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June 03, 1930 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…L 4 P 6 uw mrx filhltiga ~I~ai4ip MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS MORALS R 0l HOEIENROLLMENT IN FORESTRY CAMP o R lESHOWS 100 PERCENT INCR ALSE yr LflIILII VLUL SAYS PROF. PARlKER' Nine states and Canada are re- presented in the group of 25 stu- dents who are attending Camp Fili- bert Roth, the sophomore forestry camp near Munising, in the Upper Peninsula, which is under...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHEDI 1890 g t rd 400 ,4771 at I . . ... . ..... .... . ...... . .. MNNWNWWNNO VOL. XL, NO. 176 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 EIGHT PAGES STUDENT DRINKING~ PflhIP DF~ on ~ ~ r c ~?'OBBINS ANNOUNCES TASSEL COLORS Rear Admiral SENTOR DMAN!RWillLet SEAOSOMN'e ;de;IMMEDIATE ACTION 4 UN TARIFF HATES' 1.1 B rd STUDENT DRINKING Br SHOWN IN DECLINE Ur L re Here ___ College Heads Believe Greater S Temperance Displayed ...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 3 f 193 V THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 3. 1930 -_ II4 e'ntutvr Published every morning except Monday during the UnAliversity. Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Precss is excclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all new's dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub~ished herein. Enter...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…w. _ _ . . r . s.Ww r W W'. .,r 's .. .I r' . :FW W w 'Tr : PAGE TWO TRr. MYr.14Tr.AM nAtt-V a IIa °. lrta'. 1, FAtl Ixrrv.I I _/ ESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 ZEPPELIN PR EENED FOR FINAL LAP OF 18,00 ILEFLIG-HTi Thousands View Giant Dirigible in Lakehurst Hanger as Ship Is Repaired. BILL Y ARNOLD, YOUNG CHICAGO RACE DRIVER, WINS E lIMagic Hands Quicker ANNUAL 500-MILE SPEED CLASSIC AT INDIANAPOLISp IL LI iiiuThan Mystical Eyes; GOVERNENT...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…0 THE SUJMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PLANS ANNOUNCED- Professor Olson. Explains Aim of University's New Plan for Child Education. TO OPEN SEPTEMBER 30 Schedules for and information petaining to the University's new elementary school for groups of children of nursery school and kin- degarten ages have been issued by Prof. Willard C. Olson, director of. research in child development in the School of Education. Septem- ber 30 has been set as the date of...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…- - 'ww 'Tr 'T T T wryT Tom r WY' r'W' T T f' r .. r r- - tTT ATA V. TTTI V, R -1 Qq T HE M IC HIG'N,,.Alt I PA GE TIIflEE2 NGC?1~!13 V VLVG O lYIJV a; u " : a v; a yr VIYIiW .... , 4 ..: .. . . .. ..... . . __. _ ... i r i I PLANiS COMPLETEDVS11ILTANEOUS TRANSLATO R'FOR ALL LANGUAGES. HISOLE LTLDYA. M. Jackson Stoent0E SOLVES PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES Navy Hono tdn '~l~jt~II~lBOSTON-(AP)-Out ofUNKNOWNd IA^ II SEE of Edward...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 10, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER, MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY THE SUMMER MIChIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all Inem- St. Mary's chapel for Catholic bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean Students will have only one mass of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a.m. !Sunday mornings during the sum- Saturday. mer session of the University, ac- VOLUME X THURSDAY, JULY 3, ...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…;- mr-' R7 T'F^ :- - V - - -w w W - YWW v-w-v - W - VW'VVVWW ~--~- - - - -w w w v- v - - - w w V W~~W PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN nATT y 1s eti +s i i ir stiiti+i w a ww w }ter 111 s 1, iHF 171 CV A. 1r V A t' r~A ..,1TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 Published every morning exeept Mondayr Suring the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conferenc Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 5

…T . TT T TT!'w .T T T :s~ r- . #'P UT Tw AI[NTY T3 T ^ WTM rNWTI VT-'7 x TA4 ,93w wL M CHI A V Ip r Y I KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA WINS BASEBALL TOURNAMENT WOMEN TO HEAR RETIRING OFFICERH ,H DEFATDfN INL''' SEASONS EVENTS cGAME OF TOUFINEY FR ORCNIZATION, Extra Inning Played to Decide Victor; Score Tied in Fifth Inning, 16 to 16 K. BADGER, '31, PITCHES Kappas Take Lead in First Inn- ing; Game Marked by Fine Batting, Poor Fielding. Kappa Kappa...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 6

