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March 06, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-06

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.. *


"Professional athletes aren't wanted
in the trenches," says the Scotch med-
icine man. Just speaking off hand
we'd say that even after the lounge
lizards had been scattered around to
stop the bullets there would be plenty
of room and occupation for the braw-
.ny ones. The professional baseball
hurler with his overhand swing ought
to be right sensational- tossing back
the grenades. Why wouldn't the pig-
skin passer be handy in detecting a
weakness in the Visitors' line? A
tractist really ought to star -at sprint-
ing over No Man's Land to plant the
flag in the Boches' territory and dash-
ing back for breakfast. That old for-
ward on the basketball team will be a
bird around a detention camp, caging
the spies. Just speaking off hand we'd
say that those gone-but-not-forgotten
heroes have their little uses.


ip ror the military marching,
.d the class today, as special
[11 be given from now until the
n in the spring.


Company Relay Races As Announced .
No change has been made in the
schedule for company relay races.
There was-a rumor current yesterday
that some departure had been made
from the schedule announced in last
Sunday's Daily, but this is not the
case. Headquarters will run against
company I, Second regiment, today at

Prof. J. R. Brumm to Deliver Lectures teria," t
Prof. J. R. Brumm of the rhetoric Loo's, C
department, will speak to members ion at D
of the Bible Chair class at 12:40
o'clock this afternoon on "The Moral Danci
Duty of Being Influential." Tomorrow at the A
afternoon, Professor Brumm will talk
to the club members at 12:40 o'clock Uee U

pany C, Se
any other



Big Ten bask-
end, interest is
the hotly con-
pionship. Wis-
ng season fin-
op notch posi-
n defeats Min-
he will tie the


Sis clearly out of the run-
en if the Gophers succeed
the Northwestern outfit
their average will be but
.4 points short of the Wis-
L. However it is not very
iat the Purple will meet
Captain Gillen of the Min-
iggregation is out of the
a broken collar bone. It
e of his absence that Wis-
able to defeat the Gophers
ay by the close score of 18
he had been able to take
contest, it is extremely
he game would have gone
ray, and Wisconsin would
ld her present high posi-


Courtesy, attention and know-
ledge of the goods form the basic
platform of our claim to good ser-
vice-plus the endorsement of a
good name with long--standing

Service That Makes Men Lik

1 rrr w w ow .

More than 130 have elected the ad-
vance class, and are attending the
regular drills. At the present time
there is room for approximately 50
additional men, who are urged to join
the class immediately. Thorough and
exhaustive instruction in the manual
of arms, followed by drills in extend-
ed order, platoon drills, duties of
guards, and file classes are some of
the topics to be considered in the near
future. The work will become more
advanced as the nature of the drills
Bugle calls will be given as a part
of the instruction and their meaning
fully explained. Signal practice, and
special drills will also be introduced



Full stocks now on display of
new Spring things, in wearables
for men, ,and, very important-




thwestern kept herself in the
ng by beating Illinois 29 to 14
Saturday in a fast tilt. If she
as well against Minnesota, a
py tilt is sure to result, for a
'y by the Gophers will mean that
snatch second place~in the stand-
nd relegate the Purple to third

Only 10 men signified their intention
of joining the United States naval re-
serve. These men will receive prelim-
inary training on government patro
duty. Places are open for at least 3(
additional men. Any student desiring
further information should see im
mediately Acting Adjutant C. F. Lam-



Visconsin ............,
linnesota .............
ndiana ...............
'urdue ...............
!hicago ...............
llinois ..............
hio State ............
ow a .............. ..
Michigan ...........

