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January 29, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-29

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The Mi chigan
Nt\ fIi'i-i ix Ix

Vol. XX.

. I:N IN C-1 1\lJVti_ iv11%. FlIkxL'l114, ;, 1.1 k KI).:k 1 j, - \ 1 N Y 2(), 1010.

---------- --

Apartment to be Furnished for
Student Body- -Billiard Tables
May be Installed.
No loniger Wvill lie studientin the
Uxiiversity he comapielled tol stanid in the
coldi to smxoke their "wex eds" hetween
classes. Henceforth they wvili havxe coam-
fortablie quarters in wicih to offer upi
thxeir sacrifice toi flii "great gxod ixicox-
Ini the ilaseiiiit ofi 'tie' Memori ial
biliixng thre is ax ixrge lust cxosy rooixi
andi the 'l cao ril xo'iixxttee havec dc-
cidedi tio set it aside for the use if tixe
xstudetex lxodii. Tie roo xisii iixxixd very
ixiceix axxni conitainsx a ixarge firepiace. It
is ixianned toi mxaike iof it ax plae whiere
the mxexxxbers (if the xsxxdexni ibody cani
inixit xcitxveex tiheire ilisses xndxiin tiheir
spire ihiours for a sxxcixxi timie.
T[hie cxixxiiiixee ihxs ixeexi at a loss toi
knoxxix vxre xxx secuxre ixe fxurxituxre for
tiie 'xxxii buti sole it is ihoptedx that tiii
senio class wi donat iti as a ixiexioix
gift. I lxv ixoxmxwxlxxpii babl bexi ii fixi-
ixisixix xxiii li itx tihairs, taibies andi
itiher suiiib ixi rticeis. Laxter tiie plan
is lti instaii xixii iiaixrd axxii pool
taxiv's. N viiing i deiite hasi icexi idone
'''lii comixttexi ihopes toi maike of
thi popse roomliix ai plaxce' wh ierie the
seives" saxid P,~eso D'Oo l~ e in pek
inig ofi tihv plan xxx hupe iii lhavii
ope xIii xxiii , nooni andi xxiixigix andx wvant
to mxiake it a place wxiii c xerv xxiii xxox
the ecampuxs xxiii feei at ihxxiiei. Ini aii
p xxbibiiitv thin' xxiii i> noii fix' ciargexi
fori the xxsii of liii' voomi nes th x aii -
xxxiian plxii txailes sixoxuix ixe adidedi.
11, ghat case it xwiii bex necessar'y try
charxge'xxxxxia x no inal f xx for thei us o
4 lthem.,'
J. lop Performance of "The In-
spector" on Feb. 12.
Iii he xisixexixir.x is t+ be gixel atx xii
spxecial ".J' 'f lopi per'formancexi Satuxrxdai

O'Donnxxell ilexnxett if the C'hicagox iRee-
ordi-i leraixi, axxxNii r. Geoirge P. Cioxia iv,
idramiatic critic if liie IDetroit Free
tPress. xviii attendxithe J-hop'i tie"lxxcxi''x
to gixve it their offilcixal voiceixof uapprval
"'[le Greeni lvii i,'' xxmaxgaziei de- ix
exited tox tlivstaige, xxiidipublishxediiiCiii-1
xigix, lxixa sixsexdthe smianaxgeri if lie
ComxiedycClxxixtoxxprepaxre foit anxiiarticle
upioni drxamaxticvelex me nt atei thexi [iv' i-
versity if Ni icixigxxxxxvhichi shllircountii
xamonxxg ither thixixgs the broeinxg spirit
thaxt ixsxnoi yiinfluencinxig liii orgxiaionx.ii
Cxxis if ''The Inispector" castxilxiiriob-
abxeli e uxsii, ixigextxer ivithx xxiiifroxmx
the ope ras andiiiixanguage' playx, toiiliis-
trxate the article.
If the caxsi if the play suxcceedis In get-
tixig lie liiiSc-lixi axiiiClixrvixiis if the
coiniigxiweekx, xiii ixxllil xiilibepei
tionxexd for permiissioniito itake x xripiinltii
tiii state. Alrexixy aiiiniimber if requiestx
haxve lxeenireceivedi lyithe imanaixge r xsi-
ixig for dts fur thei'showivlxiiiaiii of
thiemihlxxix beenxidietrxackxeditill liie' xxx
le-can bxxle exirrivid toitliii okxrxshigher'
Townsend and Oiunsaulus Ins ited
for Washington's Birthday.
T[lxaxithe comitteexiix uiponixarrxaxige-
exercises is inig its inolestixi xin
xadexquaxte'speakers is evidiencedI bxx'the
fxact thaxtxthe telexgraph ires outx xofixl.lxxi
:ii'Ar in'are einig iburnixex thxuxrgenti
pies for acceptaxne'oflinvxit is to
ire C'onxgressax wsxxxx iiixi exxIoii(, of
M1ichiigxan's xxxoxtxon spxicxuoxix re'presentai-
tivies ini conxgress, xxxii IDr. iFrxankiGunii
Dr'. u;tniat lxxix xasiapp'xrediI xiih v
grexat success beiforx'iaxxiincesi'atxtisi
hiniversity, ideliverinig xxxiiaixress txiii
vexars xagox uponxixSaviiiii'iix. Iis plxs-
or oxf the C'entiral Conigre'gxioixai
churxixchif Cicaxgo, xxxiii presiden'txiof xliv1
Armxouir Inistitutex' of'i'eehlii
Anxintxierestixig xanecdexx'relaxtive iiihlxxx
xiiitvyxxs xiiioratori is frieqxxeixliyrelxatedi.
Dr. Guauluixs sias irexiciixg asevixmxm
inx wh iichx le pictuiredixihisiexal ofedca
tixoxixl institioniiis. Ai the dooxr xaiiir
the clxxse if lxixsi-erixixx le wsi-xs etxiilx
i r. Armouixir, lhxaiiiof thei'gre'axt plxxii

