscribed, his in- ividual contribution might be used swell the aggregate, much would be ained. If this scheme were followed out, here would be greater satisfaction all round. There would be no barrel to ike up room; no spoiling of tobacco. nd when the shipment was packed, he tobacco would be packed in the riginal large cartons, thus making te consignment more compact. COLLEGE JOURNALISM "Colleg...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…TO 0E HELD AS USUAL chalk weak- * Ohio State's basketball quintet * will play here Saturday night of * this week instead of Wednesday * as previously announced in the * Daily. Through an eryor the date * of this tilt was printed in the * schedble as Jan. 9 instead of Jan. * 12. The game is sure to be a * snappy affair as the visitors have * a very fast team. They beat thel * Detroit Y. M. C. A. last Saturday * night, which in itself stamps t...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

… 0 RSNI ve bought the business of of Sheehan reducing and with the view stock, in order that I may I am th ile new merchandise, replace offering greatly thousands of volumes at prices. This Sale includes our entire stock of e Jewelry. Pennants Cameras and Kodaks ,~ tion Leather Note Books Craft Bulbs and Novelties Terms for. this Sale are Cash We will deliver orders to all parts of the City. PHONE ...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…II II CUSTER M EN I 11 iom e n 'I I Clot I F -trim, smart, success-you lit who wants to Apfel Co. .n.. a4 1T CAPTAIN NEW3MAN, ARRANGES ATHLETIC PROGRAM TO IN- CLUDE ALL SPORTS Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich., Jan. 7.-Additional exercises, changes in schedules, and modifications of pro- grams are made daily by Major Gener- al James Parker. The new system is leaving less and less time for play. Instead of being agrieved at this c...…

January 08, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…0 men e De- heat- s city 2 'I LOIS BOLTON IN "TWIN BEDS," AT THE WHITNEY, THURSDAY, JAN. 10. * * * * * * * * * * * * * . AT THETHEATERS * the spat .d on hand supplied. well sup- * Y Aerate bad as they ayor Ernest are not com- hortage and er off than * state," said * be secured * probably get * ew carloads * time. We * askring or n "A Successful, Calamity" at the' Garrick. "Twin Beds" at the Whitney, Thursday, Jan. 10. TODAY * * L....…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…:,. I hi'F 43pfl &uJF I DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1918. PRICE I o MORE MEN GO TO WAR FOM LIT COLLEGE rUDENTS WITHDRAWN TOTAL SO; MAJORITY ENTER AVIATION AN1D NAVAL AUXILIARY President Issues Peace Terms WILSON OUTLINES TERMS UN UNITED STATES WIL AC[ 15 ANSWER TO GERMAN e students of the literary left the University to en- vice of the government. ' About 30 men had withdrawn from r this college up to Dec. ...…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…T WILI EIitr L~T~11AL TEN BY MUSIC F"ACULTY I WJ~omen I F ned but three months, institutions, including s, have become active is significant of the tanifested in the work r there" is trying to Digest, in an article Union, says in part: University Union in les of college boys at ceive within 24 hours nts of their sons, nes appear in the list * The Union does no- Meanwhile, men from nearly every college in the United States are reg- ister...…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…ka, at the back guard position e Reserves, and their excep- laying, from running the score her and counted three points, Varsity from the foul line. held down center and was a for in working the ball from of the court to the other. ie Reserves, Later, who played Hanish, was the brightest d the big point scorer of the , gathering -a total of 7 bas- [is work if continued will en- :n to a varsity po ition. Em- > is temporarily switched from team ...…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…IODELS TO BE EXCHNGE Of BONDS BEING DISCOURGED or a food, appe- soon; s largest food- show, to in Chicago. is eligible for practice, red a candidate for any n of the University of unless he is regularly e university regiment. DETROIT AUTOMOBILE PREPARE ANNUAL EXHIBIT 1) EA LEFI CAI? TIREASURY OFFICIALS C0-0PERATION OF CHANTS REQEST MER- : r has given $5,- the Rockefeller he inceasing de-. is forms of war to estab-I old. aanuel h...…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…th Robes Y UUL EPNIUNI WORK AT CAMP CUSTER P1OF. A. G. CANFIELD HEADS FRENCH DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS Michigan and Wisconsin boys sta- tioned at Camp Custer are being ren- dered invaluable service by the Y. M. C. A. through its green huts, according to reports received at Lane hall yes- terday. As compared with other army camps, and cantonments, the work at Battle Creek is said to have reached an exceptionally high standard. More than 550,000 l...…

