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January 30, 1910 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-30

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V'ol- XX.

Educational Lecture by Philosopher
Incorrectly Reported.
ieadting Detroit nespaesis e
posrtinsgithe last ofi irs f,. Mi \\siiis's
sion Assoisatio tof 1Detroit, quosted int
as sayin ta t "In 180. illse wr ontlls
two uivertsritis is the United S tates, tse
LUnui'rsit of1 Vitrg'inia and1( the CIis5
Uie-sityo Miihiga.A1ohrrsiito,
Prof. 5.. nslts, ini ilustrating thes its
ness of thei dlopmeistnt ofi the titut ut
iii sity i iltis 5 isitlil quoi~ td fro thieils
sirtongs oft Dr. i. A. inisdale ini wicth
he ad iti e lith s urp r tsinsinlg stastcment'i
tshit in JRis' thers wills stly two i-s
ver silis s in thse . itsi "iiit Stts, thes Unis
ofi \till is Sucts as stst t toingil
is D)1. Hisdase, ii sis askbea hv
sigth early ]'itsi t''stnar and atdi - i
vancssd itvtssss tit sot this tUn iversits.
irosf5.wetlls itsrestin s55 tatementsi
us tos itlth slse is pr- itc sf earts tleidtrs
ins thet sitvtitopmsest sit tihis C sil tisits
wer isals seti fortih ill a taute ligiht Ile
pstrecssos pesidentistt sit tse Uniters
sit sit Vtrmntt sitd iTappa, presienti
sif ti Uisrsit sit Micthsigans aills the
fosremoisst filtre in ises histors. iappa
si thes sily Amica sit ios phe whoiss i
,va issts t sits ho oe itisi sissi i tsot tll
menit ofi tis niisersity, 5.5. tsits :
"Tappan, 5ockertistt iisonsss Morsris, sait
Dewey stil oslth ist is isst stingt id suc
sisy Phtilsophsic ssirins is Amersits
litssi U isit illt~ Ossuio A sssitsin
was in thet ur f i tt istii t tilto isstio to'
lt . istyo iiosopis.iPrissicsitysits'.
tasest 5iThe leci trIest iii issss ni silt its
G~riggs, ithos iecturetd i sit ttidish liitr-
atilts, sait 'rosit Ztsg sits iClisrk ofithei
U ivi'srssity sit Chiclsgo'.
D.N'ti'iisi,.5. tilt, SIis iAK N ONi
MI IN \'ii I*T I /ssssrsssAsstsisss
iDis Z.itt -tiss. suit \ raitisis'iona t5 who
hassisisisn isisc than it ts'tt yas in
isih tissc tlt tug itisiin sts' ssaimtits of
it, o' utie Studens'55' Ch iian ss'i -
till, and th 5i im c pc s S iltissi
tht list impressilt, if its tsh is m sti ii-
pressivei speakist it its iag 'Sit udntsi'
Hesssii is its t listsbl i gete s litingsi n
ii ll ity uponst ts siujet of \i iss sutsd-
ansadills booksts .arc sitc ands sti-
Asitsssssssss heisssnt ulae 'o.Aia tiossbite
goneil fist a5 petri of at icstt sevent teasts
ity' thati sMiciganit's stisists e61ii ihisvs Io

Committee Rushes J. Hop Plans
-Music Looks Promising-
Patronesses Named.

I 5tir Shiaret its ii hiss beut ifu
Thre\\i] ibstis%. sitrss s tis is
it ca.The.i~V fo o i ts isebe its s ' ic.
ine::s etssss 1Ni1 1tit is: rs. h
is N 5.5.sssi s.s H C"it ', irs.

AGAIN t SUEY um l~nAgree Regarding Pp
ilrCnstitutional Revision.

Recent Notoriety of Chinese U.%
Restaurants Causes Recomi-
mnendations fronsm Officials.

