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June 03, 1933 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-06-03

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able showers, thunder-
cooler Saturday; Sun-



o woo le

III No. 179



Leaders Of American Economic Delegation

'tremist In

New Student
Council Is To
Draw Up Code

Talk On Ship
First Conference Is Held
By Convention Delegates
On Shipboard
Split Into Smaller
Discussion Groups
Secretary Of State Will
Concentrate On Tariff,
Pittman On Money
CONFERENCE, June 2.-(A)-With
whitecaps flashing against the port-
holes and the ship rolling heavily,
American delegates to the world
economic conference assembled to-
night in Secretary of State Hull's
flower-filled cabin for their first
meeting of the trip and decided to
split up the various topics on the
program of the parley.
Secretary Hull said afterwards
that Sen. IKey Pittman of Nevada, a
member of the delegation, was the
most suitable person to study silver
and kindred monetary questions.
Other assignments are not yet defi-
nite, but the secretary of state is ex-
pected to concentrate upon means
for moderating tariff rates.
The first thing the nations need
to do, Mr. Hull said, is to survey the
conditions ,of economic extremism
which have choked international
trade for the normal levy of $50,-
000,000,000 annually to less than
$12,000,000,000 and to decide whether
to continue the practice with its
demonstrated disastrous results.
CPoU n cl Is To
Find Roomers
Fraternity houses that are plan-
ing to stay open during the Sum-
mer Session and Which desire to
have roomers should get in touch
with the Interfraternity Council; it
was announced last night by Max-
well T. Gail, ',secretary-treasurer
of the council. Men who desire such
accommodations should also see the
council, Gail said, since the council
will attempt to serve as a clearing
huose for this information.
Fraternities that have vacant jobs
on their staffs have been asked to
communicate with the council office
also, submitting the names of those
members of their fraternity which
desire jobs at other houses. This
should be done next week or early
in the fall, Gail said.
Bethel B. Kelley, '34, president of
the council, has issued an appeal to
all houses to co-operate with the
activities of the council in putting
out the council handbook. "It is ab-
solutely necessary that we have com-
plete information from each house
if we are going to have the hand-
book ready for next year," Kelley
said. -
Senior Architects
Receive Awards
The faculty of the College of Ar-
chitecture yesterday announced the
annual awards to Senior students in
the College.
The Gold Medal of the American
Institute of Architects, for best
scholarship throughout the four-year
course, the highest award to be
made, was given to William Elbert

Brown of Dallas, Texas.
Harry R. Allen, Jr., of Salt Lake
City received the medal of Alpha
Rho Chi, national architectural fra-
For high scholarship the book
awards of the American Institute of
Architects were presented to Paul
V. Thebaud of Grand Rapids and
Max Leider, of New York City.
Miss Martha Elizabeth Wheeler
of Grand Rapids, Charles William
Burroughs of Milwaukee, and John
C: Allshouse of Ann Arbor also re-
ceived copies of Mr. Irving K. Pond's
book, "The Meaning of Architec-
ture," presented by the author, for
consistent high scholarship.
Ten Named By Messner
To '33'34 S.C.A. Cabinet

Codification Planned
All Rules Pertaining
Student Conduct


-Associated Press Photp
James M. Cox, of Ohio, and Cordell Hull, secretary of state, who
will lead the United States delegation to the world economic confer-
ence in London, June 12. Other delegates are Sen. James Couzens, of
Michigan, Sen. Key Pittman, of Nevada, Rep. Sam McReynolds, of
Tennessee, and Ralph Morrison, of Texas.

Dobbs Elected
Successor To
Noted Political Scientist
Becomes President Of
Princeton University
PRINCETON, N. J., June 2.-(2 )-
Prof. Harold Willis Dodds, political
expert and counsellor to nations, to-
day was chosen by the Princeton
University Board of Trustees as pres-
ident to succeed John Grier Hibben,
who died in retirement.
Only 44 years old, Professor Dodds
appears some years younger despite
a life of crowded activity since he
graduated from Grove City College in
Pennsylvania in 1909.
Professor Dodds will take over the
administrative chair from Edward
D. Duffield, who has been acting
president since Dr. Hiben retired a
year ago.
At the same time announcement
was made of the selection of Luther
P. Eisenhart as dean of the Grad-
uate School and Robert Kilburn Root
as dean of the faculty.
The selection of Professor Dodds is
a departure from the practice of
choosing theologians or philosophers
since the foundation of the univer-
Committee To
Push Search
Into Lobbying
State Police Will Aid In
Investigating Charges ;
Smith And Jarvis Called
LANSING, June 2.-(P)-State po-
lice and the attorney-general's de-
partment were enlisted by the House
committee investigating lobbying to-
day as members promised to resume
the inquiry vigorously next week.
Rep. Lawrence O'Neill (Dem., Pa-
ris), chairman of the committee, said
co-operation had been promised by
both the enforcing and legal branches
of government. He said State police
would serve a subpoena on John W.
Smith, Detroit councilman, to bring
him here next Tuesday to explain
why he called this a "cash and carry"
legislature. He intimated they. alsp
might be used to assist in checking
details of alleged parties in Chicago
and Lansing.
From the Senate came a demand
that Rep. H. H. Jarvis (Dem., Ben-
ton Harbor), who promised to name
members of the Legislature who ac-
cepted money, be forced to amplify
his charges at once.

