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XXIV, No. 11.
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.nswer is Expected From Board Regarding
Appointments to Committee That Was
Authorized at Meeting on
*I * * * * * * * * *
* Moved and carried unanimous
* ly on March 22 by board in con
* trol:
* "The chairman shall appoin
* a committee to continue negotia
* tions with the conference, o:
* which Mr. John D. Hibbard shal
* be a member."
* Professor Alviso B. Stevens- .
- * "The three questions submitted are
- not pertinent since the Board in Con-
t * trol is powerless to take any further
- * steps in the matter until the Board of
,* Regents, to whom the matter was re-
l ferred by the Board in Control, has
The entire Board in Con-ol is agreed
that M icli igai'Ws bed aothlic inter,-
esIs are in he west And the entire
west is jst t as lirmnly certain that
Michigan copetition is necesary to
western sports. Eveory One heiirtdy
agrees that a union is highly desirable.
In these circumtamces, that force
that prandU an iEci pee couni,
must be a mighty force. It was this
desire to AicuR tm-s, Etha prmo ke
last year's Board nrt Control to foru- t
late the roluton oeMh .~ eg-
tiations were to be opened. The Coii
feenec Re resentatves were to ,eet
with an o43icia committee fron 3ieh.
igan. . Each side was to bo fairly pre-
sented and aivir, cons idereih Finally
the Iichigain committee was to lean?
just how far the Conference would
meet Michigan 'in a set tiement of the
prescint difficulties. In some cases
compjromfise5 wa oId be possible, in
others Michigan would have to accept
the ruliiigs of the Conference0 It is
generally thought that many biigaboos
would go by the boards in we could bat
get oxhcial represeiitat ii (1oge;iier.
Coini'oanises could be worked oid, at
least co promises can be coiteeved,
for every issue. True, some might not
be accepted and Michigan naight find
that there are a few fimndanmenitad rules
.But let us Ihad out what ltese arc,
Let us appoint a comniitie to treat
personally iiith the Conferece Repre.
sentatihes and fin'd out what their tca-
per is. We will ntever iaaow xwhat is
expected of us unatil such a meeting is 1
en yeiars ha e already passed and
I & (h ie !m 111 cver yet been ap-
iie True9 we bare resolved and
eoider resoh ed, and we have had se-
SMt conferences and private money
y oi time hais leen sjpent toward an
~eenent. 'f results of the meet-
jug have never been maide public, but
the fay'eVnot been succesUL. That is
a sure ina"
t amous reslution of March 22
woud set As all right. We would have
est idshd h offca conneton be-
hi tn e unl&erities, immediately
upo the apponm enthe einit-
e., After a spa e of time we would
knien how thre Venifvence would re-
es a N egotiut 10n1 would be open-
ed. And Mmi ig'an wants the west so
c:arnesthy arnd tihe iwest wants Michigan
so n:*nesty that son e fair compro-
ois ow e d be formnuhted,
if auone was .greed upon at least he
blaWe could be placed The western
vu arid wodid know definitely who was
Zi sensible for the rimption in westernl
sports $ i opimon could be
bruht to bear upon the bIameworthy.
Nd that is what we want to know.
y Who is to Blamel
h.e li4 step toward this goal will
oc ('kc'r'd lp loamght. With a conunit-
Ave unapuolnted, six months after an-
!Oi dhnve anpi"h"cs
ng e ' ath tiuBoard i Control or
d. chirman.
Rui;; wait, I.night we will be answer-
de. Tonight the c ttee will be ap-
ldntkd or !ue respeas'ibiHity will be
;ii d L ,I . l m .
* .
The Michigan D~aily had 3772
paid subscribers last June. No
other college or university pa-
per had as large a sworn, paid
circulaton. To date there are
100 paid subscriptions over list
year's record.
Join the ranks today. Office
across front Majestic. Hours 8
to 12 AiM., Ito 6 P. M.
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
* At Philadelphia *
* New York ....0 0 0 0 3 2 0 *
* Philadelphia .0 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 * *
* R H E*
* New York ............5 8 2 *
* Philadelphia..........6 9 0 *
* Batteries- *
* Demaree, Marquard and Mc- *
* Lean, Wilson. *
Bender and Schang. *
* * * * * * * * ' * * *
Union Dinner to Be iHeld Wednesday.
The first monthly membership din,
ner of the Michigan Union will be held
at 6:00 o'clock Wednesday. Werner
Schroeder, '14, it chairman of the
program committee and Edward Hais-
lip, '14L has charge of the tickets
which will go on sale next week.
