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January 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…Theh Mich Vol- XX. ASST. DEAN BUTTS ANSWERS MILLER Refutes Statements That Mis- take Had Been Made in the Charges by the Board. The dliscovr th3a111 J'o hiller, end( attd quarteirback 011 theo t9tl 1(oo3b)al1 eleven 01111 captatin-leclt o1 ttte lo10 teaml, had played thlroug"h the -season without he- in1g earolled in casses 1in t1e Uniersity; charges, as3 yet ttttpi 0 ll that Andlrea "'Bill" Smiit wilter Io01 tito satte team, %%as1 ineligil b...…

January 06, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…h ji ° M1 ali VOL. XX. MUSICAL CLUBS a HAVE GREAT TRIP Report Best Time and Biggest Success in Years - Covered r 3000 Miles. After hoving coveretl over 3,000 miless ands giving forteen concerts, tin. Uni- versity nmusical clbs returned to Attt Arbo yesterday msortig, edig te tmost otccessftl adi proitaile trip ever takett Iy a Michigan tttusical orgatiza- tiont. All alotg the lsse, tiesentero re- ceived ovatiottsatd an aismost every city sw...…

January 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…TheMichi _D VANARBOR, MICHIGAN, it l :ll X \ '.1ItY 7~. Vol- XX. No. 6i8. TIME NEARING FOR THlE BIG DEBATE sTeams Are Hard at Work in Preparation for Annual Con- test This Month. For seval eeks10 the taO teams which will represent Mihigan in the anaual initercolleiateli dii tes wti Cli- cago andi Northwterns i have heeii at work undler the giancte at Professor Hdollister. Althoiugt nne of the in i selected tate eve paittrtiatedt in iter- c...…

January 08, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…AiNN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,> S I sA. J\ l . s-ARY 8, VOL. XX. BENBROOK ELECTED FOOTBALL CAPTAIN All-Ameia G ad to ubles-'1 Team-Conference Touled'1 Four Games Scheduled. Albert liersirook, till eorner of Chicago, was unanuo sly el(eted var- sity football captain for irro at s rect- intg of the members of last season's ft( O, Friday nigist. itenbrook ha s ticse ss si him "M" playing o the roo d ro90 football teams. Bfenbrook weas almost us ionus t...…

January 09, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga al Vol_. XX. .'.N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLIt-yl v, Jsxv-xizY q, it. CAPTAINS NOMINATE meter. Bi the end of this week a No saywa atesa. c ift-, anlaftl that i accFr N will h~~1ae beendrawn tip andthlnitwrk t inaaa t ti ti--a wtate pnbo~ e aht githspoe wilC m ieeein cantest eIrc Kge l iltS i t f a sk it nu l i ssifo t3 d lst STUDENT % OFFICERS Theit1911engineers won th intrclat leu, dG T i,,,cn rfntct- Te e. c nantrisal3tes'aocd Four Vac...…

January 11, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daiy ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANP1TL1 SI) V, J \P R't it oyro. Vol-. XX. NO. 7]. SEES TRACK TRIUMPHS Director Fitzpatrick Declares Cinder Path Outlook is Bright. Sixty-threc men met in the 'Trophy { moot of B~arbourr gym last nightt, itn re- sponse to Captain Mays call for track eacnidates. One of themonst gratifying features of thte mreetinrg eas thte large nmother of ntew mtent wo reprorted, prin- cipally freshmen.i The mteeing ws c...…

January 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dpi Vol- XX MICHIGAN JACKIES TO BE REMEMBERED #lEncouragement of Sailors at the Pennsy (lame Will Receive a Fitting Testinmonial Asuitable ok foolr lttho fceto ndl shnip Micigan, caryinsg withitiithe ap- pricitonof the studentstfor theIinei pirit tisp1layediitowards dth football ta tth chin-tPetitst ii ii a gametlastifall ia llsees to beI fias- sured.LaI-st nih t hSudnkContcil took tip usc n siot ndmAduecuid tole- gin1 Ottaitit c...…

January 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga n I 0 v AN ARBOR, MfCHIGAN, Ti Ii.7R51)_AY, JANU;=ARY 1.110 V"-L-XX. No 073. CAMPAIGN WAGED FOR SANITATION Promicent Members of Faculty ' Are Fighting for Health of Students. iSeverail elelfers of the Uniierlsity faculty are actively engaged in in effort to secure at hetterimeiit (f sainitary cottdi- ire hatd it tile extretie. These i n crieed tite figiht ito thet ttiveersity nalte in at resoldutioni wh ih ealledt attetiionl to ...…

