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October 01, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…he omS.u.. Michigan . D ly - ISOPIOMORE IHAT UNNECESSARY DailI_ XXIV, No. 2. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1913. PRICE FIVE 1 I ELEVEN. VARSITY * * * * * * * RESOLUTIONS PASSE] THE STUDENT COUN -o- * * D BY CIL IN SCRIMMAGE of Temporary Lineup Is Ragged; Several New eien Will Be Chven a Triat Saturday. VETERANS WITH CASE; 1,61T17 FAST TEAMEXPECTED (1)-No hazing.. (2)-The right of appointment of non-councilmen to coun...…

October 01, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILL ID cnGE- AADING [TAILORS Text-Books T IE MICIGAN, DAILYf 80. C0O@PER Official newspaper at the University of, Mich- igan. A Full Line of Fresh and Salt Poultry and Fish Meats Text-ooksI New and second-hand, all departments Published every morning except Ionday dnr- I 19 E. ing the university year. An %St. .hoa. 660 For all Departments. Scond-Hand Books in great quantities, to you the uit possible itable pric...…

October 01, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…THrE MICHIGAN DAILY r L b. Wanted Reule, Conlin & Fa e are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. ie greatest variety of M~ackinaws in Mich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. An opportunity to show you our selections of Hlaber- dashery for fall wear. You will be pleased with the. 4...…

October 01, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN RAIL k' S Pgal Shoes Latest IEnglish L as EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know L Y N DO N, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodaics ni d Photo SuppliesIleavelopitig and Printing: Ulfindme ex- clusively Phlotographic. ki glit years experience. Most modern methods. lixperi- enced hel'rp. Best resultsvl>!ainable. I do more work than' all others in Ann Arbor coined, c-because it is don e...…

October 02, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…ANT) e Michigan Daily I MICHIUAN's, IP ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1913. PRICE, E # I I ITY SCORES * FRESHLN TRADITIONS To Be Strictly Observed. -0- FRESHMAN BREAKS SHOULDER BLADE !'WICEIN SHORT PATC ,B PRACTICE DRILL t Team Crosses Signals and Puts Second String Men to Rout, Same Men in Lineup. TON AN) CATLETT DRAW11 RESTS BECAUSE OF 11 UITS. 'hitt Makes Both Scores For Keg- jlars in Straight Football. rimmage dr...…

October 02, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1111 CON FADING T TAILORS Text-Book-s New and secomr3-hhand, all de parhaini t- DRAW ING SINSTRUMENTS we can a e you money by buying the i Koich ter Br and. ILOG LOG SLIDE RULES igli )!og t u (l e utit: h iy cr.~t l .1i' Fitcrced at tc1', olic a i r~~,Alich- iranuodcr A1ct o Xogvs fA rh3, )tcc~ \ Alr1,(wl'rcssBilig ilerpioi 'ic: ycarrier, $.0;by Wat A S a iii.(is IijdigQ uarry's~ l'liaii an ; Iluivrsity Pharmaciay e of...…

October 02, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…" & 1LY T__ -1 I w GIRLS ICalkins' Pharmacy Our new line of I ESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Before buying your Fall shoes see Offers For Your Room Tooth Brush, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soap and Talcum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. Society Brand Clothes1 for Fall 191...…

October 02, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i I! I It You Have . Had Trouble over being correctly fitted; if no tailor has been able to satisfy you; if you feel "uncomfox table" in the best fits you have been able to get, you are the m n IEVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAIN Will eventually know L YN D ON, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodaks at d Photo Supplies, Developing and Printing. Ulfinune ex- elusively Photographic. Eighit yea...…

October 03, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

….J e Michigan Da -I y IDCJAY NIGHIT IHAS BEEN A TRITEL V ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1913. PRICE FIV] No. 4. PRICE FlY r 1 SHAKES ITY IN JLR ANVFLL IPROVES STEAI)ILY Condition at Present Warrants Hope For Recovery. -From now on Dr. Angell will im- prove steadily, if nothing unexpected interferecs," said Dr. James F. Break- ey, last evening,.' 11e rested easily last night, follow- ing a rather bad day. His desire to re...…

