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August 06, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1918-08-06

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the wlolverine
Official student newspaper for the
summer session of the University of
Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday afternoons.
Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap-
plication to the business manager.
Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to
2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11
to 12 o'clock, daily.
Address, The Wolverine, Press Build-
ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.
Russell Bprnes-Managng Editor
Phone 2414 or 319
Agnes L. Abele-Business Manager
Phone 960 or 1892
James C. J. Martin........
...............Detachment Editor
Louise A. Irish ...... Women's Editor
Paul A. Shinkman ........ Dramatics
Cordelle Kemper ..............Music
Mary Rhodes Naomi Bradley
N. A. Gleason Herbert Hobart
Business Assistants
William Wachs Warren C. Parmenter
It is an obligation on the part of
every University student to be intell-
igent on the subject of the war. Every
community needs one or more men
who has a little knowledge of the un-
derlying causes of the struggle, of the
different ideals and traditions of the
warring nations, and the events that
lead up to the declarations in those
fateful months in the summer of 1914.
It is to such men in times of stress
that people look for guidance. Their
understanding makes them the natural
leaders, and they can do much to
prevent the arousing of misconcep-
tions, the spreading of enemy propa-
ganda, and the loss of faith on the
part of those not so familiar with
events. The University student has
it in his power to become such a lead-
To follow the war closely, to swing
back and forth with the shuttle of
events that is weaving the tapestry on
which is clearly depicted the history
of this great period, it is necessary
to read daily newspapers that to the
best of their ability print the uncolor-
ed news of the day. To the person
who does this goes the right to call
himself one of the informed people of
is generation. It is necessary how-
ever, to choose your newspaper care-
fully. A newspaper of the wrong sort,
one of the kind that is edited by men
with little or no understanding of his-
tory, of the underlying forces, but
who is seeking rather to appeal to the
emotions and prejudices of the mass
in order to make his paper popular
and induce big sales, will only mis-
lead, and plant seeds of misconception.
For the right kind of newspaper one
must usually go to the larger cities,
for it is in these bigger papers that
the talent of the newspaper world na-
turally centers. And every big city has
its newspaper which even its en-
emies admit tells the truth faithfully.
College students do not read news-
papers nearly enough. Most of them
are not nearly so well informed as

they should be on current events. It is
true they have the excuse of being re-
quired to do so much reading other
than current that when they have a
few minutes to themselves they would
rather devote it to some form of
amusement rather than in reading
newspapers. But time taken from
study hours to do this reading is time
well spent. It is the obligation of
every intelligent individual to follow
closely the events of the war.
LOST-Black seal scarf on road be-
tween Lakeland and Ann Arbor.
Return to Wolverine office or call
960. Reward. 18-4t

Aug. 6, 5 p. m.-Mental Defectiveness
in Some of its Sociological Bearings.
Prof. W. B. Pillsbury.
8 p. m.-Medical lecture.
Aug. 7, 5 p. m.-The Situation in Brit-
ish Domestic Politics. Prof. R. M.
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music. (Hill au-
Aug. 8, 5 p. m.- Democracy versus
Autocracy. Prof. W. A. Frayer.
8 p. m.--Women and the War. Miss
Agnes E. Well. Followed by patri-
otic pictures.
Aug. 9, 5 p. m-What is the Function
of Mathematics in Education? Prof.
W. B, Ford."
8 p. m.-Illustrated Manuscripts of
the Bible from Spain (Illustrated).
Prof. H. A. Sanders.
Aug. 12, 5 p. m.-The Popular Ballad.
Assist. Prof. W. R. Humphreys.
Aug. 13, 5 p. m.-Impressions of Au-
stralia. Prof. T. C. Trueblood.
8 p. m.-The Economic Garden (Illus-
trated), Prof A. 'lealdi.
Aug. 14, 5 p. m. - Some Ancient
Thought about Might and Right.
Prof. C. Bonner.
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music. (Hill au-
(Continued from Page One)



War Verse
Men of the Twenty-first
Up by the Chalk Pit Wood,
Weak with our wounds and our thirst,
Wanting our sleep and our food,
After a day and a night
God, shall we ever forget!
Beaten and broke in our fight,
But sticking it-sticking it yet.
Trying to hold the line,
Fainting and spent and done,
Always the thud and the whine,
Always the yell of the Hun!
pIorthumberland, Lancaster, York,
Durham and Somerset,
Fighting alone, worn to the bone,
But sticking it-sticking it yet,.
Never a message of hope!
Never a word to cheer!
Fronting Hill 70's shell-swept slope,
With the dull dead plain in our rear.
Always the whine of the shell,
Always the roar of its burst,
Always the tortures of Hell,
As waiting and wincing we cursed
Our luck and the guns and the Boche,
When our Corporal shouted, "Stand
And I heard some one cry, "Clear the
front for the Guards!"
And the Guards came through.
Our throats. they were parched and
But Lord, if you'd heard the cheers!

