The Michigan al
"a1,. XX.
NO. 78,
Over Eighty Candidates Attend
the First Meeting of Baseball
Squad- -Rickey Present,
Mrihign'stsealShliseason01Joric 101
began last tigt t seithte largest itum-
her of cadidate's for tie team1111
known it the bshall histors of tin
Untiver silo. Oser icgtytmentt oliM
theiritteition o1fttg ot the team,
among thent beiasateniuoibe of
As itt treious11e.tigsteipoti-
atteo of avodicons aool pltcks s st
most forcbetbphtastei
Diretor Keene Iitzparck opeitnitite
mteetng. Il dwect espeniallyilntite
teessty of kepintgl'uptitttecollege soine
1 beausea h liiitli is tie
fist reltaiste for trepesett'tingtetii
vrsity ttt ay attletie ciit I
warntedill atbsebllcaiatiiiles tiIle cx-
tremnelycae 15ful itstie fututtta11100
pinonia tem latverduing0it
thte ectairttsnttof te Boariti ofiContrt
Direcir L1 tiptil le in it ltrouce
BranichRictey, te esbs'liel'lioishI
'It hat, leenretotethai~t I lami tt a
ttetviaite ositiii itlCoaiixky
ill assumittli ty 1101 ittdis ateac
of tie glistoom relitin bu h
biaseal sittion tits s o'''''e'ncc
flt m11o1e optimtisltic1111111lite. 1From1
te si/seis] tetrnlot iht1,it iwould111
seem tha t te popct or iii iniig
tear th110sear hit it r e elie br ighlitr
Nevertees55semstit s si~t i face Ithe
fate tt we se inicapiied liitilis ea
bytieilossiof severrateniioflst els
nueues for tits 51ear'sto'lilt bur goct1
eiffiuly soilbe i ettigteaIm" woeirk
It not51only Ill ros1111iiitlon imtil
bt on ry it l yo u wolare
ardidates for te ite e nuitalli
srificeestr erscull tinlterests fothlie
good f the 111111 It is mily litroh
yor heaey otiler atoun sittihme taI
"Wesist le otitistie ltiti
a1n111etire stidettboils are'linot loirg
for exetuseshorttsinrIresults I ain-it
fident trat we sirall e al od u
share ill willni111g vstrslothi eaa
te teatirthis ote i ers ast"
Diretor ar temte piia'ireels. iimt
piirrerttto Cooch Rieeanidi I tht
Mtihigarn shoui be eiingratillattdi on
havingsacr att eperiecedl1 1111an i-i
ret the forttnes iof tbaelltm
edrirg the cominrtg sessn
Captair I ertotiilpiasitzdst ithe
- et fa tt o mattotilayedilpsoniiithe
varsity lst year itas his posto
cincedel ter e t isls placiite fir
itsew'Iteti withablity," liesad nl
the hst rsant for the pies will Iitd the
toards a motisucclessul ibaselalll se-
son, tut I w0ntltolirepea t the writng111
abou keeingtiu111yiur stlle or itk
annrot imrstso i tha I ct liii sronglyi
Practre wtll comtmenctte the firs week
of the seorid semester. 'Thii iiiioosr
cage will be loses'roil as sooii as luc
Jurior flop isoer ooid luacticsoll
thon begin in eariist. Wo'irlit iie
cae wl ai lc frot lone111to tire
every afternoon, legining ith theli'se-
Coc icAkey reIed151lt olmiitimsi-
selltupon teats11lerI of tei 111111ised
nelgibiityrtso01somle is]the mlusho0li
playedl oirlst ers ta hr~ f
piofessiisitilisits itate seenm dea tu
Ftintitshortstop;Blndn, ien
and lSrrmitpicert s; Lisle] anIdilMt-I
iirr irtilsder s itdiCetivure sistielie.