October 03, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

….THE MIICHIIGAN DAILY. n. WILD CO. rHE LEADING R.CHANT TAILORS We offer to you the tailored suit possible e most suitable price. kmanship the best. -y built to fit, stock of w oolens of iighest quality. The Tecxt-Rooks New and scoad11eai I all DRAING INSTRUMENTS We callsave ycn nmoney by buying tlhe Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to se ourSpecial $i.'5 FOUNTAIN PEN I. Y. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-L eaf. All kinds of Studen...…

October 03, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Liindenschmi tt, Apfel& Co.'s clothes., The greatest variety of Mackinaws in Mich- igan., Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. - :. ,1. , v Y 1 l ,. yy ! ! a f ^ \O,! ,\ F a~ " t r !! yl se New Hats f4rom the (Ii f> 4 } a oij~rthe Fall* I I i MACKINAW Buy yo...…

October 03, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

… 1. .ti LW al Shoes EVERY NEW MtIHIGAN MRAN W11 exwntua ly know L YN D ON, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodalis a d Photo Supplies, D~evelopinig and Printing. Tlfindnie ex- clusivdly 1Photograph1ic. E±ighit years exrc1inCe. Most imodern mnethods. lFxperl- enc-d 1h('l1. 3cst results obtainabOle. I (lo more work than all others in Ann Arbor conibinued--because( it i Ione right. That's my particular b...…

October 04, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…L, l 4Kfl 11 ich gan DIl i EV: I- 5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1913. PRICE ]IVE t r BACKFIELD I I OPPOSE E ELEVENI ill Rely Upon Speed Instead Weight Behind Heavy Line, IS kNOWN ABOUT VISITING TEAM'S WEIIxT. Meighing 14C, Will Be Light. Fullback Ever Starting for Michigan,. 'fetgreatest footbiallrecord of * * any active football coach be- * * longs to a Michigan coach. Field- * * ing H. Yost has won 87 games...…

October 04, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

… I ;I TH E MICHIGAN DAILY I gymnasium, without standing in line III Text-Books -UEVB7 V EADING T TAILORS offer to you the Iored suit possible post suitable price. ianship the best. suit built to fit. ock of woolens of hest quality. The assortment in the select from. New and second-hand, all departments DRAWING INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG 10G SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special $.5o FOUNTAIN PEN 1. ...…

October 04, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…GIRLS I Calkins' Pharmacy 1 .' Our new line of SHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Before buying your Fall shoes see Offers For Your Room Society Brand Clothes Oxbtg grabu1 CLOTHES I Tooth Brush$ Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soap arid Talcum Soap for Toilet and Bath BAth towels, Wash Rags Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. for Fall...…

October 04, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… f I i Ii It, You Have Had Trouble over being correctly fitted; if no tailor has been able to satisfy * you; if you feel "uncomfortable" in the best fits you have been able 'to get, you are the. man we seek. Ve want' you-if you will- to give -us one tunnty to prove that we will fit you per-, We will conform the garments to your --not you to them. EVMERY NEW MICHIGAN _MAN Will eveiituall1y know L Y N D O IN, 719 North !University Avenue Phot...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…F UJCCESS. I e Michigan Daily ALUMNI=INTEREST EVERYTIHING TO lM _i .XXIV, No. 6. a. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1913. PRICE FIVE C I I ST HUSKIES IHIP CASE IN, OPENING GAME eedy Michigan Machine Piles Overwhelming Score Over Lucklers' Brown and White. ."p football this period. Michigan'e work was pleasing. Dur- ing the first half, the play moved with a snap and vim, and despite a few fumbles, not at all costly, th...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…IGA AIL IGA All -- -°iI&TI1E MICHIGAN DAIL.Y flu WILl) CO. [HE LEADING RCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the tailored suit possible ze most suitable price. rkmanship the best. ry suit built to fit. stock of woolens of highest quality. The est assortment in the to select from. DI. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. - - 11 I Text-Books New and second-hand, all department: DRAWING INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG ...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

