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August 11, 1920 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1920-08-11

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oup of Educated Natives Iesiring
Self-Government Growing Larg.
er4 and More Emphatic
That it will be best to mke haste
>wly in India until the problems of
e country are better understood by
'itish statesmen and until its people
in more knowledge of the art of
Lf-government, was the view ex-
essed by Prof. A. L. Cross of the
story department, in his address
sterday afternoon on "Recent Brit-
i Policies in India." Such a course,
Ideclared, will aid in the solution
problems which otherwise might be
tld only by bloodshed.
Self-Government Better'
A group of educated natives 'in I'n-
a has been growing larger and more
phatic In its desire for sef-govern-
snt, Professor Cross stated. They
ve felt that self-gpvernment is bet-
- than good government by a for-
pn power. This discontent was
irked on before the war by German
)pagandists, but most of the natives
nained full of enthusiasm for the
itish cause. More than 1,400,000
dians were in the imperial army be-
'e the close of the conflict. Money
s available at any time the British
vernment wanted to borrow.
'he natives began to take up Wood-
Wv Wilson's theory of self-determin-
on, the speaker said. Extremists
o wanted to resort to violence com-
cated the situation. The Moham-
Haan eiement feared encroachment
their religious privileges, and they
re encouraged by the Russian rev-
tipn and British reverses in Mes-..
otamia. The Indian nationalists
I a plan for extension 'of their pow-
a o~f government that was not work
British Evolve Plan
k plan for progressive liberty and
ension of the area in which the
>ple were to be given the right to°
vern themselves was evolved by the
itish after a report had been made
an e'xtended investigation begun in
7. By this plan two of the si
mbers of the executive council of the
eroy were to be natives, and rad-
1 changes were made in the legis-
ive bodies. Two-thirds of the mem-
rs of the lower branch were to be
cted by a liberal franchise vote.
['here was much resentment when
s scheme went into effect, Professor
>ss continued. The Extremists did
t like the plan at all because it hurt
ir trade of stirring up discontent,
t the majority of the educated class
s willing to give it a trial. Certain
fortunate developments arose. Eng-
id determined to put down anarchy
d passed acts dealing kdrastically
,h sedition. Possibility of self-de'
-mination became more remote.
ded to this, was the economic situ-
on aggravated by constantly soar-
,'prices. Discontent was voiced by
series of riots in Bombay, the Pun-
>,, and other places.
Is No Real Nationailty
Professo Cross declared that there
no real nationality in India, com-
sed as it is of 43 races and innum-
ible tribes. There are many re-
ions, of which the most important
e the Hindu, Mohammedans, and
.ddists. India suffered greatly in
e transition from an agricultural to
industrial country. Famines were
,d, and cities ciowded. The problem
transportatio'n was difficult.

British rule has done much to pre-
nt the ravages of famine by build-
E railroads and establishing ware-
uses for the storing of grain and
odstuffs. Sanitation has been im-
oved, often in the face of native op-
sition. But in spite of British ef-
ts. education is not far. advanced.
is estimated that only one percent
the women and ten percent of the
m can write, while 25 percent of
e children of school age are capable
readipg and writing. A great many
ople do not want their children to
arn to read and write because they4

Lectures for the rest of the week
will be by faculty men who are rec-
ognized as having done special. work
in the field, that they represent. Prof.
C. S. Berry, who will speak at% 5
o'clock this afternoon on "Some Prob-.
lems- of Americanizan as Seen by
an Army Psycchologist," did work for
the government during the war along
psychological lines.
There will be two eminent students
of political economy on. the week's
program in Prof. W. A. Paton,"who
will speak on "Income Tax Proced-
ure," and in Prof. David Friday, who
is recognized as one of the best econ-
omists in the country. Professor Fri-
lay will speak Friday afternoon on'
"The Present Industrial Situation."
Prof. C. P. Wagner who will tell of'
Spanish Gypsy songs, is head of the
Spanish department of the University.;
Miss Emma Grattan, in charge of the
art exhbiition, has done a grea't deal;
of work iii public school art.