Secret Nomination System Proves
Successful hi 'Two Cases
acted. The entire matter hinges on the
question of faculty control which is
Final Pointers to
Yost Gives
In Secret; Will Probably
Use Many Menlin
e entire membership of the Board 'wholly in the hands of the Regents. I
ontrol of Athletics will be -h at- am strongly in favor of the return to,
ance at tonighit's meeting, accord-the conference and believe this to be
:o aepoteivefrothathr-the sentiment of the majority of stu-
o a report received from the ath- dents, alumni and faculty."
association, last night..
Perfect attendance at this meeting
assures the reorganization o6 the MAY NOTANNOUNCE
board. A new chairman will be elect-
ed and it is generally felt that some LIFN iN E
definite action will be taken regarding tu'" r
the committee that was authorized to
be appointed last spring to continue
negotiations with the Conference, im- Nominating Con mittees Will Keep
mediately upon the election of a new Nanies Secret Until Day
of Election.
head. Should the Board refuse to al-
low the appointment of the committee,
the action will be construed as a rec- CHANE BARS COUNCIL'S PLANS.
ognition by the board that the Michi- -
gan Regents have taken the matter in- Nominations for offices of Varsity
to their own hands. baseball and track managers, and as-7
There is considerable speculation re- sistant managers, which were to be
garding the election of the chairman. announced in this issue of The Daily
Upon whom the selection will fall is by the committees in charge of the
a matter that will not be nominations, have been indefinitely
settled until the - eleven votes delayed.{
have been cast.' Professor Whit- The committee on track nominations
ney, the present chairman, is sure to was the first to discuss the manager-
be a candidate and Professor Aigler ships in this sport. The report of the
is thought to be the Conference candi- investigating committee of the board
date. Two alumni members of the of directors was presented to the nom-.
board have already expressed their in- inating committee, and contained, as'
tentions to vote for Professor Whit- nearly as could be learned, 'the quali-
ney. As the Conference candidate, fications of each tryout. The commit-
Professor Aigler will receive the sup- tee then made nominations, but acting
port of the entire student delegation. under the ruling that all politics
Several members of the board, and ' should be entirely prohibited in future
they will be the deciding factors, have varsity elections, they deemed it best
declined to express their choice for a to withhold the names of the nomi-
chairman prior to the meeting itself. nees until October 18, the day of the
According to their statements they election. The committee in charge of
have not yet decided upon their candi- the nominations for baseball manager-
date, but will be influenced entirely ships acted in the same way.
by the circumstances of the meeting. It was pointed out last evening, how-
At this meeting the committee on ever, by members of the student body
the public awarding of Ms will pre- not personally interested in either the
sent their report. The committee is nominations or the elections, that such
made up of three student members a plan would not be feasible. It was
of the Board in Control. stated that student voters in the pres-
ent elections would want to know the
TWO MORE WILL FOLLOW stand of the various candidates in ref-
BEATEN PATH TO ALTAR. erence to the Conference and other
current matters. Also that such a sys-
Announcement has been made of the t tem as not making public the names
engagement of Miss Irene McCormick, of the nominees until the morning of
11 ' . T - .i7 11,"...« T M .^ . - E41 - .1 _ : _ - -1- -1 .- . . _ 4
('OIIElY VCLUii ELECTS SEVEN well Post, '15L, Flere'nce \Vilson, '16,
MEBiLERS FROM 42 TRYOUTS. Margaret R ynoids, '7, Sam Adelsdorf,
Seven new members were elected to' ______-
membership in the Comedy club from 42 RM sTH T( JAE
tryouts. The choice was made yester- 4NT'NS 93 MEMBIERS.
day before the club's executive con-
mittee. All of the new members hare The Michigan Union register now
had former experience some of diem
taking part in other college perform-
The next meet"ng of the club will
take place Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock
in the Cercle Francais rooms, when
plans for the next play will be discuss-
Following are the new members:
Frances 1ickok, '15, Leon Cunning-
ham, '16, Robert Tannahill, '15, Ros-
'taims 24j names. However, many
c the men who signed up in the re-
cent campaigns have not registeredj
and the roll in a few days is expected
to reach 2,100 Some of the men have
not turned i their campaign results
and the fCrateirnity canvass is still in-
cempiete. C. T. Bushnell, '14, leads
ihe other campaigners with an individ-
I na record of 13.
.1 9
'I / -- ' cA
- j ~ ~x' L
(N~i, ~l4"'
Nominations for officers in the upper
classes were made yesterday. The se-
cret nomination system for the higher
offices was tried out with success in
the senior lit class and the junior en-
gineering class.
In three instances it was necessary,
to postpone nominations. A conflict'
in classes caused the junior homeops
to postpone their selections until this
morning at 9:30 o'clock. The soph lit
election was postponed until next'
week. The soph engineers postponed
their nominations until next Tuesday.