iteli inary preparaims tiss she I I (1 t i Nit rs. ;. 5... iit s'ssiii ,\irsi i ll l t i lts
.1 isisissi :hut hiveas lbeei ma e a d ' its. . li \'ssi't's'ssh t(-fllns'~o~ll~
sri's' auis, wa5is the irusi t he lsts ist isis________________-- _____ istiisac
isdayit sibfr h vn li lv lt i ftheits its slts N\ lhiii
itititti 'thilt istiisisisiti Ctrs erGARGOYLE REEKS GORE .t, el:t(,
hCitseu d andi sit ts tsere is a511111 il urder Number of Magazine Wil ,clt( l WI
the swork ito itf ssstheo iitces orlIst . Appear flonday. I
soon', isthe invts is aNnit'tiiicetis h t ih. Au h m its. i l s tisis' otIan 4 il l 3'
ari idtse 'is '5 tji t' ''l st 1">' ii o'ii Ni'ttsiiiiith iiinr'iiisisititi''C, ed
with 'greater t 5 its'she (argot 55 goestoiti alst i at ts e itititi i tt 'olila s
Ni sis isisvtsi us willh iatte stilts asitu eits s stand s ~s. iks diih e s tatup-
sut lts ii i5sissea it slit si sit luo ncss -suiis tit 55naugisshtyu tssanitu io s voln l-ais lc
sis usiti o oa ra etts'hessi''15uiss ti s tsss t s Iiiiss (o i 55s s5555 5 ii1vi i the fitiiion sissls
s'stssisitsthatslinii eitab ishdIvpe iosi afsitr s i ch (f ts ipen i ss 5 sro ititti t ll it iii it i
iaigr situniisas bi s t s id frli ite- seeitorsii ss la iii lass o a I u- siletdd''s-rdi
ties thtan i iss dtisstcd t ht seilisliinumbti r.ii irst suits one yarsilt ich Th dtutusr Il
feature' st s ears . ssss iti i'im o t i t er i t eiis s sltse5vioen t dea t s faca-p -(sl" o h h t
ofthe decora it tsit "Iitio ou i t tiis ss usi'it'has s s ]etatr hi - tor itit ississisth o of te sae ac rl
woins g of si 555 l t st it expeniturite i s itssiiii i s sfissovn, i chtweeniii mani i bsan i liiipcrnc .n
ieen' able'titi ast' t i gesi«sa' isis si lt s lit (iii s acstilt stts i thu 5a iishitofI itIlsIi ptess. htis tisll h
susthe i of sisit tils silit i'ii''555the n 'ii ,3 d itt i th i aii nav'ls i siit~t ig afar r'd5n n Aw \ss i}
rtisi s itit tstl ~ceing5heusa' wi 5nak te um rit c menirt iltli ii iio of te.is hliii
stl slitsn It ii iisi iis t'itithe c t'ii' i lll' si tss its '131 gc iluit f I s t ha i t tser is sill sit nd its e3
fort wirting.i'' 'tills t~ i s' , Iists vsill 1ws ss'stisss' t(issdcalinttlts is 1()(o i l ip an 1i s i hei hei
Us stsis ise r lists i iss ( ith e as ti- 13'e s sitslltr is' iss sts' 'ialrsit's' ile aiose o t eA i'
list' to lil h iru l cfte ci t ls c i tei i i i "end55is rpee wt i sueins'scc

,, .


diiv'uilgetthus' aus reils' fi this yeatr 1's ' OM . V c ' . sc oycis 'ts pposu'tiltns. IRod
Charls Fi s clsher's, ls'ssls's'iof lii'e N\otii' s's I a iV s' lss'sss's' manu wearingisshs
Fir suitsestsa hasusenst Iis ' tutispr lrm ltl ofi i l intisiheadgeart''i's Michigan.i
dast, andsts usliicls peiatis. Thii
pee "fWish5. silts 5.5. ,' ed--11t GI h 'hi ' 1 i t _ituhIS iOi hi
ted stoiiithis suijunks 11op wasl wish hI'SCU. SiSEDii it Ni kiIl ,_\N
Iie is has ibeen played in ii'i'ittt iiiat It iii''' is iii
theis' tisthts IpIartillsSt i i t tshhiss and 'h is' irintsis' it s'.1 i tus 'stilts Isis
itsnbesuit iiii tlsicl fte eg g m ns m nn sa \ itn hlll fori this lsts'
fo i ch sts thus Katlmai i/i nus siis Ihavei 's disutssing tse nalsut fs ouse
pa d.o t h issevaeni s i ti clstthies ss 'il
list' - foruiiitth lsts neatteisyk W a u."1 M 5al1. (Lutite 0 )
nosisted , his l i is ss 4, C it hus Wlul t 4, lns ii I -lTest a
whch "Ieesa li r-ay5 te Fl. o . 5hr ist 5. i t hus \suh ut n.''
Nima - pro s esthus eA hsfatire.s iitL uly 13
tire's of tis'c t'i'l'tettttt'' rc deig ed to pa
Stsci lhini gsts ill Is iiwill]wsino orasertie' stfiitin ha r

sii atl r t) lIIt 111
settlc 11li1t sill lii ii
l'?ihislt 'ils1c tls'
lIii sits llI Iit h 11
irts iV(Iisill'' 'sli tlii
th lclrsilr it