January 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDai rNN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FIDAY, 99J 959 I CI) 14 1Q1 V~ol.. Xx. ------- --- ---- --------- OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR CLASSY TEAMS P_ Many Turn Out for First Basket- ball Practice-Election Judges Named. 1 nterelasa btasketall isanow in ftul awing. Al atof tihe lea))) that have 11a11d- edl in their tames toI IItterclasa Mantager Kniakern have hadi ther firs) pratice it) ~Water 1)1)) gytttnt Sit) will) entiaagittg 1-11)111). The freshaln ...…

January 15, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…ffly 4 . \,NARBORAiiFi (\ cI l G Itl)A . D ,J A\NIl ft i oR Vol-. XX. No . - WIARM CONTESTS IN ATHLETICELECTION Four Vacancies to be Filled Today- -Proxies Are Much in Vogue. Th atuary- mto el f te Ia- thletic :sOciatio~ti tilli lbe held this afterniooni ait t o'clock- in1 ititertit hall. The elecltin of officers t fill the ptositionst of treatsturer, intattital secretatr, fototball toataer andi initerscltolastic mtanager trill lie hteld i...…

January 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…Vox.. XX. PROXY SYSTEM IS STRONGLYOPPOSED Canvass Discloses Dissatisfac- tion- -Men Discuss Merits and Faults of Present Method. With tery hew ex~xxctios, leaders in xxtics ac assailinxg the proxy systctc now ini exgin the election of Althletic \Asia~ titi officcrs. Inx a can- cass among- prominet otcu( ahout tite catmottit xxii foundi tha t the system, as it nair stans m1(1s kcith tli ttle aplpro- bation. lollowxing are tsomettc...…

January 18, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…heMichiganfl .N ' ARBOR, 'IICH-IGANI F 1 fSD NY, J iNk RN 8,igi i Vol'. XX. No. -- COMEDY CLUB ADS BURDENTHE MAILS Management Again Assures the Prospective Audiences That' the Actors Are All Stars. th inI-harlioters arit ciot, andiplsei- iciltetititltcy cotalin n pittisCuets efkall lhe pr iialthatl whotweilte pan in"Te Tnsptcto i Fa ihit, to-i iii l- ith lie tcuute'toftei i taeers, ligningin te ave ie t Iate iilet if cswh l ays it tl t ide...…

January 19, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan al "a1,. XX. Ni ARBOR, MIC HIGAN, \VEDNESI)AY, JA.Nb ANY i19, f191 NO. 78, SIGNAL TO PLAY BALL AWAITED Over Eighty Candidates Attend the First Meeting of Baseball Squad- -Rickey Present, Mrihign'stsealShliseason01Joric 101 began last tigt t seithte largest itum- her of cadidate's for tie team1111 known it the bshall histors of tin Untiver silo. Oser icgtytmentt oliM theiritteition o1fttg ot the team, among thent beiasateniuoib...…

January 20, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Vol- XX. OBSERVATORY GETS LARGEDONATIONS y Chicago Alumnus (lives Deed to $17,000 Piece of Propery- Also Money for Telescope. Professoxir \. J. 1 cxxv, i Ic(>ixvvixr f the observatxiv iftsoxreciduig xthe $20,00 omi Svxx R . 1'. I ,xxiiixiii, xa iiixcxx ilxiixiu. Ax\N AR[O. TTI -hAN, TI fiUiSiiA lx JANUARY T,010.x lbe usediiitoi male it apl to sni or meniiixi morei vh i ni formri year," saixiio itie xixiiiiiiiii oil sci ecxv...…

January 21, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…The Michigo",a t,,,iY .AT ARBOR, \IIC IIGAN, 1f111 CC, JANI;A1ciV c}ztic-cc Vlot.. XX. 91 " THE INSPECTOR" APPEARS TONIGH Comedy Club's Productioni Ready for "The Boards" Critics Forecast Success. "The Inspectcor' i rccidycfop hiearsal ccwibehetiis titernicon complteiiccthe ~prpartio for thcotc totight it willibeioffiiedlticthtticam critics iprofessional ancd othiicto-c If the judgimentiof ci Vici Ciecac c thie c-iniein t drtatatic cii f\ ...…

January 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The MichignI Vol". XX. .',NNARBOR, IICHIGAX, pAC h.. LALN o t FOOTBALL SCHEDULE tiln-ct li his hr in"l ipictedl MICHIGAN DE NEARLY COMPLETED s inlf ''~n "'- -dne ~gee TEAM IS VIC Fiv GmesPrctcal Sttld lRE ET KNIIIEEEX ANDI O)IlIERk FieGmsPatclYSetd Northwestern Orat -Authorities AeneSg- _- quished in Close ingr Smith Charges. judgeX I~o~ 13I'pwh a News From Chic -ha" tci recci f the din' issiti o i ch li-n ,ichigatis com pleted 'ittl~l scle...…

