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January 06, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-06

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h ji ° M1


Report Best Time and Biggest
Success in Years - Covered
3000 Miles.
After hoving coveretl over 3,000 miless
ands giving forteen concerts, tin. Uni-
versity nmusical clbs returned to Attt
Arbo yesterday msortig, edig te
tmost otccessftl adi proitaile trip ever
takett Iy a Michigan tttusical orgatiza-
All alotg the lsse, tiesentero re-
ceived ovatiottsatd an aismost every city
swhere cocerts tere given smsokrs, at-
quets aid other etertainmetcits tere
tedered its hotor of tseeimusiciatts. At
Chicago a very eijoyale dance follssedc
the Keisoosi cli coitcert, while at
Onmalha, the westettoost poittof tie
trip, the preparationissnade for the ci-
ertainnent of the cls sere lavish in
the, extreme. Folowig the Omaha con-
cet, givein New Year's niht, jott R.
W~ster, one of Omaha's laditg citi-
zeis, gave a spletdis baqet for te
tet, wicihs sas the fnest titg of te
kinde met with ont the trip. Tetoo.
the hsitess mets of (listhsa5cominited
ins their effort to tsueitemtetof'Mich
igan a good time adsltiesustcceded
splenididly. Etetainent sis field at
the Omaiha ciu ndaslott Sntdyv:1r
Joclyi, a millionaire of titydlveuter
taitedlat hisishomebhimetst-of sit srgan
recital isy Gisst, the Nesw York ioigass
ist. By siecial request the cuslga"se a
sacred cocertOtt Ssda t thFirsst
Baptist church.
Representative adiessesretted rch
coicert anteveerywhere the slmisisi cost
trihutd greatly ts the esomiet f th
At Osltthtass i flseapbss'e use iss
seersisy sind the stis reorsit a stlnittt
timse ins those cities besids s eestingtss
pckhousiises at te cssers.ci
Cosscerts seergivess iiteiflowin tg
cities: (GrandsiRaidss,lBestonssiiarosr
Ciciago, Milsiaskees'ut, B Miiin\nseiss-
ohis St. Patt,IHanssoc i issiisForst
Bodge assiDbuquiise.
Drunk Entertains Juniors in Part-
nership Course Yesterday.
SectionsTII f ts- junior listcasswisa
entetaittesd isva freki irssnk sdurig the
"Ptartneshii"reciaiionshousr Wedes-c
day orntsinug.
The opheig sitthe iseridisi-itic
april isptisc entransc stf te srnsgr
iwhispisoceedcedstolaipitntst it full -iis-it
te etrerclass assdlfrcmsth ierse,. li
sieansif idiicuossisttgyrstonts, atrtcicd
tie atensistionOfPofesor D rk,sehss
Coctsesthe outs. Proutedslbyihis
j estonsarytdesr e t osssso isitsexacti
tetle use -sieiviry3 s etdthe digi-
feti facultiy smembie te scededctoithet
flosoislevel ostheiieiat A whis
edcii esrssats it theiistiltuder
tias ftlowel by the ctsi55n555of1esr
cossteisy t it issysthue trftssets The
rosntm inws rbesdsfssititsritscito s
furtete icomft s oetif te vs'its si io
sal its a iositiontsseassilt sitcessilsests
eepy sudents eys Scectyetsvises1
te whoile teastioisli ut is t'iaip-srent
msutsual resisct of the tis isast ig rin
cials stisfied the ciiss tt testaidsi
instuctoedsitshelspitsit is tilhthue
guest rime
N'ssiisoe Ianthue lis sttd dosw
to the routinesscwrks-str ite sostherd
laughtocc's-totsd Iy theis rsti Itti haltni
the inosictdpesossstisedsicimono-si
lsgsse, apropos5ofnotisgtbut inusalod1
voce. They ciss smiedsibiiily ands
ssbsidesd onlsy t cshthessnrng sltss
lire sossds of te vsitors Pre ssupor

lasted hut a msomtn, anst the monolssogsse
was resunsesd. After onse or twos ti-ore
interrupitions the msysteiouts strainger

',NN ARBORNIICHIGAN,11101 1 iN JAsN UARYI6, 1t1t. o '. 7,
aross, tbowlssedaip sfissel Wote h lon ILL INVE TIGATF i POETRY PRIZE RENEWED FACU ifV
depi te.ss e laughterTccIIIA~l, Nelson Field, '901 Again Offers $0
Dae lstd I th itt stltlfr thee . YSITH111 niAnuVE to Best Campus Poet. UIN AAl
helit-t ofithse lass. I- site f ooi ffe l, ;DURNGVCATs
"i-ethasin s-ie-slui si t f 1r a 1I Board to Fakse Action-Smith ,ar1,\t._csm C i],of he M y Ha e r mie t o;e itcis Ni
d it test liii th ciepaledstrasi es se in a Denies Everything--Chicago= lao iii( frtt he 5 est poms byi a uiii 0 1 M n av rnin n R lsa
ordr,"he ai. factd s [didsb alsinlerrauaI ]he---clr f h Eastern Gatherings of Uni=
sciicli ittc Minnesota Controversy. te/ si c it versity
cause tli loansts old n ei 1rpe _- rz atra a I.Lj ln L.11y
senstasts i te \NothwsterLts utu sits l1 ca s e-,1i s st'Sti iis- whihs oi,'t. l i p c sittitlss "Andreais.
ansdi I decmist prpe awsli t o its 5 ,, ( l llt' 1 -sss s's'II lor1i1 " ra pt1iii1i- iii is tei a-i \ f:l sisi 11' i'ezrsst i hiciiy
is slctl' s o f loylesi las t t Junisis ais i o spi ed cx s's iteeou f h it trinti he il re-
issu coege , sis iti t c isiti hit s be l ie lc ti t Ni Io i a t t5 ii li iscscI iiiii-
LIili i hi h- rss o ti iiistcc s, i s i it ti ci-
his oii i/it sits'1, 1 shlout ii l _i111-
PilisNtel P NBof thii NmS' Nl'iIl ,I'e s 1s iii-
Ic .' I oI'ill he v tluu cOM C~ltnnI usd
, t. is