January 09, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

…I! H 1 UBMtAL RHBIIL FOR CAMP CUSTER ME WHAT'S GOING ON It. isn't original cost- ,NI .z NEWS Fabrics >lens are hard to get. But despite rtment of all-wool fabrics in the !rns for men's stylish clothes are on s an event you can't afford to over- $30.00 buys a good suit that is truly HING EXTRA I MALCOLM I EAST LIBERTY STREET ilem In Economy Our Difference Price Others on 5 Rolls ..............10c 15c 25C 90...........04c ea. 05eea. 90C ...…

January 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…Y, JANUARY 10, 1918. OF I I I WEATHER CHECKS ACTION AT FRONT French Raid Positions on Mile Front; Capture Men and Machine Guns OERMANS FIRE TORPEDO INTO MERCY SHIP; WOUNDED SAVED Casturnz Ti Justified, Curfew shall not I Cars Expected This Week rom Port Huron by Fuel Administrator Beal ITENED SHUT-DOWN OF NUFACTURERS IS AVERTED remc the that es~' the German-Russian Pace Meeting opened; Prime Ministers in Attendance Be- arloads of co...…

January 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…University of Michigan cadet a good reason to be thorough- med of itself. The disrespect- itude shown toward the lec- this semester has indicated a e lack of breeding in many of ged college bred men enrolled. urely, is not in accord with etiquette. The rebuke finally y Lieut. Mullen is proof; but it have been meted out long ago. inconceivable how any group can be so ungrateful to the per- ) has consented to give up his a time in instructing th...…

January 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…IN BY USING BOTH ALDER1[EN FAVOR CENI WINTER AND EAS'T FOR SUTIER WITh S FOR IN INI Society I and SPRING J I Washington, Jan. 9.--While the year just closing has been one of the most eventful in the history of our nation, it has likewise been an unusual one in the crop history of Michigan, accord- ing to a report in the annual govern- ment crop report. Farmers, stimulated by the extraor- dinary needs of the country and pros- pective h...…

January 10, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…I J'S GOIN just TR FRANCE AND ENGLAND ALSO HAVE RELIEF WORKERS IN FIELD Jassy, Rumania, Jan. 9.-(Corre- spondence of The Associated Press)-' Only relief measures on a scale equa to those caried out in Belgium would effectively meet the extreme condi- tions of poverty and suffering exist- ing in Rumania. Nevertheless the American Red Cross commission. which has been in Jassy since the middle of September, although it has not adequate means ...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…s09 Zrb axiiM DAYAND)NMGI SERVIC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1918. PRICE' f -;RIC, E GRIFFINS TO TAKE IN 'EN NEOPHYTES 7] STUDENT HOUSES FACE COAL FAMINE TALIAN FIGHTING HALTED BY SNOW -Class Hold Honorary Society Second Initiation Tonight Will I i' Just as the sun drops below the wes- tern horizon today Griffins, all-cam- pus upper-class honorary society, will leave the temple to conduct 10 neo- phytes across the ...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

