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August 06, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-08-06

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IX. No. 18
sid Draft Age Be Lowered 11
red Men May Be Allowed
Continue School Work
kaki and navy blue will b
'ating colors on the campus
in case the bill for loweris
t age to 18 years goes througl
.s which the government is :
ing at tne present time mat
Michigan, together with the
-ersities, will present the ap
of a military school.
sould draft bill with lowered
Lon age be passed it is under
the government will furlou
ge men back to their se
re they will be permitted to
e their college work, at the
receiving military instri
a government officers station
institutions. There has been,
, no official announcement t
e navy has already provide
men who wish to continue
oling may return in the fall
3 expected that the Universit
:nent will be held up to som
by this enactment. Shoul
y provide the same oppori
would undoubtedly be true
y students would take adva
t and return.
ichigan Wome
an Detroit Ne
hree women of the class of
e been added to the staff o
oitt News, and according t
st reports all are living up tI
.dard set by former Univ
uate. Vera Brown and F
Eandibo will be remembers
r work on The Michigan I
.e Jeanette Kekintveldt has a
argoyle work to her credit.
len Shoenfield, '18, Roy H. I
'19, and Phillip Slomovitz, '2
among the latest recruits :
of Detroit journalism.
so drafting of women for ge
gment work is an innovation
News, but the results have p
sfactory. Owing to the dear
, it was found necessary t
o the scope of their activity
le their work at present co
ely of interviewing and the
of "features," it is expected
, short time to put the wom
Qlar "beats," and give then
ant, if routine work to do.

ast Lansing, Mich., Aug. 2.-
school ended this week at 1V
Agricultural college. There
.o closing of the school since
he members of the engine
Ity are assisting in the trs
e 550 men stationed here fo:
aical instruction.
'hen the fall session starts
se school will be on pract
litary basis, since all studentf
enrolled in the army and re
o wear the regulation army
a. Major P. J. Wrightson
;eant Rabinson will be in c:
ilitary work, assisted by app
sly 50 student officers and fs
who trained at Fort Sheridat



considered in the plans for housing and feeding the 1,500 army men to be here after October '15. If the money
regis- is obtained to complete it and purchase equipment, the building will surely be used for this purpose.

Crisis Has Created Demand Both for
Men with Training and for
Pharmacy, one of the latest sub-
jects to realize its opportunities, has
taken a tremendous start because the
war has created such a demand both
for material and men trained in the
profession, said Prof. H. Kraemer in
his lecture on "Pharmacy and the
war," at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon
'n the Natural Science auditorium.
In fact the demand so far exceeds
the supply that it is an extremely pro-
fitable profession to enter.
Pharmacy in, America has made
great strides in the last few years, he
said. In Europe and the Asiatic coun-
tries its science has long been known
but modern American methods have
made the same materials far more
productive than when cultivated by
foreign means. But any one going in-
to this work must be interested enough
to make a real study of it, as serious
mistakes are otherwise easily made.
On one plantation where medicinal
plants were grown hasheesh, one of
the worst forms of opium was being
cultivated side by side with such ben-
eficial plants as digitalis. So for this
reason while the work is easy to make
a success of, only 'people honestly in-
terested should enter the profession.
Negotiations are already being
made for speakers in the series of lec-
tures given every year through the
Wesleyan Guild, and while the pro-
gram is not yet complete, two have
definitely been secured. Mr. Harold
L. Hough of the Garrett Biblical In-
stitute will speak on January 5. Mr.
Hough expects to spend three months
abroad this fall and this will insure an
interesting talk on fresh material
from the point of view of an eye
witness. Pres. W. A. Jessup, of Iowa
State University, will speak on Oc-
tober 6, but his subject is not yet an-
nounced. A special endeavor is being
made to secure Dr. Harry E. Fos-
dick, who has been abroad for six
months and is just returning now. He
has probably spoken in more Italian
Y. M. C. A. huts than any other Amer-
ican. Dr. Fosdick is a well known
author of religious books specially for
young men. The two most recently
published are "The Challenge of the
Present Crisis" and "The Manhood of
the Master."

Lieut. Donald F. Ghent, reported
killed in action in France in today's
casualty list, lived at 619 Church
street, this city, until his entrance into
Fort Sheridan training camp last sum-
mer. He received his commission as
first lieutenant in November, 1917,
and sailed May 5, 1917. He was offic-
ially reported killed July 20.
He was never enrolled in the Uni-
versity, and was little known in Ann
Arbor, having spent most of his time
in other cities. The Ghent family
moved to 4,52 Humboit avenue, De-
troit, about two weeks ago. Before
moving to Ann Arbor they lived in A-
pena, Mich.
He leaves a father and mother, a
sister Dorothy and three brothers,
Frank, Charles, and William, the lat-
ter also in service and reported to be
waiting transportation to France at
an eastern sea port.
War Prevents
Newberry Fete
As a war measure, plans for the
lawn fete which has been given annu-
ally for summer school women on the
lawns of Newberry residence, have
been abandoned. The affair was giv-
en last year by Miss Agnes E. Wells,
the Women's league, and residents of
Newberry. A number of faculty guests
were present as well as students, and
altogether it-was the biggest social
event of the summer session. Tenta-
tive plans were made this year, but
after consideration by the executive
committee, it was deemed adviseable
to turn the sum which would be ex-
pended in this manner, into more use-
ful channels. As this decision was
reached too late to make any other
plans for the usual Thursday afternoon
league party, there will be none this
week. However, a picnic will be held
a week from Thursday. In the event
of rain, it will take place in Barbour
gymnasium. - Each girl is expected to
provide her own lunch and the Wo-
men's league will furnish coffee.
The league also expected to stage an
entertainment for the benefit of the
detachment men, and elaborate plans
were made by Prof. John R. Brumm to
produce a show of merit. However,
it was found that sufficient talent of
the right type was not available to
insure its success, so plans for this
venture have also been given up.
Refuses Peru Cabinet's Resignation
Lima, Peru, Aug. 5.-President Par-
do has refused to accept the resigna-
tion of the cabinet, which was tender-
ed the other day.