Irish and Welsh and Scot,
Coldstream and Grenadiers.
Two brigades, if you please,
Dressing as straight as a hem,
We-we were down on our knees,
Praying for us and for them!
Lord, I could speak for a week,
But how could you understand.
How should your cheeks be wet,
Such feelings don't come to you.
But when can we or my mates forget,
When the Guards came through.
"Five yards left extend!"
It passed from}rank to rank,
Line after line with never a bend,
And a touch of the London swank.
A trifle of swank and dash,
Cool as a home parade,
Twinkle and glitter and flash.
Flinching never a shade,
With the shrapnel right in their face
Doing their Hyde Park stunt,
Keeping their swing at an easy pace,
Arms at the trail, eyes front!
Man it was great to see!
Man it was fine to do!
It's a cot and a hospital ward for me,

But I'll tell 'em in Blighty, wher
ever I be,
How the Guards came through.
-Arthur Conan Doyle.
Little woolen dolls are being wo
by Paris women as fetishes to gua
against accident from air raids.
Special Values
Writing Papers
Correspondence Cards
Sheehan & Co.
C. W. Graham, Prop.


Little meat, lots of vegetables, green beans, spinach, salads,
fresh fruits. A great variety at


I --


_ r
MMI M-1 1°7 --

dash began and the poor old man was
kept busy for hours ladelling out water
for the wishers.
Next came Crystal cave with its glit-
ter of beautiful crystals and subter-
ranean passage ways. The attendant
went through his stirring memorized
lecture on the cave and then we list-
ened to a real explanation of the phen-
omenon by Professor Sauer. Adjoining
the cave was Frank Heineman's wine
cellar, and, of course, we all dropped
in for a drop of "The Wine of Joy."
Frank served us up in royal style and
the young ladies declared that it was
the treat of their lives. It might be
well to state here that Frank's spec-
ialty is unfermented grape-juice--only
that and nothing more!
Visit Paradise Cave
Next stop was the famous Paradise
cave (a mostappropriate place to via-
jt after our halt at Frank's). Here we
saw more stalactites and stalag-
mites as well as several other queer
"Now here," said our guide, point-
Ing to a shapeless mass of rock, "you
see the perfect form of a lion's head.
To the right, we have an exact repro-
duction of Venus de Hilo, sculptured
by nature, which almost surpasses the
original itself. You see it, don't you?
Of course we all did, excepting two
daughters of Missouri who declared
we'd have to demonstrate.
An inspection of the cliffs over-
hanging the lake, and then we about-
faced and struck out for the good
ship "Put-in-Bay" which was to carry
us back to Detroit. Our good friends,
the Chimney Sweeps, were already
there and feeling right good-(the isle
is no desert!) "Monday morning!! Oi
yoi! yoi!" was the favorite slogan of
one particularly blithe sweeper who
sat near us. There was more dancing
until the lights of the Big City came
into sight, twinkling a welcome to us.
Then another skim o'er hill and dale
landed us safely back in dear II ole
Ann Arbor town.
"It shoah was a poawaful fawn
Xrip," declared our companion from
Texas, who echoed the sentiments of
the company, including the two Mex-
icans, who returned a verdict of "un
viaje muy interessante." Only 362
omre days before the next trip to Put-
in-Bay. Save the date
To learn Mp ~gaicing El
requires close applioatiotl
A typewriter and free
instruetion book from
O.DiMorrill. 322 5. State5
will do the rest.

1 ffi-ml r

E UR 'buyers for the second floor appaerl
salon have just returned from New York
where they have made a discriminating se-
lection of fall modes.
E r This new merchandise will be pouring
in in a few days and must be made room
for. Consequently we are disposing of the
remainder of our summer stock at prices
tiat will clear it quickly.
H Wedlnes.da we will nlacen salf A



number of voile, gingham and silk frocks.
Light summery plaid ginghams, and cool voiles are made
into attractive dresses individualized by Cleverly designed
overskirts, fluffy organdie sashes, collars and cuffs of un-
usual shape, and the like.
$20.00-$30.00 SILK DRESSES
n Half Price
One particularly striking dress in this group is a suit dress
With a blue and white striped silk Jersey skirt and a plain
blue coat. Many other light colors are represented in taf-
feta, pongee and georgette. Sport models, as Well as dresses
for more formal wear, are among the styles featured in
this lot.
(Second Floor)

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