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August 17, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…I IW1oe1 'Uiurizw THRE A WE I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1920.- PRIC FRESHMEN TALKS CHANGE PLANNED A plan whereby the "Talks to Freshmen,' wich were inaugurated in the literary college last year, will he changed is being considered." The plan under contemplation is to have probably five talks during the year delivered by President Marion L. Burton. The system in use last year provided for weekly addresses to the yearl...…

August 17, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

… rday Afternoons. Maynard Street. al, 2414. except Saturday. signed, the signatures ut as an evidence of red in The Wolverine led to the office. o consideration..No r enclses postage. se the sentimhents Iex- .........Managing Editor 4 or i20. ...........Business Manager or 2738. ,SSISTANTS Hlamel, Jr. Robert S. Kersey Hamilton Cochran JST' 17, 1920. YEAR ENDS ii Summer session, both y of students is nearing s the, 1920 term will be egin th...…

August 17, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

… Phone 423 CREAM .K Kodak With You s a Koda It is our k that is just suited to your business to help you find it. the equipment and the supplies and rest." Come and see us. f T'he Screen AT THE MAJESTIC "Let's Be Fashionable" is the pic- ture in which Douglas MacLean and Doris May are starred at the Majestic for the last time today. In this pro- duction the two light comedians con- tinue the cleveracting, which has broug-ht them great ...…

August 17, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…:, (Continued from Page 1) given more inspiration than any he had ever before attended. He further stated that the depart- ment of education has come into its own as a strong department of the University. It has built up a strong7 faculty and is 'now able to meet thea demands made upon it. He also re- marked that the, Education club has been a strong feature in the Summer, school work. The Summler school here is starting on a new era, he con-...…

August 14, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…I ,{ rrtu t" THREE TIME A WEEK s / , ANN ARBORf, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1920. PRICE I TAP ROOM WILL CLOSE ON AUG.-20, Miss Emma Grattan Says Teachers- Should Enter Into Play of Child t T WO NUMBERS TO CONCLUDEPROGRA\M I I ATE The tap room, all amusements, and the barber shop of the Union will be closed until the opening of school in the fall on Aug. 20. The main din- ing room will continue to give serv- ice througho...…

August 14, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…a1a1a1 . V Y WV*L V L PER OF THE SUMMER SITY OF MICHIGAN. ad Saturday Afternoons. ilding, Maynard Street. Editorial, 2414. )URS : o DailW, except Saturday. words, if signed, the signatures print, but as an evidence of pubiished in The Wolverine tor mailed to the office. ceive no consideration. No he writer encloses postage. y endorse the sentiments ex- ........Managing Editor )r 120. ..Business Manager 2738. Robert S. Kersey Hamilton Cochr...…

August 14, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…The Stage I' Phone 423 CREAM SIILTBE;'It-EriTT ke a Kodak With You is a Kodak that is just suited to your It is our business to help you find 'it. pment and the supplies and Come and see us. &r rParticular People Jimmy Hussey's musical revue "Tattle-Tales," will begin the second half of its fortnight's engagement at the Shubert-Detroit Monday night. D- spite the fact that this is a new play, done by a new author and producer and that it...…

August 14, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…VL jv L. IN1 IN ' F-.. TORE ce Cream ROM CAMPUS By Taking Pains (I Sew on Butt- ons, and do Reasonable Mending REQUEST ry Company Streets CRET tive home is a pretty EAST INDIA WOMEN GET SCHOLARSHIPS Two girlsdfrom EasthIndia, the first ywomen~ students of that country to attend the University of Michigan, are 1 to arrive in Ann Arbor at the opening of the fall session. They are Miss Lalika Haldar and Miss Probhabati Dasgupta, both of ...…

August 12, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…-00,.hr a uvrtit i AT I r A A WEE I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1920. PR ... .. ,. TUL RY I, v FLYI V HAS TO PROFE~SSOR FRIDAY CANCELLS LECTURE Prof. David Friday of the depart- ment of political science who was scheduled to speak Friday afternoonl on "The Present Industrial Situation,' has cancelled the lecture. The reason for his action is that he has been teaching at Columbia uni- versity in New York City duri...…

August 12, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

… cttne Editorial Comment LIVERY DO YOU NE UDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER; OFr. THLE UNIVERSITY OY MICHIGAN. 'uesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. \nn Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. nes: Business, 969; Editorial, 2414. OFFICE HOURS: .o Daily; x :3o to 5:oo Daily, except Saturday. ? is not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures to be published in print, but as an evidence of s of events will be published in The Wolverine ...…

August 12, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…L A l L "" V L Y L i\ j 1\ L om him by Netter Condi- :r the pres- oyer's home conducted r candhiates expects to vhile, as he roduction at ne order of last year. SHUIBERT-DETROIT Jimmy Hussey's musical revue, "Tattle-Tales," will begin the second half of its fortnight's engagement at the Shubert-Detroit Monday night. De- spite the fact that this is a new play, done by a new author and producer and that its stay here is practically its premier...…