English Actor
Added To Cast
Of Dumas Play
Robert Loraine Will Take
Part Of Armand In
'Lady Of The Camelias'
Addition to cast of Dumas' "The
Lady of the Camelias" of Robert
Loraine, distinguished English star,
in the role of M. Duval, father to
Armand, was announced yesterday
by Robert Henderson, director of the
Dramatip Season. In addition to
Miss Jane Cowl in the title role of
Marguerite Gautier, this will make
the cast of "The Lady of the Came-
has" include Rollo Peters, Mr. Lo-
raine, Tom Powers and Lewis Martin
in starring roles.
Robert Loraine took prt-in - thei
second production of the Dramatic
Season, "Springtime for Henry," in
which he played the comedy role
of Mr. Jelliwell. In "The Lady of
the Camelias," he will have a highly
dramatic part as M. Duval, culmin-
ating in the "letter" scene in the
third act in which Duval forces Mar-
guerite to give up his son, Armand.
Rollo Peters is cast as Armand,
lover of Marguerite, in "The Lady
of the Camelias," while Tom Powers
plays the villainous Baron de Var-
veille; Lewis Martin is cast as Gas-
ton; and Katherine Wick Kelly
makes her second appearance of the
season as Olympe. Other members of
the cast include Robert Henderson
as Gustave, opposite Peggy Hoven-
den as Nichette. Gwen Delaney,
who had the role of Grace Hallam
in "Another Language," will play
Marguerite's maid, Nanette; and
Francis Compton will appear as the
senile St. Claire.
The production of "The Lady of
the Camelias" will be the most elab-
orate Robert Hendierson has ever
presented in Ann Arbor, he said.
Twenty seven different spot-lights
are being installed to light the pro-
duction, including a special Rein-
hardt system of lighting which Miss
Cowl's special technical director, Mr.
Arthur Edette, has brought with him
to Ann Arbor.
Noel Coward's "Design for Living,"
starring Violet Heming, Geoffrey
Kerr and Tom Powers, is now being
given. The production will play a
matinee and evening performance
today, as well as Monday and Tues-
day night. The management an-
nounces, however, 'that seats are still
available in all sections of the house
for the production.

Seek To Definitely
Mark Out Spheres
Results Of Body's Action
May Be Put Into Next
Year's 'Frosh Bible'
Plans for a codification of all rules
which students are subject to, in-
cluding both the University regula-
tions and those to be laid down by
the newly elected Undergraduate
Council on Student Affairs, are being
made by members of the Council, ac-
cording to- Gilbert E. Bursley, '34,
,University authorities are codify-l
ing University rules at the present
time, and the Council will probably
meet to draw up its own rules some
time during the examination period,
Bursley said. The haste is necessary
because it would be desirable to in-
clude both sets of rules in the "Frosh
Bible" for next year, he explained.
"It is the purpose of the Council,"
he said, "to mark out definitely the
sphere of activity of the Council in
relation to the University adminis-
tration, and it is to this end that the
new codification will be made."
The powers of the new body have
been separated into the constructive
and disciplinary fields by Bursley,
who stated that the disciplinary
functions would be performed, in ac-
cordance with the constitution, by a
committee composed of the president
and four male members to be elected
by the Council. The judiciary com-
mittee, as it will be called, has not
yet been chosen.
Arrangements have been made to
print the minutes of all Council
meetings in The Daily, it was an-
nounced last night.
More tha- 100 otlthe new
constitution will be mimeographed
for distribution to students who are
particularly interested, Bursley said,
while there will be an attempt
made to make a copy available to
every student next fall.-
Garner Checks
Revolt Against
Economy Bill

