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October 07, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-10-07

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1 XXTV. No. 7.

" ,. . . 4.{. 4


*: * * * * * *

Cochran Does Paterson Stunt, Making
Only Score of Short Gamne,
While the Regulars
Tease "Gertrude."


Facts Concerning Infirmary.
1. Temporary offices for men-
723. Church street, Dr. H. H.
Cummings, telephone 1349-L,
at home throughout the day.
Old homeopathic building, Dr.
Clyde Stouffer, telephone
through university exchange,
office hours 9:00 to 12:00
o'clock and 2:30 to 4:00





Tues. ...........1462
Sat. .... ........1704
Last Night..........

'13-'14 *
1269 *
1890 *
2015 '
2187 *
2194 *
. . x226 *

ADD 500 MEl



2. Temporary office for women
-Dr. L. C. Pratt, telephone
233-J, hours by appointment
in Barbour gymnasium.
3. All treatment, examination
and medicine free. Specialist
consultation or hospital treat-
ment if necessary.
* * * * * * * *

Annual Convention of Association
Be Held Here, Beginning Oct. 30,
Will Be Replete With
Big Features.


Different Solutions Are Offered
Three Distinct Factions, Who
Are Unable to Agree
On Policy.



Play Yesterday Was Ragged
Few Redeeming Features
on Either Side.


Coach Yost gave the regulars the
customary Monday rest yesterday, but
sent the second choice Varsity men
through a short scrimmage with the
The feature of the afternoon's work-
out was the shift in the Varsity line-
up, Benton returning to full, and
Bentley being sent in at half on the
second string. Raynsford was placed
at left guard, the position played by
Lichtner in the Case game. Benton
and Mead both graduated from the
hospital squad yesterday, and resumed
their punting practice.
After the usual workout and signal
drill, Assistant Coach Schultz led the
regulars off the field for a little diver-
sion with "Gertrude," the coaches be-
ing dissatisfied with some of the tabk-
ling Saturday.
Yesterday's scrimmage was the first
appearance of Kennedy's men on Ferry
field, and they succeeded in playing on
almost even terms with their oppon-
ents, although beaten 6 to 0. Cochran,
playing at center for the Varsity, re-
covered Diehl's fumble after about a
half hour of see-sawing play mainly
in the scrubs' territory, and, a la Cap-
tain Paterson, romped fifteen yards for
a touchdown. Watson failed to goal.
The play of both elevens was ragged,
Traphagen's work at guard and defen-
sive center being the only redeeming
feature. On two occasions attempts
at field goals by the Varsity were
spoiled, Peterson on one occasion re-

"The university student should make
his development a general one," de-
clared President Harry B. Hutchins in
his address at the Students Christian
Association services Sunday evening.
"Every man should aim to achieve the
highest possible proficiency in his
studies, but he should not neglect the
social, athletic, and religious needs of
his nature," he continued.
In connection with the advantages
and temptations incident to a college
course, President Hutchins urged each
man to participate in the activities of
the Y. M. C. A. and to seek a church
home, during his stay in Ann Arbor.

Classes Will Not Meet on Convention
Date to Allow More Thorough
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, superintend-
ent of public schools in Chicago, is
scheduled to speak at the first meeting
of the annual convention of the Mich-
igan State Teachers' Association, to be
held in Ann Arbor October 30, 31, and
November 1. The convention opensa
Thursday afternoon in Hill auditori-
um, with the address of welcome by
President Harry B,. Hutchins. Dr.
Earl Barnes, ofPhiladelphia, late pro-
fessor in Cornell University is also
booked to speak on this program. A
concert will be given Thursday even-1
ing in Hill auditorium, with numbers
by Prof. William Howland, Prof. L. L.
Renwick, Florence Hinkle, and the1
Choral Union. In addition to the gen-
eral program, there have been arrang-
ed special programs for high school,
grammar school, normal, and other di-
visions of the convention,
A reception committee will meet all
incoming trains, and visitors will be
directed to rooming houses, provided,
they have been assigned rooms.
The committee has secured accom-
modations for over four thousand vis-
itors, and a supplementary canvass is
being made at the present time, which
is expected to result in the securing
of accommodations for many more. A
complete canvass of the fraternities
and sororities has been made, and ac-
commodations for 750 teachers secured
from the societies.
The problem of providing eating ac-
commodations for the five thousand
members expected, has finally been
solved in a very satisfactory manner.
A majority of the landladies have been
persuaded to serve breakfasts for their
guests, and for those who will not be
served in tihs way, the 'Michigan Union
has agreed to serve breakfasts,, ac-
commodating 600. Dinners and sup-
pers will be served by the Michigan
Union, the larger restaurants, and by a
majority of the churches in the city.
The Collegiate Alumnae will also serve
meals in Barbour gymnasium.
Classes will not meet in the university
Thursday afternoon and all day Fri-
day, October 30 and 31, in order that
the buildings may be more thoroughly
inspected by the visiting teachers, and
that rooms may be provided for com-
mittee meetings and special lectures.