August 12, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…(Continued from Page ,)1 inltelligently. were given the second ideexamination. . . eStatistics of 100,000 .ses from the 1,500,000 examinations made . by the army psychologists show that 4.3 per-j E cent of the enlisted men were of Al ly intelligence; 8 percent B, 15.9-per-; cent C plus, 264 percent C, 24.8 per-1 Bsing cent C plus, 17 percent D, and 3.2s krbor percent D plus. Of ,the officers 55.6 per: al In- Icent were rated A, 28.4 percent B,...…

August 11, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

… Uk'lurriz AT YOUR E THREE TIME R A WEEK 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1920. PRICE FIVE C r , o 130 sLow VDIA STATES LESSOR CROSSI AKE HASTE SLOWLY IS AD)- VICE OF KH STOtY MAN JCH A COURSE WILL AID N SOIXING PROBLEMS oup of Educated Natives Iesiring Self-Government Growing Larg. er4 and More Emphatic That it will be best to mke haste >wly in India until the problems of e country are better understood by 'itish st...…

August 11, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…HE OLVERINE olverine U E I"DO YOU NEED YOUR STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER N Or THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. d Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. OVFICE HlOJRS: 12 :oo Daily; .:30 to 5 :oo Daily, except Saturday. *tions not to exceed 300 words, if sgned, the signatures ily to be published in print, but as an evidence of otices of events will be pu...…

August 11, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…)LVE N _ ... ..... .._.... ,ti._,, .., ... ATTEND IIGAN MLANA Wier, violin 'cello, Mrs. George ad, piano, Carl Lindegren, voc- M. Bilbie, will be the artists at a Summer session recital, to be it 8 o'clock this evening in Hill Ium by the School of Music dmission will be charged for the to which the general public is but the audience is requested in its seats promptly, as the will be closed between numbers. Paul Eaton, '21, president of-...…

August 11, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…TH WOLVERINE . . ..._ w _.. _ ontinued from Page 1) iat the early recruits attract- ay work were largely medic- vho were curious, or men in- in the electrical phenomena, although better men are en, .e field, more are needed for ork. 13e expressed the opin., the greatest development is me, but that it is now retard- ed because the process is so eypensllve. Suggests Experimental Work In concluding he suggested that both experimental and clin...…

August 10, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…I *nftrrhwt~ AT YOUR THREE T] A WEEK ,, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1920. PRICE F t ,.. WHAT'S GOING ON Ir i rELVIRINE COMES OUT FOUR TIMES THIS WEEK August 10 5 p. m.-Recent Britiph Policies in In- dia. Prof. A. L. Cross. 8 p. m.-Medical' Lecture. Dr. J. G. Van Zwaluwenburg. August 11 5 p. m.-Some Problems of American- ization as Seen by an Army Psychol- ogist, Prof. C. S Berry. 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni-...…

August 10, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…IN, L tIne vT NEWS.PAPER O" THE SUMMER HE UNIVERSITY Or MICHIGAN. y, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. rbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. . IDyFIC, pyHOURS: 1:30 to 5:oo Daily, except Saturday!. nat to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures be published in print, but as an evidence of of evFts will be published in The Wolverine 1the Eiditor, if left or mailed to the office. unications will receive...…

August 10, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…1 1 1 . W 'V Thne Screen L In last Saturday's game Mike was [ARD sent in as a pinch hitter when there were three men on bases. Knode nneth cleaned up the sacks for the St. Louis team, knocking out a three base hit. were In the second game of a double s and header between St. Louis and Wash- e St. ington Sunday, Sisler took four hits hard in five times at bat, each one of which was one of a different caliber. He clouted out a single, a two bag...…

August 10, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…HE I INE ...._ _ 11 4 _ 1 I --- EXTENSION C9MPS IN FINE SHAPE.H. KRUS Piano or Victrola (Continued from Pager 1) the experinental stage, and was of a permanent character. The physical equipment is excell- ent. There are substantial buildings of steel construction and concrete floors. The camp has Its own electric' lighting system, water supply, and sewage disposal' All the buildings have electric lights and stoves and many have runn...…

August 07, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…/ I 00 Uinlurriur AT YOUR DC THREE TI A WEEK I ANNARBOR, MICHIGAN, VOL. XI. No. 20. PRICE FIVE 6 3 ANCE TO '24ERS I Receive One, ii Songs, itlons an Bibles are iversity 'Y for Lcoming fresh- changes have. es are being arlings, one idual in the aining 2,000 iools in the Ler universi- more elabo- nd the make- at. Changes, tents, which traditions, expected of so, been to the, Baxter, Chris- active Ann it. Given In Vaudeville if....…

August 07, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

… ... -- ine }, STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER )N OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. d Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. OFFIC2 HOWRS: 1a:eo Daily; i:3o to 5 :oo Daily, except Saturday. y tions not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures ly to be published in, print, but as an evidence of >tices of events will be published in The Wolverine ioni of...…

