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January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 6, 1918. NGER TRAINS VDED IN EAST. for be ii Dean CUooley Deports Pullmauns Taken hlast Off Lines and All Service Cut Many Doi, desire t tilt HOTELS ARE OVERFLOWIN(G Mich- AND RO HENTS ADVANCED natur - th sue Trav ellers Experience Difficulty Se- ration curing Even Meager Accommo- d"ations in Washington Swain- -- ~Railroads, hotels and other public Pack; servants are absolutely unable to cope N US ...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…Itarian Churci State and Huron Streets d and him in good stead in the f such criticism. When a man n opportunity for bettering him- nd for serving his country with r skill, he should grasp that unity immediately.J MAN TAKES HER. PLACE the first time in -the history of [ichigan Daily, a regular issue lited by a. woman Saturday ig. Heretofore, only a small f the paper has been entrust- that functionary known in The offices as the women's night...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…CAMP'S SERVCE TEAM P1T SUITH ANI) AQUA 1LLMEND. INGER CHOSEN BY DEAN OF GRID CRITICS Walter Camp, dean of American football critics, picked two former Michigan gridiron stars on his All- Service team for 1917. On this aggre- gation Camp has placed the men who would have won All-American recog- nition had they not been fighting for Uncle Sam. Aqua Allmendinger and Pat Smith, the former a guard in 1913-14 and the latter fullback in 1915-16 and c...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…-i Calamity" at the * * * * Beds" att Jan. 10. TODAY the Whitney, * Castle in * * -Mrs. Vernon of Cain." m - Peggy Adams in the Earth." Also Com- ;' * A number of the men in the R. 0. T. C. have not been measured for the egulation army shoes. Yesterday' was the last day in which the men could be measured at Lieut. George C. Mullen's office, and those who desire sboes will have to get their measure- ments taken at some shoe store in th...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

…Co. MAIN STREET NING method of practicing genu- >my. Renews the life and of clothing and other articles obviates the necessity of a base. TEST our promptness s our 'workmanship on next FOR EVERYTHING - ELECTRICAL 31111 IWUUI LL hUll II INBIYIDUAL. SAYINGS PRIVATE RESOURCES NEEI) OR- ,ANIZING, SAYS MR. VAN- DERLIP New York, Jan. 5.-That war must be won by money saved by the people in their private buying, and'not taken from their bank acco...…

January 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…despite in the are on :o over- is truly serve will be held at Delta Chi house, 733 South State street, from 2:30 to 4 o'clock this aft- ernoon. Chief Petty Officer Howard B. Pelham, ex-'17, will at this time enroll men who wish to leave for training camps immediately. The navy is in need of men for its reserve force and has sent Pelham here from camp to recruit. Those who sign the list will be called for service within a few days, in all prob...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…rINO trp. 4kv xASSOC DA1Y ANDr le ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1918. PRICE . .. LAN APITAL ny to n as -~~c ) RESIDENTS LOAN' 20 WELLS TO CITY About 20 people in Ann Arbor have volunteered their wells for public use until pure water can be procured otherwise. Other persons are ex- pected to follow in this movement; although the present amount is al- ready sufficient to take care of the im- mediate demands of the public. Th...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…DESERTES REWARD Iti stered by arkened w is in- lws .. Following the performance of the 'e West Point captain who showed re- et markable bravery in No Man's Land as recently, and captured a few Germans single handed, it has been rumored - that the Germans themselves are look- ou ing for the persons wh'o spread rum- the ors about kaiserland that "those st Yankees couldn't fight." the- mch The Germans have perhaps sub- itor dued Russia. They'...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

….. * IN "Professional athletes aren't wanted in the trenches," says the Scotch med- icine man. Just speaking off hand we'd say that even after the lounge lizards had been scattered around to stop the bullets there would be plenty of room and occupation for the braw- .ny ones. The professional baseball hurler with his overhand swing ought to be right sensational- tossing back the grenades. Why wouldn't the pig- skin passer be handy in detecti...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…Foster's See Goldman Bros.' Wednesday Cleaning Special, Page six. -Adv. Nights:Orc RR IC Pop.-a-s- EalanceHouse and Sat. 25c 25c to $100 DETROITK $1.00 Elizabeth Marbury and Lee Shubert present LOVE 0' MIKE With GFORGE HAaSELL ARCADE Shows at 3. 7 and 8:30 Eastern Time x5c Unless Otherwise Specified. Tues-Wed-5-6-Alice Brady in "H er Sil- ent Sacrifice" and (Tue.) Pathe News, (Wed.) Mutt & Jeff Cartoon "What Shall We Name It?" Thurs- ri-7-8-M...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 5

