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June 03, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-06-03

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ESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930

Thousands View Giant Dirigible
in Lakehurst Hanger as
Ship Is Repaired.


GOVERNENT BEST~ Ballots,Report Lost
Shanghai Professor Says Party CHICAGO, June 2. -- The way
in Power Strongest Since magicians, in national convention,
Rvolution of 1911 dec officers is, as might b
os, as19g11.e



The election of the Society of
American Magicians was held Sun- 1



Hydrogen Supply Replenished;
Air Liner Will Carry
16,000 Pieces of Mail.

(By Associated Prcss)
LAKEHURST, N. J., June 2.-
Having again received the homage
of multitudes of air-tninded Ameri-
cas, the famous German dirigible
Graf Zeppelin was being prepared
today for Its seventh trans-Atlantic
crossing en route home on a voy-
age touching three continents.
Thousands of visitors streamed
through the naval air station
hangar Sunday to gaze at the huge
airship while workmen repaired
broken struts and pumped fuel gas
aboard to have the air liner ready
for its departure, set for 9 o'clock
tonight. It is expected to fly over
Newr York about 11 p. m.
All that remained to be done to-
day before the dirigible sets out
on her 5,500-mile trip to Friedrich-
shafen, Germany, by way of Seville,
Spain, was the replenishing of the
supply, of hydrogen in the lifting
View Ship For 11 Hours.
Previous visits of the Zeppelin
seemed only to have intensified in-
terest in the airship, judging by the
throng which journeyed -to the
naval station by airplane, train,
motor car and on foot to view- it.
Marshaled in long queques by
marines and navy men, the visitors
moved through the hangar in an
unbroken line for 11 hours, gazing
at the huge bag and peering into
the cabine and gondolas.
Two enlisted men from the crew
of the United States navy dirigible
Los Angeles have been invited to
make the trip to Friedrichshafen
as unofficial members of the crew,
W. A. Russell, chief machinist's
mate, and F. L. Peckham, chief
boatswain's mate, have been de-
signated by Commander M. R.
Pierce, commanding officer of the
station, to make the trip. Applica-
tion was made to the navy depart-
moent for permission for them to
make the trip.
Six Making Round Trip.
In the- passenger list are six per-
sons Who- mnlade the trip from Eu-
rape to South America and here on
the Graf. They were the Infante
Don Alfonso, cousin of the king of
Spain; Col. ,Emilio Herrera of the
Spanish air force; Dr.. Jeronime
lMegias, physician to King Alfonso;
Seinr. Frederico Garia Sanchiz;
Mrs. Mary Pierce of New York and
Pritz Swicky, merchant, of Zurich,
Carl Fiches, assistant manager
of airship operations for the Good-
year Zeppelin Co., of Akron, O., has
arranged to go as a member of the
crew. He has been ordered to the
Zeppelin plant at Friedrichshafen,
to study. He is exchanging places
with Knute Eckener, son of Dr.
Hugo Eckener, commander of the
Graf, now stationed at the Good-
year Zeppelin 'plant at Akron. I
Postan authorities estimated the
Zeppelin would carry 16,000 pieces
of mail on the return trip.
Beta Gamma Sigma, recently es-
tablished honorary business admin-
istration fraternity, has elected
nie of the Alumni whose scholas-'
tic Trecord while in school met the
requirements, Dean Clare E. Grif-
fin, of the School of Business Ad-
ministration announced at the
banquet of the second annual
Alumni conference, Saturday night
in the Union.
Those elected were: Randolph B.
-Monroe, '29, Gerald F. Dewirst, '29,1
John P. Sullivan, '29, Milton S. Bos-
ley, '29, Robert P. Briggs, '28, Wal-
ter C. Howe, '29, George L. Hull, '27,
Merwin H. Waterman, '26, and D.
Maynard Phelps, '26, all of the
School of Business Administration.

day. Each voter was obliged to roll
Stating that the Nanking gov- up his sleeves, remove his hat and
ernment, the present controlling mark his ballot with the same pen-
factor in China, is the best organ- cil on an especially prepared piece'
ized party in control since the rev- of paper cut into 350 pieces, each
olition of 1911, Dr. George B. Cres- numbered. Each voter likewise
sey, profetsor at Shanghai College was compelled to take a strange
oath not to tamper with the cm-,
in Shanghai, China, declared that blematic ballot box,
China has two problems to solve be- | Theo Hardeen. retiring president,
fore it can hope to become unified.- reached for the first ballot. He
These two problems are the ove drew out a rabbit. In went his
density of population and the lack h~andaan.n otcm
of adequate transportation facili- jand again, and out came a lighted
ties. Because of the former, land candle. Then la pair of handcuffs,
a glass of, water, a Japanese. Ian-
being so scarce that there is ans,
average of only 0.3 acres ptern, a canary, a petunia in a flow-
averge f oly 03 aresper per-! er pot, yards of ribbon, and finally
son, the Chinese are barely able to, dny
fproducethe necessities of life, and a stein of an mber fluid. This
poverty and famine conditions oc- have gone on indefinitely,
cur frequently. This is in contrast but others wanted to vote.
to an average of 22 acres of land Finally, John. Mulholland called
per person in the United States, he to the tellers to cease the count.
said. "I can read the ballots," he said,
EThe other problem, that of trans-! "and the show the convention