… Several Michigan men took advnm tage of the summer vacation to visit foreign countries. Ralph Snyder, '14L, who with Russel Judson, '14, toured England and the Continent, said last night: "By taking advantage of cheap tick- ets and using passes, we were able to make the trip for $150 apiece. Going over we passed a huge ice-berg within a few miles of where the Titantic dis- aster occurred. We visited Belgiuin, Holland, Germany, France, Engla...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…in Theatrical THEATRE. attractions. Eternal. men. e Law. THEATRE res. ,! 7:00 to 10:00. of program daily. T ETERNAL ller, the Celebrated Actor- ', Discusses the Spectacular Now in Its Fifth Year. sier to produce twenty tnod- as than one play of an xiod, where we must dig into Ad misty past for the correct essential to a perfect per- says Henry Miller, the as- manager, and stage director the big spectacular drama, it Eternal," its initial ...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…G. AI --_- - I It ' '' We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in Mich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. New Hats from the a t pfor the MACKINAW Reule, Conlin COATS Buy your coat now while the line is complete. Fl I SOo TINKER &CO. ...…

October 05, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. a r A 4 ii egal Shoes Latest English Lasts EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know LY ND®ON, 719 North Univbrsity Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman~ Kodakss and Photo Supplies, D~eveloping and Printing. Ulfindnie ex- clusively Photographic. Eighlt years experience. Most modern methods. ]Experi- enced help. Best results obtainable. I do more work than all others in Ann Arbor combined-because it is d...…

October 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…1e II Mich 44 an )ail T I LOOK OUT! E lr 9 PRICE FIVE CM ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913. 1 XXTV. No. 7. " ,. . . 4.{. 4 Sk *: * * * * * * VARSITY RESTS; SECOND TEAM: . BEATS SCRUBS Cochran Does Paterson Stunt, Making Only Score of Short Gamne, While the Regulars Tease "Gertrude." BENTON RETURNS TO FULL; MEAD REAPPE ARS ON FIELD * Facts Concerning Infirmary. 1. Temporary offices for men- 723. Church street, D...…

October 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…TAILORS :r to you the : suit possible suitable price. hip the best. built to fit. of woolens of quality. The )rtment in the ct from. Text-Books New and 5econd.hand, all departments, D RAW I N G INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special $1.50 FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All kinds of Students' Supplies at SHEEHAN & 00. THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newsp...…

October 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…______________________________________________________________ *1' I Ii GIRLS Calkins' Pharmacy Our new line of IMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Offers For Your Room . Before buying your Fall shoes see Tooth Brash, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soapand Taloum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come ...…

October 07, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY, I 1. I ' , ' I We want pportunity to If You Have Had Trouble over being correctly fitted; if no tailor has been able to satisfy you; if you feel "uncomfortable" in the best fits you have been able to get, you are the mn we seek. you-if you will-to give us one prove that we will fit you per- EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know L Y N D O N, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman ...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…A 1 ich igan Daily I IF THERE'S A PIPE 64 8. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1913. PRICE FIVE NT OF THE WORLD)'SSERIES. --- UNION BEGINS MEN WANTED FOR POSITIONS CIL GIVES P POSITION ert Tenders Resignation r Meeting Last Night; F, McCoy to Fill Vacancy. N IS ADOPTED TO LE -PROBLEM OF BAND. For Campus Activities st Offer "Party Platforms." 1 Phil. 0 N. Y. 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 4 3 0 5 2 '3 6 0 0 7 8 0 1 0 0 R H 9 ...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY rs i Official newspalper at the University of MIich- iDING TAILORS ii e to you the d suit possible suitable price. hip the best. built to fit. of woolens of quality. The >rtment in the ct from. -w - - _ New and second-hand, all departments. DRAWI N G INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special S.5o FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All ...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

… We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in lMich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. New MACKINAW Reule, Co~-n & Fiegl( COATS Soo0 Buy your coat now while the line is complete. Hats m the U rte T Fall I TINKER & CO.. 342 S. State Stree...…

October 08, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN LYi i C ' aj FA L I Regal Shoes Latest English Lasts EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know L Y N D O N, 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodaksar d Photo Supplies, Developing and Printing. Ulfinudne ex- elusively Photographic. Eight years experience Mcst modern methods. xperi- enced help. Best results obtainable. I do more work than all others in Ann Arbor combined-because it is ...…

October 09, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…RXIST OF NA('1001)ENDING 1e yIran i I e R~ IE I ACL05E8F ' XXIV, No. 9. ANN ARB)OR, MICHIGAN, THLRSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1913. PRICE FIVE C i ASSES HELP VARSITY WIN * * * * * * * EWtl'S SERIES, 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 New York 0 00-0 000 00 3 Phila....000000000 0 R H. E± N. Y.................3 7 2 Phila. ..................0 8 2 Batteries- Mathewson, McLean. Plank, Lapp. Lyons Stars at Receiving Forward Tosses, and Regulars Easily Triumph...…

