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January 16, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-01-16

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Vox.. XX.
Canvass Discloses Dissatisfac-
tion- -Men Discuss Merits and
Faults of Present Method.
With tery hew ex~xxctios, leaders in
stuideitt.xxx xxtics ac assailinxg the proxy
systctc now ini exgin the election of
Althletic \Asia~ titi officcrs. Inx a can-
cass among- prominet otcu( ahout tite
catmottit xxii foundi tha t the system, as
it nair stans m1(1s kcith tli ttle aplpro-
lollowxing are tsomettc oinonxs gathelredi
conticerinthe hr iieent mthiods:
Andirewi Jamton cit t-" The obtjet
fat- hticlh tihe pxreet metcttot was itatg-
utrated its, it ltxi lie ax-ccompltxished.
Al larger poit is xas no tha undtitier the
alit systm.x liti tittw the mall otto lxxs-
ties most gcts lie clectionx irrecspecive
oft itis mit fo fth lp sitioin. I thinik
athtier iytetmt possiblxi coxtul lie eised
thatti oldc bex mxc lxxt -to -ll contcernted.
Som et hoxdixx shxoxtldi tie xinitutxexd so
that chi mxait mxil calst lhis otiwn svole.
The troubtll xwit te treent plan is
t t it o text ili(i wuixctissitt cii t ot
ko thmeis of lie resplective canduei-
Jote 'r ix xxx xoi,- tt shoutltd le
chantxged, byxiii tie-itt I iett ily favtor
the ablishmenlttx xlof the pros ys ttm forti
xlayis tit alxx repre xxisleiiinta ttiveo xcmu
opinin. it m ll ci io t stliie utiy
intecrestedt to- go li te tills lie shouxlxd
noit haveith l riixcxixxitil sfrage.
JamixeV Watinsx 'iit Rig-rilk of
the oxixcom ofi x tixtday's i elcitn I fet!
lxhii lie prodcix-i yste xxil li Assi-I
xxtinelcins is noti good.x It tenth
tere stoly toii dede tlithtt linteris oi f
thi- mxeixbxer tias x itixihalex the elecion.
1Ixpt-riecix has iii- i - tat mn it manxt xi
tiill handi Iout hits pros to thlle irst lidi-
der, wxithoutx aiii xxisiltecixtixn of le
caniditates Pte ln nividuaxxl riec-
tion ih tilt the xxtiet itf sotes caiii
tan ithe tiresexii cindlition, It Ilsa tijien
the si-- to a gx-re-at xeli otf fraudii anid
vantage toii theianxo-ancmmandl ah
largte xxxxxte'cx of atitei wo-rikers. t ct-
itixnlx tinitil tto syslxx tiemx canx cud
shldi lie atedtti"x
Railh Cul,'o- - er is somttethinig
raicll t-itt- wit tilhex system..-As yet
cxi xi ii i co xiii wht i sholt beii i
abolishedi or not hita tlat ittld
lxe rxviiid andiix itts oreibjecioiabxle
feaitres recxiived."i
Carli Adam, 'xito "Tlie ft-tutw txwit the
wth the- xcii iigniztedl caiii xi wxis
asi elet-ion ar ihl. I do tie xi
thttle such xxi electio xiii xii trxte indiic-
tion of liiia theii stuen hodvii fteli ir
\\ illiant Cohrne ito i" edtorxiial
ini S da xcii~ itspet-it axid
lii ii the matter mii ti loadi. It is notia
ipa a recenti metin tg ofi the Atitlitix
hardi, liut te diet noti feei tha lxei ittxiad
the i powix toi act, as we aiiight hacve- overx-
steppe consittititut tonaicl to- tritThe.
prnioxies, lxiiut- ten eybody hoxlinga
iciest conldi iotlt. i aciixtlcy believe thix