Athletic Association and Members of
Band Have Different
Plans.- .
As things stand now the settlement
of the band problem seems as far away
as ever. There are practically three
distinct factions each offering different1
solutions, but at present they seem un-
abs, to agree upon any one policy.
TYt4se things will be cleaned up at the
meeting of the board in control of ath-
letics, but until that time nothing def-
inite will be known.
Thermembers of the band, under Ike
Fisher, are holding out for partial
scholarships for twenty-five men, ex-
clusive of the leader, or in lieu of this
they want the athletic ssociation to'
guarantee them enough money to en-
able each member to pay part of his
tuition. If such were the case Mr.
Fisher is sure that he could turn out
a band which will be a credit to the
On the other hand, the athletic asso-
ciation is more than willing to have a
band and bear its share of the expense
as long as the band agrees to play at
every athletic event occurring on a
week end. It refuses, however, to lend
its support unless these things are
guaranteed. The band was secured
for Sturdtay's game by the athletic
association for that one event exclu-
sively, and Director Bartelme has
promised that music will be secured
for the game next Saturday under the
same conditions. Furthermore it
seems to be the opinion among the
members of the board in control that
if the athletic association is not in-
terfered with the student body will
have the opoprtunity of hearing a band
at every athletic event except the
mid-week baseball games in the
The student council, however, is
contemplating more radical changes.
Their plans have taken no definite
shape yet because of the fact that the
question of uniforms is still unsettled.
Like the athletic association they
agree that the men should receive
some definite remuneration for their
services, but they want a band that
will take part in all the college activi-
ties and not confine its efforts to ath-
letic events alone. The biggest point
of departure, though, seems to center
around the idea of a more strict band
control, and the band committee of the
council is now bending all its efforts
in this direction.

Coach Rowe is enthusiastic over the
prospects of his big aggregation of
cross country runners which has be-
gun active training for the season. A
big squad numbering 60 or mkr was
turned loose last night ,from Water-
man gymnasium for their thirdtyprac-
tice spin of the year. Yesty'day's
heat proved to be considerable of an
obstacle for the long distance ath-
letes but everyone withstood the long
grind in good shape.
Dr. J. B. Angell Continues to Improve.
Dr. James B. Angell is still improv-
ing. He is able to sleep nights with
no apparent trouble, and continues to
eat heartily during the day. It is ex-
pected that he will be able to be about
the house by the end of the week.
Residents Throughout State Will Have
Chance to Hear Men From
Mistant Lands.

Contest Will Be Preliminary
Varsity Game With
Mount Union.


Committee of 90, to Canvass Entire
City in Endeavor to Reach
19400 Non-Union
Membershiip is Proportionate Among
Various Classes With Big
Number of Freshmen.
At a smoker of the merhbership com-
mittee of the Michigan Union to be
held tonight at 7:30 o'clock plans will
be laid to reach the 1,500 men who are
not Union members. The canvass will
be held Wednesday and Thursday
nights, and with a committee of 90 it is
expected that nearly 500 memberships
will be added, making the final regis-
ter far in excess of last year's results.
The nine sub-chairmen of the com-
mittee met at the Union Sunday after-
noon, and each was assigned ten city
blocks. Each sub-chairman has chosen
ten men to assist in his district. Those
have been picked who obtained the
best results as members of the com-
mittee which has been working in the
prelimiary ca Mpaign. Each man on
the committee has pledged himself to
bring five new men into the Union.
These results, added to last night's
membership of 2,216 will bring the
final membership very close to the
3,000 goal.
In last year's campaign, which was
conducted in a similar manner only
236 new men were added. Even with
these results the final number .would
exceed the record at the end of the
1913-14 year. The sub-chairmen in the
present campaign are as follows: Les-
ter F. Rosenbaum, '14, Howard Seward,
'14, Edward Haislip, '14L, John I. Lip-
pincott, '14, Paul F. Thompson, '16,
Harold R. Schradzki, '15L, David R.
Ballentine, '16, Edward Wilson, '15,
and Kenneth Baxter, '15E.
During the preliminary campaign
Ralph Conger, '14, leads other commit-
teemen with a record of 225. Edward
Wilson, '15, and David R. Ballentine,
'16, follow with records higher than
those of committee'men in former
years. In the campaign beginning
tomorrow night Ralph Conger will
have charge of the fraternity canvass.
Faculty men have been especially
slow in joining the Union, while the
student membership is proportionately
distributed among the various classes
with an especially large number of
1,917 men. As far as can be ascer-
tained the fraternities are better rep-
resented than the independents.
The following bulletin committee has
been appointed by Selden Dickenson,
president of the Union: Arthur McGee,
chairman, Glenn Howland, R. J. Miller,
W. L. Scovill, Clifforn Toohy, Herbert
B. Sturtevant, Leslie W. Wishard, Al-
bert Stoll, Paul Wagner, Donald Mc-
Kone, Thurlow Geeck, Robert Betts,
H. H. Perry, A. S. Beck, A. D. Bromley,
Kenneth Wesley, and L. Puchta.

