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January 09, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-09

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The Michiga al

Vol_. XX. .'.N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SLIt-yl v, Jsxv-xizY q, it.
CAPTAINS NOMINATE meter. Bi the end of this week a No saywa atesa. c ift-, anlaftl that i accFr
N will h~~1ae beendrawn tip andthlnitwrk t inaaa t ti ti--a wtate pnbo~ e aht githspoe
wilC m ieeein cantest eIrc Kge l iltS i t f a sk it nu l i ssifo t3 d lst
STUDENT % OFFICERS Theit1911engineers won th intrclat leu, dG T i,,,cn rfntct- Te e. c nantrisal3tes'aocd
Four Vacancies to be Filled at the presencte of Lathers and Raiss of 1ast hsbe Iyi, or. 'c o ,adrdst tebidn hr h t
Coming Election-Committees year aramity ie awil imatenil-t Iegit as!lxapeit tt-desachl-Atrwthn h
Appointed. strenghen their teami thinvicar.T hemIt t 1 upo't h, n i iii, ulst illtinaltil)t t i(ti n cC iore tl
enolr etniners, the jttnor itad the Regnt litltnl ]I, Ctectaii hetat I stthenuort
Nominttions for the vatriouts oficen oil sntiotr lts a tre tuno expecti ittotfigre tvarsit. t1'' ttittt it tt, tttn ttii adtt or 111
the Boardi of lDirentorsofthiie Athletic iigesine1 n ftilhniioSntT UD NT LIFE (;n- div, u-t to-iitecooltrt firt
Association, tie eectitn fine sntiwh ich a r i. int in" isas s~tit xjJJ ijijj uj ,i-tin
eoniaes int Saitrrday, cloisedlSttrilay sturie teseloted tinttug"Unl l nd beerit-si n co ntldei th
ight.ITwo tint sterr tmntedtttn-fr Jititi ile settisltii iststm Twork.)~~i~l~ ~ ,i
mtis'erti it inetaltie i tooos nit ATittiB R ,
each office. a rdta e-a ery$400 trdi \ iiai n cg edmca h
M\'. B. M n-~uhis uitlawrof Saginatwsaayto-iin itn told salt. Notatvn is nm sin nsati itod ll i-l a cu ttit teir sup-
oc]tany ntis wlmaedgtinc theistra iif Professor XVanITynre Describes p tl inakbl alsmanhp i iii
miietigtt sll ie- tipsed i ea m lii atti"L odt in Itttiis hitmsliia]- Life at Gernman Ilni ersity ili- pist,la. t it h cn b) re1~ asonaof
Gould, 'to lit, of Mt. Vernotn. N. Y., for insYti-t y1 m itt hne fi ia li i ii ia i
the affire of fitantcial seretary, the offie fr la t ti i tni faysl Before Alpha Nu Soie ty . ItoI'i iiilll ltt ii
to le vacatedi itsRite DXX ut , 'to la,s---__b____
the penteer an aof.Pu arpentermli, tuTAM O'SHANTERS DISLIKED ii knain I tl
oppose H-arts itmitittto t l itti, fr te - \, ii I tilt Ihe 1ha 11s~it aunt lift,, ;Iistin heii is inita ttle a:l iii ittil
office of treasirriow itl hi-y XViliattt Girls Do Not Favor Proposed Head l-tin,,li ishilftil selnaiortdoesint 1111ni i t ler- f
0. Cochrante 'inlit..Dress-"Unbeconming,"'t'hey -Say. i1lsnlitr tinfliiitAlnliatliii I iii1
Captaini Betalrotitof Ithe footalliieamTt the ileaa-ti antcedin ii ssteritnis ud I ilk, 51f a itcl~rg 11 itt it _;n
is chotsen Cheterto0 Staples, 'iIii,ofIii Dates - that the nirs f te svariousthe i 'a ililfracea Lt Iii al ;131tail coiicluigh rf,'n 'yt ad ro
Wfyciffe, B C. ,d Chartles tG. Spire. latsses adot i t utamtito'shntmer udistitntive-,- ei ar iunivet ie itkn e-11a e w ud n ta ,icalm rcr ol
'in> etngitteer of IDetroiti ascaniidalttes f tie lass to which ite.} elongii as t oi.tus ,e si , hrerd "a ten e ilatil tiluli nt i-orithaim i
fortheotin sce of fooutba ll tmtitnager. autu,, on-i -sier-tnle itan-tintt uuamong a ttlt, Iillilu~litiiSt
Calptains iMaty omithis- t rin nt u t umlirt theu rs.-tSio-umus f thinmumate heariyi iI o ! t~cltrn :n1' a ithine iiniwie Icw o- lrcic it li