Committee in Charge Labors Hard to
Make Coming Convention
Work in preparation for the Chinese
convention, which will be held here
during the first4 week of September,
is progressing satisfactorily, according
to those in charge.
The committee of the conference
has been laboring hard to insure suc-
cess 'of the meeting. A meeting was
held in Lane hall last Thursday, 1
when reports of the various sub-com-
mittees weee given and plans discuss-
ed. It was decided to incorporate
some new features in the plans for+
the conference, which will be an-
nounced later.
100 Plan Attending
So far 100 persons have signified
their intention of attending the con-
ference, 40 of whom have filled out
the blanks in application for subsidy,
which is for those who cannot pay
all of their expensestto Ann Arbor.
The officers report that this is as
good if not better than they expected,
as it. was thought that the incresed
railroad fares and the late summer
schools in many of the colleges of the
country would keep many away. ,
Quite a number of townspeople will
be invited to the conference as guests,
and all meetings will be open to Am-t
ericans, as it is wished to strengthen1
the bond as much as possible between1
the United States and China. Freder-
ick W. Stevens, a representative of
the consortium for China, will attend
the convention. -The consortium is al
group of American, British, French,
and Japanese bankers, who lend#
money to China for its development.
Mr. Stevens has been invited to ad-
dress the conference.
Detroit Invites Delegation
The Chamber of Commerce of De-I
troit, in order to bring about a better1
.understanding between China and Am-
erica and to romote Chinese-Amer-k
ican trade have invited the delega-t
tion to dinner, when its goes to De-
trdit to make a tour of inspection of
the industries there.t
The Detroit and Ann Arbor Chinese;
clubs have planned an entertainment
which will include American and
Chinese music and Chinese magic. <
The Chinese students have been in-'
vited by Mr. and Mrs,. Frederick Stev:-
ens to their home on Aug. 14. At
this time Mr. Stevens will make somet
remarks in respect .to the American
group of bankers in the Chinese con-.

Of Invaluable Aid to Medicine, He
Says; Public Views it as N4velty
Classing the field of X-ray work as
spectacular and intriguing and say-
ing that although the X-ray is not
infallible in diagnostic work, it has
nevertheless been of invaluable aid,
.Dr. J. G. Van Zwaluwenburg, of the
University Medical school, delivered
an address on "The Relation of the X-
ray to Modern Medical Methods,"
Tuesday night in the Natural Science
Viewed as Novelty
The fact that the X-ray has been
viewed by the public as a novelty and
because it is spectacular both to med-
ical men and, laymen, its progress has
suffered to some extent, is the claim
of Dr. Van Zwaluwenburg, who also
contends that this same glamoftr is a
hindrance in evaluating the real worth
of the X-ray. To give some idea of
the actual assistance rendered by it,

he had a number of pictures cast upon
the screen, explaining the character-
istics of each.
Dr. Van Zwaluwenburg demonstra-
ted of what value the X-ray is in a
wide range of cases; chiefly fractures,
deformations, extraneous growths,
lodged bullets, broken-off surgical
needles, bad teeth, articles swallow-
ed accidentally, tuberculosis, oancers,
heart trouble, and stomach diseases.
Initial Work Confined
The initial work of radiograms, ac-
cording to the speaker, was largely
confined to fracture cases where the
radio-pictures were of invaluable aid
in revealing the nature of the break,
the relation of the broken parts, dis-
placement, interposition of tissue, or
extra fragments. That the X-ray
quickly removes all doubt as to wheth-,
er the trouble is congenital or not and
that it often demonstrates that sup-
posed cases of rheumatism are in.
reality afflictions brought about by
foreign bodies creeping into the joints,
were assertions of Dr. Van Zwaluwen-'
The most revealing pictures to the
lay eye were those showing lodged
rifle ,bullets, shot or swallowed art-
icles of metallic nature. The radio-
gram is of great aids in these cases in
getting the exact location of the art-
icle, said the speaker. An interesting
case of a broken-offdental needle was
s own.


Examination hours must be rigidly
adhered to nd no exceptions to the
schedule are' to be made, said Prof.
E. H. Kraus, dean of the Summer ses-
sion. Students, who do not take the
examinations at the specified hours,
will be given an X or an incomplete
in the course, according to the Uni-
versity rules on this matter. '
Providing that a suitable reason
can be given, the student can make up
this examination within a month aft-
er the beginning of the next semest-
ter of his residence, but if the work is
not dne by this time, it lapses into
an E.
The examination schedule as con-
tained in the Summer sessoin bulletin
and announced by Dean Kraus, ist
Seven o'clock classes, Friday, 10 to
12; 8 o'clock classes, Thursday, 8 to
10; 9 o'clock classes, Wednesday, 2
to 4; 10 o'clock classes, Thursday, 4
to 6; 11 o'clock classes, Friday, 8 to
10; 1 o'clock- classes, Friday, 2 to 4;
2 o'clock classes, Thursday, 2 to 4;
3 q'clock classes, Wednesday, 4 tO 6;
4 o'clock classes, Thursday, 10 to 12;
irregular, Friday, 4 to 6.
Pictures of Camp
Dlavs ..en Taken
Camp Davis, Aug. 10.-On Monday
evening Camp Manager Alexander
called the first business meeting of
the season. Midst wordy battles and
flow of oratory, plans'were made for
our visitors' day, Saturday, Aug. 14.
A sing followed the meeting and the
treat of the evening was a talk by
Professor Roth.
We were rounded up -early the oth-
Ir morning and had our pictures tak-
en before we started out in the field.
The grups looked good and the cam-
era didn't break either.
Thursday morning the 'launch car-
ried perhaps its record load. Prof.
Brodie with six land subdivision part-
ies, Prof. Mitchell and Walker with
a sounding party made a total of 34 in
the launch. '
Two plummers have already been
lost by the sounders. They report
that a visious tugging on the line
points toward a deep sea fish swal-
lowing it./
Our "weakly" hard luck story: Mar-
son established a bench mark on a
stump and, ten minutes latter the
transit party cut the stump down for
a hub. The ensuing conversation was
The Biolog objects because our
blackfiies have only four appendages.
Hoyever the staff artist says they arG
During the past week, Doc-has been
giving the boys tests similar to those
used at Mineola. From the examin-
ation the variation of the blood press-
ure and pulse reaction due to changes
01 position can be determined. Each
part of the examination bears a cer-
tain value, the sum of which totals 18
points for a perfect man. The aver-
age standing of aviators is nine. The
man who tested the lowest last week
was about to go to Bryants and Doc.
attributed his low standing to the
coming excitement.

