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March 06, 1918 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-06

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About 20 people in Ann Arbor have
volunteered their wells for public use
until pure water can be procured
otherwise. Other persons are ex-
pected to follow in this movement;
although the present amount is al-
ready sufficient to take care of the im-
mediate demands of the public. These
wells are scattered throughout the
city and the names of the owners will
be published within the next few days.
At the next meeting of the water
committee of the common council,
plans will be proposed for making the
city water system more efficient. For
the present wells will be open to the
public without the making of deliver-
ies. It has been proposed that sprink-
ling wagons be utilized to patrol the
streets and keep the people supplied
with water. The pumps at the Artifi-
cial Ice company are capable of drill-
ing 60 gallons a day, and with the aid
of four sprinkling wagons, the prob-
lem of sufficient drinking water would
be done away with, according to men
on the committee.
In order that the expense of the ex-
periment might be covered, it is
thought that a small charge will be
made for the water, amounting to in
the neighborhood of two cents a gal-
lon. Questionable supplies of water
are to be inspected by the health de-
partment of the University.

Loss 2y Subs Cut In Half--Geddes
London, March 5.-"For some months we believe that we and
the Americans have been sinking submarines as fast as they are built,"
said Sir Eric Geddes, first lord of the admiralty, in an address in
the house of commons today.
The trend of the figures showing loss of shipping by enemy ac-
tion was steadily improving, he added. The loss to the world's ton-
nage during February was little more than half the loss during
February of last year.
The naval forces of the allies in European waters, Sir Eric con-
tinued, would be augmented shortly by a force of Brazilian warships.
"Our allies are making every effort to increase their production
of ships," he went on, "but des pite glowing reports in the American
press and great as the effort o f that country doubtless is, there is
no doubt a considerable time inust elapse before the desired output
is obtained."

:111 going forward
iki troops driving
her with the pur-
rder and security
[n the north, al-.
icial communica-j
ounced that hos-
Russians have
al dispatch from
)nday, announced
les southwest of
taken by the Ger-
orted to be con-
ce toward Petro-
bs Petrograd
man aeroplane is
di Petrograd Mon-
he Zepplins were
ce outside of the
jhe capital, but
anti-aircraft bat-





;her advices from Petrograd
iat the Bolsheviki councils
use a time intervening be-
sggning of the peace treaty
any and the date set for its
, March 12, to evacuate the
stroying all stores and pro-
d war materials which can
noved, and possibly to or-
Red Guard army to defend
'y against the invaders.
rk, March 5. - Control of
of representatives was re-
the Democrats today when
ed their candidates from
jets in greater New York
election to Hughes' success-
members of that party who
ed their seats in congress.
rk women had their first
vote since they won the
e polls last Nevember. It
cant that they cast 31,858
otal of 78,192 votes in the

Begin Work On
New Rifle Range
Permission to thoroughly equip a
modern gallery range for the cadets
of the R. O. T. C. in the basement of
Waterman gymnasium was granted by
the Regents yesterday afternoon.
Work on the new gallery will be com-
menced this morning.
The first practice will probably be
held a week from Thursday, announc-
ed the military authorities last night.
At the completion of the gallery the
regular quiz periods, either will be
changed to some other afternoon, or
A requisition will go forward to the
quartermaster's department for a suf-
ficient supply of ammunition. More
than 330,000 rounds will be ordered,,
and each cadet will have approximate-
ly 120 rounds.
Lieut. Losey J. Williams, P. S. re-
tired, will be placed in charge, and a
complete course of instruction on the
handling and firing of guns, trajectory,
and ballistics.
Schedules are now being drawn up,
and arrangements will be made to
accommodate each company for a cer-
tain period each week. For the past
week the cadets have been drilling
with guns, and are rapidly developing
the proper military movements.
Washington, March 5.-Reorganiza-
tion of the war industry board with
Bernard Baruch of New York as chair-
man and with vastly increased powers
to control the output of American in-
dustry during the war was announced
today by President Wilson.
Final determination of all questions
of priority in deliveries to any depart-
ment of the United States government
and to the allies is vested in this board,
and it is charged with co-ordinating
and anticipating the needs of any of
these, creating or improving facilities
for production, and advising as to