zenrouth of the hatsebal teaumutammiii n-mait rotutu he iii muea, usil the rs asu e art- ii cIulai < ,p'<bcroc thetcant- ltl r still-S Thelist cultthst udit hl
brook of thur fooutbtall tetasm atlco l e nouunu unei t. Whmen iimuserum s tstra v ut :6v t ii ,nic lltisa lni i i t r -u--. 1 iu-u-, -I- tn mu-ut I
Valdo F. WXlson,. 'it i ut f IDener IIi itsJordilium eleh ert etmmi tcsum nimumm he its.in 1t I ,-t ot II)th111111 It o na rrab
Coh., aucthJoe -Horner, 'iithuhof (rain favormutiof tepoosdi.timei1tfmlcuti nu iiz tilt i us -- - -
Rapids, o rum ftr tietffc fluer Itis] tylithu ittg ofthisnd mwhiic tutu it ir 1,1r;I ito ,I SENIOR GIRLS GIVE PARTY ,i
scholastir manuastger it sced Chales mmldusst ing'uishnthe'inl ndmmiitll whchit, w 1It till.llclt ~c"nae. n
Gnar,'io it. iHartoldhGtlltt,rto n-tinmier, cla -s i tes- ~lnuuug t is a goodI n-ide," I at -111' 1a - i ,scioi lth Stunts and Stories Require Numer I,,
thur present footblln manuae,-si ntheit, itt d msle It itusill hhelp tit only'tegl tin src t, In mi h nal O us Encores.,l1
ermiemmber of thin-prasent B arI f i-' n -,- iti ttter anqua uin uat w it te te,, r - .cith i than . Slu iig, i 'it floo of' theh arbur
rectors to go mu t omit itt t ithi n ex t oth r grlsin isthei n-hss limt sill tnd caiii 9rp, 1't ) itn lnrth e st e,- nimu glt nms, gathl-i'n-ued
election. osbrngtum ult" amiagrete r itu unter n-as. h iirty i esulct o n t fo hw ,o t''paty re i.-i, utt t ui it
Captain i hdzemsi'th tits au ncedutmuu t heu rt ."rke lfe a 1111 r-k],- o 1) eie fsumts awthos novtyu andhum ait
nmnos of tie three items tiho h veee mTh mnijoitts of tim,-n erlss gil I cd hc fo ag ,1tttle'and'ho'unn''mr ha and oiuil tuimit heldt the andii I',
chaiensfar mices aimthim, b tasebmi allc i- ''en t t he'int favorisof3thein-me,,, utusc rI-- -l f- - - - -stei li- - - - - as itd. 'hitseutilrtyperform-utit
mitie. These are C i.B wmn'hu amntssis t uu tus-hetoter nilss , hemip -uiis t ethus d el11_1 l ,i thu ul-1itc" ilol 1ed tuttutaun tudoll tilt tilt it stil
lit, of Kansas Cis t , misnI. I am mmli t ofilai hti tersmiinleuswithmomst ih s1c 1, lr nl e n , a ' IM ih3 11e itu f t us scutedt hol e- imusn ti
sem, 'a eniniieer 'f 'Matnteu, uleich., tutit t d i sa thi afiitm it ii itt IIl1 c,.u ene -1c p it of tlckn ali' Iut u m r Q.
anth X. IT Geihatnti us 'it sengin ar ittf IHelen Chill t Sasit I anu atu ihn diuc u ted tis lieu1, p hI, sttarid itu 'ills ut a cusuuutuupit
Dtetroit. M nutile in ianro t msrmushsu at-r1iuh ,c lrslulatiltIp -tttt d (1I i h lt1)l u C(". t s
Varsity IT a 1Man g testel uuieutuut fs3 t las sud a utmn-ong thur. nirs as I n it ci hu~r 1at1 1di ; ili e s t msttas iuh ich m idet itto
a chasmm Phili \V.Kmnietii mu iii ut-uthi'l tin is mustshI ntd sd at Michligat 1 utn-autt - a 1 lid il fith te irog am werltrelusthir aa ha K
niner, of I anhmmga lu-ih.,for thus ofire I titu set 1 mmmimut insumftvour of thintasist u-mum tutu auilantnna munfl 1rIwee lie i ?~ ir iii maity, ti
of itercas ashi a ll mumtan -nmr. A -X a n stt iIineas tutuaretimo iatmumuhunt- t muI-pof 1 rs ,itofte wisw s oata eofsot
practice scheucuule isill hemdrwnsusp tn - i sun- mli t r1151 n I Iiittis nt thlinikltthe sin , iiii, iciby t t itu ir:t bl e 111s siar tiepnt suit d, it e ti
mehitey andul thes rein- arint i eclas tiea toulit mutwi tt n-nerusalupvl --iumm s ta rns.ah'' mustl mustrii,; cevry xci a d co civd
scheu lmme sillhe tend thintu a fews s.i-inn i e'' Biggus-,'aof te same st'alos, saidlaskig i m 11iartsi.1 mc I cre e t i ima it lk ri ved 111,1..
