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January 27, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-27

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.=\N NRili0Rl, iMIHIGAN, ' H J _ j A lxii A Li Y _ r

\701.. XX.

Boarding Houses Claim that
Y Price Must Be Raised or More
of the Concoction Served.
h L( he1 ii1iiilii' 1lixS MV IWIiSa
ofx hoar ori 1mvi thi e staml lix {f lx'
stld lts txi xxih ilixxii ii it I lat il
th priics fu txiii'' appear 10 ard ()
- i ll ii'xli'i xi x11( hxig txIIii lx'."
T( l llcr sed hl] 11 pl -tiali },Ii
An\'' threIS u r'' ' lw r -)Ilc
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illdxx'ii l frxxxhi5id lis a I
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''lti di sxi' xxiii M ri. 4i 'ixlx l x'ii ac 'ting t

,Seumas MacManus Poet, Hu-
morist anid Lecturer, to 'rake
ii Audience on -Ramble Through
{! Ireland,"

11 1 1-l it 1

ll tIIi oIx I n'lixxi'x Iilllx lx i likI' i i' ' ibix il IItixlx' 11 xx tii, i tCI i r
BRIGHT PP ECT tii "(''x i<J~I~fi1+FFHc(1 ~ l f lld w\ii h
~All ",M" Men Are Back and __
Plenty' of Gixodl Material in Revelation Overshadowss Interes' ti
Sight--florner to go East. the New Comet.
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(tens'i' I,

;c (rl . li1i

Cercle lFrancais lEntertaining l'ac-
Si ult'x and Associate Mlembersx.

il11x3Eiill' 't I lix

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underxiixxlrliiiiiaxxii xxi

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iii lxIs 114)t x
Stii ciixixx I
I Ii wixllilixe

toi t h

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