40th Summer
Session Plans
Draw Interest
All Departments Except
Law School Will Open
Monday, June 29
'Splendid Interest'
ReportedBy Kraus
Excursions, Lectures, Con-
certs, And Plays To Be
Special Features
With advance inquiries indicating
a "splendid interest," final arrange-
ments were being made this week for
the 40th annual Summer Session,
which will offer as well-balanced a
program of activities as has ever
been planned, according to Dean
Edward H. Kraus.
After a slump in response during
and immediately following the bank-
ing holiday, Dean Kraus said, in-
quiries picked up, and during the
month of May they have been about
as numerous as they were during the
same period last year.
The 1933 Summer Session will
open Monday, June 29, in all
branches of the University except
the Law School, where the first term
is to begin Tuesday, June 20, and the
Field Station for Geology and
Geography, which will also begin
work on June 20.
Registration Begins June 22.
In general, registration will take
place June 22, 23, 24, and 26, al-
though in some schools it will not
begin until June 23 and in the
Graduate School it begins June 21.
Law School registration will be held
June 16, 17, and 19. Hours and
rooms for registration are to be
found in detail in the Daily Official
The session in the majority of the,
schools and colleges will cover a pe-
riod of eight weeks, closing Friday,
Aug. 18. In the Law School the
second ter will begin July 26 and.
An instructional staff of more
than 400 members, including 40
prominent educators from other in-
stitutions in this country and abroad,
will conduct the 700 courses to be
offered this year.
All Facilities Available
All facilities of the University are
available, and all work is not only
an integral part of the University,
according to Dean Kraus, but is
equivalent in method, character, and1
credit value to similar work offered
during the regular term.
Eleven excursions, 26 lectures,
seven concerts, and nine plays will
be offered as part of a broad pro-
gram of special features accompany-
ing the academic program for the
session, the complete program for
which is listed in the announcement.
Trips to Detroit, the Ford plant,
Niagara Falls and vicinity, the Gen-
eral Motors Proving Ground at Mil-
ford, Ford's Greenfield Village and'
Airport, the Cranbrook Schools at
Bloomfield Hills, Put-in-Bay on Lake
Erie, and the new Michigan State
Prison at Jackson will be included
on the schedule of summer excur-
sions this year.
Gould On Summer Faculty
Prof. Laurence M. Gould, well-
known geologist and explorer who
will return to the faculty here for
the summer, will conduct the excur-
sions to Niagara Falls and Put-in-
Bay. The others will be in charge of

Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour-
nalism department.
Thomas W. Stevens, founder of
the Carnegie Drama School and now
director of the Artist Guild Theatre
in St. Louis, will be visiting director
of the Michigan Repertory Players,
a dramatic group which carries on
the Play Production work during the
Summer Session.
The Summer Dramatic Season will
open Friday, June 23, and a play
will be given every night through
July 1 with the exception of Sunday.
After the first week, plays will be
given each Wednesday through Sat-
urday during the eight weeks of the
Timely Lectures Scheduled
Authorities in many fields of en-
deavor, drawn from both the resi-
dent and visiting faculties, will ap-
pear in a series of lectures after-
noons at 5 p. m. on timely political,
scientific, and educational topics.
In addition to the instruction
given in Ann Arbor, specialized
(Continued on Page 6)

Vice-President's Vote
Cided Fate Of Act
ting Veterans' Pay


sons were injured when a transport
plane crashed at Municipal airport
this afternoon.
Reed suffered scalp injuries and
possibly a back injury. He was rushed
to a hospital. Physicians said that
he apparently was not hurt danger-
W. E. Gregory, of Tulsa, received
scalp cuts, and R. F. Lee, pilot of the
plane, cuts about the face and hands.
The accident occurred as the ship
was taking off for Dallas. At an alti-
tude of about 15 feet, airport at-
tendants said, the motor quit with
the plane headed toward a hangar.
Lee succeeded in clearing the hangar,
but the plane's undercarriage was
-tom *a*1-p
B y University
Degrees In Letters, Law,
And Business Will Be
Given In 7-Year Plan
Due to the increase in the magni-
tude and complexity of business op-
erations and their close relationship
with the law profession, the Univer-
sity is now offering a combined pro-
gram in Letters, Business, and Law.
The course leads to degrees from
each of the three schools and short-
ens the time required to earn the
degrees separately from nine years
to seven years and two summer ses-
sions, which can be completed in
seven calendar years.
"The advantage of the plan is that
it provides a balanced and co-ordi-
nated program in the two closely-
related fields and further that it en-
ables the student to complete such
a course with a substantial saving
of time over that required for the
three degrees earned separately,"
Dean C. E. Griffin of the School of
Business Administration said.
The requirements for admission to
the School of Business Administra-
tion on the above plan are the same
as those for the ordinary Letters
and Business combination, that is,
the student must have at least 90
hours with one and one-half honor
points per hour to his credit. The
90 hours must include at least 12
hours of economics, of which courses
51 and 52 and 171 and 172 are re-
After the completion of three
years' work in the literary college,
the work of the School of Business
Administration is started in the fol-
lowing Summer Session and com-
pleted in the fourth and sixth years
of the course.
The student is enrolled in the Law
School at the beginning of the fifth
year of the course. Another Summer
Session follows between this year
and the sixth. During this Summer
Session, the student completes one-
third of a year of law, and in the
sixth year he is enrolled in both the
School of Business Administration
and the Law School. With the com-
pletion of this year, the degree of
M. B. A. will be conferred and the
student will also have third-year
standing in the Law School, At the

