.. .. .
Farcical Situations, Clever Acting,
Good Directing Mark Production
T, T4
The Athletic record book for 1920,
which will contain the complete, and
all-time records of Michigan teams, is
being prepared for publication by the
Athletic association, and will probably
be out early in the fall.
Corrections and additions to the 1914
publication, the last one, the new book
will be brought up to date, and the
records of last year's teams will be
contained in this edition, which will
consist of about 125 pages.
No articles will appear in the book,'
and although there will be a few pic-
tures of the most prominent athletes,
it will consist mostly of the athletic
Promotion of Cosmopolitan Spirit
University Main Purpose
of Weekend'
In f a curious mishap when not the lovers
(By P. .)
Love may be blind but it is indeed
r His
president of the Lin-
f Detroit, and one of
nt automobile manu-
country, will speak
t 10 o'clock Friday
348 of the Engineer-
: has been arranged
lents of the Summer
Promotion of the cosmopolitan spirit
in the University is the main purpose
of the Cosmopolitan weekend, Thurs-
day, Friday, and Saturday. At this
time all the lecture -periods will be
given over to the Cosmopolitan club,
which has arranged for an extensive
The Rev. Lloyd Douglass will strike
the keynote of the Cosmopolitan pro-
gram at 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon,
with an address, "The New Relation
Among Nations." - In this talk he is
expected to bring out the new phases
of international relationship and to
show what the nations must do in the
Wenley Will Speak
At 8 o'clock of the same day Prof.
Robert Mark Wenley, head of the phil-
osophy department; is scheduled for a
talk on "Nationalism." This will deal
with the natioh's internal functions;
while Dr. Douglas' talk will deal with
me, according
who has ar-
Meeting One of Series
cal Engineering and Factory
ent" will be the subject of
nd's talk, and/in it he is ex-
bring out some of his experi-
I wise ideas on factory man-
The meeting of "the engi-
ne of a series, which has been
'or the summer with a view
the students some practical
e of real conditions. It is ex-
at at least one more 'big man
ess the engineering students
e end of the term.
Receives Degree
land, who received an hon-
gree from the University at
ommencement on account of
engineering work, was the
der of the Cadillac company,
ras responsible for its great
He is considered to be one of
st men in the automobiling
is Has
having a busy
last issue of
ts from which,
r sports for Party No. 1 dur-
'arm days consist in singeing
a of black flies with a reading
oth, head of the Forestry de-
arrived in camp last Friday.
t time he has been renewing
intance with the Eagle's Nest
ohnson has offered positions
a dozen men who wish to re-
ir the summer term to aid in
ion of a new boat house and
This will also serve as a
elter for the Bug Camp fleet.
inch is at present without a
irt using your brains (if any)
some suggestions.
ig started the first part of
We will now be able to 10-
leep sanctums of the sea.
.1 team goes to Bay View next
Let's alf go along with our
es and whiskers. The lake
np Davis baseball nine played
t official game of the season
rday at Pellston. An excep-
lose game was the result, the
s being defeated, 8-6. Our
e the more errors. Messner
linson both pitched shut-out
aging only one hit an inning,
holding out five rounds and
ni three. In the second in-
ry man on the. Engineers'
a trip to the plate. When
at last retired the third man,
had obtained five runs.
People of the United States do not
realize the tremendous growth that'
has been experienced by the organiza-
tion of the Camp Fire Girls of America,
according to the statement of L. F.
Scott, of New York city, director and
secretary of the national organization,
in his illustrated lecture on the "Camp
Fire Movement in Modern Education,"
given yesterday afternoon in the Na-
tural Science auditorium.
There are now between 125,000 and
150,000 girls from 12 to 18 years of age
enrolled in camps in ill parts of this
country and Alaska, he said.
In many places camp fires are being
organized in connection with and
auxilliary to the public schools. The
work of the school is supplemented by
this arrangement, and healthful out-
of-doors experience is available during
the summer vacation period, Mr. Scott
During the winter most of the work
in connection with the camp .fire is
done in the home, where the girl is
expected to learn to prepare food in
different manners, to prepare invalids'
trays, and to do the home cooking for
one month, if possible. Citizenship
and Americanization work is car-
ried on.
Activities of'the camp fire are much
broader in the summer. Girls who'
stay at home are expected to assist in
caring for the vegetable garden be-'
longing to the organization. Those
who go to camp are under the direc-
tion of specially trained leaders, and
they are,taught the art of living in the'
open anti all the work that is neces-
sary around a camp. -Special attention
is given to first aid of all kinds.
Suimmed up in their law is the entire
program of the Camp Fire Girls. The
law is to "seek beauty, give service,
pursue knowledge, be trustworthy,
hold on to health, glorify work, and
be happy."-
Two reels of pictures and several'
slides were shown presenting the ac-
tivities of the girls in camp and at
Russell Carter, who this spring re-;
signed as head of the public school
music department of the University
School of Music, has aceepted the posi-
tion of specialist in music, which has,
recently been created by the New York
state department of education. He will
make his headquarters in Albany.