August 07, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

….. v AL 1\ 1 .'I A DEMOCRATIC the Women's league tea on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. E. ruly democrat- Rankin. Dr. Kahn went on to urge powerful," said the necessity' of an understanding of the Chinese question by our women,, . ~$pointing out that America alone of all the great powers is capable of the moral leadership which the Chinese need. Let our Wolverine boosters know Rver you appreciate their ads.--Adv. Tne Screen T'he S...…

August 07, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…1 1 1 Ar- wVV Lr ~V Ar.. AX1. IN d-. tions are being versity School of Maynard street in rge increase in at- tendance this fall. The building is being ,.extended at the rear 30 feet, while a floor of studios is being pro-I vided above the auditorium. In this way about 20 additional teaching and practice studios will be- provided. The attendance last year was more than '650 students, reresenting nearly 40 states and countries, an increase of ...…

August 05, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…I ooe Coal rt AT YOUR DC THREE TIM A WEEK f 1 _ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUS'7- 5, 1920 PRICE FIVE t i I ndowed University Theater Needed For lramt, AacKaye Tells Reporter (By P. A. S.) ' Have you ever taken dinner with a famous dramatist? - We hadn't either until Mr. Percy MacKaye's visit to Ann Arbor afforded ) the opportunity yesterday evening. And now we are prepared to tell "how' it is done." it necessary to be dramatic ...…

August 05, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…A 11 L ER OF THE SUMMER ITY OF MICHIGAN. d Saturday Afternoons. ding, Maynard Street. Editorial, 2414. JRS: Daily, except Saturday. ords, if signed, the signatures rnt, but as an evidence of published in The Wolverine or mailed to the office. eive no consideration. No writer encloses postage. endorse the sentiments ex- naging Editor .Business Manager 2738. STANTS iel, Jr. Robert S. Kersey n Cochran 1920 ;ION )n Hamilton di- :cording to t...…

August 05, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…I I. ~1 A IMMEL'S HAVE' S00, CLASS- STORY TO HOUR. Dean Marcus L. Ward of the College of Dental Surgery, and Mrs. Ward, left today for Wah Wah Soo, where they LIVERY, will remain for the rest of the month, ver returning to Ann Arbor about Sept. 1. A N CIGAR STORE . RDS ANID POCKET BILLIARDS es, Tobaccos, Candies. Soft Drinks, Ice Cream ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Mr. Ray K. Immel's class in story telling will give a series of open story ho...…

August 05, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…[TI! FIRST OF BILLIARD TOIJR\I~ I TOURNAMENT PLAYN' MEHA LITERAk11TURE Is 1 iTUJRN M3ATCIRES PLAYED LAST NIGHIT END AP RIA hIN1 AUSNG 9NT SE.IO1I',SAID of the The first of the billiard tournament' Co' md/roi1ae1 3 from matches being held at the Union were! The play is drawing, near the finals ending played last night and Gornall was the in the Summer tennis tournament, and b ogs n etmnaim u of Sep- high man with-six- straight, in the three by ...…

August 03, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

… I IW Ulolriue THRE R TODAY I A WEE /~.. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1912 PRICE BILE Ni .. .. . ATHLETIC BOOK BEING PREPARED (HERE ORNINGI COSMO CLUB, TO ARRANGE PROGRAM Farcical Situations, Clever Acting, Good Directing Mark Production T, T4 G1 The Athletic record book for 1920, which will contain the complete, and all-time records of Michigan teams, is being prepared for publication by the Athletic associatio...…

August 03, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ursday, and Saturday Afternoons. Press Building, Maynard Street. ness, 960; Editorial, 2414. ICE HOURS: :30 to 5:00 Daily, except Saturday. :ceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures ished in print, but as an evidence of s will be published in The Wolverine tor, if left or mailed to the office. s will receive no consideration. No 3 unless the writer encloses postage. necessarily endorse the senti...…

August 03, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

… they reverted to their pre-war status as captains. The last promotion is a permanent one and comes as a result of the new army program, by which a big na- tional guard is to be created along with a larger standing army. Both officers are at Fortress Monroe this summer training R. 0. T. C. units. r. s CHRLUNION TO HAVE CONCERlT ON WEDNESDAY Gladys Owen, Dorothy M. Scholl, Irene Simmons, M. Mildred Swanson, Minnie Williamson, Annie Young. Te...…

August 03, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE rr.. NEW EOR RE FOR AUG] 4- qqpp \ lL - oe HIS M4STEFiS VOICE' MAC KAYELECTURES, W DNESDAY NIGHTt Percy MacKaye, whose original en-A gagement was cancelled because of a train wreck, will be in Ann Arbor to give his reading at 7 o'clock Wednes- day evening. "George Washington,"c one of his own works, will be the sub- U a ject of his reading., UAST At5 o'clock this afternoon Prof. R. W. Sellars, of the philosophy depart- ment...…

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