Charles F. Lambert, '19, Detroit,
has received the commission of acting
adjutant of the First regiment in the
R .O. T. C., according to an announce-
ment issued yesterday afternoon by
Lieut. George C. Mullen, professor of
military science and tactics. This
position is equivalent to that held by
commissioned officers and at the pre-
sent time is the highest rank in the R.
O. T. C.
"Acting Adjutant Charles F. Lam-
bert's work in the R. 0. T. C. has al-
ways been satisfactory, and is worthy
of the high position he now holds,"
said Lieutenant Mullen last night.
"There has never been a time when he
failed to do his duty. He has been
one of the hardest workers in the
corps, having successfuly helped in
the organization of the many military
companies on the campus."
Excellent Scholar
Charles F. Lambert was graduated
from the Detroit University school
with the highest honors in 1914. At
the end of his second semester in the
University he succeeded in getting
"A's" in every subject. He left the
University during his sophomore year
to work with a Detroit firm manufact-.
uring shrapnel for the British gov-
ernment. During the fall of 1916 he
re-entered the University and attend-
ed until shortly after the declaration
of war, when he joined the navy.
Lambert remained in active service
until September, 1917, when he was
granted an indefinite furlough. Last]
year he applied to take the ensign's
examination and is now awaiting or-
ders to be recalled to the service.
Active R. 0. T. C. Worker
During the first weeks of October
last year, Lambert volunteered his
services to Lieutenant Mullen, who
was at that time organizing the R.
0. T. C. When the first sergeants
were appointed by Lieutenant Mullen,
the office of acting sergeant-major
was conferred upon Lambert. This
position was held by him up to yes-
terday afternoon.
Washington, March 5.-"I'm too
young to be a soldier but I can be the
best spy you ever saw. Send me
along a spy's badge and a Colt 45 and
I'll go right to work." This valiant
proffer of service was sent to the U. S.
marine corps by Peter Rivers, age 17
years, of Maple Lake, Minn.
Though properly appreciative of
this generous spirit on the part of
Peter, the marine corps authorities ad-
vised him to keep on playing "Hi Spy"
with the boys of Maple Lake several
years longer in order to become better
qualified for handling serious business.
University to Teach Enlisted Men
An opportunity will be given to stu-
dents of Washington university who
have entered national service and are
stationed near Seattle, to continue the
subjects they dropped on enlisting.
Several of the faculty have consented
to give lectures in their respective
courses in the nearby cantonments