…- V -, ----- ~~V V 'V WV - wy V W W W W w. -w w r-.- ' w .. t.. T.. ..., ..1f:,., ,W'Wl PAGE SIX T~t MC HTr. 'N'N nAl F-V f'"TTT" e4l'% A YT 'TTTT,,," A 4 AA/4 - a a =a1 C 4 %'. & £ S1 AA 2r L7 l9 AI L. * aL , j UYJUNE~1 l3 MI - ".r dd 1jolll 71 l°J PARES WELL ll SPRING BY~ VADSITY TEAMS Wolverif es Win Championships in Outdoor Track and I Dual Tennis Meet. FINISH SECOND IN GOLF Athletic competition for the 1929- .0 season has p...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 7

…"T 7 T7T Y ;w T .. v -w 7 rr. . s -. ww... r w...+ -. .-.,. . _.-. T'UE DAY, Jt'NF , 30 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN INJURIES HANIC Many Players Are Put on Shelf3 by Series of Casualties; Hal Carlcson Dies. FONSECA BREAKS WRIST This year's baseball races have become unpredictable close battles as injuries and illnesses ranging from mumps to broken bones have attacked nearly every team in both of the major leagues. In some of the more u...…

June 03, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 176) • Page Image 8

…r : - _,r W V-r VVVV-w'Vr rr r r TH E MICHIGAN DAILY sA U319o .I IL M. [OD, MEDADMIRAL BYRD WELCOMES BALCHEN, Colonel Lauds Swiss ,LPILOT AT SOUTH POLE, TO BALBOA; Compulsory Training B UDGET HEAD, 0 IES dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 No. 17 Director Who Resigned in 1929 f___________________ Succumbs After Prolonged !xF NOTICES 'hSiege of Illness. I Reimbursement of persons using their own auto...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

… . wi A4V i - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN d EIGHT PAGE5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1931 ATTEND Heads Summer Term Survey Shows Course Elections, Scholarship Have Relationship CES Than 700 chools IN 1894 mnented by Study Is Made at Asembly of Freshmen in College of Engineering. A relationship between the con- sistency of course elections and scholarship was established in a. recent surv...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

… The RS-1, largest semi-rigid dirigible in the world and once pride of the army, has gone to the junk heap. The craft, which cos $600,000, is shown as it appeared at Scott Field, Ill., while in use. Left is shown the frame work and gondolas after a St. Louis junk dealer started wrecking it. He paid $900 for it. At right is the rudder. GENOESE SAILORS START TREASURE STUDENT HUNT DESPITE PREVIOUS DISASTERS Gold Sunk Near Brest Claims steamer Ar...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHICAN DAIUV TE EXIcUiTIVES P a shot Points Out Possibility of Political Domination by Money Forces. )OSEVELT IS SPEAKER 'n Wants Powers of General Business Manager for Governors. Great Northern Train Wrecked by Tornado AGAINST flVERN Articles Added to Impeachment Complaint Against Norton, Tennessee Head. NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 2.-(iP) -Seven new impeachment articles' against Gov. Henry H. Norton were ready today for presentation .to ...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 5

…' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA J LEAGUE PRESIDENT lAiR fi riio~ eEAeDII~Breakfast Closes UE li EPS ESIDNT LEA"UERESIDENTBreakfast Cose DISCUSSES POLICY ENLSB 1 Year of Activi I~AT FINAL BANOUUET! for Senior' 71tics XWoren1 I I ine Koch, '32, Announces icy for Coming Year; Activities Stressed. 1 ESHMAN EVENT Will F.mnhasize- J Jae nfl L J6ur' *aR l V VIAL JAL111j IWt_& - /5C ~. ~lf League Building Facilities by Undergraduates. Katherine...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHICIAN DAILY ;. >ves Meet Indiana oday inFind BigTen Gam( iegler and 'eller Will Oppose Each Other on Mound in Last.Conference Tilt.- PrOBAILE LINEUPS lWichigan 1nbacina perko, 3b Dross, 2b Braendle, if Koenig, lb Tompkins, cf May, cf H dson, lb Hickey, If i~ffley, c Rea, c Daniels, 2b Sauski, rf Eastman, rf Veller, p Kracht, ss Thomas, 3b Kieger, p Haussman, ss Michigan's baseball team will lose its Conference -season today with. ...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E 3TEIRDAY'S RESULTS American League MEN for New Course ad Freshman Winners. f the varsity golf n announced by rueblood as win- rds for this year. hus honored are: Washington 5, Detroit 3 Philadelphia 3, Chicago 2 New York 9, St. Louis 2 Cleveland 12, Boston 11 National League beer s T away Royston, Jack Lenfesty elect), John Howard, Eu- d, Dick Livingstone, and Jolly. The only "AMA" en this year in. golf will d to M...…