…L~ 1. 000 STUDENTS SERE COUNTRY iN FRANCE UNIVERSITY UNION BRINGS COLLEGE IN-. EUROPE MEN IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIP N HATS z are Here Paris, March 6.- (Correspondence, of the Associated Press)-More than 5,000 graduates and undergraduates of American universities and actually serving their country in France in some capacity. Some are engaged in Red Cross work, others are officials of the Young Men's Christian Assoc- iation \but the majority o...…

March 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 108) • Page Image 6

…CHIGAN DAILY i t i .. . t i I Your Suit Really Cleaned JD IT TO THE - 4 0 i caeanm~ )any I1 III .of nerine", in the world which gets the leaves the suit same results-it ODORLESS! $1.25 JRTH AVE. PHONE 2508 GET YOUR Books Supplies m the "Store with the College Spirit"' Ann Arbor Excels In Sale Of Stamps Ann Arbor may well boast of the success in all her undertakings of bringing the war to a successful term- ination. The Thrift...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…E WEATHER BABLY SHOWERS; TODAY i t F "IMP 04W Iatg ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NwHT WIRE SERVICE VIII. No. 179. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1918: PRICE THREE CENTS £510ENT'TOBE 9,1 E "E 23 UNCE SENIOR ASSEMBLING [AVES4; TO -MEET JNSH)E IF RAINY >RESS TO BE GIVEN N4 HILL AUDITORIUM nt Harry U. HIutchliis f upoi lantilMessage for G~raduates~ ii 's President Harry B. Hutchins has en appointed to deliver the bac- laureate add...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…a 3L .1 I. N ' THURSDAY, JUN EMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ssociated Press is exclusively entitled use for republication of all news&s credited to it ornot otherwise credit- his paper and also the local news d herein. i1 newspaper at the University of i. Published every morning except during the university year. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as lass matter. s:Ann Arbor Press Building. s: Business, 96o; Editorial, 2414. unications not to exceed 3...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY AME EASY WOLVERINES managed to stop the slaughter al- though the Wolverine runners were becoming tired. The score. THIRTEEN "M'S" IEN CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS Dr. Geo. A. flay Offers Services yFive li 4 an" Walks A . [Rs MAKINO PSI AND -NO MICHIGAN Player AB. R. Knode, ss ........ 4 0 Cooper, If ........3 1 Ohimacher, rf ....3 1 lraz. 3b.........5 2 Gie1each, cf .....3 1 Morrison, c ......3 3 Garrett, 2b .......3 4 A a...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…ThE ICHICAN.DAILY ..r .--r * - , TRAINING REPRESENTATIVE WRITE~S OF WORK THIERE ATI James R.. cAlpine lal to The Michigan Daily) Sheridan, Ill., June 5. -- It is rident that the 2,500 cadets, iting a number of universi- the Middle West who arrived onday, will not be allowed to ate in any frivolous joy rides. the first day of the camp, [es were organized, provision- ers and non-commisioned of- were appointed, complete nt was issued, and ...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 5

…TIC (E MTC I IGA\N DAILY . t i M i Smart dies FoR the behind the behind the rn e I menu (Y1 ns /'I I -IL 11 - - APFEL. & _ I Knt tex Overcoats TaneOxford Heat . er at $25. 0 UNIERSITY PREPARES TO RECEIVE 700 MECHANICS MI EN IN SUMMER SCHOOL TO USE ('LUB HOUSE ON FERRY FIELlD Preparations are now being made to accommodate the 700 members of the second training detachment, who are scheduled to arrive in Ann Ar- bor about June 15. T...…

June 06, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 179) • Page Image 6

…-! +l i' IC.HItl_9A. DAILY THURSDAY, TRE ICHIAN D!L\'THURDAY Walk-Over is COLLEGE. t as MODISH it is Comfort- [e. A woman is as young as her feet. Here are the very that keep your feet feeling young, vigorous and stylishly Winged Tip and Military Heel s in Black and Brown calf, white Buck and white cloth. Either Boots or Oxfords. Valk-Over Boot Shop. 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET 200,000 MORE ORDERED MOBILIZEDBY JUNE 28 NEW REGISTRANTS AFFECTED B...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…IES A WEEK L THE ONLY OFFICIAL U ~ k d u ' r i z wSUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS i LYIN FAIL OBE EMEN Al CAPS us Dealt With in Letter Received Pres. Harry B ILHutchins from War Department [ERATES QUALITIES NEEDED y men fail to get commissions re candidates at officers' train- amps, is the subject of the fol- letter received from the office adjutant general of the War tment by President Har...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE riillilistfiill 1111t11ilillttlith l I WuerthTheater Afteroon-a:3a and 4:00 Evening-:oo, 8:00 and 10:o Phoe-aho-J PROGRAM FO JULY Sat-f--Lla Hall io "A Mother's Secret."Also News and Comedy' ' "H Por Yearsain Germany," in 10 Parts. Taous XWed-q-ss--Am Penigon i ushine an." Also "Eagle ye ," Sun-Mon -14-15-William S. Hart in 'Te iger Ma.' AloSonnet Coedy, "'itchen Lady" Tues-Wed-16-7-Henry B. Walthall in "His Robe of Honor" in 7 ...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…W[AN[BUILDING IN MICHICAN BAHNDS ly Serg. C. Philip Emery.) r Fishleigh, Captain Stoner, nant Turner, and Sergeant ,-all Michigan men,-are 10- at the office of the Surgeon I, Washington. This office di- Al motor ambulance work, de- procurement, production, in- n, testing and delivery. It is d of responsibility only when ished product, the motor ambu- is delivered to the ambulance ny, either in this country or as. American Supply Depot is ined ...…