January 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…TheMichig a i \'01,.XX. =NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, U'N DAY, JANUARY 2a3, Ii. FACUTY PAISE the actors sere on the stage 'asth«ICRUE BLW G VN sto ok nisjs shr cprtill use of voice or business in the s ente.setgis f11om1ti tintert(,, a The curtain once raised, the. entires.efore511heiii (la ti m %ts "1THE INSPECTOR' sccess of the play was in the hands fT il Terlslt I)u i ft t the actors. iothing in the entires >pTo- jFUS ERS te-tgis taimilit iAn sro ~...…

January 25, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan .NN 4ARBOR, MICHIGANIY F'sl)\i J:\NL RY,iR' o. \-'ot.. XX. RELIGION SCHOOL DR Dcii ON "7 HBC 1-1h CRIST"' P ROYFES POPULAR Dr J.c awonofLodo, 2g mon0 S Oiidt eveing0 ini University- hall Second Year Shows Large In- nit e t'ic L i a tls Christ." b. crease in Attendance-All De- -.A11 paths oit thought like us to nominations Represented. (Cri t esid to part. Ite is in the i worlil todal iss''inig his commao'tnts to Wiiith an eniro...…

January 26, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…TheMkichigan Daily .,NN cRBOGRMICHIGAN,XXI iN) I? )'X.A\XNC RX 6, >r VoI.. XX. f _ CHANCES ARE GOOD )I ,,) .II RAISE I N BOARD FOR EAST'ERN MEET I tht sicc~iliii ts:, ;:~c ccctc IS THREATENED Statistics Show Michigan (lose dlie cla ewcoarse hasli et ar-"Present High Market Prices Second to Harvard for Inter-' rancd i- ccIx emstr I wl cc Prevent Any Profit," IBoarding collegiate Track Honors. cccIri lucid ianidciiwienitle c Xctu-House Keepe...…

January 27, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…Mic9 .=\N NRili0Rl, iMIHIGAN, ' H J _ j A lxii A Li Y _ r \701.. XX. INCREASE IN HASH OUTPUT EXPLAINED' Boarding Houses Claim that Y Price Must Be Raised or More of the Concoction Served. h L( he1 ii1iiilii' 1lixS MV IWIiSa ofx hoar ori 1mvi thi e staml lix {f lx' stld lts txi xxih ilixxii ii it I lat il th priics fu txiii'' appear 10 ard () - i ll ii'xli'i xi x11( hxig txIIii lx'." T( l llcr sed hl] 11 pl -tiali },Ii An\'' threIS u r'' ' lw...…

January 28, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

… { VEER REPMM K } >1 P R 1 M tU V 4} 0 0 0 Ut v0 0- 0 '~ 4I sa- I+ 0 0 O r-4 x r Py "t~iw :1 RI J i 11t W . r u v e G y, r . t 33 r s U r } U aL U U COID 1 C%3 Ia a f 1 WW i i i { i i lamAWL t.. L W con j r !' bbE b= a~ I CL O, / 1 . . .. :-+ . _ .v 'J ,tit ' ,°' ~' f, f ~ f' . . , ..i" J I r ,. f = r i r, i r V ! - ^I U) 31 z v v +- 'v I . ^r . f: f .- ~ f _ _ v 'f: .. . ... w .. "v ..- . " vl 1 -- ..°" r. ,:- - ... ; ^ ......…

January 29, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Mi chigan Nt\ fIi'i-i ix Ix Vol. XX. . I:N IN C-1 1\lJVti_ iv11%. FlIkxL'l114, ;, 1.1 k KI).:k 1 j, - \ 1 N Y 2(), 1010. ---------- -- SMOKING ROOMY IN NEW ALUMNI HAL Apartment to be Furnished for Student Body- -Billiard Tables May be Installed. No loniger Wvill lie studientin the Uxiiversity he comapielled tol stanid in the coldi to smxoke their "wex eds" hetween classes. Henceforth they wvili havxe coam- fortablie quarters in wicih t...…

January 30, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…=,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLC'NL=)A Y, JANUARY c 0i V'ol- XX. PROF. WENLEY MISQUOTED Educational Lecture by Philosopher Incorrectly Reported. ieadting Detroit nespaesis e posrtinsgithe last ofi irs f,. Mi \\siiis's sion Assoisatio tof 1Detroit, quosted int as sayin ta t "In 180. illse wr ontlls two uivertsritis is the United S tates, tse LUnui'rsit of1 Vitrg'inia and1( the CIis5 Uie-sityo Miihiga.A1ohrrsiito, Prof. 5.. nslts, ini ilustrating th...…

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