June 03, 1931 (vol. 41, iss. 176) • Page Image 8

…~~ ALL SCHOOLS, COLLEGES TO OPEN Canada Starts New EX-MINER,WHO PLANI BULLETIN I1 FOR THIRTY-EIGH TH SUMMER TERMCL tas N EX-MIERGY, LEADS IN ye notice to all members (Continued from Page One) .dents will attend camp at Mills .- WASHINGTON June 2 -(A)- has office of the Assistant to i tainment has also been planned, Spring, Ky. OTTAWA, June 2.-( t)-Increas- Leading the legions of organized tor lys.11:3 a.m. Sturdy. ncluding special lectures, co...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 'I g AIit _, -- - OL. XLII, No. 178. SIX PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 HO1VER'S PROGRM FOR REILIF LOANS1 P UT BEFOREHOUS Plan Would Provide Direct Aid to States, Increase Fund for Finance Body.l $1,800,000,000 IS ASKED Senate Debates 10 Per Cent Cut in All Government Salaries;1 Passes Farm Aid Bill.j WASHINGTON, June 2.-(/P)-An administration program for reliev-4 ing the distress of unemployment wa...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…A ...-: ... ,,: .., . _ ___ _ . . ..... ... ... .. r L .tLLa )., U J.4.. . ;.~ ==a A? L O1F ICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 6) COMMENCEMEINT-Monday, June 20, 9 a.m. WEATHER FAIR 'I ME OF ASSEMBLY-7:45 a.m. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY Members of the Faculties and invited guests, in Alumni Memorial Hall-West Gallery second floor where they may robe. Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and Candidates for Honorary Degrees, in Alumni Memorial Hall-Room B. Hon...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…' THF. MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ' T-VP UTt'TATCAM V~ATVY PAGE 4J.J. ~ U ~ J..JU~ a .. a.~ ~ -~ - - - - TO NETCAPTAINCY .1ert ,Is Only Letterman Who WiJL Return to Compete Next Season. Richard Snell, '33, of Utica, New York, was elected to the captaincy of the 1933 Michigan tennis squad at a meeting held yesterday after- noon. Snell, a member of the Al- pha Sigma Phi fraternity, is the only letterman of this year's squad who will be available f...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…'" THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 - --- published every morning except Monday during the University y'ear by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference - Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published hehein. Entered at the Post Office at ...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 5

…xAraJU~te , 1s2 THE MICHICAN DAILY PAGE Fr"~ ILVAVA L &VA ...... .... Out 21 Runs to Win Baseball Tournament 'MOST DANGEROUS' IN BARBOUR9 gyM Martha Graham Will Talk onr °4. Forms of The Dance This Morning. Martha Graham, celebrated Am- erican dancer, who is appearing in recitals in the Dramatic Festival here, will speak to all women in- terested in the dance at 8 o'clock this morning in Barbour gym, ac- I1cording to an anonuncement ...…

June 03, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 178) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN .DAILY F] A - -.-. DA ILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. VOL. XLII. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1932 No. 178 NOTICES Commencement Tickets for Commencement and the Alumni-Senior Dance and Reception may be obtained at the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall, upon ...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…eather able showers, thunder- cooler Saturday; Sun- Y itt o woo le III No. 179 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1933 Assails Leaders Of American Economic Delegation 'tremist In New Student Council Is To Draw Up Code Talk On Ship First Conference Is Held By Convention Delegates On Shipboard Split Into Smaller Discussion Groups Secretary Of State Will Concentrate On Tariff, Pittman On Money ABOARD THE S. S. ROOSEVELT WITH THE...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Membes d the Summer Session; Faculties: Blanks for the FacultyE Diiectory and request cards for the Summer Michigan Daily will be sent by campus mail next week to all members of the Summer Session staff. Their prompt return will be greatly appreciated. The Summer Daily will be deliver- ed gratisodly to those members of the Summer Session faculty who will fill out the request cards. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence,...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN D)AILY cA Close Fight' Is Demisey's Dope On Schmeling-Baer Bout By DON BIRD This week marks the end of a strenuous training period for the prinripals in the Schmeling-Baer fight in Yankee Stadium June 8. And don't think the two I\Iaxes are the only principals in it either. Mr. Wil- liam Harrison Dempsey has been do- ing almost as much road 1vork and more pcrspiring than both fighters in the last two weeks. Becides doing an excel...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY vDAILY -Atj : '-7 / -, Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this pape...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_________ SOCI ETY Union To Open Taproom, Tower At Senior Ball Sell 100 T k s For Ball Fea iiritg Ave Brigzde, Chicago iBaid Lealder Over 100 tickets have been sold to dac for the annual Senior Ball to be held June 14 in the Union Ball- room, according to Rehn Nelson, chairman of the tickets committee. The dance will begin at 10 p. m. and continue until 3 a. in., the women having been given late permission. As additional a...…