… 1918 nothing except bouk adnu puusupu- --- cal treatises. It is time that the death edi- knell of that tradition be sounded. redit- What the American university should news be today is a live, throbbing institu- y of tion of helpfulness to humanity, to the cept nation and to the world. >r as A body of college students which lives in smug complacency .can have no conception of the needs of this hu- words- manity, this nation, this world. Col-...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…be accurs III V UL ETICSI ' 'o HIGH, a game t M. A. uch im- iat Case week. s played ,ges and former With Gain M. u- chigan's scalp back defeat at the hands this fall being still mories. have a stellar per- Murray. He is the the squad and has scorer to date. His Brigham- who is also This pair are sure gan guards busy. bie has been doing e the guards are and Garret. In their nd Rapids "Y" these opposing forwards h Gautier relies on Michig...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…I Ih 1 IVIb N i IN lULL GOING OVER TKE "1 .I KNOWLTON FISK, EX-'19, LOSES IAFE WHILE IN CANADIAN SERVICh HONOLULU," AT THr, WHI'TNEY, SUNDAY, JAN. 13. Skaters Is Announced others desiring to skate. Palmer skating rink The affair is not so much in the na- r this coming Saturday ture of a money maker as it is to stir' ive committee of the up enthusiasm for this latest venture ic association. of the W. A. A. d women are welcome tudents may g...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 5

…Lu i nuLIULU BOOTY OFHCE" 148 MEN WHO ORDERED SUNIFORMS MUST ENROLL, Calkin's Deport Articles from Invaded Terri- tory and Offer Them for Sale in Berlin French Front, Dec. 27.- (Corres- )ondence of The Associated Press.)- Official recognition has been given by the German government to the prac- tice of German troops in France and Belgium of laying their hands on everything valuable they find in the houses and on the farms belonging to the c...…

January 11, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

…, L NEWS Fabries lens are hard to get. But despite tment of all-wool fabrics in the -ns for men's stylish clothes are on an event you can't afford to over- 0 buiTs a good suit EXTRA that is truly; COLM STREET em'in Economy Our Difference Price Others oi l5Rolls .Oc 1ic 25c ............04c ea. 05c ea. 90c e in price.......................... T LMS WITH US AND SAVE MONEY 'inted half day to day sooner than others. de Floral Shop in & r iu ...…

January 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

… 41Ifr at] rA DAY A ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1918. PRI sASSERTIO FAVOR eks, WIRELESS COURSE WILL BE GIVEN To Be Held Under Authorization of Chief Signal Officer of Army K Plans are now being perfected to give a course in wireless engineering in the electrical engineering depart- ) ment of the University under author- Ization of the chief signal officer. of the army. It is expected by engineer- ing faculty men that...…

January 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…I rsity Men, Attention! Try the v 11 ing to many breakfasts have you since eastern time started? Upper, Room Bible Class this evening at 7 o'clock. and SUPPLIES / there should be t summer. no shortage SUNDAY BIBLE CLASSES at 9:30 and at 4 for the Army Stores Course AT o'clock (CampusTime) 444 South State Street 5. r drive for finals has ( TO DRILL WO m eC11 ; Board of representatives of the Women's league will meet at 9 o...…

January 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…luIlC-I ILL lay. The recruit soon a soldier-trim, smart, would attain success-you Suit man who wants to t, Apfel Co.- ' __ FALCON :ARROW form.-fit COLLAR Sohn, Not.hone Decrees Webster hned, on Why, surely you must have, at some time or other. Or, perhaps, the process in which you were engaged was not known by this particular name. The chances are that, after a night and morning of agonizing and protracted study, you informed your ...…

January 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…'I 150 iONs OF !jWHAT'S GOING Ojl ! FOR SAMES TODA DOE ' JTLAST Large Shipment Just Arrived All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil Tanage Price $7.00 Walk-Over BOOT SHOP 115 S. MAIN ST. ml PERSHING RECOMMENDS THAT ARMY CANTEEN STATIONS BE TURNED OVER TO "Y" One hundred and fifty tons of candy has been purchased for the Sammies in France by the Y. M. C. A., accord- ing to a statement made at Lane hall yesterday. Fifty tons of chocolate, ...…

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