Board, room, and a complete outfit
will be furnished by the government
to the students attending the military
summer camp, which will probably be
given in the vicinity of Ann Arbor this
summer, stated the military authorit-
ies last night. Incidental expenses in-
curred by the cadets attending the
camp will not be paid by the govern-
"Unless a large number of men sig-
nify their intention of attending the
camp it will not be given by the gov-
ernment," stated Lieut. George C.
Mullen yesterday. "Twenty-five men
signed up for the camp would be en-
tirely too small, for the government
will not undertake such a huge pro-
ject without obtaining definite re-
No Contract to Sign
The signification on the 'part of the
cadets to attend the summer camp
does not involve the signing of a con-
tract until they are ready to report
for duty. Sophomores, juniors, and
seniors wishing to go to the camp
must hand in their names to the com-
pany commanders before 3 o'clock this
afternoon. At 4 o'clock today the com-
pany commanders will turn in the
names of all the men to the com-
mandant. After all the names have
been. received Lieutenant Mullen will
have something definite to work on,
and the possibility of a summer mil-:
itary course will be determined.
Course Lasts Six Weeks
It is probable that the course will
embrace a period of six weeks. In-
struction will be given in the differ-
ent school of the squad and the
company. The work will undertake
more extensive work than that ob-
tained at the present time in the R. 0.
T. C.
London, March 5.-The most odious
cruelty practiced by Bulgarians upon
the Serbians who . fell under their
domination, was the enforced recruit-
ing of Serbians into the Bulgarian ar-
my, declare Serbian students in an ap-
peal they issued to the universities of,
the world.
"Attila, himself, might have paused
before this," say the students. "Aus-
tria-Hungary has spared us the horror
of seeing on the Saloniki front son
fighting against father and father.
against son but the Bulgarians have
not hesitated in their endeavor to
bring this about. With a barbarity un-
heard of in history, they have invent-
ed methods of recruiting most likely,
to'set father against son and brother,
against brother and are shooting as;
rebels all those who refuse to go into
the ranks of the Bulgarian army.
"Compelled to witness the annihil-
ation of our race," the students con-
tinue, "we appeal to the sense of jus-
tice of the civilized world for it is un-
thinkable that, in the face of all hu-
manity, this terriblp work should be
allowed to be completed until not a
remnant of the Serbian nation is left
to greet the day of peace and the
triumph of justice."

Conditions in Prussia prior to the
year 1870 will be fully explained by
Prof. William A. Frayer in his lec-
ture on "Prussianizing Germany" at
7:30 o'clock tonight in the auditorium
of the University School of Music.
This lecture is the second of a series
of war lectures given under the aus-
pices of the Michigan Union.
* "The present German empire is the
product of many historical forces,
chief among which are, of course, the
traditions of the medieval empire or
the Holy Roman empire, and the rise
of Prussia," stated Professor Frayer
yesterday afternoon. "Of these the
rise of Prussia is obviously the one of
greatest influence and importane.
"Bavaria, 'Wurttemberg, Saxony and
the other larger German states, if left
to their own devices, would probably
never have had either the desire or the
power to turn Germany into a vast
military camp.
"How came it that Prussia had the
will, the power, and the opportunity
to do this? How came it that the peo-
ples of the other German states, who
hated the Prussians-and many of
whom secretly hate them now-were
forced to accept their despised leader-
ship? The answer to these questions
is bound up in the historical develop-
ment of the Brandenburg-Prussian
state from 1640 to 1870."
Allies And Japan
Agree On Siberia
Washington, March 5.- Exchanges
regarding the situation in Siberia and
the proposed action there by the Japan-
es are continuing, and apparently
has developed the fact that there is
no difference in principle between
Japan and the Allies or between the
United States and Japan, although
the United States has not given and
.probably will not give, formal assent
to any operations which may be un-
White House officials were disturb-
ed tonight from a public report that
the statement -has been authorized
that the United States was not in ac-
cord with the attitude of the Allies to-
ward the Japanese plans. It was ex-
plained that no statement had been
authorized except that the United
States had not given its assent to the
action under consideration.
The principle upon which all part-
ies to the exchanges are said to be
agreed is that if German influence is
working harmfully in Siberia and if
there is imminent risk at the loss of
the military stores at Vladivostok,
Japan will be justified in using what-
ever measure of force may be neces-
sary to carry out her obligation to
maintain the peace in the far east dur-
ing the progress of the war. Differ-
ences of opinion are understood to
relate to the measures of support to
be given to Japan in such an under-
The stattis of the matter now, so
far as can be gathered, is that Japan
has learned that her Allies heartily
approve of her entry into Siberia if
that should be necessary to carry out
her obligations.
Suggest Real Economy at Assembly
Real economy as opposed to he
"camouflage" variety was advocated
at the sophomore engineer assembly

yesterday morning by Professors John
C. Parker of the engineering college,
and Fred M. Taylor of the economics'
department. "If you buy Liberty
bonds, do not sell them at the first
opportunity but keep them until they
mature," was the advice given the
At the business meeting held at the
same time, the class went on record
as being in favor of a sophomore prom
of some kind, although just what kind
of party was desired was not decided
Lee White, '10, to Speak to Journalists
Lee A. White, '10, of the Detroit
News, will speak to students of jour-
nalism and to all others interested at
,2 o'clock today in-Room 441 Natural
Science building.
The subject of Mr. White's lecture
has not yet been anhounced, but will
deal with some phase of his experi-



