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July 06, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-07-06

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U ~ k d u ' r i z wSUMMER NEWSPAPER




us Dealt With in Letter Received
Pres. Harry B ILHutchins from
War Department
y men fail to get commissions
re candidates at officers' train-
amps, is the subject of the fol-
letter received from the office
adjutant general of the War
tment by President Harry B.
y letters from educational in-
ons and from individuals have
received at the War Department
y the various camp commanders
ose camps training schools for
s have been held, inquiring why
aoy candidates for commissions
training camps were rejected
ot commissIoned.
Camp Commander at Leon
s, Texas, submitted a number
se letters to a candidate for a
ission, now Major Lindsey Blay-
Infantry Reserve Corps, and
Blayney prepared an excellent
se. Letters have been received
o War Department compliment-
e article written by Major Blay-
nd believing that it might be in-
ng and helpful to schools and
es in the present emergency, it
ted below.
Qualities Necessary
e qualities of mind and spirit
ich I shall refer are such as
not only make a man a better
late for military preferment but
r him better able to meet the
sibilties of a man and a citizen.
rhaps the most glaring fault
in aspirants to the Officers'
ve Corps and one that might be
ted by proper attention in our
chools, preparatory schools and
es, might be characterized by
eneral word, "slouchiness." I
to what might be termed a men-
d physical indifference. I have
ed many otherwise excellent
ho have failed because in our
system sufficient emphasis is
aced upon the avoidance of this
1 and physical handicap. In the
of the better Government Mili-
chools of the world, this slack-
in thought, presentation, and
g is not tolerated because the
f all military training is ac-
. At military camps through-
e country, mental alertness, ac-
r in thinking and acting, dlear-
n enunciation, sureness and ease
riage and bearing 'must be in-
upon, for two reasons; that
s may be assured as near as
a effort can guarantee it with
atonial and means at hand, and
riceless umanlives may not
minally sacrificed. Only by the
sion of the qualities referred
ss one become a natural leader.
Must Articulate
great number of men have fail-
Camps, because of their mna-
to articulateclearly. A man
anot impart his idea to his com-
in clear distinct language and
Continued on Page Three)

Haphazard systems of rating offi-
cers in the army and assigning men
to various lines of work are done
away with, and the advanced empiri-a
cal psychology of business men and
the scientific' psychology of the col-
legians are being used to make the
army as thoroughly organized as an
industrial corporation according to
Prof. John F. Shepard, who will lec-
ture on: "Psychology and the War,"
at 5 o'clock, Monday afternoon in the
auditorium of the Natural Science
The war department is endeavoring,
Professor Shepard said, is to make
the nation's war machine as efficient
as possible. Business men experienc-
ed in employing labor, and psychol-
ogists are in government employ for
the purpose of rating officers and of
assigning drafted men to the various
branches of the service. By this
means, the right men will be selected
for the right places, the government
believes. Guess work is not the basis
of the selection, but the man's prev-
ious experience, his quickness of mind,
and his ability to command respect
are all taken into consideration.
Professor Shepard has recently
worked in Washington on the war
department committee of classifica-
tion of army personnel and is now do-
ing experimental work in psychology
for the government.
Seven of the Ann Arbor churches
will combine during the summer
months to hold a series of Sunday
evening Union services.
The following schedule has been ar-
ranged: July 7, Baptist church, 602
E. Huron, Rev. J. M. Wells, minister,
W. C. T. U. in charge; July 14, Con-
gregational church, State and Wil-
liam, Rev. L. C. Douglas, minister;
July 21, Disciples church, 712 S. Uni-
versity, Rev. F. P. Arthur, minister;
July 28, St. Andrew's church, Cath-
erine and Division, Rev. Henry Tat-
lock, minister.
Adust 4, Methodist church, State
and Washington, Rev. A. W. Stalker,
minister; August 11, Congregational
church; August ,18, Presbyterian
church, Huron and Division, Rev. L.
A. Barrett, minister; August 25, Bap-
tist church; September 1, Trinity Eng-
lish Lutheran church, E. William and
Fifth, Rev. L. M. Stalker, minister;
September 8, St. Andrew's church;
September 15, Methodist church.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all to attend these services as well
as the regular Sunday morning ser-
vices at 10:30 o'clock at each church.

