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January 11, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-11

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The Michigan Daiy

Vol-. XX.

NO. 7].

Director Fitzpatrick Declares Cinder
Path Outlook is Bright.
Sixty-threc men met in the 'Trophy
{ moot of B~arbourr gym last nightt, itn re-
sponse to Captain Mays call for track
eacnidates. One of themonst gratifying
features of thte mreetinrg eas thte large
nmother of ntew mtent wo reprorted, prin-
cipally freshmen.i
The mteeing ws cal tled primtarily for
the pttrpose of twarn ing all men swho
eontemplatle going out for traek about
the necessity for Ikeeping up~ itr their
Director Keen 1itzpatrik said itt
part: iTte ortlok toe a struong track
reart this star is sire promiisitg. Reg-
tilar trainintg tidl not continrience tutil
thte heginig (if text semester, butt all
track mrenr should start prelimilnary
training as sonr as poesilie.
"The presence of soch a large rai-
her of freshmen at tis mreetinrg is espe-
cially gratifying. A meet sitht sorte out-
side school still probably lie arrantged
for the freshmrenr somte titie in thte at-
ter part of Marcht,"
Captaint Donr May etmphasized tire re-
eessity of mrenr wthl athletic aspirations
keepringl till in] their eollege sork. 1-1e
alsor said :
"For the last few years, Mieiganr has
breen sending a team f only rent ten to
thre intercollegiate meet irr tire spritrg
PTis year there is n reasonr whiy we
shrrrltd ret serrr rdrwnr eas1 a ream] of
twrenty-ivse meei, as dro ale, Ha rvard
anrr Corerel. A great deal delrends rupont
rhe freshmrrerr. At tire enrr (f thrrt year
fise ourt (If the sever 'd har ten nr oss
rrn eollege sill graduar te. There isa
great rorportunrity this sear frir tess reir
wrhortee inrteresterd intrack workt.k
A prelirirrary mieet, tthrrch is rdesrgnerd
ptrimiarily to get at line oli tire tess tret,
trill Ire reld February 26. Onr Marech 5
rute arrneral Freshr-Sophi rieet still rake
irlaee. Tire regulrrr Varsity rreet till
oeerr Mrarci 12, whlile tire mreet with
Syracrrse is sceduhledi frr M[lacr 19.
On March 26, nhich is atn opert ate, te
freshmtrerr trill probrlaly rare ant oppor-
trurity fore mreasuring threir athletic prorw-
ess wth ll somrrre rusidrel schoolric hre at
nor ret reren decidr r prnI
Class Fives Work Out Nightly in
Waterman Oym.
Iterclasts I, skeril IiNarager Kimls-
kerrr har anorurrrrrcell tire praetiee hrorurs
astsige tote eeral class rearts.
teaeh lr I t has ibeerr givern fifteerrntri-
rrtes trice ea wiseels ire prractiee cmenrrrrrc-
ig tonrirht lit trecenert ernactmrent i
Ire Ird orfI Cmlt i n strrrerrt rill Ie!
atllowted to play on tihe' class brskeetball'
teamrrr Iwh o i rrrprration or at beenr.
wredr Tea manarrrrgets still Iate to'.
hrandr a list oIf rtrhe presto thre rnrert
casmngr crtiyig thar rirhey tree
eligtle rrtirer tis rurle.
Tlie trrrr (f irctire for tire ritrrent]
tearrrms whirh har sr o far Irae it4In ti
rrarrs sarc as follows:
Tu resdray arnd Frday
7:cr10( to 7:15 (11 Eninreers
7:13 to 7:r0 1r1r E 'ngrrreers
7::3(1 (o 7:45, 10r2 Engneers
7:45 ton 13:0 19i rrEInrgrrneers
8: 15 to It:30 x911hw
lit0 to 8:45 rr12r w
8:45 to 9:0 otDlert
:Tnlsrr y trrri IThtrsdany-
/:0 to1r 7:5 r 91 alro
7:1 tir 7:30, r9nir
7=3 t-o 7:45 191 tits]5
8:30 trr 8:45, 19tI Mcrirk
-~rto earo l1tlrrrrrs
rhat. G, Sipe, whro rt carndida te fete

varsity footbiall mnianger, itnsists thatt he
is an 'tit engitreer andtol t a sophrrorore,
asSurnrday's DAILYs staled by rristake.