British Make Counter-atti
Lens and Take Numbe
(By Associated Press
With the American Army i
March 5.-Shells have bee
thick and fast within the
lines and upon the enemy's
on the Toul sector today. A
a brief barrage which the en
ed on the American position
light in this neighborhood,
jectiles have been dropped i
intiy of the territory occupi
Americans, many of them up
The American casualties
have been ligh$.
Enemy Has Ht Sx
Sunday night, the America
ued toshell the enemy and
two barrages on his positi
infantry activity was confine
rol parties. The American
ed No Man's Land in the
the bodies of enemy killed in
None was found, but the ls
American was discovered in
erican wire in front of a liste
The man had on his gas .
bullet had passed through
Only two cartridges remain
rifle which was found
body and there were other i
that he died fighting.
Repulsed in Lorrain
Again the Germans in
have attacked the America
and again they have met
feat: Notwithstanding the h
and the previous repulses t
met with in their efforts to
the American positions th
Mondaynight i thenToul
tempted a surprise attack I
erable force. The American
and riflemen were q1tkly al
however, and they were fore
a hasty retreat to their tren
Later the Americans their
the same region took the
and sallying forth as a rai
penetrated German positi
brought back prisioners.
Bad weather generally
along the entire western f
nevertheless the Australia
again raided enemy positio
east of Ypres and taken n
oners and several machine g
Germans Bombard Le
The Germans after havin
bombarded the city's lines
Lens launched an attack, but
ish easily repulsed it, inflict
casualties on the enemy at
a number of prisoners.
As in France and Belg
weather conditions on the An
ian front also are extre
with heavy rains in the p1
snow storms in the mountain
parties, however, have been a
artillery duels of considers
ence havetaken ,place.


General Jacob Hurd
died at San Diego, Cal.,
t was the uncle of Regent
of Detroit and also had a
city, Mrs. Josephine Mur-
t -Huron street. Brigadier
th lived in Ann Arbor for
mith's work in the Phil-
ds, cleaning up the tur-
ds won him the sobriquet
.ring Jake," a name which1
reflected his quiet and
er. It began in a news-
spondent's terming him
ickly spread all over the

al services of Ge
Lego, several army
pallbearers. The
d to the Arlingto
at Washington,1
e accorded a mi
J. O. Murfin will
ute, at Detroit an
to Washington.
min to.Give Lectw
lecture will be
Benjamin of P
morning at 11 o
sics lecture room.
the Evolution of
ne Frames and B
ustrated with la

y gen-
n Na-
D. C.

litary 1 Due to the war conditions, unusual
meet registration is expected in the foreign
d will language courses by the authorities
~ .in charge of the summer session.
"The demand for teachers in foreign
ire languages greatly exceeds the supply,"
given said Dean Edward H. Kraus yesterday.
urdue "For this reason we are offering nine
'clock courses in French, 10 courses in Span-
His ish, and one course in Russian. The
f Ma- course in Russian is designated to
3odies give the students fairly good knowl-
ntern edge of the subject in a short time. It
aims to fit them to pass civil service
be of examinations and to secure positions
ly of with concerns that maintain braien
.dents ,douses in Russia and Siberia."
cused . The complete announcement of the

Prospects for the
look unusually promi
the war conditions ac
Edward H. Kraus. In
ing in regarding the c
parts of the country in
to last year.
It is thought that w:
eastern schools are
smaller attendance a
terms than usual the

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