ly Serg. C. Philip Emery.)
r Fishleigh, Captain Stoner,
nant Turner, and Sergeant
,-all Michigan men,-are 10-
at the office of the Surgeon
I, Washington. This office di-
Al motor ambulance work, de-
procurement, production, in-
n, testing and delivery. It is
d of responsibility only when
ished product, the motor ambu-
is delivered to the ambulance
ny, either in this country or
American Supply Depot is
ined at Louisville, Kentucky,
7 officers and 15 men are sta-
This depot handles the ship-
to caps in this country, of the
ances, motorcycles, spare parts,
ich kindred supplies. It also
arge of repairs and mainten-
n this country.
tUchgan Chasses
ambulance chasses are produc-
Pontiac, Michigan, and a station
Ling of 4 officers and 19 men is
,ined at this factory. This sta-
as charge of inspection, testing,
y, and special experimental
in connection with the chasses.
bodies were formerly made at
own, New York, but are now
ed by two body plants, one at
, Michigan, the other at Elk-
Indiana. Stations are main-
at these plants similar to the
ers are frequently sent to va-
plants throughout the country,
ect special equipment for dif-
Experiment Station
les these stations, a "Motor
ance Experimental Station" in
ngton is maintained for the
e of special testing, designing,
cperlmental work. Seven offi-
nd' four men are stationed
six of this number hailing from
an. The various . camps
hout this country are inspect-
n time to time by officers from
Vashington Station.
ambulances are shipped over-
t water-tight boxes, completely
d down and packed in t he
st possible space. They are
d overseas and assembled at
different bases. Four officers
men were sent across last fall,
e assembling bases specially
zed and equipped with men
re automobile chassis and body
Much Accomplished
e its inception, this organiza-
as accomplished a good many
Concrete results are in evi-
Three thousand motor ambu-
of a modern type have been
ed and are now in service in
'my. An ambulance body that
mers & Mechanics
=Bank- -
trmg Bank With Every Banking Need
experts have called the finest, most quires eternal vigilance on the part
modern and efficient for its purpose, of every teacher. It is next to im-
in the world, has been designed and possible for military instructors to do
perfected, and 5,000 of this latest type much to counteract the negligence of
are now in the process of manufac- schools in this regard. This again has
ture, and will be completed and ship- cost many men their commissions at
ped overseas in a few months. The camp. Three months is too short a
GMC chassis used for our ambulances time in which to teach an incorrigible
has been improved and standardized 'beater-about-the-bush' that there is
so that it has. recently been adopted but one way to answer a question oral
by the entire Army as the standard or written, and that is positively,
34-1 ton chassis for all, purposes. A clearly, and accurately. The form of
special trailer with a body designed the oral answer in our schools should
to carry spare parts and supplies suf- be made an important consideration
ficient for the maintenance of each of instruction.
ambulance company of 12 ambulances Poor Bearing
for a period of six months has been "I have further noted that even
perfected, and 300 of these are now some of our better military schools
practically finished. The problem of have turned out products that while
upkeep and repairs is a most impor- many of them may have the bearing
tant one, and great care has been of a soldier in ranks, yet their car-
taken to make the ambulances as in- riage is totally different as soon as
dependent as possible. A scientifical- they 'fall out.' Schools, military and
ly chosen set of spareparts is car- non-military, should place more in-
ried in each car, besides the larger sistence upon the bearing of pupils
unit carried in the trailer, only one all the time. It should become a sec-
of which is furnished for each 12 am- ond nature with them to walk and
bulances. carry themselves with the bearing of
Special Trailer an officer and a gentleman. This
A special trailer designed to carry again is a characteristic that cannot
one or two patients on stretchers has be acquired in a short time, and
also been perfected. This can either when coupled with other disqualify-
be towed behind an ambulance, thus ing elements, has mitigated against
increasing the carrying load 50 per the success of men.
cent., or it can be pulled by two men "And when the bearing of a gentle-
and used practically up to the front man is spoken of, it might be well to
trenches, thus increasing the carry- add that, in boarding schools, table
Ing capacity of the litter bearers manners and the more important
more than 100 per cent. A hospital amenities of polite society should be
litter carrier, which can also be used taught those whose home training may
as an operating table, has been de- be. deficient in* this regard. The
signed and produced. These are only American officer of today must be
a few of .the concrete things that have ready. to go to distant parts of the
been accomplished. earth and represent his country cred
(To be continued) itably in the social life of various cul-
tured peoples.
COMMISSIONS AS OFFICERS "As a last important element that
seems to me has been lacking in the
moral and mental make-up of some of
(Continued from Page One) our students, is the characteristic of
with sufficient volume of voice to be 'grit.' Not that they would have prov-
heard reasonably far, is not qualified en cowardly in battle, necessarily, but
to give commands upon which human some have exhibited a tendency to
life will depend. Many men disquali- throw up the sponge upon the admin-
fled by this handicap might become istration of a severe rebuke or crit-
officers under 'their country's flag had Icism. Their 'feelings have been burt'
they been properly trained in school and they resign. They have never
and college. t is to be hoped there-ab ey es g They hspritofneth-
fare, that more emphasis will be pla- been taught the true spirit of sb-
foe, thmre ephasirnile lc- ordination. They are not ready for
ed upon the basic principles of elocu- the rought edges of life. The true
tion in the training of our youth. training school should endeavor to
Even without prescribed training in inculcate that indomitable spirit that
elocution a great improvement could enables one to get out of self, to keep
be wrought by the instructors in our one's eyes fixed upon the goal rather
schools and colleges, regardless of the than upon the roughness of the path,
subject, insisting that all answers be to realize that one unable to rise above
given in a loud, clear, well-rounded the hard knocks of discipline cannot
voice, which of course, necessitates hope to face with equanimity the tre-
the opening of the mouth and free mendous responsibilities o: the officer
movement of the lips. It is remark- under modern conditions of warfare.
able how many excellent men suffer This ideal of grit belongs in the
from this handicap, and how almost school room as well as upon the cam-
impossible it is to correct this after
the formative years of life. Ans."