Charles Frarnklirrwas eleederanorsso-
ciae Crdior of tie 1ra)ro Nhirrarersiarr
by rtre Borard inr Crrrntrl ofS-trrrntrPr b-
lieatirors (at is last meetnrg.'TIirs atrr
sas necessarytotillntesvacancyeirtIry
thre failrre of onre of tiefrraternitry edit-
ors eletedl last5sp rg to reurn.
The eriorial staffsrf trs- ertsenio
biork as compleedi by this eetrorn sill
rrrrrer terirrt lion]Itf-rnagirn dio
Jamsrt- Ito she ad ltrrtrres I rrage
LousrKnisrtske rcrrrirlerte(igt ansr al.~rr
iTe lrstf ssoeratre dtrs tollorrs
NV, KIrrrseers .J.I ieosrrnd Parntic
I) P. NMalrrresI Rg Iept.; is I. Jamres
rrnd A. J.)'Cornror, LaseiDeit ;CC.
NMcClelandlant).G len Mdc
Frlien , 'te rrrt( ; orortheIa Pral
Student Solons Start Investiga-
tion of Late Scandal in Ath-
letic Circles.
Thre Sudrernt Corrrrri last eening at
its first mieetirng srrcerte ]lrririr la Il-
icrmrirrierdrtrrrrrrertke atrough allrnda~
irprtilal rrrvestgationrof te ciargesrc-
centlymadIC agrist Joti ile r rrre-
'tardlto hirealeged egalIpCricpto
inr trC athletrcs of teUers itryTis
is Ie rmrrstimploritatrmatter -ahirrhr has
conic beeore tie corririnrr reenrt ears
aeldtorffrt irtrle siar en to tae i
absolrurely cortptleteanrrrmptrirl.
ITIe rate is lite iinoteonly f lrebn
een Ciorfntitnral rirerest-ith e athlreti
wrd.The1 1 a~trhleri rityeof the lri-
ersity Iris eerr serrrrrsl qletioe
ottirtg to rtese crar-gses rrrritecorii
rattdetermirirerltoribtinatelerys irossile
piece(f esirercele rrng ontie ese.
Etverryirmemrber of tie srrrert h1(1(wio
Its anyil krtostledgle thrtsoer rofth
afair rswile sumnedrito appear111Iat (the
inryrt as srlllaI.mtilers Csf till aenl-
Is anrr offerts of tie Atlletie Ilssoca
Sitorrn irllers srrde(flie caewill he
sit-err rost arefrrlorsideratinl A
tefort is bing. rrare inteleihonse till
telegraphlrtotIraie him reriIiseut artie
herstsnndin anilevecth iriste wl
h e invited ti atetid andr tell ihat ire
knIy. lllrgadtoti t r1-.
Te -harlesIatee so1s511io11 inllhirl
riatlrelthar if1false, Niiller soldllbeil
attitude of thstn In 1 ri (I0oward
1suchirrftrses shroulr bl illiciarIytile
t rssed. itis115elt rht-e nexpess1n, o
lih set i bodill n 11111111osittillhill
tLh iervsestigaton sill starttiI'elay.- X
cas e erqted tsirall r illheiipIlsi-
at 78-L.
((INNINI ION hEl I- Nh ''-
A rgr liitetill"'of tie NV SN-W . :
still be heldIIIin "ewbrl all atiiI; p.i-m.
11 tody.Iis planned1to1 hake the del e
5slidi illVNlunrmte-rNMoe-et, wr
was heldI a t lRocherst riigctie. Cis-
mins vacationltll thirn exp eics.
Mrs. Cari trhm Itill gie 5somie silceal
tranismoNwity la ll l'womenof Iti I.n
vrmsily arecoCirmial-inite.

Ist ilIi 'iQUITS Y I'iI'.lt. Raecl:
w H-arr I latmririrlhas wtithdnrawn-iist
niamre ets eanidrate for reasmret-sf tho