covering the ball, after

blocking the

The following appointments to the
student council committees have been
made by the president of that body:
Band committee-J. I. Lippincott,
chairman, Paul B.. Blanshard, Arthur
W. Kohler.
College customs and freshman caps
-Albert Fletcher, chairman, Harry
Gault, Waldo Fellows.
Flag rush-Arthur W. Kohler, chair-
man, H. Beach Carpenter, Cyril Quinn.
Cane spree-George C. Paterson,
chairman, H. J. Trum, S. S. Scott.
Cheer leaders-H. J. Trum, chair-
man, H. G. Tait, A. T. Ricketts,- J. S.
Professional fraternities conference
-J. B. Helm, chairman, G. C. Alway,H.
S. Hulbert, F. C. Daniels, G. C. Gris-
Graduate school-F. A. Lawrence,
chairman, J. B. Helm, L. J. Keliher.
Revision of Junior Hop-H. S. Hul-
bert, chairman, H. Beach Carpenter,
K. S. Baxter.
Discipline-T. F. McCoy, chairman,
J. I. Lippincott, vice-chairman, J. S.
Books, H. W. Farley, G. C. Grismore.
Plans for the reorganization of the
Michigan Fencers' club and the ar-
rangements for holding a bi-monthly
meeting with the University club team,
will be discussed at a meeting to be
held at the Union tonight at 7:15
o'clock. A preliminary tournament to
pick out a team to meet the strong De-
troit Y. M. C. A., with whom several
matches have been arranged, will be
held in November.
Dr. Feldez, a member of the Hun-
garian fencing team which won the
championship at the Stockholm Olym-
pic meet last year will soon be in Ann
Arbor. Efforts are being made to per-
suade Dr. Feldez to speak to the club.

Michigan State Normal College elev-
en, of Ypsilanti, will appear on Ferry
field Saturday afternoon as opponents
of the Michigan All-Fresh in a curtain
raiser to the Michigan-Mount Union
game, negotiations for the contest
having been completed yesterday by
Athletic Director Bertelme. The game
will be the initial fray for the Michi-
gan yearlings, who have been practic-
ing under Coach Prentiss Douglass for
but one week.
According to the arrangements an-
nounced by Director Bartelme, the
youngsters will start their game at
1:30 o'clock, one half hour later than
the usual time. Captain Crouse of the
Ypsilanti eleven is said to have a fast
team this year, and the clash with the
Michigan Fresh promises to furnish
all kinds of excitement.
Following the practice yesterday af-
ternoon Coach Douglas made the first
cut in his bunch of over half a hun-
dred yearlings, a squad of forty men
being retained for the drills before
the Ypsilanti contest. Those chosen
by the coach as the most likely can-
didates for the 1913 All-Fresh are:
DeCoudres, Carpenter, Skinner,
Kohr, Patterson, Hamilton, McNama-
ra, Craven, Zewadski, Joslyn, Paisley,
Rice, Dunne, Musser, James, Calvin,
Whitmarsh, Alt Scheible, Maulbetsch,
Pierce, Nixon, Splawn, Hicks, Gratz,
Nieman, Zieger, Rehor, Manchester,
Cerney, Finkbeiner, Harbert, Martin,
Wolf, McKone, Rowan, O'Brien, Skin-
ner, Olsen.