MACMANUS SPEAKS a ii,:l.xili:I
D/ESP ITE ILL NESS (1'2\lt;l( lii lt ati
Irish Author Entertains S. L.A.rn fthlicadIes<
Audience-Forced to go to lxxii ialxxix' -xx' i to,- xv-
Hospital Following Ilecture. lthe xiii xxi I- , o [
of the tiixic 'unxxii x Miacx l;Ind "xxiii h t ril llsio- f-
a c'ansxixl(( ' Is'lxx ii
Il()k Ixr ix'' x txx f \ R li liiil s h a vI a ci
niixiiiiii. Itx w I rr tet, xxwc rxiii. isi atV
xxiix'xxxfxxx'xix'x hixx lxxiii axi ii xixixxxxx Countii ii i lb 1r
it.. toi hear ti e Iii' ld owI~ I r ii xxii
(f\it MIx .lx ei.'xxx xijixiito iileraxi(x xi ° ~a < l lr t.\
tix11xi% x xxx' lx xinII lxic lxxI lxi x d I lxxii
xxI II xxx xxig t n I lefi frx rbrrxii xi x t 11ii rtii l h
ho r aew ih c u e i nt li to till-,isi lix I xs lah s h c t :11
lxir(itol1-('iiirtio Iii'iowiii ii rtixii aIxIlixits in ilI~a
];-il thexixii ibxxe xiimiIofxticiti xii xi acswhch;Ie
IXl)(sttre Burin tra~e 111(11111polter frxxi faher toi iteiiic
ixil xrii 1 1t uin te lcu e l t weltl 1; e~ d ; I

xxi xxii] iiiix iii i .il1111l to v ie
xiii ii lihih1 iii' 1i'ixgiIig laS

c , i rci l l thi li tt e I1 , '
\\ ithi thi r h'tttl \\i t,\
x l 1ci lx i () tex )1iStt( '
0d tales.Ixxx
xiIrKxi' i kh e ii ~ sa
thr e klsi' s, c 5'c riii11
lix. xxxii lx 'iafterithex (11
A m ha c"x:)ie x )xi ix ti.i ii
ttl Nsi cthe-ixi !i butii i
' c ''\c Ils l xix iis )lt':s~
lilitlllc'r l~lc adv~iltlrc rIi
w i is xxxiiii ii., 1 -'1 ll

