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June 03, 1930 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-03

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dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)
VOL. XL. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 No. 17 Director Who Resigned in 1929
f___________________ Succumbs After Prolonged !xF
NOTICES 'hSiege of Illness. I
Reimbursement of persons using their own automobiles while travel- h
ing on University business: At the annual meeting of the Regents on (ly Associted Press)
June 17, 1927, the following rules were adopted for the reimbursement WASHINGTON, Jne 2.--Herbert
of parsons using their own automobie while traveling on UniversityI M. Lord, former director of the ".
bursiness: Bud get, died today.
2.l hen thealenative at alltieomf usig hsown ca with rvaima- a i o
1. Any person traveling on the University's account within the State Gen. Lord had been in poor
haeeti therefor in the amount of the usual common carrier rate e al since his retirement as
director of the Budget last year.
between the points covered by his i urne y. (When common carrier n isson, Maj. thennet P. A rtr .
service is odeqtely availablete University cannot properly be is snMaC.Knetent Lor,
chaged more than a carrier faic. If the travelerdesires to ue hi recently visited him, but returned.t:A ia :.. Br""g ,.resBrt e:ehs
awn. car for his reoatertpleasure. his cvencein or other reasons, heto Fort prevenpothny ewi . clay th P p1hn et a idin Ba ..,anm.Bd
may do so, but the University will remburse him only to the amount ago. His daughter, Mr. Frank Vanh
chargeable for the journey by rail, interurban, or bus, or other common Rensselaer, of Elmira, N. Y., was 1
carrier.) mwith him when he died at 8:35 a. ss..:r dh.
2. When reasonablyadsquate common carrier service is not availa -aHat his home. I
ble any person traveling for the niersiLy may use his own car with I Gen. Lord resigned June 1, 1929
expectation ofareimbursement at the rate of seven cents per mile between I announcinr he intended to take a FK
the points covered, provided always that the trip, at that rate, has been position with the firm of Arthur SI
duly authorized on prmper requisition in advance, by the authorized Kleeman Co. investment brokers,JnF
Dean, or other departmental official, or bythe President or the Secre- in New York. IIl health, however IRear Admiral Richad E Byd siht, gets Ben t Belohen, his
ary.nTherleofathm orationthnava. nceisntostbe waived except h had prevented any extensive d ISouth Pole pilot, when the latter aived in Balboa Panama. Byrd had
in cases of genuine emergencydsstnlinbtion in business. oitr eydedBelrenBlbdho-
3. Charges for barking space (or e ,uivalent garage storage) will be He succeeded Charles G. Dawes,
allowed in addition to seven cents per mile or common carrier fare.i new ambassador to Great Britain, tBrideroom o DetainedgPURSUER INJURED
4. Only one fare or one charge of seven cents per mile will be uas director of the budget in 1922. IloweoeenihnghfhehrierhardenaepsWnge manowhtawasepursng thminn
_______ Wen ried KiledB Y BANK BANDI TS
allowed even touhbtes drierb carre aUmvssers orr thaud n ponei Eat _____4________41_E__Phsidig.auombie.
passenger on University account. Woerschis using their cars on Univer- P D UNIV RTY: bok-
wnty acoutarreibu e theynr arc ntelling trahsortaon to thelet of some 50 pages, printed in I DENVER, Coyp., Jun: D and Victim Follow Four
U . nd ddrsv s o r y ialywedcarwhileCgn generalresumeI bridegroom of less than 24 hours, Men After Bank Is Looted.
5. As dsoeny person driving his own orcountrprvwtyia Joftheuniversity, its history, acti-n EverettE . Stewart today was in st
traveling for the University, dohss nhsonacon n o san viie
agent for the University; he assumes all risk of accident to property or iiesd, and some of the outstand- cstory here while officers investi- ie(r y .so ietd Press)
Ie)Pymen and women connected gated the fatal shooting of C. W. MANCELONA, Mich., June
pesnSite fhimlf or othr, N ersoids askd toerey his adntbenoee frte
ownsor n, ihof ilr ot'scrohersniv peitscont-haedodsronleoiwith it, has been issued for distri-Maloneya friend, believed the vc- four bandits who robbed the An- i
own or an th r' c r n t e ni erit 's ac ou t-h d es so ony n t n t uh ou n l t C inga. thtyarn ohf a vetthac oe ctgriLma utathe m aden s fankher eothis
his own choice or initiative. He may always use a comrt'ion carrier___ truhu hiatmo rgcjok.ti tt aigs akhr ti
even though it may be more expensive or though thec route may not t ..-ner --- b o .dby --roa de n fcrmorning wounded a Mancelona I
be convenient as to time or location. TrhoUniversity can and does Young will talk on "An Approximate Solution of the Schrodinger Wav utomobile sp utn
