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January 04, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-04

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as & Co.


Affords a method of practicing genu-
ine economy. Renews the life and
freshness of clothing and other articles
" and thus obviates the necessity of a
new purchase. TEST our promptness
as well as our workmanship -on next
r _1 order. Phono 628.






No Job too Small or too Large
"The Shop of Quality"
If it's not right we make it right
-PHONE 273 -
200 E. Washington 117 Ptarl
Ann Arbor Ypsilanti
Michiganensian and
Appointment Commit-
tee Photographs
713 East University Ave-
Fo Lunches and Sodas
Try our Chop Suey
Chinese and American Dishes

Amsterdam, Dec. 25.-(Correspond-
ence of the Associated Press.)- The
month of November marked probably
the blackest period in the history of
the German food supply, not indeed, in
the actual supply, but in the outlook
for the winter and spring. The public
had already become aware that the
bread-stuffs harvest was poor and the
fodder harvest bad, but further revela-
tions came rapidly during the month
which must have an all but catastro-
phic effect on thinking people in Ger-
many. The supply of vegetables, it
became known, is very inadequate
everywhere, there is hardly any pro-
spect of help from the fish trade, and
an alarming drop is shown in the pro-
spects of the already scanty supplies
of milk, butter and fat.
Potato Crop Fails
Finally, on top of all this, it became
clear during November that the potato
harvest is disappointing in the ex-
treme. The quantity shown in the
official returns is indeed so small that
the authorities refuse to accept the re-
vised estimates. Moreover, the quality
in different, parts of the Empire is re-
ported as extremely poor, so that an
unusual percentage of loss can be
counted on with certainty.
May Reduce Rations
It is now regarded as certain that
both the meat and bread rations will
have to be reduced in the early. spring,
despite a desperate effort to gather
up all the remaining foodstuffs in the
occupied territories. This latter move-
nent is likely to be extended. to ex-
treme limits during the winter, with
the result that the inhabitants of all
occupied territories, face the prospect
of absolute starvation for Germany's
The failure of the fodder harvest
coincides with I a generally unsatis-
factory hay crop. This is leading to
increased slaughter of pigs, a fall-
ing off in the weight of cattle slaught-
ered, and a steady diminution in milk
and milk products. The place of meat
cannot be taken to any extent by
fish, for the supply of fish is very
po.or, and the authorities hold out no
hope of any improvement.
Newspapers Abandon Pretencea
The German newspapers have
abandoned the pretence that "things
will be easier this winter than last,':
but they still cling to the hope that
prAspects may be changed by some
miracle in Russia or Italy. The Berlin
correspondent of the Cologne Volks-
zeitung, discussing the prospects of
the fourth winter, says:
"It will be the hardest yet. Every
household will, feel its hardships more,
because all the small stocks in store-
rooms and cellars have been used up.
The harvest has not turned out well.
Nevertheless, the nation can hold outl
if three conditions are . fullfiled
Every possible surplus should be
brought in from Rumania, Belgium,
and France. All grain' musi be seiz-
ed for the common store. Potatoes
must be used for stretching the bread-
stuffs," -1

Nilitary Nelvs


The .191S schedule for ba.sketball
practice 's as follows: Seniors at
4:50 o'clock Mondays and Thursdays;
iuniors, at 4:50 o'clock Tueslays and
4 o'clock Wednesdays; sophomores.
at 4:50 O'clock Mondays and 4 o'clock
Wednesdays; freshmen, at 4:50 o'clock
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Three ecletric hair dryers have been
installed in Barbour gymnasium dur-
ing vacation for the convemence of
those taking swimming.
Women's league board of directors
will meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn-
ing at Barbour gymnasium, instead of
the board of representatives as has
been announced.
There will be a regular Women's
league party at 4 o'clock this after-
noon in Barbour gymnasium.


it. i ~k4,All wool



Beginning today Lieut. George C.
Mullen will be in his office in Water-
man gymnasium from 10 to 1 o'clock.
Lieut, L. J. Williams will be in the
office afternoons from 1 to 4 o'clock.
Twenty men aredneeded in a brigade
headquarters division which will soon
be formed to act as an aid to the
commanding officer. Men who are not
already in one of the companies are
especially requested to join the brig-
ade. Full credit for military training
will be given to the men and they
will not be required to make up back
time. In the regular army such a
brigade is made up only of picked men
and is considered a good appointment.
Applicants should report at Lieutenant
Mullen's office in Waterman gymnas-
Today at 4:15 the second half of the
second regiment drills at the gymnas-
ium. The second battalion of the first
regiment has manual of arms.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 7, manual
of arms will be given each day at the
gymnasium to the other half of the
regiment scheduled to report to Dr.
George A. May for athletic drill. Drill
or lecture work will be indicated as
usual by the display of flags.
Fifty-two men are required to
bring the bugler corps up to ' its
standard. Men do not have to be bug-
lers to join the corps as the Univer-
sity will furnish instruments and com-
petent instructors to teach the men.
Applicants should see Frederick M.
Thompson, '21, acting trumpeter ser-]
geant, this afternoon or on Monday at
roll call in front of Hill auditorium.
Col. A. C. Pack, formerly command-
ant ot the 31st Michigan infantry, has
been placed in command of the 125th
infantry at Camp MacArthur. Colonel
Pack was recently inspector of the 64th
brigade at Camp MacArthur.
~ Prof. J. A. Bursley, head of the army
stores methods course in the Univer-
sity, received orders from Washington
Wednesday night of the acceptance of
his commission as major. Major Burs-
ley was detailed to active duty at the
University and was ordered to "re-
port at once."