-o 37
Sal OIxSezts Begins on Mon-
day- Knisl String Quartet
Here January 31.
rcl11111:r1 1111,~uenc x f the
?. c tiIiI 1rt 1)11. ind the xiixxiix'e
-Ixid;t 'xx hr gs tx xThxeodohus
Th~n;1 IIclejta utd Frdi'circk A.
\\ ilt 11,,111 ;nd ixtixixho e formexr
xx el u ial visitors are
1t~a c th m l xl) x vauabl lad itinsix to
t i; htlth es xx1o«t i i ndoubtely~
~1111 (iusppi am xxxr. 'tis noitei
31,rit,1 hods hgh r iin thexii
mur~+_a xx rv'.u lxco e iiiom the
cr ,byconic Jir xthe eropoxlita
{1; i~t n~nt<-r - xxx hlm erini comes
Nir. Sidi Ii xx1, a iione f muc
11 clldd .m1 xith so ranios M rs
'i-;; x I d d ianx iiitx, lxutixan iex-
ha benMae this Year in the
cntllto1 Il~.I i txruer. M iii.
hoe1t l xoo have been ou xi tialci
l 1:'ai5 iio m r %cr re IHerert
11 ,1nl Mrs. C'orinnex ider
111rttit th lst f ixgers, xxxiiifewe
nu 11'1sere ofa xixicm . Mr. ext.
ve<', is t -c s a 'xcon..
tr;'t, a1a :irs Rier KiIxey a a xxo
il e dv textolxi choral
re slectei for
t~aiol rc '!hc ess life"," li
us."h urnh. W ie diffeent il
r~lrc~ frm tecuistomarxiy se-
lrol:. ''h Ch ral Uion haxxixre
1 .,11 l:1,11pt'muiisx'xtx d evelop i ii
cx _t.xu S- hut Ni r
ix Cii liii' forthe Nay gFestiva
>: x xnst on hu t xithe Shthxii
xxn i _ Iclxxxiii' he ch icof te bes't
i~ , t i. t v ' lxx;ixvii xxihtica e
' x -c l< Iil i ;t T his- esi i
xI I x xI'' - uxuoixthe xiestrofxthisxx
xx i ( t xix xx: uicaul lxx Cizii'-
\ 11,,1,11 isxo11 lxxxi xi le U iii r -
>it .111 A iiwm si x-o mak ithe freshmeinii

lad (iflix. s

xafte'rnoonuu, Febuatxiry 12. Wlxl'xic this' fixm, w s tatedsxuiuthaxt xx xxtwo ii hmiondolrs huxbig lxxiii ineari I x deaha tux i i xxiii tus xixsowiueetdxrm rlxx ihiite-vee atte dsoalo h race s D rng te ctr= etr e i~ il ar a
tixiliii-uof thex-fairsguests of'lthex-occax- silt- tisse lxe wxishux- to estabish~ lis iforcexxd lto 'lxdik. olxx i hxuhuxus lxx''enabile xihiim cri'xx i nii thi
'So tw ll x-be xopen, asxxnxprevusu x yearxus, schoolux. 'liii'estxabiixhmiiuxoui t he Air- lxv- lxx xt'''dI.;-axiilxis threa i S So)ii rch
to) thex'general'.i tpulicix. lei castx hi ch lie i xxx ur n Istitute' waxs ii'h e xeult, xxxiii theu flxxui l feveru xthat l1w xx. xis xiscarc l ii-blexox
athe ''xxtwo uiumilion dliu-x-iui~i' i''lar se mon." meathe 'as wrpped iiiii lnixi nd- ~fill
It is altoigethern ttsik l ht Drili. CxGun- ii'' 1 t lo) '''t xii i t
tii ii'xi-xuxxh'ix F'iiIn-texuxx l xIii, ix h lix . N;-Iiiu 111C tix III
- xx lfoi Chixago m ehe'iisxntexcctnl; ik
cIT,: lx NC'I O I I,;IR R 4 cy hcIhfi'dlxii x' xxxmidiexixiinxlii
_lag uu ()Alx xxxix''' 1 uluux Im xxx\;ii- ;
ice xcarnivalh, thex'gir' 'ls )f the llx uxiuxux xxx rcchicrt to th e inent 1ithatxx i \ xxx '
xxi,exgue hv eie ogv ac n sill iibut is ., xtic ..ldi llisx a bl~tll hc
xxotexbigest xxialt evengtscosilt ediuxI' ix xi s liii huxutath xwm d epileasd tiii 1 cs i -
x-hxxuxweilxl iii i lie xxcallers euuatiltier rexuiuug his'whiliet hnexI'ox-xis tii-tlate-
lxxih u emierex' of i xhex plxayi Ilu be s ti iil x- xas ,iixga i t lxlx'xdis.Ser ics,- u i rex i1 - F i- tm-asu--ui{ t e ian e ret -co-n 'u
xh n edax hetneote scnxdi iipexir- icreas~ l i~ui i ng the' 1 atua'' l proceedi ths ii wh i i x ich ar xxci he S i. ii...A- feare thiixre xi xxidfr m arli
fo m neeog it rvmntsixos, xRisisaitoon u-suit lixoxclxxurcxxxixndItxhattxxasxublifore Mr.

I-i ;1.('i- i. ha
i ch - x
iNcC'Ivii ii
Il, 1",i 1

1 1 ( illi t i C
VxII 1 ;Ii>\ x


Sundy Dr ~Je±WAO£4WWKLKChurch
University Men and Women 6:3 P. M.

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