Former Student Insists Earnest
Work is the ule.
A Iforimne slndlerrin tie ns ierrsitc oif
H1eiele'rge-''i-ike srlcetioinlltoitie ac-
countiiof lcoitiitionsl 5herenas se511f(thilil
a 1repot In rtf.N-i,, lines leceree be-
fo1r till AliiaINuiteinarys-cetlen-as
11111 o(1(1' lrlini ii 111 ef ndth- i ie
(cnssicte ialiill~ns mi sudnlit life
ef iiiold (ientintisholri
edi' it rd rctill 55St1.irsv
IeS i-'toreinys Professr an li-ie
musti shave Ibeen rimIepatedliy mmsqotced inn
lilt (rtiler%%ihda]peiritred inn Sunday's
Di wN11ieIr1111-hlidriing StitlerItife
at leinincrri'' aing''liteelseeral
yer ast i In rdln lid it int tenednicoulrses
at theunirn msti I tilt IC]feetlyfamiiliar
kit teIlst-ndent lie tier e iuelventree
to take e I 51 ioiv .Itinumb le if Sate-
me1 l nt mille innsaitm1iclei.
berg Ie-hr's d ae thInie irm sok sei-
oul.Tefrtternits (eli]ps) sdentns
ilsmisruleit oistiuiiidolnt marie nt
lwo sem(ideste fthere erlege life. 'ihis
tih t r o teeuliartos lcie eler g
btithcaeinn all Gerrn univeit-ns
tis letrtio ire tiree semresters ties
ecome inac1111til-eii nnihers rf theirmcils
andthn I' ( lose atnt~muihn to there
ltdiin reritoI le-ale1to p1sste
el-- Ill saehoa1 rdileamrinions.
If ,tilstudlnt iase~dli sfor ninscrasori
t ein s I enitledto a ahearing befrertlie
tnvrillty senatehit if iisofehIns is o
aciinaliharcereieis immeiaely
liii ie dl onertontie ciImiath ies
1The ltres (e nol sppntosedh to1ie
Ii a teerr ihou,irrIriteen rmnte s
tater thelilttrilieor"Das NIktieiseir
N eteth is thie htie hptofeser is ex-
peced i e m in e(,clss rom. Trhie
( staping f Ithefeetis ineels t sinl f
1 Irectingi' twelmed ilb} lie innsructr.)rr
Ther coris rr of(lie reglar iprissors
nitesnt.,i'welad1uienudeui those rften
pory ntoe rc threoritses isial
irrwrrnr ilsirn birs Ivmsaluirintni.n-
-ii corms ntibelonig tr Ie orficial
is ll s-t Itaf Ie Inevlr herdpro le-
hresor ineakofl ahtiplutr inn tie-mile-
ofat sent(1eneshordith1111-lnnou.rncrr et-e
1 SAfter i'fi tinrg ilreen-diucls the -c-rr-
cirsuIs Insnst I rsnsdrarbniladrnel sa
1 ut a narrow ill ribn inis f ritnenis
c1cl,-,1ofenmon s IaIwatelloh
iulscitre frequntlcyiifougm'hfrl intr
tril eao si utretIinyntbeIraus e
onema'sfhenrIosinoI tiaealtintillaInn-'
s lis t-in.llis are 5 nit 1(11volved111innduelt
ir e inthrIfnet Inat ties ees liesly
f becomeil membe nnrsf frsisrnithins. o
trilge lirhs-ic ~r e nncou nt lihrrcn-,
VTeton I m, i Id dill'saintaIrmina ine
I hehediuatersof asttdnts (hints
In' r kaeiriry 111 dsd e rst sinde-
votedlito hsical, exeilrcie.Oirs sting en-
dentclub limitheacadmirlileingir -
ii ro ssociiation felIotblicnubt- fern )i,
thr skilt shipprtun iiforime re.
is (sTtereiar i, its nmtorisniom-sit-
-dnt oift hiins Intl etoinler one unless
Itinsy irrril hillng ill fraemrntes.
- Ilillil sudentirs dInot n nrirmi e ier'
forbrckfat, lt linhthn-nmaiytimrale,'
1nlr fo r is at1other1m1111.n'ThIeimlre-
s as c ssst ri cfertush tlls irishthie
ariet - iprl -itinfIsInndrnlkrrg eer is
nilfreh at ts-eI" I nIieholihem" a gtti-
sri- rrsrin hitusuaIy ties prasersre teel
Is'mF inalyI Inehinetinat1GermanUrim vrtt-

si- sum's 1111)'proifitably ire attemnded l is
Aetiricani stuidents fir rther cousees