Tlieiiquestit of ttilliglibililiti' of lthesw
m1en1lies iin lbs handills ilii, Atleti
Boated of Cottrol wis , s isa .
inwhstakis noI ormlou t ii'
sshtehver liI11 i i regad to brringthese' leu
frotrip1aitu" oittamhiyer
Sheatotsitli CoaIi eliIkes iiti ls o Iliat
tll meii shose' rihttoliilit on11the i ,c
sts baseblliteaIs l iii y 'lha 11c t
cle tin Isth ir eest ,i rd r t
the maleue t e'cht iit''i'5 i 'lii'li
aisthemas'iol asoslete
charges ari e pcul the i'i, Wl
back iltoli.i e oteiitfouriti ii
seem]confdenthtthi lley llc Sbl t
ditprotvieliihe ctaite r a ut n
'T(M P \'lN IN-SIS']TiN
;t a'metingol thu-ill ic oi
itittec cof the ; nAiiii r s uii'llcc-
the actiiiin iof thiiiv tuersit,'Sent im
in tli i u e'thei sni tally iiIu itilli
utun lire ciampisitliii' iso il 1, apprm 1111 i
antosthel lingi it tc 1 aope
Tubetrcul5ohis s ''011 on j-tst,
a elint te e railll i iar c n li-
tio of1the 1campus l~re,.itii 11 li-.ii
i~yte iistll tliii eomitteItsf theiiSenaiteil
Condtin tred '1111 tedancrred i't--
it te evint o l ' ausdi h rela
metingrts 'a stretsial einglothe senai'motie
lie aliedfer tils purp oss.
P1S S F I1) PI NGiN] it-i
'SAto metig if ty. 1151 1 enineersi'
tie foiiiwisng'resolt ios ii i 11ss11
sit the ideathi of 1Be01 siwll illebe
ofl the ciiss isuccued s111,aii Oir'e5 sl
f an ospsratioinifiritppiicii i, a ~-llsiiick
Whiereis ldini 1, ifiii wido
its isee1511fit tIsemve romus he 1ea,
blovedtsi membiir1ot f the1111' iii'iii' l 11
his pro 0e liithr initheidistnlilt ileii
place Isisisiriual ahu ;heI,,i
Rsesiosilie'ht iths'class o iii tlien-l
grls ixtento lhis prnsadsr
viig famitothlie eeest sympathyli i
this hour-11of saidilst ciii(,n : n
hei it furthler
Resol, st -a coslls ofiteiiroli -
lutrons beisenttthle soroing ai ly'111I,
acopy spraduiii th ii oreisiit
cass'riinelthesuie le 1p1intelii he
Preidnt 11)11:.
J iitsiiiiis
h Smu retar1111
Canoe Regatta and Swimmi
Races on Lake 'Fappan Hi
IToday--Weather Perniitlin'
wtlwhc1: tullei lses ltePRESENTATION TO
th mda n'li use . hsewo-BE AUTHORITATIVE
iin sillen ihiithem 11ro11thit liles sdownisward 111Scenery and Costumives for '-The
all ,iiiil tlts (Ii ws I nfrcdtoswstilit Inspector" Copied After Orig-
11511it 1rivd 1t liitlt 0 itiiiii tileyI inals at Iniperial Theatre.
sit clt nech irth011ie1ve infeel
:Mg ated nutimius iiaintill wlthe
fo' fear11 I Of not ti ut iiiaesarve i Ai rbrvstr
fit- , i i 1ei wl l po111w e hihndte ve thbr this aty ii5 ith e i lti be
ckr eo 1 1 1111 ii it's 15511 theirriitsli ile'oell]
higih poducetesi ii hs soi iilluso s.01iiI lIi
abwittht Islet-siut'<l 11111l1lili ilteiti' il Use
l n hlt uitie, r ii iruut
that it
li1t lti,
rc r l '' iiai w t l iii
th ll ii i ills title i-, ic sit
tile lthe ilimv as ii lediso
t ovsrdthei 11111e ofthe 11
L lu yii licI tl-c t,
is't i~ot li'ad 1 idIIIA m l
ill ntut'tulhtu's isis'A11itA
I pssliieetis. If terHM
<l t t'tiif ti lt i'iiiit ii i stan
1 l 17r< s'i
111 s~r
111"!11 whi
i l tx t i lii
Il I~ls ii li t 11
1 eru5',
tel (si 'is rittiiMitS 01OM
' tW, siu'helths'i ''i 'rnis' it
t;u_ sl s it iic< tha t usulueter itt
i t t illtp a >1 en ii t
a s il atcl tt mp s t) cli itiltc
li~i >y il t( { i it i It iii(
Xill I (lisq al tilt inii liiire
1. {la ns iii~~i Ir irlit ii l
a o o. te ca pus "la kit pa111
)t' Sadcert~ lc
thueatre lias I eu ptiiuitid o rist'hie C"tut-
tills C lb lib'the ]letoitt seettie t.'iui
Plo. St. Johnii uwitne'sse'd a rehetirsl
P tli li\ i lt al C 1(ill 1111I ii11,,
\\brh tt ws 1uiitiiiltt i(ull tiltill ul
dit l oci piiened lie hualtlini' utti.x11 ;11(
brim c-ht' avcs''i'u' asirut Shutcll-,
hlk uct i stl is iiithi t iur lt l _111
stile()'s ct1 i l iic''srtce+ sd
lieut() s it rsetole illsth
ire,uu asidetdtshy ttu, umeligslt til 11
tilitilwlk tas o1111m-c.I t 1111 I
il x ra a a t ill st i f -(,,)dl Adi i
Wlerndreyaftcre, F-i., tLn c-n, ar.h2
SL(;EAT SALE-cv1th ~lbAYl(('\b
ijet 'iiiaiul ddess
la ci, 'ints. -Mo .