Won. Lost
6 2
5 2
6 3
...3 2
4 3
5 4
5 6
.....4 5
3 5
0 9


Captain Dutoit, Lieutenant Flary,
and Sergeant Dodelle, officers of the
.?rench army, will be present at
the lecture to be given at 4:15
o'clock this afternoon in Hill
auditorium. Sergeant Dodelle will
sing the modern French trench songs'
to the R. O. T. C. Prof. A. E. Boak
of the History department will deliver
his second lecture on "Military His-
tory" this afternoon, explaining the
development of the modern European
military system.
Lieut. S.. H. Riggs, of the 161st U. S.
infantry, son of Prof. H. E. Riggs of
the civil engineering department, is
now located 120 miles south of Paris,
according to recent information re-
ceived in this city. At the present
time Lieutenant Riggs is in training.
He sailed for France on Dec. 17, hav-
ing obtained his commission at Fort

All men who have won sweaters
either in Reserves, Varsity cross coun-
try, All-fresh cross country, or All-
fresh baseball may receive them from
the Athletic office.
The following men have won their
"R's": Cary, Funk, Walker, Zastrow,
Swartz, Corcoran, Cress, Graff, Futch,
Pettijohn, Perrin, Weadock, Moulthron
Emmerman, Wellford, Berry, Riley
and Campbell.
Varsity cross country men who re-
ceive their numeral sweaters are
Sedgwick, Fuess, Maynard, Donnelly,
Stoll and Meehan.'
Genebach, Gilmartin,. Knode, Van
Boven, Froemke, Langenhan, Sheldon,
Wood, Ruzicka, and Mraz of last year's
All-freshbaseballateam shouldscome
in for their sweaters~ and also the
All-fresh cross country men Schim-
mel, Houghtog, Donovan and Carpent-

Special Orders, No. 8
3. Private Charles F. Lambert of the
Headquarters company is hereby
transferred to the First regiment and
assigned to duty as acting adjutant
of that regiment. He will report for
duty accordingly.
By order of,




Michigan Daily Advertisers are living up to all of the policies
of Conservation out-lined by the Government.
They are loyal patriots and will help you economize in all of
your wants. Let them show you how to buy
cheaply in Ann Ar-2r.

Tinker & Company
Clothes, Furnishings and Hats
342 S. State St. at William St.

They Make the Daily Possible

? C~rA~r1 n 4311


Captains of the freshman and soph-
omore women's basketball teams have
announced the following line-ups for
the freshman-sophomore game at 4:15
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Bar-
bour gymnasium.
Sophomore team: forwards-Edna
Daskam, Dorothy Williams; centers,
Elsie Erley, Jeannette Sudow; guards,
Lucy Huffman, Florence Butler. ,
Freshman team: forwards-Neva
Nelson, Katrina Schermerhorn; cent-
ers, Elizabeth McGrath, Edith Apfel;
guards, Jessie Craig, Phyllis Wiley.

Anumber of quiz sections have been
arranged for the members of the R. O.
T. C. The companies in the Second
regiment will attend the quizzes at
4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The
companies of the First regiment will
be quizzed at 4:15 o'clock Friday
afternoon. Following is the schedule
of quizzes, together with the room
and building where they will be held:
Second regiment, Thursday: Com-
pany A, Room 348, Engineering build-
ing; company B, Room 311 Engineer-
ing building; company C, Room 445
Engineering building; company D,
Room 411 Engineering building; com-
pany I, Room 21, Old Engineering
building; company K, second floor
Natural Science building; company L,
Room 225 Natural Science building;
company M, Chemistry amphitheater.
First regiment, Friday: Company
A, Room C, Law building; company B,
Room 203 U-hall; company. C, Room
151 Chemistry building; company D,
third floor Engineering building; com-
pany I, Room 231 Natural Science
building; company K, Room 348 En-
gineering building; company L, Room
101 Economics building; compan.y M,
Room 401-2 Engineering building.


. ..

May Festival Tick

Mail orders for Tickets will be filled in ad
in order of receipt:

Block "A," $6.50

Block "B," $5.50

- I

Co. I Trims Headquarters Co. 13-9
Company I, Second regiment, de-
eated the Headquarters company, 13
o 9 in a fast basketball tilt last night
n Waterman gymnasium. This en-
itles the winners to play the company
3, Second regiment, aggregation to-
'orrow night. The contest will take
lace at 8 o'clock on court 4. The vic-
ors in Thursday's game will meet
he company A, First regiment, team
aturday evening to decide the cham-

(If Pre-Festival "Cover-Coupon" is exchanged

Public Sale, Block "A" Hill Ai
Saturday Morning, March 9, 8 o'clc

Military marching for women will
be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in
Barbour gymnasium. Miss Alice



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