MIanager Bumo sutn s ato appointedlJ. tut alitwis inostt isfat-tue omlthur tum h tu e 11 ( Iila vn mli a ncordu ndtat the rit,,
Frerth Lawton, t t hut, tf Detrt aslu in-m o'shn trs "Tmose nirs t-huho umo att n orl n nilc ni el;i-t, t ft he itperformers- r ts atoIomtltet
terclass tracrk mmumat'gem. Iawin lum sill t mui s auth thetisvery muchmm irdnsh isteun-. te ,,f 1c rctain ta nenoewsa way.1 ed15 hac
hint-chaunnecof thinclassinnrelayram an "tut mut the i aujhorityofitie girls, myslf i- T ejun11, it s heuid l o o im oilelc l ut ttlsttuu ofi
an-f the 1Fres'h1 iSuthi sur-t wici1 h it ml tu ae in firthetimertus-nit'-)itnium tt theritu lel el~ I hu fyfl se ofthi nutubIts.mait
behu e ldh nu mm ltem smuts, gtmuinsium idesains Ithinkmulthat tthur tms tr's' s't tl upthi: n ix' tututli i ases, h i ts e arttu Ii' totuintu tu n t itwih Itastl l o i s ii
Mrh 5 uunecominmg mandi would h ateito see the- em ",,- uu-i i n mattn ti it I- 11111 i a 0 t a t iltnits s s w t uuu hitil nt suces, S ,
The eectiomn fan thin Atnhletic Associa remustlts upiunimtie girls' It-im if thun-ideast f feltsandlu nc tu t h n tm. il--w:1,5 ilt "A 1IC tinyinna g:of als
tionmmofficers will beheldn-sSaturdathis Jan- acrealit optiume." situe tf hln t woists-~l,:tccu - te- 1 -ta G, 3' snios. mults' tin-A
tnt-y 1i, at L mives-tih u'hall, fr tt 1:30u It:1,-mmShepardmics-ire sientu ofutthus'rutiut- ph ltitu wt ast t-ispokeuhnit tstheinutnatiotutu
tom 4 pmi t m'tin tiill huts humthinA- j uiosrhul as , sami:T a'''mms wouml hun' tll ','ltniatit lift tfutu' tuttut 1,istill andurioiuiu tut married thinplts a
traiams hullot systemiandlim it nies mumay hat mmghu iItto t at--en lsbecomminug, limt I ammmof'' siiots as - 11151: adhflirtin os.n
mirth as auuthorizmed b y'thim-emats sut i-a'rit t i s impoibm ale.a- Thlinkhoittthin- him i cairseftei it Ei rnat i i uuu''uuu l dowsito Ite I usi
utmifthe Athletic AXsocritm u uteatinuoo tohomr e grlnsiitt um trety bt r1 mm,1mm' uhr;> tkn ilo teieu, ostnsth neta i- C
intecashann I shetimll 1Xliii, c i l ali hei r;; l oced t wearamred Caps;"mees t~ uiht'tmm' dilsmIuintnhsunint masii humand tri hht
Kn~iiskerniswmasringmua 'Yot smile le us illhIit.mumA'Sun a ntsc uh las, tustu edm i by unC
tas. T eresin tma mma t t sekfor Grae Tai mn iceseinunS ofthei,, In tup tu In Gamin t f eiorms , wtu a s'
the'prosetoritutulssI asitbal, 0[2sin ls a, eluteedI ierslf thin FIRST UNITARIAN LCHUJRCH al I usitthius itoanalesnulla llsit
humse tinevetruben i ghumertita yiesh 'ITh ual ~i nsdl intfavoriof te n e wl-u sthemtutu-- S R.J T y t t\ u:i', rsig ie C iO rgs hd ,
it, nhr u u ll imit humbsumnuc mtasi ttof thin-F thinkitin a ie ia, especially' i i t IL, 'sf v WX1I)I 1 tt at' im i , d cort ar odlunleItig t." ongmu-~