Inspect Caves and Other Freaks of
Nature; Trip Pronounced a
Rare Treat
(By Pash)
Did you make the trip to Put-in-
Bay? No? You missed it! Seven
o'clock Saturday morning found a
merry little throng of some 25 stu-
dents accompanied by their teacher,
rollicking gaily over the 40 miles of
paradise between here and the Big
City. A hasty breakfast on Jefferson
avenue and then-a dash to the boat
to get seats next to the railing.
The boat was full-I think there
was an annual picnic of the Chimney
Sweeps' Union auxiliary No. 6,349 on
board, and a sweeping spirit of good-
fellowship reigned supreme. The
morning was spent in tormenting the
ship's officers with questions, and
along toward noon, luncheon was serv-
ed on deck from shoe boxes and paper
bags, and was followed by dancing in
the ball room on a floor closely re-
sembling a sloping roof (a heavy sea
was running). It was at this point
that, aster a few turns on the glassy
floor, several of our friends myster-
iously disappeared and we saw them
not until land hove once more in
Land in Sight
The trip was uneventful save for an
occasional shark which appeared
along side of the boat, and the excited
tugging of steamer chairs up and down
companion-ways from one deck to
and "the best view." I believe some
were still rushing frantically about the
boat on their mad quest when the cry
of "Land!" suddenly went up and ten
thousand binoculars were levelled at
Put-in-Bay and the pretty little isle
where we were to spend the afternoon.
"Is this where we Put-In?" rog-
uishly asked the wit of the party of
the professor. "Ha! Ha!" laughed the
crowd heartily, as one by one they
shook hands with the captain and trip-
ped merrily down the gang-plank.
We dined grandly on hamburgers
and then set out for the caves-the
object of our visit. First came Per-
ry's cave where, it is claimed, the com-
modore once buried a treasure. How-
ever, nobody in the party felt impell-
ed to start digging for it. Down about
50 feet, we came to a huge stone vault
containing perfect specimens of stal-
actites and stalagmites (I hope the
professor doesn't see this!) At one end
was an old gentleman who loudly call-
ed to the visitors to come and drink
from the wishing well. The well was
carefully avoided until it was whisp-
ered about that it was free. Then the
(Continued on Page Two)

Officers Expected in Ann Atbor in Few
Days to Sign Contract for
Indications now are that 1,500 men
will be training on the campus ater
October 15, as result of the recent trip
of University officials to Washington
in reference to the University's par-
ticipation in the training of men for
war service. It is expected that a
party of government officials will be
in Ann Arbor the latter part of this
week, or the first of next, to sign the
This quota of 1,500 men to the Uni-
versity includes the 700 expected to
arrive about August 15, for which the
contract is already signed. Of the
remaining 800 men 300 will be in the
signal corps unit for which Lieutenant
Back is now in the city making ar-
rangements. The remaining 500 have
not as yet been assigned, but it is
probable that 100 of them will be
trained as topographical draftsmen.
Others will be student gunsmiths,
blacksmiths, and members of other
trades necessary to war work.
Lodging Question Not Settled
The matter of feeding and housing
is not yet fully settled, according to
University officials, but it is probable
that the Union will be utilized both for
housing and feeding the men, if the
money become available fr complet-
ing its constructionand purchasing
kitchen and dining room equipment.
There is a sum available from the re-
cent campain for funds to put the build-
ing in shape, but it is not sufficient.
It will be necessary to raise the re-
mainder through a hurry-up cam-
paign, or by other means.
As the contract has not yet been
signed terms are not to be had, but it
is understood that it will be nearly, if
not entirely on a cost basis.
More May Come
The government did not think it
feasible to send the full 2,800 men here
that the University declared it could
handle as a result of the survey car-
ried on several weeks ago. Should the
contract for 1,500 students be signed,
however, it will not indicate at all
that a larger number may not be sent
,later on. More even may be sent this
By this addition to the numbers al-
ready training at the University,
Michigan moves considerably up the
column of universities and colleges
training army men. While not head-
ing the list, it nevertheless is in the
first division.
Students of the University and cit-
izens of Ann Arbor will have an op-
portunity to witness the first formal
battalion review to be given at 4
o'clock Friday afternoon on Ferry field
by the members of the training de-
The reviewing stand will be the
bleachers south of the large baseball
grandstand. No admission will be
charged. Every member of the detach-
ment has been practicing battalion
drills for the past week.

Some Stadium for Dix
Camp Dix, located at Wrightstown,
N. J., may soon boast an open air
stadium to seat 50,000 persons located
in a natural amphitheater there.

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