ic M~ic i.
Vi \CCj il -ltAN r

xcoiyimiteicistatnly a ftiximcxirxiiof
miany chantges elimtintinlxxxidlxfxiti-rxs
fromxi the cexixititixi xxxii
xxit aiinttii iltixxipae hn i gticcteil cxi-
arxise ic hxich maksthe proiislxxisiteic iixi-
jectixi tile xas it x cxx xi tnds. Rel xn-
tercit lxais cinotbeen timu xxiilatedxait i ia
hcpexd.\lexixi itnvneerxtaike lie ticeixxi
tox attiendlaix eleciont lxbitimeeclyxiii
tip their ticket. 'T'here-titxneadlaxitage,
itough,. nox undelrhaxndedcl itrkt1is xxxii
pssibile. Fiei--ysitu ecxxii iandi
aniy pxersosxix iappiiixigoxxxldiiAthtii
:assoeciationtitickets coxiii soxiii I lxxxi
ixcer, xa fellowixshlditlaxittcheiiiti iap-
precciationxitoi lis tmembxlersipto i xxx ia
woirthyc use of iis ixtiver ox ft c-tia:e,
Mxturice iMyxers, 't ---"It icems aiitr
dexsirahbl- s-steixxx ofielectxinxicouldb
fountixi itxitheixrxyixxmethod.xlInterest
lxxx icatifer dindiiledthninii icese.xIx li
prsyi ytmtileniluhb 1)1
lArrangements Under Way for Big

Over 85()Ballots Cast--Treas.-
uire's Report :howsILarg~e
Acmili ~t~it'1 ;}(ili - I h i

1I-) t s f a tithel
ll x 1di' oft ic c-si-
11i t, d c rs r it lc i ciii

x r lr i? i i

Al~r1 «-aitiheAssici
ltlI c Ic xi sS ci ti<
:Ii xliiti() iii w
_-i rc )( ii I «t 1

11 1cx lx"-

iiI' - -,17 0 - -S 4,74 4i)

N o. 76t.
Miller Still Missing--fatlier Is
Anxious--Difference of Opinioin
as to Sanity.
Thatlix thevricti ofthxxile udent, liii
pears to bei tle xiiititit i lopiion lof lth
ent ii i leAdn oy Nunxxxiii xxiistu-
dcl its iwere' ciixiixti lli Jxc i hut -
studtsc l e-it ii l iv e hat ilc ile i xiii c -i
havexbeenexcit- xnthechceiitoi-isctra
Xi liii- e ut-ixtix ciL t oti fle tultu i In Xthi
Atx he ls-xxi ix ft e hu 1 i lxtic ie-so
supportedithesatifthecoii cil.xii i
eetr. l It i as ix xii xitilt(. xliiiated ithat
hisi father'itisiusing iit r c Iii iti tolii cate
imt, cxven i touingtt cii or11
Severxaltximemberlxsiiif hiilixs i xx 'Iit
rei of th Ol i i oll t at lm'lxIi ilil is txi-
balanced iidxthalie Wit asenx fo
iii) \t-lit-iiBuriiiu xlix itia - li- ci
dec use Of lxix i suddeniii i-c
Onx the othutuhndicirkiii -cr xliii
knle-c Of fxlix ecixlcentrxxicisa
l xIi e Ch t i le-xx i- ll <s e~et
xi xxiii o cidur in a l t- --gamues pxI xciii
sonctil m ;hthae ccurred xx i tix i-tt l