,,, Ihc dioril sulit Sis ist
slr; - stng tat sbfore teitnewi
c stll ittid toii this
u.ii nc hv expsiressedt
, 1Ili, ll re".ldi II he stps hills
sith isis ii11nerl illcae
mildn~n I~li eld st'stthis'sttg-
illn scr~ 551sgtheiiti ali snt i
,,llttisl'tisii stti igthat thi stu-
hii siississItbstibetti' ittta
'I I l i.Snls s1 lllS tist lusts tlist-
. 11511 ti sofit w sill sioitiu 'n( sits
'5 its's' isis"i us' nhich ill1 li
,peal isl l ioi ir ss uggsti ion,
till P. lnrey, resden oft liii
ulclaou ateIt hsink ui
sitti b c ri ut bus
ill ti, 'nsitu listotheftts er-us
,stultu rci-eaysu gesui -si
I ..lottikthsat this' ,'stiittii-
s~ond he;n 'Io h shmttans
itst(fis (ea sen wu ld noutiss
'.' ild ilw fu ) t llso tteSs ts sut
stlt h I tit ss
y:! i\iiLlm ss:sa : Iiibeilii t ha'I'ti
illsti lutist shou l i be.5submitt ito
nlirgriiatchod". I isteem st tsme
nl~iiilthe.sentmentof itstufetsr
Ce~m, i n vcsnt t tsttistiitt-st
ulr t) lalcr sould hvea vicin
rrionti afrth "hesittutgge tstin
'I I it cr t o d if a saShtsatoryuu
,uldl~r c,-urd ofcarr i g itout.s
ill, hat sbmi usng te ico stit itu
'siN s s lito outCII ef
_ al M Chcl. "W ie tChniN
Il, i nl I, nal 5 it iow itosit lis
, t!"1ttsuliititl it tt tudt li i
lhilk hat01" SALYtilsugstioni
(1 e ah hlc if it is hissihdtoi t ii
'M \Nl_'hi tits isCT1 us's'tat
,I1 1, Ma~lalusle tst ssc ityls
it ,slt sisitoi teiexplustTion ofs
r h~are l~ar of hiss sicitl uso is
. Sisi ii suonfineis tIs is bed tur-
sit(51ion, i tisidlef ~t t htsp its
lstthe ;ld ice of iir ien s.I i eu
rr, his n-e ing at olit, lis.s~s
oQ ont r~liz ho hrisis is toi
tild itsIly ap cra c t t I s
sI ic o i ta t tIittoulI
h if I tuld it I there,

,,' tppr


sitsc ' us h lt~() IuI s hI ss st{)hel d u l5 itthis'jini st ssauspcs {7f lulls' 515l511515 tut
Sia ks a. 'sills N." -t cl us's'ut Sru ituoul sit(of slit'isssu 'suit tis' ii ri' r
stip- hc icn \ill lhe 5."A iTri t hus' Inclit'ious 5 h'.t tiui i ts' lt'. itrtitil;. this' u'.'liitisi t 'sts1
Nitl sjih's.fit that ''1cthsu'ssssu'yec lihrt t l's8t,? 4.
tla)- w l 1w t r eilt , a ? il cr I M W IIA
tists lkusharc sit Nh stsi~t.lts FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH Iti'I
pr i ii ito he lief siits i suilnd liiistlii lii 15 I'k 5555 A D Ii lii's SuTsEET5S, 5.\ siissist is
withi hu>shtititis ii iilus Is Br m- I I,;\ 15 55. 1 tut t t "iNl'I" ihstsiis iuliai itu
(ie s fo_____br s,_wll____t,) hinsSil illhe
sits'' us us;o Ni sittlit'' serisult S ermonuuussus sui s aid ii
II.Ii h rha ara :c tits']I!);ill- Th l ii . ut sssi sits iiarras etu's
suits susC~ca dhais isi luih i i so tatiii' l.sniers 'Studeniuts' slass ol cbu ri
i is sushltilt hisr danceulsushis iii Nit tsuits tusductd b 1r xt cpe: " h this this i isthust
thes. r arsu t iusts ic etce Ic h ~ln R gli" c t Publicill usltict ill- inithss' ,c
q a t t hi h \ c 1crt55555) , t glt t i e ."t tsi t stc tal
litr, is ~c ad it)te63 t. t.--.1.u . Adessyti- Ntt1
suits 'Th sIr a t< ( ~ h t- trs ao n isatisti ut s sitfKaa It-V I
I suit sitsr us ui sis ii lusht it ni t its, 1(p lar c.-
t utu ii ltstraIcad ii i sill iuseitoii huh 755' 0-Iii 's itti'' serv'tice,'i' ithi a a drestIiWt M
ti 1.1tt iiithhisi Nit s (lutslust thi.Crne s * 1w sscn sui t f th t"n c's
I isis and hae p ish ld t() slitasPur 'sik u 'stithifishei sil 5lii

tl t .z<"
.l iclti

S1"N it '


iitt ls



6:30 P.M.

Dr.*S. M. Zwe
University Men and Women

: ; _
, >
'.i I ,


t mnr. .v, ,... ? ,. .e:t^S 2u

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