insure all autonobiles owned by the University, including public Equation" at 4:15 in Room 1041, East Physics Building.be
liability risks; it cannot possibly cover such risks in the case of privately Astronomy 32 Laboratory: Those students who missed the constela- I The bandits entered the bank at
wnerivby their owners or others, and for this reason it can tion quiz Monday may take it tody mat9 Bg4i m 9:30 and compelled several custom-s
poned arndivnecte uniat40 'okthstnonn eteatmblslain tbt e.cr. b a l emles ante fmen-
not and does not consent to assume any liability whatever either for e bandmts and the ep-"
accident or injury to property or persons. It must, therefore, be express-'Un B.Cmisgr .edfr thansadofdirgc-
muetoodnasdayvJstated, that any person driving his own car while Jonica Strrs: Play Pro tors, who were meeting in the di-
ly~~~~uto understoodhose aserabovet ectr'rot i ntefor
traveling on official business for the University, assumes all liability forr Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evening performances of the win rcey ashtookte. mey f the
accidents property damage, or personal injury, of any nature whatso- ntPwiyhm .ngut sthree-act pln e iet b ln htei' ag, arnd honlern the
e v e r ) 4 .
J. fic. nBhissin'synes.Cicktsorainbn i et, t hle' ae, d o ontleaning "the
SryBlTyn BnmibBVice President and Secretarywh vault had not been opened for the
Athena final meeting of the year in the Cave at the Michigan League dating lae o frleaher ior
VarsityTracke ainditheAr, ibe taken at 12:15 o'clock today at at 6 p. . Dinner wil be followed by a program and election of ofan aed i
the Rentschler Studios. Please bring track shoes and suits.n nsTbc automobile and sped out of town.
Milton G. Kendrick, Manager Alpha Kappa Delta: Annual picnic and final meeting this evening Herbert Sullivan and an Alba
I at the residence of Prof. L. J. Carr on Hempstead Lane. Those desiring doctor, who were in the bank, pur-
Union Executive Council: There will be a meeting of the newly transportation should be at the Economics Bldg. at 4:30, or6 6mmpne sued the bandits in the doctor's
appointed Union Executive council at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in the automobiles leaving at both times. car. Several miles outside of Man-
student offices of theUnion. A. Donohue, president celona, the pursuing car came close
Varsity Glee Club: The annual banquet will be held at the Michigan ito the bandits and the latter open-
University Loan Committee:. The University Loan Committee will! Union at 6 p. in Come in street drces ed fire with a sawed-off shotgun.
meet on Wednesday, June 4, at 1:30 p. in., in Room 2, University Hall.udn_'Several slugs struck Sullivan in the
llnapglicanrts forlan h o umdr cssln a reier the Danof e P a iSgafnlmeiga :0i h hgnUionTp MNgma
AlUniversity Girls' Glee Club r4et at the UniotA at 6:15 p,.4hfr face and shoulder. He left the ma-
students for an appointment with the Committee. banquet, as guests of the Band and Men's Glee Club. chine and returned here for treat-
J. A. Bursley, Chairman p.. ment, the doctor continuing the
Varsity Band: The Annual Band-Glee Club Banquet will be held hs.Tedcolstim inpr
Early Classification to Stop Saturday Noon: Students in the College at the Michigan Union tonight at 6:30 Members of the band ae'mittng Sullivan. to leave his car
f Literature, Science, and the Arts, in the School of Education, and, requested to wear uniformsy and the bandits outdistanced him.
in the School of Music, who expect to return next fall, are being given! Formnationi Wednesday night for Concert on Campus. Bring Racks Tefclyo h nvriyo
the privilege of making their elections of courses and sections now. ByI and folios. There will be no concert in case of rain. Mihigfancumb f hierss27. of i
classifying now these students not only get the first choice of sections,j All uniforms must be turned in at Morris Hall.Thursday afternoon ign numberarpofssors.(inctud-
but also save themselves time and trouble next fall. Junec 5. Refunds will be made at that time. Uniforms for Commenc-!ngme232wh are rered),o101(arela-
Early, cassification will continue this week and no longer. moent will be issued at Morris Hall on Wednesday, June '18. ~i 3two aesrstr, 1 ar assin r-,
D. L. Rich iscaepoesr,17assatpo
Tau Beta Pi: short business meeting at 7:15 p. in. in the Union. essois, and 309 instructors.
Graduate Students: Beginning with June 3, graduate students!
planning to enroll for the summer session may register in the office ! Pi Tauz Pi Sigma final meeting at 5:30 in the Michigan Union Tap
of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall, between the hours of 9:00 i'room.-
a. M. to 1.2:00 Noon, and 2:00 p. mn. to 4:00 p. in. i
SaiaConrad, Recorder I Michigani Technic-Staff and Asitant: Lat ncI.me'Mims Aof the v ur 1 F i1A-J