ilcti Iss ies X e I L
\ tics niot n isisi sot i ll cu
i-sll sit isO, pi-yid is
'Call iuiis issue'- ti
Mosteditro(ithric a oh
N. Yl, bLst Week Addeest
byneof Prrsonent Men
its <,n i t il ile
iti isit ts.,iLas t isieek Addes se
by55 usominenisi en
I ie s til72 ci st litii t;o c ml
'li ssix t qudrei al enio oiii,
Ste i tits ii ii tis i c ssslssi t ct ii
ili- 2.iThe't Ut s ia t fvis f i ihiim --
sfi:;s mmeri ils-incilinsis ''i ii sis tic
mcnii r isi utttheii caisi l t -i-e i uitaud.ti
seveal fficrs f th I ie ilsChis-i
ian associitatiolilns.is
eto t gea tiii rttecritng - - f
s iiiixtnrd"ftose tuensiiited
iiic ua tiithe itn'' ii \ il5 ~ r re
Iissfotistis J mis sin fil, i t ss
Nsit h ld itsualintret fosc
tudsit iii i i ciii I ip l le t g iin i si fe
rcet issearsiall(] i vs- --smo or
evr sce~ t ilo(to !;) 's ~Iittit 5its '.
dentI lii o lieerisistit-si I ic' t.
ofisite sit sriii va d lv y :m
lisic'''itti its t-i e ~ C itca
Its iiim ut s lr.i i us l c tc fCc
wierIe si fra ternl d I. sfo l,,sm
ilar sits iiititsrgaizaio n s.ftoe.c
Ni i ss oetF.SerMm asi tr-
tnii foi ti o S ith a crca
liii- Sl i' rt antad i n henhia
Lio lisfi (i' 1sti-s \~ rc i 1c la

ic-i alidio ,ill

n111111 cr t
c lamitted 1,.

lilt, Is
CTI )t S

kartt is
ast I;i

ll e s -thuiilss
iii's d its11 I isi mll
Is1tis iet'il stord

)ok its rTlutici t
is i-s I 111ie tc
lit: citi-
it ihiiiistt sitf

,N ith psttlhnyliand iould hsiic
thenanta11 adre's ~ftheale-cii
it pt W ] 1 rcileistiti ch 3
Ni111 he sb itt i the prui/c i ll e
Far1n ce Mus111 t Not Be1111 Re
it-,1 s i suom upe uit i frtt i rz
fiA w snt-atitia 'n} ititct Pis-s fs s h u I!'.
i-fl cr pt s-s-sits-t11 11
(my he ittrn p s-tt-s-s iiis-mo ti stc
Face M s t s's-stei
In s--tinder t t ii the IssuIss icptt-i- : 1

Ait es- amet In'tt ti tisi'' 1. trete
dcniostr~aed wih a sries f smoels
tho i si r' tr cu f ts -sip-s-ss ssusr
Am)nu ;t te ol tutis. sc i


six lt i -s I s-s1-t-s-s i
~ith ttsi is't'i-plk~s-
Ni d is qsis-i ll
irt is I a suttl( ,
-s-lt ~ ltiteit-h
-stcih ta i lit-

he -s it-st rhiotit't's f st
i-si tiset i'sttitchso
-s-s li-s-s t tisnciii th-
us. Te ifu«5 'lowial
i~i n 1 c t thus
"T . fl-t r s itsd
il f;cl h s nci-
s-il is
situ ith
il-,% std t
- -ble any--ssi ls- si -
-s-s-sati ierets

t() ni cpcal atv at
it-sth fus)e its io h -s-thes-sss-sl
en , as ed i 1 os-ts til P ito-
andit'i tt-,isi husitssus it li Isis
tetitIi-lipres itsia. ro eo h
uors this- snrian usuncutslt1s
whs-ites ts tih h t' i cutsi i
c-it-i-i o ) i-ti(cil a l(
ti-si- "loil I n ti tut 1 ? '. i
lion i ti ():ths- ri- in thiiit-s--
K te af ir s ofsth m - i 55 lie
i-s-tt incin so he Tsi
thepreidecy tu-swichlct v
ittstii ttieiT il o aiet ,It sutse
anitt/str )uiet il~l~gca

)l S-tl-

st-i scilt'-in a -peairt -
s-ilet lsts sit stul s iswithu isi
th- expslitsc of O clh
Ye r th i 11itt-si 5 im
ii sss i , l usts tli-st i-s-srdt ti-i
''etiuseisippd pdl
'11M11 iiith re asill)stiti t
fo al --s1cl ft-s e issierc-
to tape its- s-si o prt
cis' -iti-sits- --s ad a
an cld tutuitr si rt st"i
iii(,: t 51'' -s " i-trststh is(la ii
ii 5tt -ss-i sit ts-astben dls
it-s expeses ft'' ssi l s ei- kesri
whol afair. ']' isis asoi

I- 01t-

it usitih

itte .555 sits
silt-s s uti 5-
NNil luh-lsst-
i t-, i t its i ts l
- i ustares d
r5i andofit-steil
eiti MC1itt-s-siosi
luaftis Neiai


'suit-' it o
'trise h dc-si

]e11 sil-s-si



IId i s- itt (c

f5 tt-ti o t-si-s ne l l

-i's itutrpthshi l
it lit-eihisusth(-cu
s-ie us-s

fits11. iR-p-tstit-

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