October 09, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…-THE MICHIGAN DAILY. iE LEADING HANT TAILORS e offer to you the ilored suit possible most suitable price. nanship the best.. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of ;hest quality. The assortment in the select from. L WILD C-. I S. State St. i Tcxt-B0ooks New and second-hand, all de partmnentis DRAW IN G INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. 1OG LOG SLIDE RULES THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University o...…

October 09, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GIRLS Calkins' Pharmacy our new line of FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES, -JUlRS AND SENIORS I Offers For Your Room Before buying your Fall shoes see Tooth Brush, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soap and Talcum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. SocietyBrand Clothes for Fall 1913 has ...…

October 09, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. You Have Ha~d Trnuble EVERY NEW MICHIGAN MAN Will eventually know L Y N D 0 N 719 North University Avenue Photographer to Michigan Students Eastman Kodaks at d Photo Supplies, Developing and Printing. Ulfindnne ex- clusively hotographic. ight years experience. Most modern methods, Fxperi- enced help. Best results obtainable. I do more work than all others in Ann Arbor combined-because it is done right. That's my particula...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…RESSCINDED. I1 he Mid an ilyRESOLU TO SHOT TIONS ARE PAS 1V A BOARD'S V 1 I PRICE FIVE 1. XXIV, NO. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. ARD OTO STILL SLEEPI ASS MADE BY THE On March 22, the Board in Control unainiously passed the following resolution, which has not been carried out as yet: "The chairman shall appoint a committee to continue negotiations with the Coufereuce of which Mr. Joh 1) .Hibbard sha...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…-- - -- 0 1- LEADING NT TAILORS " e offer to you the ailored suit possible most suitable price. manship the best. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of chest quality. The assortment in the select from. I. WID GO.o 11 S. State St. 1 OIT UNITED LINES IN ARBOR TIME TABLE ad Express Cars for Detroit-7 :o nd ]burly to 6:io p. In., also S:io sfor Detroit-S :4o a. in., 6:o6 a. T., y two hours to 6:o6, 7:o6 p. p. Ill., 9:,o p. Im., and 10...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -~~ i e We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in Mich- igan. Prices fronm $7.50 to $15.00. --- --- , y ; soO #I MACKINAW COATS Buy your coat now while the line is complete. New Ha3s -. )~f~the TINKER & CO. 342 S. State S...…

October 10, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY. _ d NEW PRICES ON PICTURES Real Shoes Latest English Lasts Thursday and Friday,, Oct. 9-10-Matinee Friday, 3 P.M. I THE GREATEST OF ALL TABLO19S. 30-PEOPLE-30 Call while olur stock is complete UNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR A1 I I ,Every Michigan Man should own a well filled "M" Scrap Book when he leaves college and. he should be- gin NOW to keep one. Believing that the sale will increase sufficiently...…

October 11, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…'0 LAME? ~ L1, THESE. I 7 he vs f j( , 1tt /{trC, w yy gyp, , . TE IE:"TIRE IWE>ST WATCHEII if1(IIGA S 110 ARD TON IfIH --- moi i PRICE FIVE CJ XXIV, No. 11. ANN ARBOR, MICH IGAN, S\TUDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913. HO'S TO z _'rEU ANSWER S - 10ARD IN CON RO 'TO ~~TREABE ECAS OIGTB .nswer is Expected From Board Regarding Appointments to Committee That Was Authorized at Meeting on March 22 *I * * * * * * * * * * Moved and carr...…

October 11, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I Text-Books THE MICHIGAN DAILY friendly rivalry has been missing and immediately upon the blowing of the m .......-- EADING T TAILORS at the University of Mich- final whistle the players have hurried - to the clubhouse. And many alumni devery orni.g except Monday dur- and students have noticed and re- ing the university- year.I Textook >ffer to you the 'red suit possible ost suitable price. nship the best. uit bu...…

October 11, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GIRLS Monona= O-ur new line of Cak 'sPharmacy SHMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Before buying your Fall shoes see Offers For Your Room I Society Brand Clothes CLOTHE3 I I Tooth'Brush, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soap and Talcum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. ...…