June 03, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 179) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY European Stock Disposal Draws Senate Inquiries{ Whitney Denies 'Bargain Stock Was Distributed To British Royalty Personal Loan List Placed On Record Pennsylvania Judge Says Wife Purchased Favored. Stock From Morgai WASHINGTON, June 2. - P) - Senate investigators of J. P. Morgan & Co. today obtained a list of offi- cers and directors of corporations to whom personal loans were extended from 1927 to 1931 inclusive by the powe...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair today, tomorrow unset- tled; not much change in tem- perature. LL IAAfr ~Iat Editorials Functions Of Language Departments... I VOL. XLIV No. 180 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS California Dies In Office Governor Succumbs James Rolph, Jr., Loses His Fight Against Death After LongIllness Merriam Succeeds Deceased In Office Rolph Was Renowned For Stand On Lynchings Last November SAN JOSE, Cali...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN 'DAILY SITNDAY- lr F R- THE M.ICHIGAN .D:: :,aILY a.ts&.L\AlaaJ~ln NJ a$ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin lis constructive notice to all members of the University. Cupy received at the office of the Assistant to the President utitU 3:30; 11:30 ' Saturday. SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1934 VOL, XLIV No. 180 Notices Plans for Baccalaureate and Com- mencement: All who expect to take part in the exercises of Commence-...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…t- TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE Showingtthe Latest Development in Clothes for College Men 1 I "!Heh,,fella, I need help. Has the old tux a working date for tonight?" 2 "It's all yours, take it away-but first let me show you a great little trick on the trou-" 4 "O-K for the idea, fella-but thumbs down on that strip of metal hardware-not for me." 5 "I'll show you something. Style, my boy -real style-wait till you see my latest rags." " Here...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…T11E M9iCIGAIV IjAIJA? MICHIGAN DAILY I ^v , . '"'7.- Puoushed every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference' Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. $z0ociatcti Gllcjiate $ *1933 NATIONAL - O. W.1934 L~*ciMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is enclusively entitled to the use fror republication of all new...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Annual Senior Breakfast Will Take Place Next Saturday, June 16 UnionBallroom Is To Be Scene Of Senior Ball Tickets Are Sold Out For rTraditional Affair To Be Held On Juie 15 , The University social season officially end on June 15 when annual Senior Ball is held at will the the Union. There has already been a Lell-out of tickets for the affair so that a capacity crowd is expected. The names of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice McG...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a t?4mXv_ THE MI." CHaIas vaN. e aTT: a L a .. * N i - - _ . . AY may secure the same seat location which they had for the Festival, by filling out special blanks at a later date. Exhibitions The Division of Fine Arts and the Museum of Anthropology announce an exhibition of the art objects col- lected by the University of Michigan Expedition to Tibet and Northern India; West Gallery, Alumni Memor- ial Hall; open free dai...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 7

…L ir d* ialg IMEMBER ASSOCIATED PRES VOL. XLIV No. 180 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Hu midity Pre- vents Of Smaller Budget Relief As Mercury Drops 5 Degrees Though the temperature was only 94.5 degrees yesterday, 5.3 degrees un- der yesterday's high, the increased humidity allowed none of Ann Ar- bor's sweltering thousands to gain relief. No cases of heat prostration were reported, but even the most sedate...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 8

… 1verines Close One 4, Michigan Teams Win Four Titles Of Possible Ten Part Of The 93,508 At The 1933 Ohio State-Michigan Game Two Second Places And Four Thirds Gathered In Big TenCompetition Two National Titles Football And Swimming Teams Stand Out Above Nation's Best As the curtain drops on the 1933-34 Michigan sports year, a casual glance at the records of the various teams and their standings in the Big Ten brings faintly to our ear...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 9