Nietrly xal lie cntat v cxxxii tlx xi
signeit h se ntiaslxxil tiltvis
Junir xfop. TheIii x iii iii isilt'si ; t .
andxinel'uics handi of iDetit ha liii lxxiii , t
hex xi tt l pon this iimporta itxcontituentixxx I illt
both musticalogalxxiza tin c i atxi u n- i o> ch
arexiendeavoringii toi girt xxix junioirs5 tix e
tist itht isii to heii 'liidl inittic line, tutu xx iii t~t
ittac-i-tx ave-.tt adt t he t hit- contractx forxiii xx x lie
(:X te ofxli en). ItxTliH- -ns
The J. '. Xi right t xxxtu ny ()xiii -ii ;t,(1
c m itseesiscoi derbl (xl itfomtxn al
that f sfor ir easa ndisi tteSai,(c~rt r
iTii th decora ins tisi er wil
pony. The lire itleione t txuil ur li gh 1
ladxx inx l) s.Al the I unii I ax t-il lxxiit ii
Xin fae-so-fit txex xxxx g-t i-ciiil h bli-il{l - c
skillfullyx hiddenx fromix lxx,()tit-ii i ilt l \ci<<
spo txithts ill idueilltit'ii lxxixm~
decoatiotxil lxx bex-ix expendeidi fornov-tucix is xi
imprlie lxsive h te iagitttion can ixti )l i-i
The itti xxix ix-niohast- xixgxxxiii xxx ix xlix xx t
the xcontract ifor le ltit anx Hootr iii xxiii f
iethtixxicl nitmte xithe lu per. ill -xx
LI liiias gthe o lyx concerntx ti could c Ii - -
handcxxi l xix a lrgetsi ndi thei xxii -
hem it uiitte useseiallyt hankfxx ul to bex liii ~ l
tx-crisucxcxesfulilyxaei ae. A ly te lt l
W . 12 Il.-x
As yeit, ixcompletet titiige utiifiiix lii
xxiiinesadparmss aent ~o i
beeniimade., b ut by theli rs ftei(c < i:
evthsi ngix ixhl b etld.6, t u
iei gxnerali ilansi have iNotxxWinn- i :11Kvx
fated and noi w everyi-i-ic i tw rn n I M
hue- etaxis xxdii ll cotinuix 0)ix el busyx (Mi Al
unlixhexxxetifuil IFriay u-ut- xix ~gti

;f+6 14 i ii, l 17??'iii I.- -l-' 1i-il '"<t :

1 i -i---

ikland Balliiigton Booth Will Talk
on Prison Refoamx.
itcic i-.l 1,.rt~l i)3 , le CC
i 3; ?illt cIx--lxxiii i]c-iiix-c-r i itll
li-li upII-Il c, l-xOnirami()t: iic ixi litt
1_cti clii-- sx -xictiii i ix -lc ,,ItIxsiicy

1ill? Wilsiic

ta l a i i: i

t ii +

c iii l11c 1)1*os i)(- t -u asI i da
r) 2t x111 iiicharme itt orderi i
,d I .1o in-lu (i*ixixcIS xSo ittn
tt w i --Ile 6l- ; c I t is t t ax iil-
i1,t1 t (11, h y (011, o luc ct lxxx
i thc c xxi cxxxiii-s
I i.; lix iii t,l ic wit o-ii
xl ht1u1 ct xii 1r<etIx ofcer i
;lc I\( 1 xii(> the i x itlci Iofiia
WI ) oics1u x !ih--xllc i -iS cx r:


Axi the- Change.i-
lxxxaw imx reu enuxctily xliii x the l hli-
no aialat drt im . I f et, anii-i
lxefiend andxxai formeintit txixax xx xi-
u-ut x . xid x xcwisiin ereteyxoma
lxtiate of mied ox lie las it clay-iofuu
liuxxxii iixuceIIVec
.1 ti\,ti-ci_> TSlit o1:1ii1 luxute x
! xii te elt x wereiiittlectedxx last igi ht.i
tilts nd mn l takecxxfxcxxxe-at the
of li Sy il M 1{ "isl lii llllli i i

XX II7lI I -l) I F hl.1 ili °,

.> -t -.-.l l iic

It-will lxxitilt,-
e rv Itliir
icy- ticici L.
'01 i-ii-t ic
(,11 scultl 11 i1 1-

AiH -Il-i itisi ill tl a kue luaiteiii l-

I2erttll 2(l(1 I I)L

n iliiu at . exiiiiiiClecl iiiit t-ie lxtisti rc

i5 utll ill'4

a --r







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