July 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW S INKO GLEE CLUB SIGNS FIFTEEN WARBLERS JENI DYFATIJEII BIJHKE Fifteen membersrof the detachment ______tried out for the first practice of the Committee Will Open Plaem Officially detachment glee club, which is being About the Middle of . organized and conducted by Mr. Krieg- Next Week er, Company C. The men displayed a__great enthusiasm, despite the fact that the first try-out had to be conducted Lo...…

August 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…J ORDOOR S A WEEK IX. No. 18 IAI AND NAVY 10 RULE AM sid Draft Age Be Lowered 11 red Men May Be Allowed Continue School Work URLOUGH' STUDENTS BA( kaki and navy blue will b 'ating colors on the campus in case the bill for loweris t age to 18 years goes througl .s which the government is : ing at tne present time mat Michigan, together with the -ersities, will present the ap of a military school. sould draft bill with lowered Lon age be passed ...…

August 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE WOLVERINE the wlolverine Official student newspaper for the summer session of the University of Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 to 12 o'clock, daily. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Russell Bprnes-Managng Editor Phone...…

August 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE PAGE THREE ... t_ Ilnullnrnunrunrmlillllnrmmlli rlil1 NuerthTheater Afternoon-2:30 and 4:0 Evening-:oo, 8:o and zo:os Phone-xo-J PROGRAM FOR AUGUST s-Wed-6-7-All Star in "Mother ,f Liberty." Also Comedy. r-Pri-3"g-Sessue Hayakawa in Honor of his House." Also Holmes ravels and Comedy. -so-Bessie Love in "How Could ou, Caroline." Also News and 'omedy. :*-Man-ir-"a-Wallae Reid in "Be ie.e MMXnippe." Also Corn- s-Wed-13-4-Bessie ...…

August 06, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

… THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW rrn iirii MEN WEATHER IS HOT SUP [0o NE.W MElN AT CAMP GORDON ASE NOW ON WAY HEHE The weather at Camp Gordon has been rather hot, according to a let- Order Includes Every Article Issued ter recently received by one of the to Detachment; Will Be Ready for Them men who left Ann Arbor to attend the officers' training camp. The let- Equipment for at least 900 men; ter is as follows: who will report for duty her...…

October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 1


October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…'CIE 'HCHIGAN DAILY OCC~F rIA4 NEWSPAPER AT TE U NIVERSITY OF MICH IGAN Published every morning Fexcept xMonday ring the university year by the Board in ntrol of Student Publications. EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fle Associated Press is exclusively entitled the use for republication of all news dis- chscredited to it or not otherwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- hed herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, tchi...…

October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IULU Eil III LETTER MEN Line Plunges of Coach Yost's Trained Gridiron Bore Holes in Visitors FORWARD PASSES PROVE BACK NUMBER; LONG RUNS MADE Touchdown by Michigan Men in Every Quarter and Two in Last Bring Big Score (Continued from Page One) and Blue in the very outset of the contest. The result was such a flat failure that the play soon became a joke. Case persisted in using it a number of times, yet not once, did it bri...…

October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SHUBERT Wed. $1.00 Week Starting Sunda, Oct.6 Nights 25C to $2.00 SELWYN AND/COMPANY Present Their fascinating, scintillating musical comedy hit (ock-a-Bye Baby" Direct from Astor Theater, New York With a cast of Musical Comedy Favorites including w HI WHITNEY THEATRE--SUNDAY NIGHT, OCT.13 11, s k a% K:' " , '40 ,1 Direct From Astor Theatre New York City With All-Star Cast Jefferson De Angeles I FERSON ...…

October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…MICHIGAN DAILY I' 0-DATE WARD' D TEACH The Regents f the University have ranted $36,000 for the construction of children's building 'in connection !ith the present Homeopathi hospi- al. The two buildings are architec- irally the same. They are connect- d by an underground passage wide hough to admit a bed, a table, and a tretcher.. There are two wards, one being for oys. apd the other for girls, and in ddtion there are 10 small private oms...…