Three Men Killed by Machine
Gun Bullets at Fox
Lake Hotel.
(£ V -Iss0ciatcd I P-rss)
CHICAGO, June 2 - Multiple
murder, 'raised to its high point St.
Valentine's day, 1929, passed an-
other milestone Sunday. Three men
slain and two other persons-one
a woman--were wounded .perhaps
The killers used machine guns.
An hour later and at a spot on
>North Clark St. not half a milce


Billy Arnold, piloting a car entered by Harry Hartz, gets the checkered flag as he crosses the finish line
on the two and one-half mile brick oval at Indianapolis. Arnold averaged slightly over 100 M. P. H. in a
thrilling race in which one mechanic was killed and 17 cars were wrecked. Arnold, who only 26 years old,

gained the lead in the third lap an
pits only once during the entire ra
Development of New Seaplane1
Gives Commercial Business
Advantage to Nation.
(By Associated Press)
. PARIS, June 2.-By producing at
seaplane capable of flying the 2,0001
mile expanse of the South Atlantic
between Africa and South America,,
the French have brought Paris
within three and one-half days of,
Buenos Aires for mail deliveries, asj
against 17 days by boat; and con-
solidated their lead over the Ger-
mans in the struggle to capture the!
air transport business between
Europe and South America, poten-I
tially so valuable, both in prestige
and profits.
The success of Jean Mermoz andl
the Latecoere planes in crossing
the South Atlantic with the mails
has bridged the last gap in the 3,-
000 mileaair line between Toulouse,
France and Buenos Aires, capitall
of the Argentine, said to be the
longest ait line in the world.
Several experimental types were'
tried out, but proved lacking. The
company finally settled on a mono-
plane with 63 feet wing-spread,
weighing 5,725 pounds empty and
11,100 fully loaded, equipped with
two metal floors each 27 1-2 feet


long. Equipped with a 600-horse-
power Hispano-Suiza motor, the
machine revealed a speed of 140
miles an hour, a ceiling of 13,000
feet, and got off the water in 33
seconds. In tests, the plane broke!
the world's closed circuit record for
seaplanes with a flight of 4,308,34G'
With this machine, Mermoz, one
of the company's crack pilots, flew
the 2,000 miles of South Atlantic inl
22 hours, 5 minutes, accompanied
by Dabry, navigator; Gimier, ra-
dio operator, and Damat, chief of
the air service at Toulouse, and
carrying a load of mail.
Dr. Rickert Returns
From Oregon MeetingI
Dr. U. Garfield Rickert, of the
School of Dentistry, has returned
from a trip to Portland, Oregon,
where for the past two weeks hej
has delivered lectures before the1
Oregon State Dental association.