I"Known as a peace loving na-
tion, Switzerland has a universalj
military service and in an emer-
gency can put 400,000 trained men
in the field, fully armed and
equipped" said Col. W. F. H. God-
son, of the United States Army,k
speaking before students of the
University of Detroit last week on
the contrast between the Swiss
military system and that in use in
"The most pacific, and at the
same time, the mostmilitant na-
tion is Switzerland", stated Col.
Godson. "Every male Swiss of nine- ,
teen is subject to military service
and appears automatically before
the doctor of his canton for phy-
sical examination. The value of the
Swiss system was exemplified in
the World war. The Swiss army was
mobilized at the start, and al-
though Switzerland was in the cen-
I ter of hostilities, its neutrality was
ynot violated during the four years
of warfare. Only the.preparedness
of Switzerland saved that nation
from war when all the nations of
Europe and most of the nations of
the world were engaged in the
"Although the Swiss military
system is an ideal one, it is not ap-
plicable to our country because of
the tremendous numbers that
would appear annually for train-
ing. The Citizens' Military Training
Camps provide a happy colution 1
for our needs and their success has
been unquestioned."
I"These camps," continued Col.
1Godson, "teach young men organ-,
ization, sanitation, and conduct in
an emergency, yet attendance at
these camps in no way obligates a1
young man for military service at
any time in the future. In case of
a national crisis and the youth of
the country are called to arms,
those who have attended the Citi-
zen's Military Training Camps are
more fortunate because they are
better prepared."
The quota for Michigan is almost
completed and those wishing to
attend the 1930 Citizens' Militaryl
Training Camps .will have to make!
applications at once.
Farm 1enaKt ils Self
After Slaying Farmer
(Ry Associated Press)'
GALIEN, June 2.-Jacob Till, 37,
a farm tenant, Sunday shot to
death the owner of the farm on
which he worked and later killed
himself in a thicket where he had
been surrounded by a posse of offi-
cers and farmers.

Rains Will Make Salt Deposes
todInaccessible Morasses of
n Mud and Slime.
(Bly _4sociatc d Press).
BOMBAYY, June 2--A drizzling'
rain fell over Bombay presidency
today, marking the first of. the
rainy season which comes every
summer with the arrival of the
This year the rain will mark the
end of an important phase of the
Indian Nationalist civil disobedi
ence campaign. The showers of to.
day will be torrents tomorrow, and",
the salt deposit areas, such as at;,
Wadala and Dharasana, will be-
comeaorasses of mud and slime,
inaccessible to the raiders who dur-
ing the last two months have har-
rassed British police guarding,
The final raid of the year at.
Wadala was undertaken Sunday by
15,000 Nationalist volunteers an.r ,
spectators. Presence of troops w
abelieved to have restrained ti;
crowdsomewhat,' although about
150 persons were injured when the<
police charged with their bambo
With abandonment of the car -
paign against the salt law, the N,--:
tionalist volunteers are stressing,
the non-payment of taxes, a cam-e
paign of possibly much more seri-
ous. import for the British authorl
ties than that just concluded.
Await News of. Mexican
Aviator Long Overdue'
(C3ys ociated Pressd b
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., June.:2.
Col. Roberto Fierro, Mexicand w
tor, had not arrived at Kelly Field
here today, more than 18 hours af-
ter, his departure from Burbank,
Calif., and officials expressed' belief;
he had been forced 'down andwa
unable to notify his representative,
in San Antonio of his plight.
The flyer left Burbank early,
Sunday ,with San Antonio his def
tination for the first leg of a flight
to New York. From New York:
he expected to attempt a non-stop
flight to Mexico City. Later.he
planned to fly from Bahia, Brazil
to Dakar, Africa.
IStudents of business administrationiseek.
ing experience with - financial organization
can earn an excellent income - duriig tt
summer with an established Detroit cor-
Address C. F. CLARKE, 66 Hammond
Building, Detroit.