Victor F. Gornall, '22, a dark horseB
whose playing consistently improved Paints Out Value .
as he worked his way to the finals, . Dr. Van Zwaluwenburg pointed out
won the loving cup, which was offered of wht extreme value the X-ray is
to 'the winner of the Summer session in chest pathology, saying that tub-
billiard tournament conducted by the erculosis could be diagnosed authora-
Union. He will probably not gain tively only through discovery of the
possession of the cup until fall. germ in the sputum during the early
Defeats White stages, or by use of the X-ray, fang
By defeating White 25 to 21, late that only by the latter could the pro-
Monday night, Gornall showed his gress and changes of the disease be
superiority to his opponents, who had watched comprehensively. A radio-
entered the tournament. This victory gram is almost absolutely necessary,
followed close upon his defeat of he said, when a pleural cavity is to
Snodgrass, a formidable competitor, be drained.
earlier in the evening. The X-ray is not such an asset
In both cases Gornall clearly out- where cancers are concerned, the
played the other two men, and dis- speaker said,, because the disease is
played a-high quality of billiards. Ili insidious and persons afflicted rarely
work with the cue was -good, and he. come to the hospital until they are in
showed steady, consistent playing an incurable state. He added, how-
throughout. In his match with Snod- ever, that through the use of the X-
grass, Gornall took an early lead, ram, it could 'be determined whether
which he maintained during the en- it would be feasible to. operate on the
tire contest, despite Snodgrass' de- patient or not, and'that the radiogram
termined efforts to overcome it. obviates a great deal of guess work.
, Odd Man Draws Bye . In stomach trouble, abnormalities
dtrnall, White, and Snodgrass, al- are quickly shown, and likewise de-
came to the semi-finals, and as there fective acting valves, stated Dr. Van
were only three players, a coin was Zwaluwenburg, also tumorous growths
flipped, the odd man drawing a bye. and polypous conditions.
The result permitted White to rest in X-Ray Helps Dentist
the semi-finals, and sent Snodgrass The dentist has learned inany les-
and Gornall into the only match pf sons through the eye of the 'X-ray.
this round. according to the speaker, pus-sacks
Great enthusiasm was manifested about the teeth cause a variety of
in, the tournament by all the contest- complications, being relatively easy
ents, and by a number of spectators, to locate now, where formerly the ex-
who formed a fair sized gallery at istence of such infections was often
some of the matches. Capable man- not even suspected. Abnormal tooth
agement insured the tournament's growths and deformities can be de-
success from the start. - tected and treated with a greater de-
gree of efficiency, the speaker said.
FACULTY TO WIN Dr. -Van Zwaluwenburg stated that
L GSthis particular field of medicine had
BALL GAME,, SAID been invaded by a number of mercen-
aries who capitalized-the novelty of
A baseball game between the pup- (Continued on Page 4)