Tailored to






Drug Co. -
For your
yXmas Candies,
Stationery and
Toilet Goods C
Two Storc s 324 S.State St. C9NFEC
1123 S. Univer* ty Ave.
suits and

t) orsne -
I er c, your beverage-
Dcvo is a splen,]id soft drink on
'which to tr i;. Completely satis-
fies that extraveant thirst that
strenuous exercise is bound to
bring-satisfies it without any of
that after-feelin of fullness that
comet with water drinking.
You will find Bevo at inns, restau-
rants, groccrics, department and
drug stores, picnic grounds, base-
ball parks, soda fountains, dininZ_
cars and other' placcs where ro-
ireshirng beveragcs are sold.
Guard again substiatets. Havo
the bottle opecd in front of yo?,
first seeing that the seal ic un-
broken 01n11tha, Lt t~cr to-p
bears the fo.t ' t, in bottles only,
and bottled exckiaively by
Dcvo-the al-year-'round
soft drink


F :'

Joe Gin, Prop.


314 S. State St.

Phont 1244-4

method is invented o
climnes and dollars fro n
nd. The High cost-of Radio Military Fountain Pens
ng from morning till WflstBatc O t&* rJ
vered that (lie best is Wis thes 'ate.u¢en,, tw Waterman
c. Letis prove it to $4.25 to $21 and ConKlin
U N DRY U* of M. Jewelry
4 No. Main st Schlanderer & Seyfried

33-i - Til

ion makes
to treat you


for Eflue.
right." Hu

ney. Buy your
iston Chapman's,
tf. --Adv.

alarm clocks at J. L
Jeweler. 1> S. Main.


CLv C opy
Sujplyr St?,


Illicit Trading Increases
The i'crease in illicit trading is
the subject of a fiery editorial in the
Brunswick Volksfreund, which says:
"As soon as an order is issued,
three-fourths of the population seek
how they may evade it. They have
lost faith in official promises, and the
fear of starvation has them in its grip.
For ham, eggs, butter and honey,
senseless prices are being paid, and
the rich alone can get them. Barter
is also playing a large part in pro-
curing provisions."
Junior Play T:y-outs To Be held Soon
Try-outs 'or the Junior Girls' play
are soon to begin, according to Emily
Powell, '19, chairman of the Junior
play committee. In order to prevent
delay, girls who wish to write lyrics
are asked to see Emily Powell prompt-
ly, or to call her at Newberry resi-
dence. Several lyrics and some music
have already been turned in, and the
committee expects to have all the
preliminary woe k completed within a
short time.

- Experienced typewriterj
Stenographer preferred.
ication necessary. Salary
end upon ability. Write
culars and address Smith,
igan Daily.1
-To buy second hand cloth-
1 pay fair price. Phone'
all 210 E. Hoover Ave
-Boarders at 803 S. StateM
odipg. Girls dining room
gnd bag containing knitt-
es, half knitted sock, mani-
and Waterman fountain
Silliams St. Finder please
Daily, Box G k
ose leaf notebook on cam-



FOR RENT-Rooms close to Campus.
One suite for four at $2 each. One
single room for two at $2 each. Army
Stores men taken. Inquire, Mrs.
Schumacker, 609 Monroe. Phone
FOR RENT- Two single rooms and
one suite. Newly furnished at re-
duced rtaes, 602 Packard. 2373-R.
FOR RENT-First and Second floor
apartments in the Cutting. Call
Janitor, 1159-M or 1898.
FOR RENT-Warm quiet rooms near
Engineering building, private fam-
ily. 714 Church St.
FOR SALE - Multiplex Hammond
Typewriter, nearly new, cheap; also
Encyc. Brittanica, latest edition,
new. 0. D. Merrill, 322 S. State.
Phone 1718.


Harold C. L. Jackson, ex'18, and
Edwin B. Palmer, '17, are among the
700 national army men in Camp Cus-
ter recommended to Major. General
Parker for the new officers' training
camp to be started Jan. 5.
Selections are expected to be an-
nounced today from the lists submit-
ted. The men will.remain n Custer,
where the camp -will be located. But
1.7 per cent of the total number of men
at Camp Custer will be permitted in
the new camp.
Jackson was managing editor of
The Daily during the last month of
the 1916-17 school year. At present he
i.; a first sergeant in the 329th field ar-
Agnes E.-Wells Assumes New Duties
Mis Agnes E. Wells, the acting dean
cf women duini'hg the absence of Dean
'Myra B. Jordan, will be at home to Un-
iversity girls on Jan. 17 and also the

'1* ~ *
o - U
Students, before leaving for
your Holiday Vacation, do not
miss the opportunity. Be sure
to come and buy a box of our
fresh Home Made Candies.
We have them in Handsome
Boxes, of all kinds and of all
sizes, atsreasonable prices.
SWe also have Fancy Boxes of.
Booth's, Lowney's, and Apollo's
* Fountain of Youth

Treat y
To a new s
you go hc
least get yo
dry cleaned
ed. We
tailoring als
A. .M
5I14 E, I

U. of NJ

Shoes repaired while you wait.
G. Andres, 222 S. State St.-Adv.-



.Michigan's Greatest Music House
Finest line of Music Instruments
in the world

second and fourth Thursdays in Feb-
ruary at Newberry residence. Miss
Wells will oblerve the regular hours
of the office A the dean of women-in
Barbour gymnasium.

If interested in any kind of instrument whatever see us

2DTT~TMP.Tk tl

Class dancing at the Pi
demy Monday and Thu
nings; 7:30 to 9:30. Pri

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