Senior lits-president-Paul B.Blan-
shard, Waldo Fellows; vice-president
--Emma Heath, Florence Burridge,
Irma L. Hogadone, Helen Loman, Julia
Henning; treasurer-Leonard Rieser;
baseball manager-A. R. Johnson, B.
E.Kline ; football manager-Pat Koontz,
and Glen Mapes; track manager-
Ralph Conger, L. Miller; basketball
manager-George Carom, G. H. Chiz-
um; women's 'basketball manager-
Sophia Herman, Jean Scott; oratori-
cal delegate-H. C. Rummel.
Junior lits-president-Ned Crane,
George Johnston; vice-president-
Juldah Bancroft, Lillian Wright; sec-
retary-Mary Lewis, Mildred M. Riese;
treasurer-Chester Lang, Julius Victor
Pinnell; track manager-Carl Jenks;
football manager, John S. Sutherland;
baseball manager-Lyle Harris; wom-
en's basketball manager--Louise Mark-
ley, Helen Morse; men's basketball
manager-Wilbur Davidson, Cecil
Brown, Harold Kennedy.
Senior engineers-president-C. A.
Crowe, G. C. Patterson, H Muehler;
vice-president-H. Trum, H. T. Cope,
J. C. Bogue, T. A. Abrams, S. R. Brush,
E. N. Walsh; secretary-F. Vande
Laare, C. W. Howell, E. F. Coveny, E.
(Continued on page 4.)
Graven's Injury Makes Problem of
Selecting Ends a Difficult
One For Douglas.
Michigan's football squad was given
its first workout behind closed gates
yesterday in preparation for the Mount
Union game this afternoon. After
sending the Varsity men through a
warming up practice, Coach Yost in-'
vited the spectators to come back
again today, and finished the afternoon
drill without the onlookers.
What transpired behind the gates
during the later hours of the after-
noon can only be conjectured, but it
is thought Yost spent the time polish-
ing off the plays, that will be used this
afternoon. Inasmuch as the' Mount
Union, game is not expected to be the
hardest struggle that the Wolverines
will be engagedt in this year, it is be-
lieved that the Michigan tutor will use
nearly every man on his squad in the
contest, and that with this in view,
worked out as many men as possible
at the various positions.
The Mount Union party, 22 strong,
will arrive at 9:19 this morning and
will be quartered at a downtown ho-
tel until ready to go to the field. The
Varsity-Mount Union game will not
comzmence till the conclusion of the
All Fresh-Ypsilanti Normal contest,
which is scheduled to begin at 1:30.
The probable lineups that will start
the engagement for Wolverines and
Buckeyes are:
Mount Union Michigan
Peterson .......... L.G. ..Lichtner
or McHale
Thorpe..........C. Paterson (Capt)
Bletzer or Hoover.. R.G. Almendinger
Calvin... . R.T.. . .Pontius
Carson......... .R.E... Lyons or
Wilson or
Neushutz........ Q. ...... Hughitt
Thompson.... .L.H. ......Catlett
Lovell............. F.B. .....Benton
Van Tillburg...... R.H. .........Galt
Officials: Refei'ee, Holderess,Lehigh;
umpire, Kennedy, Princton;head lines-
man, Thomson, Michigan. Time of
quarters, 10 minutes.
When the All-Freshmen team faces
the State Normal College this after-
noon the youngsters will present their
strongest lineup with the exception of
the flanks, the injury to Graven mak-
ing the choice of ends perplexing for
Coach Douglas.
Little is known concerning the
strength of the teachers save that
there are six veterans playing.
Basing their speculations on the suc-
cess of the yearlings in holding the
Varsity repeatedly to a brace of touch-
downs in a long scrimmage, critics ex-
pect Coach Douglas' protegees will
succeed in running up a respectable
score on the visitors.
Murphy of Micligan and Kennedy of
(Continued on page 4.)
'14, to Harold Trosper, '12L. The mar-
riage will take place in June shortly
after Commencement week.
Miss McCormick is a member of the
Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Trosper
is connected with the legal department
of the A. W. Richardson Co., with
headquarters in Ann Arbor. He is a
member of the delta Theta Phi law
the election would kill the student
council plan of publishing a booklet in
which would be printed the record of
each candidate.
Cheerleaders to Meet at 1:00 O'clock.
Candidates for cheerleader will meet
at the office of the Athletic association
at 1:00 o'clock today, wearing white
sweaters and trtousers.
Ferry Field
E y
Ypsilanti ormal vs. All Freshmen
Ferry Field, 1:30 P. M.
Admission to both, Mount Union and Freshman Games, 50c
3:00 P. M.
Admission 50c