Before coming to 'Michigan last year,,
Mr. Carter had been a former director
of the Albany community chorus and
organizer of a church chorus. He had
been in charge -of music at the South-,
western State Normal school of Penn-
sylvania; was superintendent of music
in the Am sterdam schools for eight
years; and has taught in summer ses-
sions at the University of California,
and New York State College forI
but the unyielding papa is the party to
be blinded by it. Such, at least, is the
opinion of Carlo Goldoni as expressed
in his play, "A Curious Mishap," which
the class in play production essayed
last evening with no little success in
Sarah Caswell 'Angell hall.
Farcical sit ations are designed pri-
marily for the eye, but a few words
may give some idea of the plot which
supplies them in this play. Philibert,
an old Dutch aristocrat, obligingly sets
out to 'facilitate the marriage of his
young guest, De La Cotterie, a French
lieutenant, to the daughter of a fellow
citizen, Riceardo, never dreaming that
it is his own daughter, Giannina, who
has won the lieutenant's heart and
whose romance he is weaving.
-Rage Unbounded
The supposed sweetheart is, of
course, led on to believe that the de-
sirable but impecunious young officer
has chosen her, and the rage of her
parsimonious father thereat is un-4
bounded. The climax is reached with
Philibert's receipt of the inevitable
letter from his daughter which tells
all and shatters the old man's exalted
opinion of himself as a matchmaker. 1
In spite of the fact that the develop-+
ment of the plot is obvious after the+
curtain has been up ten minutes, the
author has cleverly sustained the delu-1
sion of the complacent old gentleman
so as to keep the audience constantly
hovering between laughter and a de-
sire to apprise him of the true state oft
affairs, thus sparing him the final blow.
Leonard Plays Philibert
The difficult part of old Philibert
was taken by- A. C. Leonard who per-
haps did the best all-round work of
any of the cast. The audience did notE
see a younger man speaking the words
and mimicking the gestures of ant
older man. Leonard pictured a kindly,
self-satisfied old man without requir-1
ing any stretch of 'the imagination.
There was a fine bit of suspense in
hit contented toying with the letters
which he supposed contained the con-
firmation of the success of his plan but
which, in reality, was to let loose the
storms of a frustrated matchmaker.
Edna B. Robert,as-Philibert's daugh-
ter, has a voice df more tgan usual
quality and her facial expressions,
served her well as a coquette with a
talent 'for intrigue. C. W. Dahlstrom
was a handsome, love-lorn youth as De
La Cotterie, whose many woes brought
much sympathy.
Deserves Young Man
Juva Beeman is far too attractive a
jeune fille to be so shabbily treated in
the connivings, and deserves' a young
man at her side when the curtain goes
down. Her soliloquy at the opening
of Act II was given a trifle too soon
last night with the result that the audi-
ence failed to catch quite all of it. Al-
though G'eorge Hulbert as Riccardo
did not come storming in until Act II,
he lost no time in commanding atten-
tion both for his expressive visage and
ominous voice. Lucile Cobb and Marion
Moses were a happy and qnuite satis-
factory pair as servants of the lovers.
Enunciation, Fine
Perhaps the outstanding feature of
the entire production was the beautiful
enunciation of every member of the
cast-a detail which, by its niglect,
has brought the severest criticism of
the modern stage. Credit for this as
well as for the balance of the produc-
tion must go to Prof. R. D. T. Hollister
whose work has paid high tribute to
the department of play production. The
committees are to be commended for
their work in costuming and stage
"A Curious Mishap" will be given a
final performance this evening. It is
excellent entertainment and well,
merits a 'place of honor on the list of
Sunkmer session entertainments. May
it be continued as an annual event on
the University calendar!
external relations.
The home and gardens of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Stevens at 1245 Ferdon
road will be thrown open to members
of the Cosmopolitan club and other,
foreign students of the University
from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock Friday after-
At 5 o'clock Friday Mr. Julio Del;
Toro of the Spanish department, will
talk in Spanish, his subject being,
"Cuba-Despues de la guerra entre
Espana y los Estados Unidos."
Special Night Friday
A special program, which will un-
doubtedly follow that of the All-Nation
Jamboree of the regular term, will be
arranged by the Cosmopolitan club at
8 o'clock Friday night in the Sarah
Caswell Angelld1all. The numbers of
the entertainment will be announced
Plans for a trip to Whitmore all day
Saturday are being formulated. A bas-
ket dinner, swimming, and boating will
comprise the day's outing, details of
which "are to be announced later.
The committee of the Cosmopolitan
club with Prof. J. C. Hildner, is work-
ing out the plans for the weekend,
which-is something new to the Summer
Disabled war veterans in training at
the University of Michigan will be ac-
corded the $20 .monthly raise provided
for under recent legislation, according
to The Stars and Stripes, a soldier
publication. The increase is to start
Aug. 1, and to be retroactive to July 1.