I IT11't1111

h I I I I 11.1 1111111 1111

j,1111 I m ofj si~1,1,



- - at 8:00 p. mn. All staff members must be present.
Conflicts in Final Examinations, Colleges of Engineering and Arch- 1 :0 .mm.
itecture: All students having conflicts in final examinations must report Michiganensian Business Staff meets at 4:00 p. m. All tryouts are
to my office, room 3223 East Engineering Building, not later than Wed-~ l expected to be present,
nesday, June 4. On the bulletin board adjacent thereto will be found
blank cards for reporting conflicts. These are to be filed as indicated Christian Science Organization meets in the Chapel of the Michigan
by the notice on my bulletin board. J. C. Brier League Building at 8 p. m.
Final Examination in Political Science 32: The following rooms will I COMING EVENTS
be used for this examination: University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information:
Mr. Pollock's section in Room 1025 A. H. At 4:15 Friday a representative of the Adix Realty Corporation of
Mr. Preuss' sections in Room 1025 A. H. Detroit will interview students desiring employment during summer
Mr. Cuncannon's sections in Room 20 A. H. vacation representing this Corporation in their home towns. Come to
Mr. Calderwood's sections in Room 25 A. H. 201 Mason Hall for appointments. T. Luther Purdom
Mr. Dorr's sections in Room 35 A. H. -
Mr. Maddox's sections in Room 1035 A. H. Summer Employment: Mr. H. P. Arnt, a representative of the Argo
James K. Pollock, Jr. Company, of Hillsdale, Mich., will be in Room 302 Michigan Union, on
Wednesday, June 4, from 9 to 12 a. in. and 2 to 5 p. in. to interview
Speech 31 and 32 Final Examinations: Speech 31 final examination students interested.
will be held in Room 25, Angell Hall, Wednesday afternoon, June 11, -
from 2 to 5 p. m. Pi Lambda Theta: Important meeting of old and new officers on
Speech 32 final examination will be held in Room 103, RomarWce Wednesday at 4 p. in. in the lobby of the League Building.
Language Building, Wednesday afternoon, June 11, from 2 to 5 p. in.
Wherever the examination schedule in Mathematics conflicts with ' The Junior Group of the A. A. U. W. will hold a Benefit Bridge
the examination in Speech, the former shall take precedence. Students I on Saturday, June 7, from 2 to 5 p. in., at the home of Mrs. L. W.
who for this reason are obliged to take a make-up examination in Oliphant at Barton Hills. For further information call 6804.
Speech 31 and 32 shall meet in Room 4202, Angell Hall, Tuesday after-
noon at 4 p. in., June 3, to arrange a suitable hour for the examination.
G. E. Densmore
Students, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: All students in LydiaEN D E L S S O H
these Colleges, taking courses other than Chemistry and Physics in the!
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, who have not caed at th-TH EA T R E
Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building, to give the names of
their instructors in such courses-- G HAND EVERY NIGHT
must do so before 4 Uciock on Wed- ] THIS WEEK
nesday, June 4, in irder to receive
their grades promptly at the close BROWN C RE SS Promptly at 8:15 P. M.
of the semester. 3 Matinees-Wed., Thurs., Sat., at 3:15
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary & CompanyInc.
Senior Engineers: A Machinery MODERN PART
Manufacturing Co. wishes to em- I N V E ST M E N T
ploy an engineering graduate as a S E C U R I T I E S O B Ei-T tt&ND&R43ON -
draftsman and desires -that hyIHSeON DS iN TO i r0 P EGEN 4
study law evenings for the purpose HA TH& DI9TINQTIQN TO P - &NT
of eventually handling their patent Order, executed on all ex-
work. Anyone interested please call changes. Accounts carried
Frank A. Mickle on conservative margin.
EVENTS TODAY Telephone 23271
meeting at 4:15 in Room 201, Uni- ANN ARBOR TRUST BLDG.y
versity Hall. ,,,AtNB ORR S B D
Physics Colloquium: Mr. Lloyd A. . ,., ...- ,,A ME P-1 C AS - GR. EAT ES T -"STAF,



Special Price to University Girls on Wedding
Invitations and Announcements

nd erclassmen-


Next September when you return we will be located in our new
studio, just next door to our present location. We invite you to
drop up and look through the entire studio-You will be pleas-
antly surprised.



In Oscar Widle's Sparkling Modern Comedy
- r - - - - - - - - - - - - - .i1r.... . .iR r -i







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