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January 03, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-01-03

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Regents Abolish 7:30 Classes, Revert-
rie a ing to Former 8 o'Clock
e of Recitations

uess. Re
last time



Health of


Students Influences Board
Make Changes in




I of re-
an ex-

oth the literary and
llege will be given
es as last year.

I school the
;ion will bhe
ctly clinical
ued. This
>urses were
physician =,
he war for
>ossible for
me to get

law school has
rses to meet the
ts who will be
ry high quality

of Phar-
1 will be

nt lines and a:.
rses is contemp-
re made to con.
embalming anl
is course is rec-
-1 course by the
takers and Em-
Board of North

Farewell to seven-thirties'.
After three months trial, the sched-
ule adopted by the board of regents
in October has been found unsuit-
able, and, beginning this morning,
classes will commence at 8 o'clock as
in former years.
Eastern Time Has Also Been Adopted
Ever since the inception of the 7:30
o'clock rule last fall, dissatisfaction
has been general among both students
and faculty. The principal purpose
of the change was to give those stu-
dents taking military drill more con-
venient hours for the work, but the
deleterious effect on the remainder of
the student body influenced the board
of regents to go back to the old sched-
ule. It was found that the students
were not going to bed any earlier as
was thought would be the case, and
the half hour of sleep lost in.the morn-
ing, was physically injurious, and had
some ill effect on studies. This was
especially true of the women of the
University according to medical prac-
ticioners. In an interview some time
after the opening of college, a promin-
ent Ann Arbor physician said:
"I am now treating a number of
University women who are on the
verge of a nervous breakdown because
of early morning classes. None of
them go to bed any earlier at night.
They lose half an hour's sleep, have
barely time enough to get a whole-
some breakfast, and as a result are
poorly nourished. After a whole
morning's routine of classes, they are
worn out. Contrary to the popular
notion, it takes just as much calorific
(Continued on Page Six)
Indians Wreck
Train, Kill 30
Tucson, Ariz., Jan. 2.-A train on
the Southern Pacific railroad was at-
tacked today south of Empalme, So-
nora, and from 20 to 30 passengers
were killed, according to advices re-
ceived today. The conductor and an
express messenger were among those
killed. Some of the passengers were
from Tucson, but their names have
not been learned
The attack was made by Yaqui In-
dians. The Indians tore up the track
derailing the train. They then at-
tacked the rear car in which passen-
bers, mostly Mexicans, were massa-
cred. The Indians looted the baggage
and express cars and rode away.
Washington, Jan. 2.-Sir Cecil
Spring-Rice, who has been British am-
bassador in Washington sinc May 6,
1913, called up the state department
today to say that he was going home
en leave of absence. That was as far
as the official statement on the subject
went, but is is known that further in-
formation to be given out from Lon-
don will confirm the reports that
come through English newspapers of
a general and sweeping change in the
British diplomatic representatives in
'most of the larger capitols...
Hun Papers Sneer at Russian Peace
Washington, Jan. 2.-Extracts from
many of the leading German papers
received here by cable today contain
boasts that the peace formula given
the Russians by Kuhlmann and Czer-
nin mean notning and have no bind-
ing force upon Germany. They agree
that Germany never will give up cer-
tain of the lands she has conquered,
but some of the editors suggested that

what cannot be appropriated by vio-
lence may be taken by agreement.
Sneering references are made to tlel

Commissioners Look Askance at Ten-
ton, Terms; Will Not
Will Not Evacuate Riga Unless Allies
Sanction Peace; Fears Influ-
ence in Ukraine
(By Associated Press:)+
Petrograd, Jan. 2.-The chances of a
separate peace between Russia and
the central powers being effected
seemed remote today because of what
are regarded as Germany's unreason-
able demands.
The Russian delegation upon its re-
turn from Brest-Litovsk Tuesday, laid
before the council of commissioners
at Petrograd Germany's demands
which caused great amazement, and
brought forth the declaration that the
council was not favorable to accept-
Under Armed Rule.
Leon Trotzky, the Bolsheviki for-
eign minister, and his associates take
the stand that the Baltic provinces
are virtually under military pressure
while they continue to be occupied by
Germany, and are in reality German
dependencies, the loyal Russians hav-
ing fled.
An elaboration of the German posi-
tion in letters and statements which
follow the general statement of terms
showed that the Germans hold that
Poland, Lithuania, Courland, Livonia,
and Estlonia have already defined
themselves nationally within the
meaning of the peace terms pro-
posed, and insist that they shall not
vote again.
Cannot Evacuate
The Germans also maintain that they
cannot evacute Riga, Libau and other
occupied points unless Russia's allies
sanction the peace; otherwise Ger-
many's enemies might assist Ukraine
and other disaffected states in opposi-
tion to her.
Huns Plan Great
Winter Advance
(By Associated Press)
Jan. 2.-Apparent proof that the
Germans are preparing for a' big of-
Pansive' is found in the almost cn-
tinuous bombardment of various see-
tors along the British and French
fronts. Aside from these bombard-
ments there has been little activity
except by small raiding parties. A
heavy snow is falling and another
cold wave has set in on the French
front from St. Quentin to the Vosges
Snow and cold weather also are
giving the Italians a chance to fur-
ther strengthen their northern line
against the Austro-Germans. Aside
from artillery duels, little fighting of
raoment is in progress. In an en-
deavor to offset the loss of ground
resulting from havng been driven'
back across the lower Piave river,
the enemy has tried to affect a land-
ing on the east bank of the stream a
short distance from the mouth of the
Fiave. Their boats, howeyer, were
caught under the fire of the Italian
guns and the project had to be given
Austro-German air men continue to
bemb towns on the Venetian plains,
Treviso and Bassano have again been