October 11, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THDE MICHIGAN DAILY. I I 1 W e want opportunity to. HYou Havrube over being correctly fitted; if no tailor has been able to satisfy you; if you feel "uncomfo table" in the best fits you have been able to get, you are the m7 n we seek. you-if you will-to give us one prove that we will fit you per- NEW PRICES ON PICTURES fectly. We will conform shape--not you to them. Lthe garments to your Every Michigan Man should own a well filled "...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…THESE. ie 1 Vich igan Daily I F, MIC' .GAO'S XXIV, No. 12. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1913. PRICE FIVE CE i F F f OHIOANS GIVE YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL RESULTS. (Courtesy Huston Brothers.) YOST'S PUPILS HARDCONTEST Mt. Union Enlivens Game With For- ward Passes, Forcing Michigan to Retain First String Men. BRACE IN SECOND QUARTER SAVES DAY FOR WOLVERINES WEST Wisconsin 13, Indiana 0. Northwestern 0, Purdue 34. Ohi...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…. . 11 III ,' Text-Books ADING r TAILORS We offer to you the tailored suit possible he most suitable price. rkmanship the best: ry suit built to fit. stock of woolens of highest quality. The est assortment in the' to select from. New and second-hand, all departments INSTRUMENTS We can save you money by buying the Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to see our Special $.5o FOUNTAIN PEN I. P. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-Leaf. All kin...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…V .L.LL1J £V.LU,-tiIU .N 1)AI.1.LJI n Theatrical .WHITNEY THEATRE. Coming Attractions. Oct. 13-14--Edison Talking Pictures. Oct. 15-Within the Law. Oct. 16-17-18-The District Leader. Nov. 17-The Firefly. MAJESTIC THEATRE. Kinemacolor Pictures. Matinee Daily--3:00. Every Evening-7:00 to 10:00. Complete change of program daily. EVERYBODY WRITES PLAYS The Author of "Within the Law" Claims that the American Dramatist is Pampered by the America...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

… w 1, LWe believe in MICHIGAN and chigan activities, and to show our chigan Spirit we will give to the n Varsity player scoring most points this fall, a $35.00 :9bsolutely Free OLD LANDMARK GONE Dad Skinner's is no more. The quaint little shop, sacred and hallowed by the countless numbers of students, long since forgotten, who have crossed its threshold, has been razed, to give place to a modern building. Many an old graduate coming ba...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 5

… I II We are glad to be able to link ti p our local reputation with. the national reputation of such a firm as. Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, A pfel & Co.'s clothes, The greatest variety of Mackinaws in lNich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $1~5.00. New Hats ©°o ,hteG~ Fall So MACKINAW COATS it Buy your coat now while the line is complete. r TINKER &co. Reule Conlin & Fiegel Co. CORECTCLOT...…

October 12, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 12) • Page Image 6

… .l NEW PRICES ON PICTURES LET THE Regal Shoes Latest English Lasts Call1while our stock is complete GRUNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR : I Every Michigan Man should own a well filled "M" Scrap Book when he leaves college and he should be- gin NOW to keep one. Believing that the sale will increase sufficiently to warrant a reduction on certain classes of pictures the prices of the following 8 x io prints will hereafter be 2...…

October 14, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…le Michigan Dai I y I-- FAIRNESS INELEUTI REQ1IRES EQUAL LWBI I y XIV, No. 13. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1913. PRICE FIVE PRICE FIVE x 1 .. . ,___ . _ __.._____ _-_ . ___.._ f VARSITY MEN SCORE THRICE. IN HARD TILT Mead leturns to Scrimmage, Playing Fulback For Regulars Who Have Tussle With Reserves. SCRUB! NEARLY SCORE ON FO]WARD PASSES OVER GOAL Gault NlH Be Out of Rough Work For Or a Week, Being Badly Injured. ...…

October 14, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…'HE1 MICHIGA DAILYI I THE LEADING ERCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the t tailored suit possible he most suitable price. )rkmanship the best. zry suit built to fit, r stock of woolens of highest quality. The ,est assortment in the to select from. N. WILD CO. 311 S. State St. IOIT UNITED LINES NN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:10 and hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:o ery two hours to 6:o6 p. in., 7:06 p. 6 p. mn., 9:10 p. i., and...…

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