LONG BEACH, Calif., June 2.--P)
-At least 11 persons were killed and
18 injured near here today, officers
said, in a terrific oil refinery explo-
sion which was felt for 30 miles and
started fires later brought under con-
The blast broke windows two miles
away in the downtown section of
Long Beach, and created intense ex-
citement throughout the city, which
was struck by an earthquake last
Flames in great sheets shot high
into the air, and before fire appa-
ratus could reach the scene a crowd
of some 15,000 persons blocked the
streets. The apparatus was delayed
by the crush.
The refinery is located at Twenty-
seventh and Lime Streets.
The first identified dead was
Thomas Collins, an employee of the
Woman and Child Perish
It was reported Ithat among those
who perished were a woman and a
baby. It was the greatest diater
that ever swept therfamous Signal
Hill District, one of the big oil pro-
ducing fields of Southern Calfornia,
located on the northeast border of
Long Beach.
Vast clouds of black smoke belched
from the laming structures, the
havoc appearing to have spread over
several acres of the plant. Half an
hour after the blast the flames were
raging beyond all control.
Signal Hill fairly bristles with oil
derricks, which are in such' close
proximity that at a distance the field
has the appearance of a forest of
dead trees. The eminence overlooks
Long Beach and the nearby coastal
Terrified residents rushed from
homes in all iarts of the city when
the blast shattered windows.
The compression plant, with 10
compressors and eight 1,000-barrel
tanks were burning fiercely at 2:30
p. m.
Million Dollar Loss
The damage to the plant was esti-
mated by workmen at over a million
Derrick houses on practically all
wooden rigs in the Signal Hill sec-
tion were demolished and many wells
All available fire apparatus was
rushed to the scene, but the flames
were so hot that firemen could not
get near the center of the' blast.
Witnesses said that houses were
crumpled worse than in the recent
earthquakes. Sides of buildings caved
in and furniture was blown into the
Germany May
Repudiate Al
Foreign Debts
BERLIN, June 2.-(P)-President
Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank,
addressing the final session of a five-
day conference of Germany's foreign
creditor bankers, made a statement
today interpreted by everyone pres-
ent as meaning that Germany next
week will declare a moratorium on all
her external debts.
After reading a communique issued
by all the delegates, he said:
"This puts the decision for further
action straight up to the Reichsbank.
Our decision, which is irrevocableis
that we will not permit further
shrinkage of our gold and devisen
(bills of foreign exchange)."
Vyn Names Five
To 'Ensian Staff

WASHINGTON, June 2.-(P)-By
the margin of a vice-presidential
vote, administration leaders checked.
a revolt in the Senate today against
the economy act, but not until an
amendment had been inserted in the
independent offices appropriation bill
adding $170,000,000 to ease the con-
templated reductions in veterans'
By the single vote cast by Vice-
President Garner to break a tie, a
compromise amendment by Senator
Connally (Dem., Tex.) was adopted
to limit to 25 per cent reductions in
World War service connected dis-
ability compensations and pensions
of veterans of the Spanish-American
War. The vote was 43 to 42.
Senator Byrnes (Dem., S. C.) then
inserted a $170,000,000 appropriation
to take care of the heavier expendi-
tures and the independent offices
bill was passed without a record vote.

Jackson Hole District Will Be
Surveyed By Professor James

I Annirip nnt o n ix ±±v'n-eei'craeu

manouncemenc of a ilye-weex geo-
graphical survey of the Jackson Hole
basin, Wyoming, and the surrounding
Board Lim its mountain ranges, starting August 10
from Camp Davis Wyoming, was
W arehousin made yesterday by Prof. Preston E.
James of the geography department,
Stat 's who will head the expedition. Profes-
Of State's Beer sor James, who will teach at the Uni-
versity of California Summer Session
1 earlier in the summer, will be assisted

of areas in the United States. This
book is being prepared for the Inter-
national Geographical C o n g r e s s
which will probably meet in the
United States in 1934."
Other members of the University
geography department who are con-
ducting these surveys are Prof. Rob-
ert B. Hall, who is studying the De-
troit-Port Huron industrial corridor
and Prof. Stanley D. Dodge who is
making a similar study of New Eng-
"This territory is interesting be-

LANSING, June 2.-( P)-Facing
the most controversial issue since its
creation, the state liquor control

by five graduate students from the
University here.
"The purpose of this survey" Pro-

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