There are 72 disabled men attending
summer school, 65 of whom will be
affected by the increase.
The bill was passed in a closing ses-
sion of Congress and provided that $20
per month be added to the pay of men
who were in districts where the "cdst
of living is above the average and com-
paratively high." The wording of the
measure made it necessary for a gen-
eral survey, which has been carried
through by the Federal Board for Vo-
cational Rehabilitation in record time.
Ann Arbor is listed as a rival to New
York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit,
and all other large cities, in living
costs. Other Michigan cities adjudged
in the same class are Grand Rapids,
Muskegon, and Port Huron. -
All wards of the Federal Board are
requested to meet at 301 University
hall, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
to draw up a corrstitution for an organ-
ization. 1
The one great trouble with the
"Ouija Board," said the Rev. Lloyd
Douglas of the Congregational church,
in his message at the Union open air
service last Sunday, "is that it's hind-
sight is so much better than its fore-1
The speaker said that he was neither
prejudiced for nor against the prac-
tice of the "board" but that he pre-
ferred to put his faith in something
that was more substantial than that
practice. He gave as the reasons for
the widespread interest in the prac-
tice, the fact that the bereavement of
the late war had .caused so many un-
fortunates to 'seek word from thosel
who are in the other world. "The one
message that they are always sure to
get," continued the speaker, "is that
the dead are happy in their new abode,
but they always fail to say what ,the
source of their happiness might' be."
"In seeking happiness and content-
ment it would be far better to study
some of the teachings of the Great
Teacher, rather than trust to the fore-
telling of events by the Ouija board."
In the last three games George Sis-
ler, '19E, of the St. Louis Americans,
has been hitting a stride, which will
bring his average within a few points
of Speaker, who is leading the Ameri-
can league in batting.
Yesterday the St. Louis first base-
man got three hits out of five times
up and scored three runs.
Monday he clouted out three hits in
five trips. to the plate, 'and Sunday he
found the opposing pitcher, for two,
hits in five attempts.
Sanchez and Greenwood were the
only competitors in the, singles that
played off their matches. yesterday.
Sanchez outclassed his opponent, in
this one, winning 6-3, 7-5. Merkel and
Anderson, Burby and Beddow, and
White vs. the winner of the Creedon-
Bowers match, are due to play their
games the early part of this week.
Custer and Stull are the only ones
who have emerged safely to the final
column, in the double matches. Bow-
ers and Sanchez will play the winners
of the Hess and Sargent vs. Green-
wood and Harris match. The winners
of this match will play the winners of
the Stoddard and Burley vs. the Dryer
and Merkel scrap, the victors of which
will scrap it out with Custer and Stull
who are bound to get a chance at the
Carved Tables -of
Orient In Union
Three table tops of the early days of
the Orient, which were purchased some
time ago by the Union, have been
placed on the ceiling of the tap room.
They are of early vintage, containing
the records of Michigan's wonderful
unbeaten football teams in 1903, 1904,
1905, and many names and initials of
alumni of those days.
It was during the S. A.. T. C. period
that the tables were secured from the
Orient, as Homer Heath in buying a
bar and show case at that time asked
that the tables be thrown in. The
former proprietor of the Orient granted
the request, and since that time the
tables had been stored in the old
Union, until it was tli6ggmt that they
should be placed on the walls of the
new building.
enlisting in 1914 as he was in F
at the time and a French citizen
the conflict he was wounded twic
also served as an interpreter: a
Peace Conference.
He returned to the University i
summer of last year, and was aw
an honorary degree, and made a
sistant professor. Previous to his
ice in the war, Professor Talamo:
been an instructor in French he:
William Stephen Kammerer, '18
Louisville, Ky., is in the city vis
George Hurley, general secreta:
the Union. Kammerer, who is E
tary of the Michigan Alumni ass
tion in that city, reports great ac
on the part of the organization, w
has 83-graduates for members./
Several banquets have been
recently, and every effort is
made to send the high school g
ates to Michigan.
Served in Army For Four
Duing Great War, and Wa
Twice Wounded
Prof. Rene Talamon, of the F
department, has been decorated
knight of the Legion of Honor 1
French government, according
cablegram received here. I
guished service during the wai
Professor Talamon this high hou
During the recent war, Pro
Talamon served the entire four
August 3
5 p, m.-Democracy in Literat
Prof., R. W. Sellars.
.8 p. m.-Play. The Class in Play F
duction, udder the direction of
sistant Prof. R. D. T. Hollister.
mission will be charged. (Univer
August 4
5 p. m.-Some Phases of Wire
Communication (illustrated). I
N. H. Williams. (West Lect
Roors, Physical Laboratory.)
8 p. m.-Percy Mac Kaye. Auth
8:15. p. m.-Concert. Faculty of
- University School of Music. (
August 5
5 p. m.-The New Relation Among
tions. Rev. Lloyd Douglas.
8 p. m.-Nationalism. Prof. R.
&00 o'clock
Second Performence of
In "
Tickets at Wahr's or at Door 50 and 75 ce