October 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ., .. VICES IN DR CHURCHES AR st Congregational Church ing service will be at 10:30 The subject of the sermon "Preparedness for Peace." it-Major Fischer will speak on lent in Arms" at 6:30 o'clock. Thomas Catholic Church ning today and continuing i the winter, services will be at 8:30, and 10:30 o'clock. The ather Burke will speak on a Supernatural Gift.' Zion Lutheran Church sh service at 8:30 o'clock Sun- tool at 9:30 ...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…UDY; PROBABLY SHOWERS 1 00e, Ilk 4b fIaiIx ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WI] SEARVCE X. No. 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1918. PRICE THREE PEACE TERMS READY FOR HUN; EP NCEAU GREESI WITH WILSON LY FOR E ARMIES UND ALL ) PUBLISH REPLY SOON Acceptance ader of Autocracy shington, Nov. 5.-Marshal Foch lhe terms of armistice for Ger- and awaits application for them e German military command in eld. government at Berl...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

… rniqigau iallj L NEWSPAPER AT THE ERSITY OF MICHIGAN every morning except Monday niversity year by the Board in tudent Publications. )F THE ASSOCIATED3 PRESS iated Press is exclusively entitled or republication of all news dis- ted to it or not otherwise credited .r and also the local news =pub- t the postoffice at Ann Arbor, second class matter. ns by carrier or mail, $3.50. nn Arbor Press Building. usiness, 96o; Editorial, 2414. ations not...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…MICIiJON - A!L S F~R''S '.Intramural ll11111111111111lii 1111111111111.11111#11#1lft111111111111111111111111111111 ff1111111 lii111#11111111111111 i IIrn MICHIGAN TEAM TOI BE PICKED TODAYI __ GIS TEAM NEW OTA Of TRICK PLAS D PRACTICE HANDED. COACH TO ELEVEN LAST NIGHT BY Again, Coach Yost put his fighting >otball team through another two ours of secret practice, in prepar- ion for the Chicago battle, of the >ming Saturday, last evenin...…

November 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…12 1Ld 1- ..... Y WITH REQUEST TO I K INFLUENZA MASKS t made to the students aembers for the return of s being only fairly well h. The boxes that were main walks of the cam- no means being filled. ty health physician says of the masks returned is red to the number which it. A large amount is ex- and if the students look vhen they enter the cam- ptacles in which to throw ay be.seen. ge or reclaiming is one of the many goods brought about ...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATI SNOW AND COY TODAY LDER Ar ASSOCIATED PRESS DAYi AND NIGHT WIRE SERTICE I ......... XXIX No. 57. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1918. DICHRGE PPR FAIL TO9ARRIVE fOM O DOCTORS VACCINATE STUDENTS FOR TYPHOID AND SMALLPOX PHYSICIANS EXAMINE 500 SOLDIERS EACH D AY Final Payroll Contains Names of All Enlisted Here; to Receive Fare to Induction Point Nearly 300 men from section B were given their physical examina- tions...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…i41 4'.s FRII rRI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday in rgthe university year by the Board in attr ol of Student Publications. EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is .exclusiv$y entitled the use for republication of all news dis- tces credited to Lt 6r not otnerwise credited this paper and also the local news pub- hed herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ichi...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…N. THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TI __ 4. ' / _SL iT BASKETBILL DEPENDSI ON BIGTEN MITCHELL'S CALL FOR CANDI- DATES BRINGS MANY NEW MEN Basketball at the University of Michigan will not start formally un- til the conference decides definitely upon the course it will pursue this year, according to an announcement made by Coach Mitchell, of the flive man team, yesterday. His ifitial call for tryouts for the squad, should one be formed, was giv- ...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBE M y i Doctors Still in Great Demand", 'here is plenty of room for good tors, although peace 'has come," i Dr. Victor C. Vaughan, who ar- d from Washington at noon Thurs- According to his o'pinion, doc- 3 cannot be made too quickly to fill needs for them. Before the war re were between 26,000 and 27,000 students in the medical schools. i there are only about one-third t number. esides the needs in this c...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…I!HIt MI(J lltAN )I'4 I - -. ... - ' - - .. al Tank Aids Ship Design There are but two naval tanks in the the United States, one is at Washing- ton, D. C., and the other is here at Michigan and has been doing valuable work both before the war and during the past years. The tank here is three hundred feet long and fourteen feet deep, the reason for this being that wat- er for even a model must be as deep as for the original in, order that th...…

December 06, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…0 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, TO DEMOBILIZE IAiNS, UNDER WAY IE MEN MOST NEEDED ARE TO BE DISCHARGED FIRST Winnipeg, Canada, Dec. 5.-Plans r the demobilization of Canada's 6,304 overseas troops under a sys- m intended to meet economic and dustrial conditions have been com- eted and will be put into operation hen withdrawal of the forces is con- nted to by the high command. After consiaering available shipping cilities and rolling stock i...…

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