attacked and bombs also were drop-
ped on Mestre. Little damage was done
by the bombs. Three of the enemy air
craft were shot down in aero battles
or by anti-aircraft guns.


Washington, Jan. 2. - Government
purchase and sale to consumers of all
sugar used in the United States and
control of the amounts and kinds of
food to be served in public eating
places were advocated to meet the
abnormal war conditions by Food Ad-
ministrator Hoover today in testimony
before the senate committee- investi-
gating sugar. He said additional leg-
islation conferring upon the food ad-
ministration such powers, should be
enacted by congress.
Failure to Co-operate
Food conservation came up only cas-
ually during an all day examination of
Mr. Hoover, but the administrator re-
vealed that results from conservation
plans formulated for hotels and res-
taurants had been disappointing be-
cause of the deliberate failure of
some to co-operate with the adminis-
tration. -Those seeking to help had
been forced to abandon their efforts
Mr. Hoover said, in order to meet
Mr. Hoover said the sugar supplies
for next year promised to be 300,000
tons short of the estimated demand,
but it was hoped to solve the shortage
by conservation and limitation of sup-
ply to manufacturers of non-essential
food stuffs.

Because of the great, decrease i
the number of students and the in
crease in cost of materials needed b
the University, the budget commltte
was instructed at the last meeting o
the board of regents to confer with
the deans of the various departments
and to devise means for economy and
reducing the budget. Plans for th
operation of the University durini
1918 will be taken up by the com-
mittee. A reduction in the teaching
staff may be necessitated by the grea
loss of members of the student body.
James G. Sharpe, '18E, of Sault Ste
Marie, was appointed a member o
the board of directors of the athleti
John Nickelson and Harold Hicks
instructors in the engineering college
were granted leave of absence to enter
military service.



This i


will he g

3 course

Factories Profit -h- a ir
In urging government purchase of mission i
sugar, Mr. Hoover explained to the and econo
committee that through that method the power
alone could refiners be paid an.equit- is regard
able price. He said some beet fac- plished.
tories are making huge profits at the The sui
7.25 cents a pound agreed upon for. ences atte
beet sugar, but on the other hand a that an
factory in Michigan and one or two sources f
in Colorado actually are losing money (Co
at that price.

no fewer than
- lives in the
Early reports
aquake, which
clare the loss
ne estimates
mala city dis-
ver, said that
been killed.




Washtenaw was the fourth county
in the state to reach her quota in the by1
recent Red Cross membership cam- ing
paign. Tne apportionment was 8,800 B
members. When the campaign closed Irar
the membership numbered 10,800. Pla
Many of these subscriptions came troi
from the students and were made at Gla
the mass meeting at Hill auditorium el
before the Christmas vacation. The pin(
students who left too late to pay their Okl
fee may do so to Carl Braun in the Wa
Ann Arbor savings bank on North Un-
iversity, or at the School of Music an- Bra
nex on Williams street, where the L
county Red Cross rooms are now per- Lat
manently located.

'wenty-nine degrees wi
the board of regents at
Dec. 21. They are as f
Bachelor of Arts-Har
m, Ann Arbor; S1mon
inville, Ill.; Alice M.


United States
as given f r
e course. '1 he


To Start Work Again Today
gton, Jan. 2.-Congress, in
ice Dec. 18, will re-assemble
tomorrow, after its holiday
prepared to proceed with a
ative program. Both houses
urn after brief sessions to-
out of respect to Senator
of Nevada and Representa-
rick of Ohio, who died dur-
ecess, and the first important

British Vessel Loss Shows Increase
London, Jan. 2.-Eighteen British
merchantmen of 1,600 tons or over
have been sunk by mine or submarine
during the past week according to the
admiralty's statement tonight. Three
merchantmen under 1,600 tons were
also sunk. This is a material increase
over the previous week, when the sink-
ings numbered 12, of which 11 were
more than 1,600 tons.

Food Exports For 1917 Show Iner
*Washington, Jan. 2.-Exports
tood jtuffs in 1917 were value
nearly $1,000,000,0000, an increas
$207,000,000 over 1916. Statistics
nounced today by the departme'
commerce snow, however, that I
was a decrease in actual quan
higher price3 accounting for the

am in

Couzens Presents Prizes T,
James Couzens of Detroi
,ented to repeat hiis test
last year, presenting $50


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