"'til l her iweis i ew isn acuInns st ic
la~in " ll ttil rl trIill ('.rpmum ofIte'
listepacagrap h ihncisrs teilr
sil+c ma l , crit cii -i l f
I Ittica nin agred him ins-i rierIll
ler t ars mB i I s ilerit rlt rrrr iet-i
\ expesen ay g tdn>tll
Illsndrinsi - n ntl ililk tl 1irsMler',
thywatdros -sri-Gntia, dicr-
inlang-lig i th co1 un1d1 1111'1
v ti gin, ti cr1, sInel, 1 n 1 uc o te
wa ueyinfoirml iaun is aresrrisel
Ire Illeller s of le _NuhaNus oie
T'le reporrr ly ll rpored I toI ((ichlle p- 1
oni the features o ita l;, andil I r-nror
inn thine ~ naure of a ri,.
Credit Will Be (liven for Coin
plete Course now Offered by
Secelit Godrdnofa th'Ilaw 1.1(5
le-illannrncseedivesteca ratiacrieas-
ic-lll etsige- snill ine'Ima~deinilire- r- of
studyrosri'tn-snnnmr snse-s in rof iis i,
prien.iraschageril mkei
Iosi l l fo r siidcisc' Ic,'(11(01 mnl le-
series sito comle te theinillilliwo
ri e ne tsr-s alernh yar- il.
stnn1 courll of 111c la (in ci liar ii
sill he-ailer coer wo rcslbsntia 1lls
secres nfltIlls egi lar'ini in t. 'hypr
-sinl stel r i 1 o. te w 'k
instadri nf ight.
This chinge'r si illi luricluml 11f1 til
Leon coin't i e aslirefrt~ -l
an l- no cr Idi ws I is sir's a le
TnileIs i l i s pa11( l t t ul
veal"tiwork (title om I- n he
can Le cnlplctcl in inc h f ilrr i"
into ito iile-welek lterms. Tchis etil
slanlir - oltlt ili me lse~ll i ll
stulilie s stir on. 1 1 ne irs 5 -,f1 l
theli ins- tin flirum heir illyast h
dea et'N will LeIN mh' l 'h'hl' N'h I 1lii
Thecouss ill1w presneIN I N1515 'It
salde ntrescc~v.,ulrs
srions Thelinsructoriforhe Moil lulsilar
trwill ll tien Inst r i c ha ,c " tI
lee o Crrer's-.abltv ws
(cnd (1( s a irlelto aipadi ll (5 vi Innsn-sll'
Itatd thir'l'vi'lws.5'
\lanmen itnlit's' 1(11 - l iii -o'i'1\ aen' S
andI u t le'nrrhnr'ts apintselll'' I ire
Nute in itg1( t el ims iaring; i ln-uh

Inn lire atram. Isltilt ari-inc nn~l~f

Monsieur Enlart is in Authority on.
Mlonastic Life.
o1 wl -d. t~w]carne n sr i hdolie one o
ti - ~len rw tis r ga11inizstion hain-ie
huirl n isc urss. -110lecure~ r ,itMe
C l -1at, 1s(515grc belalnde nes
t. taiin e,,~e hat i le inn its hg
deal 1.:h nnnasic ifea d rcitheturses
la itdie l .m (( i c e ns mine r. Ne
I ther h dieco icf ne ofinte Xest
kwll:mrihet f ~iccirics usen-ln
11(,1I(11 ica e ro, nd lrie
has lcr,1;1 m ch tu I t al id my ti ne-
ti- ~ mdiin i me10, minidle es.
( 11 is;n~hoE'of rrhok-etiled e ritms
and - iiiyt ofth \'i cl IAgesof
tcire;e nealtr cgn r i ene d atle
it I Irt e su i - t. tcdlait.
teInn- ;md ar C ceirthearse--mn
~ more c-i -i tie by tlet
II - n cr- 'i i. . i
I iar s ;,>an II cat fise tolbectir Iof
Ixww ilirstr i l ifl-nton- ml
%t: tc ric>: d ter dfee nt (lieshuof
arcliitcun111111''sribed h aranelftr
me t f l~ir hiil tad tcold ofr hirsit
Iif: o th t~ic "Itlasil igroeu d mit
srgtsl~u r i I rca s a 's ntone
th n aciiirh eCrc' ls 1t morai e.
it ci i )" f lo e aor lecur
"Lc S +rec llu ic~ l c ie l ire- Iiel irrlli
nigt 111lislm, >qte
'ThusaysMe al iher e-- st hofre
iSe 1i ls. me i hn
On 'Il~ur~la 1-sei turreto'lo tkhlf
a hii ,?r 1,[te mem er f heUs o
men o r mill ens I di dicngroom ifr e
S lbin, j, is ethb re hi d I-
Tim e-yi 5ia1ir in-il' sneatsinmilsetto-
the din~r; t;, mlr -.rienrdastiarm itth
(Iris N rthoe y oer
r~r,,1 ,ct rtan mln (ore c hli5. m orn
1-te 'w --;ca -Iter terpanisO til
hil 'Tci d c~itr irahr dinedtre
t m .ti~i, f ef ge c leit hies ''.l't'n ,
il il< 1~ il -d r a ert i nmigmnt. mmn
Cm ld ,- nf m in Ini s lists a -
ter~li. , +tc;: r is rtin-isare fo-rn
aifii -%il e m*h - rim Io'lsock e. utp
ccnt. T dinig Tuntismnis myAll ed-

nrc-cr4II s ) tIlut n hInc lersurr of thre
l.IIc erIle- I()I' --ire neele, reeeieit

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