varsity fieethis year, lint, It tngineeri can-itt mimithem thliiisaint-olrumis s thea' Iit .timuu ndtllIprodis io t allkid
Lathers, 'mu eumn-ner Is aua usnsunur - , bo, liii titittgeccic.wee u rus. A
amd Rly, 'to ltut, of hut }ca'svasiy uimbe mitflfreshmensgirls wme atp- 1211 'rctiySuet'0 s, o - Cesit eegvnb eirumgirls
teaman rtue back In dmuh swit smateriathy smutauied1outthinnsuj ect limt si-net tu' - 'tilt Situ muttor nlatedd. T eenie srnghn 0erepctv ea , upn bshu t a ayhig owv rst-liii..-V l.R 1.,uei gscmultis at ad fiefctta
wulch they pluhusa of thrummumftrmatinly-enrussemi tie 73 1lull lie w~ ddes y-muhtlen aiunveredIwhichs\l
'fle interclassu s et balln eri e tmmnsill inim thuaissuits, cass ehmuta sumhi e D . . , lhue ~n" hciyot ioositu ld lh, itiheitiilieuditha lt ntheri atymmi
c'ommmece l th e mmsn h ck o tstem- utdop-tete- aspint' 1 '1y1c iv l;i tha ft- iut- .II

No 7a
reopticon Views Will Be
Shown-Try-outs for Spring
it seaetning ,"n- 1iiifititsseratd hm-
taitle r fth luar, hichmocsinntn
ti- it I a c.Caehrttni has
s- n a il ihas ti s u nr it be i-
estin to cc tose titi acn io
t lumitslu-ut a f tat eii-t-re an tmguaen.
a lectirr, Amaile I atur, is tutu
ihoist-tupon th i ffmerlenuIt phatsnas utf
in sthe mittslia-island is hu-talk un
israios of "Ic o tmittin e i
Aiira - - Ag- nresal ma e
11yitrt iini n ~c1ainttie
it CaumtiIeiii ll tuomss fr oistParis
dls"ii sts u tus I ic sum Tune
i. lie n Iui llr s it aing al" totur
ths unt ulldt he anspices151555nof
e ll ,c iltnd hutsponut bta etoitui
tninmttrsnit-ti1m, l'uDreich XX hlithe tm
hid itrs isinoluls lC i thtinetin
smtil t it a lit Irunit, life, in mmhus treat
:l of it h l s ianaltoftie pe
har cnt<:ns of hc ealysFntipe-
ii. uThe liIi I u m is ilium"'ratedusnita
titus;andltuife in t dhedea"en.
Thteilt isinctiludtet iniithin cours
entetimsuiven byt lt Le nCecel
id asn tri~ts dr i mit. It will
giku llSaah Cat\c1 A ~l nl hatt
ill 1c lls ;tilts,:1 Fe
iy uorcin, ad ~l-ugh ou smiacslew
ilt,, 1111" inIo t ll" hutfiniely alsigned
eutit tte onut nuuaippearedhs oal
! th ir iNIii-i l lthe linei oft Fen chuit
-alde i'ceoftllila'ht' itiht-th
,n~t ecod enealin-ut' uw sill nt hun
-a usmc rsneAl a tmy %vsia
lilre asinthea y ae.reuus e
l i s onici partsi ar as yis tutu
dr sa. llhrt w1 h 1sgne
e-t \ '<an e ca'm s i illenc
nit, ii'd Ibuimauntelit: 'uu sul
115sF litII;Crliis
utl S u re flctuhas,given
ill e o thegcurl seo "T h a e o
s il t crr t of Cint iiiitus
lid 'nill e d cl by C tutuv. a.it
tilt wl u rm Jaur ni h
it g rae', the irstom heu iiv'iu t t ost .im
Jail c),7:3l I'ten.-T eSoiliav f
Ja . , 10 a 1.itt Religioni adtheti
Jlii 30,t7:30aptiia. TeCmc n
Neb.til6,a7:;o p.' - i-Futiinit mudlia
ttclnaitii, i.
\li--a, ,-fi ias - lia'inltatstu an



MoilanProf. John R. Allen Tonight
Hall TELL OF THE 6:30

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