Michigan will be the first institution
in the country to make use of its
students from strange lands to broad-
en the views of the people of the state
for which is is established. Qualified
foreign students who wish to spread
a knowledge of their home conditions,
and to expound the principles of the
Cosmopolitan movement are recom-
mendIed by the university extension
lectutre department to deliver lectures
throughout the state in the coming
The lecturers were first recommend-
ed by the Corda-Fratres Cosmopolitan
club last spring, and have been ap-
proved by the extension lecture de-
partment. The names of the lecturers,
their nationality and subjects are be-
ing published in list form to be insert-
ed in the pamphlets sent out by the
university for furnishing the services
of extension lecturers.
The list is as follows:
John A. Bonilla, '15M, Cali, Colum-
bia, S. A., president of the Cosmopoli-
tan club, will speak on "South Amer-
ica: Its People, Resources, and Possi-
Jabin Hsu, '14, Shanghai, China, cor-
responding secretary of the Michigan
Chinese Students' Club, will lecture
on the "Opportunities of America in
Solving the Chinese Problem."
Tarem C. Karwell, India, has
chosen "Glimpses of India" as his top-
ic, while V. T. Maw, '15E, president of
the Chinese Students' club, Soochow,
China, will speak on "The Future Re-
lations of America and China, and
Adolfo A. Scheerer, '15L, Pasay Rizal,
P. I., will lecture on the "Politial
Conditions and Independence of the
C. P. Wang, '14, Tai Au, China, will
answer the question: "Why Foreign
Students come to America?" and Wil-
liam W. Welsh,'12,general secretary of
the Cosmopolitan club, will tell about:
"The Cosmopolitan Movement and its
influence upon the world.


(The Michigan Daily assumes no re-
sponsibility for sentiments expressed
in communications.)
Editor The Michigan Daily:--
Through your columns we wish to
present a plan for improving intra-
mural politics at Michigan.
Electioneering at present, by analy-
sis, is A telling B to vote for C for a
certain office and giving C's qualifi-
cations. But too often A and C belong
to the same organization or C if elect-
ed will reward by some appointment
or in some other way A or A's friends;
in other words C's campaign is conduc-
ed by favor seekers and friends. Now
this is unfair to the candidates with
fewer or less active friends, unfair to
the ignorant voter because he cannot
get a line on 11 the men, and unfair

to the university.
Therefore, it is proposed that each
candidate pay two dollars (with refund
if there be an excess) to the treasurer
of the student council if it is a campus
election, or to the class treasurer if it
is a class election for the publication
of a campaign booklet. In this book-
let each candidate will have equal
space, and may furnish his own copy.
In it he will first give his platform,
i. e. his stand on the issues then dis-
cussed and his general policy e. g.
Shall Michigan return to the confer-
ence? Honor System? etc., and sec-
ond, give his record. For the record
this list is submitted and it is to be
expected that it will be abridged or
amended: age and home city, or state,
Ann Arbor address, length of time in
Ann Arbor, class and department, oth-
er universities attended, fraternity or
house club, if any, societies, i. e. cam-
pus honor and honorary societies, or-
ganizations, i. e. Verein,, Adelphic, etc.,
Union committees, class and Varsity
offices held.
Thus all interested in the election
will be able to fairly judge of the is-
sues involved and of the men, and of
the accomplishments in the part of all
the candidates and can recognize what
influences will probably have the more
weight with the candidates.
This plan will lend .dignity to our

offices, and if the candidates will
pledge that they and their friends will
not electioneer it will help clean poli-
This plan in general is somewhat
original but has been somewhat modi-
fied. However, it was pleasing to find
out that something similar is in opera-
tion at the University of Wisconsin and
in the state of Oregon so it has been
shown to be feasible.
In spite of the handicap in court
conditions and. weather, the first
rounds in the All-Comers Champion-
ship Tennis Tournament are progress-
ing favorably. The first and prelimi-
nary matches have been played and
the second and third rounds begin to-
day. All matches in the second round
must be played today or the delinquent
man must default.
Results of the first day's play are as
follows: R. Thorsch defeated Edinger
6-4, 6-4; Worth defaulted to P. Bar-
ringer; Polasky disposed of G. Smith
6-1, 6-3; A. Andrews, captain of last
year's team found A. Graham easy by
(Continued on page 4.)






* * * * * * * * * *


The best record of University
events is The Daily. Keep a file
of the paper, and have a com-
plete story of the college year in
June, 1914. Then, you may have
someone interested in the Uni-
versity at home. The best let-
ter to write is that one which is
the most complete. Save time
-Send The Michigan Daily. Of-
fice-across from Majestic.
* * * * * * * * * *


Although in the past few years the
annual fresh soph flag rush and cane
spree have been held on the second
Saturday after the opening of school,
this fall the freshmen will have to bot-
tle up their "pep" until October 18,
before they display to the waiting cam-
pus the stuff whereof they are made.
At that time the two underclasses will
have their first opportunity of the
year to uncork their animosity to-
ward each other in a legitimate man-
ner, and Capt. George Paterson of the
football team, and Capt. Arthur Kohler
of the track team, have been appointed
as chairmen of the committees which
will make final arrangements to see
that everything is run off smoothly.
Last year the second year men won
the event by a score of 3 to 2 after
the freshmen had been awarded two
points because of the concealing of a
(Continued on page 4.)

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