PRESENJEDNESI WEEK Saratoga Springs, N. Y., July 5.
Books are provided for American
Foremost Exponents of Shakespeare prisoners in Germany, as well as for
Foremstexponrerfoakesp soldiers and sailors at the fighting
To Give Four Performances front, in training camps and stations
On Campus in hospitals and aboard ship, accord-
- ing to Dr. M. L. Raney, who address-
Shakespeare and Henrik Ibsen will ed the American Library association
be interpreted by two of their leading in session here. Dr. Raney, who is
exponents next week when . Elsie librarian of Johns Hopkins univer-
Herndon Kearns and George Carleton sity, has just returned from a special
Somnes appear in four open air per- mission to France for the associa-
formances on the campus. tion.
"As You Like It," "Romeo and Officers elected were: William War-
Juliet," "The Tempest," and "The ner Bishop, Ann Arbor, Mich., pres-
Master Builder" have been selected ident; Charles F. D. Belden, Boston,
for presentation at the matinee and vice-president; Burton E. Stevenson,
evening performances of July 12, and Chillicothe, 0., second vice-president;
the matinee and evening performances Linda A. Eastman, Cleveland, and
of July 13, respectively, Adam Strohm. Detroit, members _fA
Leading Interpreters executive board; W. Dawson John-
Miss Kearns and Mr. Somnes are ston, St. Paul; Joseph L. Wheeler,
recognized as the foremost interpre- Youngstown; Mary S. Saxe, West
ters of Shakespearean and classical Mount, P. C., Canada; Jessie Fremont
drama before the' public today. Miss Hume, Jamaica, N. Y., and Henry N.
Kearns is a prominent member of the Sanborn, Bridgeport, Conn., members
New Theatre and has played with of the council; H. Taylor Pyne,
Marie Tempest, George Fkwcett, and Princeton, trustee of endowment
Edith Wynne Mathison. Her Juliet fund.
has been placed in a class with that
of Jlia Marlowe. kilITIfl DlILLOFFERS
Mr. Somnes has appeared with Wil-
liam Faversham in his Shakespearean,
revivals, and also with Tycon Psw -
ers, Frank Keenan, Constance Collier, MAKE-UPPHIYE[ETe n
Julia Opp, and with Yiola Tree In
London. He was associated with Schedule Arranged Whereby B. 0. T.
John Barrymore in "Peter Ibbetson" C. Men May Work Off Incompletes
during the last season. From Last Semester
Seat Sale Opens Tuesday An opportunity to make up R. 0.
The reputation of these artists T. C. work incomplete at the end of
guarantees a representation charac- last semester is offered men holding
terized by thorough and sincere prep- such incompletes by Prof. C. P. Wag-
aration, and by a regard for setting, ner, in charge of the summer military
costumes, and lighting effects that are work on the campus. By the schedule
equal to the high standard of their he has arranged men will only have
repertoire. A supporting company to drill a period commensurate with
thoroughly capable of interpreting the the amount of work they are behind.
characters of these great plays is Men who are back 25 hours or more
promised. should report Monday, July 8, and
The seat sale for the plays will be will be expected to drill the remaind-
held from 4:30 to 6 o'clock on Tues- er of the summer session in order to
day, Wednesday, anm Thursday after- get a clear record for the start of
noons, July 9, 10, and 11 respectively, school next fall. Those behind from
at Wahr's book store. Prices wilf be 2 to 24 hours are expected July 15,
75c and $1.00 for single performances from 15 to 19, hours July 22, and un-
or $2.50 for four performances. der 15 hours July 29. Men who com-
plete the work satisfactorily will be
given a- clear record on the R. 0.
Rtabbi Wolsey Unable to Appear T. C. books.
Because of a nervous breakdown Few Men Out
Rabbi Louis Wolsey of Cleveland, will Only a comparatively few men have
be unable to deliver the three lectures reported thus far and more are want-
for which he was scheduled to speak ed. It is desired to get a full com-
next week on the University program. pany if possible. One hour's credit
The place will be filled by Rabbi Eli is given for the work, which is con-
Mayer of Philadelphia, said to be one ducted every afternoon from 4.15
of the most eloquent members of his 'o'clock to 5:45 o'clock. The drill will
race in this country. His subjects be carried up through the school of
will be announced later. the company.

Committee Meets This Morning to
Survey Situation and Make
Plans for Increase
Within the next 10 days officers of
the training detachment and mem-
bers of the University faculty expect
to see from 800 to 800 nien detailed
to Ann Arbor by the war depart-
Negotiations are now being made to
increase the size of the present de-
tachment, and also to obtain a num-
her of signal corps men. The exact
number is not as yet known, although
the University has asked for at least
1,500 or more men, which includes
711 now in the present training de-
Purely Tentative
Everything in regard to the in-
creasing or decreasing of the detach-
ment is purely tentative. At the pres-
ent time it appears that the 711 quota
will be raised to the 1,000 or higher
level, and that 300 men, who will al-
so be part of the training detachment,
will take up a thorough course in
signal work.
A committee, of which Prof. Evans
Holbrook is chairman, met at 10:30
this morning in President Harry B.
Hutchins office for the purpose of
making a complete survey of the sit-
uation. Definite arrangements to
house, feed, and care for the addi-
tional men were suggested, but no
decision will be reached, it is thought,
until next week.
Will Better Rank
In case the University of Michigan
succeeds in obtaining 1,500 men, it
will rank favorably with other east-
ern colleges that are now undertak-
ing the task of training specialists
for the government. As the accom-
modations for the caring of a large
number of men become better, it is
likely that the quota detailed by the
government will be increased from
time to time.
Men who desire to take the work
should provide themselves with a pair
of khaki breeches, and shirt, campaign
hat, canvas leggins, tan shoes, not ox-
fords, and U. of M. insignia. The R.
O. T. C. uniform worn during the
winter and spring is acceptable.
Rifles will be furnished, and carried
every day after July 15 that the weath-
er permits.
Assembly on Field
Assembly will be blown on Ferry
field evey afternoon at 4:15, except
on days when it is raining and then
at 4 o'clock. On such days assembly
will be held in the east coirridor of
the Natural science building. Men
who want bathing privileges in the
Varsity club house may have them on
payment of 50 cents.
Sergeant Meisel is in room 202 Nat-
ural science building to inform mem-
bers of the R. 0. T. C., who are back
in their work, how much they will
have to make up.



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