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Vistert Pitches Two-Hit Game To Defeat Iowa, 2-1 r a * DUST -By ART CARSTENS- a Hail And Farewell. . . * * * . N EVERY graduating class there are athletic heroes among the cap-and- gowned marchers. People point athem out to their friends and laugh over the incongruity of their appearance in the voluminous robes instead of the familiar football jersey or basketball trunks. They'll be there at Commencement on June 16 ...…

June 03, 1934 (vol. 44, iss. 180) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, J U.S. Fleet Passes Before President Roosevelt In[Giant Review 26th Session Of Biological Camp Annouiced By La Rue The Biological Station of the Uni- Alfred H. Stockard, secretary of the versity will open Monday. June 25. for its 26th session, it was announced recently by Prof. George R. La Rue, director of the camp. To the "natives" of the adjoining territory in Northern Michigan, it is known as the "bug camp." ...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Partly cloudy today and to- morrow, continued cool. L Miit tigan tt1 Editorials Another Blow To Labor ... Ho Hummm ... VOL. XLVI No. 176 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1936 PRICE 5 CENTS Push Drive On Legion; 13 Are Held State And Wayne County Join Forces To Speed Murder Trials A. F.Of L.( Cialls Vigilantes 'Spies' Dickstein Charges Army Officer Leader; Urges Federal Probe DETROIT, June 2.- (!m) - Pressing ...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…THE MICffM DAItf WEDNESDAY, 3, ......... . ......... WEDNESnA'Y, 3, Sleeps On His Feet --Associated Press Photo. John Begarano (above), 39, pris- oner in the Denver county jail on a vagrancy charge, sleeps standing up. Jail physician said he is suffer- ing from a disease with symptoms of sleep walking. It may have re- sulted from a fall from a bridge four years ago. Detroit Struck Worst Storm In Many Years DETROIT, June 2.- () -The worst...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…JUNE 3, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGETHREE - - -- --- ----------- - -- - ------------ Rain Postpones Iowa Opener; Teams Play For Title Today -- -n The PRESS ANGLE By GEORGE J. ANDROS Lucky Rain??? ONE of the local sports gentry, who knows whereof he speaks concerning baseball and the Michigan team, has come up with the observation that yesterday's deluge was a stroke of good fortune for the Wolverines. He bases his statement on the...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…E FOUL 'M THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, 3, 1 ~FOUR WEDNESDAY1 3, 11 THE MICHIGAN DAILY tween us and the generation of the twenties-'the content of our thought.' The subject-'the world crisis.. . . palpably, indefinably coloring nearly everything we say or do.' Why, that's absurd. But is it? How often are my thoughts wholly free from fascism, communism, Black Legionism, Red Leagueism, a whole shop window display full of isms-and, draped...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 5

…ESDAY, JUNE 3, 1936 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Band Conducts Lantern Night Line Of March Policy Of Annual Project Reversed By Inclement weather Seniors Given Award Freshman Pageant, Dance Are Presented In Lounge Of W.A.A._Building With a reversal of policy due to inclement weather, Lantern Night's line of march started from the steps of the library last night and con- tinued martially down to Palmer Field house to the strains of "The Victors"...…

June 03, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 176) • Page Image 6

…rAGR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Preuss Condemns Germany's Action In Revoking Nationality 'Man Without A Country' Story Is Being Enacted By 4,000_People Edward Everett Hale's story of the "Man Without a Country" has been put into life's drama en masse, ac- cording to Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department. About 4,000 individuals have had their German nationality revoked and 200,000 others are faced with the same fate in the next f...…

June 03, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

… f The Weather Partly cloudy to cloudy to- day; tomorrow generally fair and warmer. C, I r 3k igun DIaitjj Editorials Time, Incorporated, Marches On ... VOL. XLVII No. 177 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS London, Paris Extend Patrol To 'Bottle Up War InSpain Want Italy And Germany To Come Back Again To 'Hands Off' Committee Roosevelt Reticent On Foreign Policy (By Associated Press) France and Great Britain ...…

June 03, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY n- ,. DAILYOFFCIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 177 Notices Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after June 1, at the Busi- ness office, Room 1, University Hall. Commencement Week programs will also be ready on June 1 or soon thereafter. Inasmuch as only two Yost Field House tickets are available for each Senior, please present iden- tification card when applying...…

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