C. 0. Sauer Head of Camp Will Tel
Excursions Planned For A
Weeks Ends
A camp for practical work in ge
logy and geography will be conducte
by the University for the first tim
this summer and it will be located a
Mills Springs, Wayne Bounty, Kentu
ky, in the south central part of th
state and on the Cumberland rive:
This is -the third camp establiske
for practical work in the field /the
the University is conducting, Cam
Davis and the Biological station be
ing the .other two.
Work will begin Aug. 29 and co
tinue until Sept. 25. The camp yi:
be in harge of C. o. Sauer of th
geological department. IIe will als
teach the class in geography, an
Prof. Ermine Case- will be in charg
of the class' ,in geology. The tw
classes are'limited to 12 persons, bot
of which were filled before Commence
ment. If anyone is interested in tak
ing the work, there is a postbilit
that he may be accommodated, shoul
some one, already enrolled, drop ou
Only men are allowed to take th
Spial Features Exposed
This portion of Kentucky was,s
lected for the site because of is e
posed geological condtiions and spe
lal geographical features. As Mic
igan is covered with a deep layer o
glacial soil, it was impossible to hav
the camp in this state, Kentucky be
ing the nearest field that offered a
necessary conditions.
The camp is planned for practic
field work and it is intende that th
students will receive as much pract
al experience in the field as he
would if working with regular fiel
geologists. A complete survey .-
the area will be made by the class4
geology. The class in geography wi
also do purely practical work, stud
ing soils, climatic conditions, and the:
relation to crops.
Regular work will last fie days
week, and will be highly intensiv
Each week end it is planned to vis
some nearby point of interest, such s
Cumberland Falls, coal mines, and a
fields. The last week end there wi
be a long excursion. If the camp
successful, it may be made permanen
Will Use Tents
Some buildings of an old lumbe
camp will be used for sleeping quar
ers, office, and mess hall. Tents wi
be used in addition. Everything wi
be done to make living conditions sa
isfactory and special efforts are bei
exerted to provide good food.
lumber camp has offered the use of
20-foot launch to the classes and the
will also be motor equipped rv
There is a particular doming up c
the soil in that region of Kentuc
which bares the geological formatio
to view, and makes it especially fitt
for study. There are two of these sa
called domes, the Cincinnati dome ar
the Nashville dome on the north led
of which the camp is located.

Persons interested in the camp ma
secure circulars of information at ti
Summer session office.
Four issues of The Wolverine
will be published this week on
Tuesday, Wednesady, Thursday,
and Saturday afternoons. There
will be only one paper the next
week, which will come out on
This action is being taken in
order that members of the edi-
torial and business staffs of The
Wolverine may have sufficient
time to prepare for their exam-
inations and also to allow the
! publication of the usual 25







,Ajigust 11
5 p. m.-Some Probleis of American-
ization as Seen by an Army Psychol-
ogist, Prof. C. S. Berry.
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Ulni-
versity School of Music. '(Hill Audi-
August 12
5 p. m.-Income Tax Procedure. Prof.
W. A. Paton.
7 p. m.-Educational motion pictures.
8 p. m.-The Element of Beauty from
;the Public Standpoint, Miss Emma
Gratton, room 205, Engineering
building. Art exhibition of students
in public art work follows from 9 to
10 o'clock.
August 13
5 p. m -Thy Present Industrial Situ-

erintendents an dthe faculty, a water-
melon feed, and a talk by State Sup-
erintendent of Schools T. E. Johnson,
will be the features of the final ed-
ucational club meeti g to be held this
evening on Ferry field.
Faculty men have already announc-
ed the score of the contest, which will
run 19 to 2 in favor of the faculty.
This announcement followed a close
and heated conference with the um-
spire, and it finally ended with the
umpire stating before hand what the
final score would be.
Mr. Johnson will speak about the
recommendations that he will make to
the state legislature when it convenes.
'These recommendations will give an
idea to the legislature of the kind of
laws in the interest of education that
it should pass.

ation, Prof. David Friday.
8 p. m.-Spanish Gypsy Folk
(Illustrated with Victrola),
C. P. Wagner.


August 16
5 p. m.--Subject and lecturer to be an-
August 17,
8 p. m.-Recital. The Class in Shake-
spearean Reading. (University Hall.)
New York, Aug. 10.-Tens of thous-
ands of rats which infest the town of
Paita, Peru, have caused the Peruvian
government to: order the town destroy
ed and rebuilt in a rat-proof manner,
according to William Moss, a passeng-
er on the steamship Tennyson, ar-
riving here today.

Sister Clouts
idth Home -Run
George Sisler, '15E, the sensational
first baseman of the St. Louis Am-
ericans, is emulating Babe Ruth's
achievements. While the former Mich-
igan captain has not yet come within
reach of Babe'strtotal for the season,
he has already pounded out 16 home
runs, which would be a worthy feat
if Babe Ruth had never been develop-
Sisler's last four base swat came in
the game yesterday between St. Louis
and Boston, which the Browns won
6-4. In the seventh inning with Ger-
ber on'base George came to bat and
leaned on the ball so hard that he
counted Gerber and himself, thereby
giving St. Louis the needed runs to
This' makes Sisler's third home run
in three days, and helps to boost his
batting average, which now plaIes
him second to Tris Speaker of Cleve-
land, in the American league.
Kenneth Knode, '20H, played anoth-
er full game for the St. Louis Cardin-
als Monday, and in the course of the
contest came -to bat si'x times, one of'
which times he slammed the ball for



A few of our subscribers have
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account. Thank you.

two bases.

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