)k:ic III of to
, PP "ii
01N siw
"i s tutu
11tiini tc
;I lu t
lit ? 1 ill
1' I 15 vIl
Is' c ~ weY .;,e te halk ' zstil'i ,i',01Fci's 1 >>
rosentatve° I' O ( lituintion 1 PPWho iwill tilppear1 in h itereI)
5 x i.1 1n.I"hue Insspuetr.
])(I- k". s< M cuMll, inevenrun-s stiueriorlt tht e'''sseheirs'al of
Ius mcti1, n i th, eetirrtg inst yrso play. i is 1 st iiiitiat'' re asal
to() ati()1 ; i the t Cl hg r a hue pills ,ssne ill letteir 11(01ect, 1111dthus
11) rteI, v~r i nolonersbahoancielof tse sseek w iili e spein ~
less nati is a i « it une lpoihin th te "usiuness.
ieg tuttle] solof 'lrach 'ar he Adelpsiiorchsli h'trultiis'tesby
stilk~th,,unuu a i honlueviol'ausan1d trapstilturnitshthlie
.hi, x11tlrwiiotbehaeslt nusic forthue plus.IThits willhue tire
1 nth ilit ic t I Pesfist consspicurous appearinctiesof thuesse
s I h 11eteni orchestra.
'ai11a11jwwe111110 010 01 re- Patronesses fitotis the pyhissbeent
i a 1 ig reule I hue trot] selected, tile folloi ladi'tles serving'
situ h o al rlilstl(un' ii I it thuat ftunction : besdahols Hlittlls,
liie have ttul tuor<tia 1111judi- shutsa, 'ii IPuthetrsonSitW ciieslk
ecuti c an i le his te uugit tesiReedi St. JohnTi lley,'Pieader,
'hut spoket. ()fi liii Cos111 (11 tatuhut n 'd e en sot ul t nt inghlls 1' fhutiget
cste lihii" i i intnatt 1itionluder- huueloe utand PFsute.
lsterby itrnatonal 1 Bteauttifol sobvstill programil5siithi
Scodu PhoeMr. 1 dstuttlecovserprintedhii is tocolonsinhusehue err
csi11 thissuuotuust uhavse Cs- struckisof0 fun tirept~rostsciithe ly.'
sv1n)rth rnd un estanduing " sII,.ueoti i s tao tel ."1 s551111 us1,
ill nauttin .Set l\()c a su enth ililehits.IIii-
otew inttles ts, nPlo Pi iiusntieconryotusauume'ting'osf lie
userr liiissc trugusuiut Spaiatshr clubhisuf'srnoo1001at o'cloc
sue' oni thi subjet.II le stuiail-intutu oi A P bniversoi t hll. It us tht
stu)tuiuuiittn chute 'itthis b ii sun desire' ohthe soietlht evt'r'oleio il
_ 1111nisithuheoleso utiuld'utteutul Slins
,to n1 tilit i'''1''greenti, 110p s withi thu soietysi and its lieuetig~si-ill hie' ou
t'1sO1tp rotll l s a mtember.
9AM. to 6P.M. thit
Thursday and Friday oittiaea har
Priccs:25c-50c475c $1.00,
BOXES $1.50 }fix
9. L. A. TONIGHT S. L A.
Maud Ballington-t oh