By order of the Secretary of War.
Mental Slouchiness (Signed) H. F. McCain.
"In addition to this physical disa-
bility and slouchiness is what might DR. SUNDERLAND OF NEW YORK
be termed, slouchiness of mental atti- SPEAKS AT UNITARIAN CHURCH
tude. Many men fail to measure up
to the requirements set for our Offi-
cers' Reserve because they have not Dr. J. T. Sunderland, of New York
been trained to appreciate the im- city, will be the speaker at the ser-
portance of accuracy in thinking. Too vices at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morn-
many schools are satisfied with an ing at the Unitarian church, corner of
approximate answer to a question. State and Huron streets. His sub
Little or no incentive is given in- ject will be "The Wonderful Life of
creased mental effort to co-ordinate an"
one's ideas and present them clearly Doctor Sunderland was for some
and unequivocally. Insistence upon years pastor of the Ann Arbor Uni-
decision in thought and expression tarian church and it was during his
must never be lost sight of. This re- ministry here that the present church
edifice was erected. He has had pas-
torates In Chicago, Toronto, London
SE T W E E K Q(England), and Hartford and is the
author of many books and pamphlets
FFALO of wide circulation some of which
sty service from Detroit to leve and, and have been translated into German,
ief ortrveb eteese ti a G t Italian, Russian, Chinese, and Japan-
he Lam"-City oaD!oit IS[ad Ciy pn
The 0. & C. disns esi aunsurpassed. ese.
nadasly bessided tor, al steamers bei n The sermon tomorrow will be the
ide sa eies. first of a series of four to be given
iers dea Deoailyst 04 P.M.,C- during July and to- which students
ito Detrisoit. Alrlar team erstrvi cand soldiers are invited.
on D.&.C Line tamersaineither direction.
C. Line, making connections with rail lines LE EDL E.ABaaarat
phlet and Great Lakes Map. Address, L. G. LEASED LIVES. A accalaureate
address delivered recently at the
PMla OPres tMP University of Indiana by Lloyd C.
Pres. Gen'l. Mgr. Douglas has been produced in a
brochure. On sale at the bookstores
at 25c.
Trunks and travelling bags for all
---. - z purposes-Koch & Henne.-Adv.
Different Drink
Try This New
A rightly brewed product of choicest selected grains is refreshing, invigor-
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Furthermore, it has that mild, tangy, delicious flavor that everybody-
especially beef drinkers-loves and longs for.
A great many people have thought that such a drink could not be satisfy-
ing to the taste and the thirst unless there were considerable alcohol in it. They
were wrong-and you'll find the proof in this new beverage-
Excelo is non-intoxicating. It cheers, braces and invigorates. It is a
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ness which we call "run down."
More than this, it is a beverage without a peer-new and different-
piquant and snappy-good for the appetite and the digestion.
It is pure and wholesome; it keeps its character and flavor under all con-
ditions and it always satisfies. It is put up in sterilized, air-tight bottles, and
one taste of it will show its quality.
Order a case today; see what a splendid drink it is and how much good
it does you.
Excelo Beverage Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Trade supplied by NATE HORNING, Phone 1778-M, 208 S. 4th Ave.
For adult beginners desiring to learn correct Modern Social Danc-
ing, this is an ideal opportunity to receive very thorough instruction.
2nd Floor I West End, South Side
Fee: Six Lessons for 3.50; Twelve Lessons for $5.50
Course Tickets at the Door For particulars call 1574-R
L. C. Smith, Royal Underwood and
other high grade typewriters for sale
and rent. O. R. Morrill, 322 South
State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch.)-
Adv. 3-ti
FOR SALE-1917 Ford runabout prac-
eically new. Electric starter and
lights, speedometer, yale lock, etc.
Jay C. Taylor, 1520 Broadway. 3-3t
WANTED-Barber to work evenings
and Saturdays. Student preferred.
Arcade Barber Shop. 3-St
Subscribe for The Detachment
News. Delivered for 75 cents.-Adv.
Subscribe for The Wolverine
Sheehan &Co.
C. W. Graham, Prop.
The D & C Steamship Line, with dal
Detroi o i oaff odsa aiavorite eon
aepis.The ta's sGianStames of
af Civeind III-iansure ihe hst obt inai
exceeiesiceisinead painstahins service.'
Cheat Lahes FiaFooda sad ather appetizi
saety ad heaith ofi pasasgers sre also ab
equipped with wireless service and oher
Bfaossteaem teae seroitdaiy as
9:00 A. M., Eats's Tise.Cleveland steam(
tat Time. arrising as Cieveiand, 6:00 A. I5
effest o auffalos ioetroit ad Cieveian
from Toiedo ad' strsia asMackinassIsiar
aii ticets honoredftor tasaportatios,
Ask yosr ticket agent to route you via D.&
ao pounts East.
SEND 2 STAMP For illustrated pam
las, 0. P. A., Detroit, Michigan.
A. A. Schantz, Vice-]
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200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.
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