nd was never headed during the remaining 197 laps. He came into the portation, is serious. In all China unanimously in favor of James
ce, losing only 2 minutes, 56 seconds to change tires, oil water, and gas.I there are only 8,000 miles of rail- Wobensmith, Philadelphia, for
-roads, and 25,000 miles of automo- president; Eugene. -Laurant, Chi-
bile roads. This, he stated, greatly cago, and C. Elliott Smith, Detroit,
'0NhLH lNPCnrFIN 5 hinders the movement of govern- i vice presidents; Royal L. Vilas, New
toCo u Study Ument troops, as well as the mails, York, for secretary; Harry Rou-
t Cont illue Plany and freighting of produce. Until clere, New York, treasurer, and
of Bairch Tree Pest Icnntb" Io er oflthe wordd.r(U:th."
C, OMMEHC1 1"TT canne toete s a eolte wd. n e ula dtro h .
---- "The leaders of the Nanking gov- Someone shouted for a recount,
Prof SauelA. Gaha, o th ernment are briliant in many re- but the ballot box had disappeared
Prof. Samuel A. Graham, of the I
School of Forestry and Conserva- Hoover's Committee on Business spects," he added. Since the revo- Missing also was the treasurer's re-
Scolo 1911, China has been inj ot irusacCwihTes
tion, with the aid of his assistant, Reports Industries Plan actin of istube. rport, a circumstance which Tres-I
Ralph Hill, will continue this sum- Ga ontinual state of disturbancepe u urer, Rouclere bemoaned because,
mer his study of the Bronze Birch Great Enlargement. Political parties gain power, rule he said, that for the first time in
Borer, an insect that kills birch the government for a few months, the history of the society the boobs
trees by tunneling beneath their CALL CRASH TEMPORARY and then when opposing factions d
I bark and thus girdling them. This unite against them, are overthrown- e convention closed Sunday
insect has been considered to be (y Assocatd r The Nanking government, gain- .hen c
Iobic.oe'buinesssrveyscnfer-nasonosadlooedmiliaryec ntrol
one of the most important enemies WASHINGTON, June 2.-President ing power in this mad scramble,
of birch. Hoover's business s rvey hasnfenower a l oh sea Tilitay conro a hi B e cIO e
It appears especially injurious to ences has found American industry over all China. The men at the ati Beach Opens
shade trees, over-matured trees, backed by a hearty public confi- head of it are young, and capable. for
Cl trai-Shekr-mpresidentesofItherSummer Sao
and to those left after logging op- Bence in the future, struggling suc- ankpd o
erations. In the case of birches cessfully to overcome the temporary mander-inchie of he Nank Sunday afternoon marked the
left after logging operations, it has set-back it received from the stock armies, is ably aided by his broth- opening of the municipal bathing
been found that practically all the market crash last fall. er-in-law, T. V. Soong, finance min- beach with Wesley Nott serving as
trees die. Professor Graham in- In a review of existing conditions ister. Other members of the Soong general manager in charge of the
causes involved leading up to the in more than 100 lines of business family hold gvernment positions, bathing beach and bath houses.
made public last night by Julius and because o this family predom-
death of such trees with the pur- Barnes, conference chairman, the inance the government is alluded Nott has been employed by the city
methods that may reduce this loss, following outstanding trends were to as the "Soong Dynasty." park department for a number of
Whether or not the Bronze Birch announced: The government is, as all others years as life guard andG superinten-
Borer is the immediate cause of "Large American industry con- have been, corrupt, yet its individ- I dent of the bath houses.
this destruction as yet is uncer- tinues to carry out the construe- ual commanders are some of the William Orwig and John Nott
itan. There is some indication that tion program forecast last Decem- ablest men in China, Dr. Cressey will serve as life guards on dtty
there are certain physical changes ber. said. at the beach. John Nott also will
following logging which are per- "Continued capital improvements He personally favors the north- teach swimming. The ,bathing
haps more important than the bor- supported by large scale financing ern generals, Yen Shih-Shan, and beach will be open afternoons only
er and that the effect of the insect evidence a confidence in enlarged Feng Yu Hsiang, for he believes until the summer playground sea-
may often be simply incidental. future earning power and prepara- them men of even greater ability son is opened.
The work during the coming field tion for it. Ithan the present leaders of the ------
season will be centered in northern "In America and Europe there In regards to Communism, and
,Michigan, probably at the summer are evidences of increasing reser- Russia he said that China is S
camp of the School of Forestry and voirs of accumulated credit witht rugihsiauinai-SH2: S- AT0
Conservation. In this region, cut- consequent decreases of interest through with Russia. Russian in- 2:00-3:30
tings made at different times over rates, and, resulting benefits for ago, but today the Russians have7
a ten year period will be available production and distribution." adopted a e rd piand
so that parallel observation on The conference which issued the adopted a more friendly policy, and
omparable areas before and after report was called by Mr. Hoove last visors to the government. ManyG
logging can be made. fall immediately after the historical men have also been sent from the
descent of stock values appeared to United States, and have succeeded
14ocomotive Engineers menace American prosperity. in establishing an air mail route
to Consider ProblemseIn the current report, virtually in China. 66mlUT El" D A ,
_____er e 3 every line of domestic business was! China is in no danger of being "SEVE N D1
(By Assoczated Press) found holding its own but foreign influenced by Communism, Cressey
CLEVELAND, June 2The Broth trade prospects were not found so said, and the Russians have no con-
erhood of Locomot Enconducive to optimism. spicuous chance of interfering ser- Remember his loving Legion o
eiming Loomomve Engineers, In April, the report said, Ameri- iously. The real crisis is past. ginian. Remember how he heldy
clang a mme rp ocan foreign trade reached the low- "What China needs is continuity Angel. His first starring role brin
centof he lcomtiveengneer inthat surpasses for human drama, lic
the UnitedStcootive ngneaadrs est level in seven years. This was in government. If stable conditions he has ever appeared.
ened its sixth triennial convention blamed on low commodity prices, could be established, foreign trade
here today facing a number of in- import restrictions, political dis- Iwould be stimulated. The attitude
portant questions of policy turbances, and low business levels of the Chinese toward foreigners
Merger with the Brotherhood of in such leading commercial coun- has changed since the 'Boxer Up-
Firemen and Enginemen, the six- tries as England, Germany, Belgium, rising,' and the present government
hour day, and the problem of find- Spain, Austria, and India. is friendly instead of hostile," Cres-
ing employment for the increasing . sey said.
number of men being displaced by Italy's Veterans PayS - x l
consolidations and efficiency im-er y OHIO STATE-Approximately 70
provements are among the matters Homage to Garibaldi per cent of the student body, or 6,- .
to be determined. The sessions will -800 students, have signed petitions
last three weeks. Te sisAssiliaed Pes) !requesting that the board of re-4
CAPRERA, Italy, June 2-Griz- gents give precedence to an audi-
PURDUE UNIVERSITY - Forty-I zled old veterans in red shirts and torium of sufficient size to seat the
three students in the agricultural stalwart young men in black shirts majority of the student body, over
school have received appointments repaired here today to do honor to all other building propositions,;
as insect scouts for the coming the memory of Giuseppe Garibaldi, when they submit their biennial
year. hero of two wars of liberation, re- budget to the state legislature.
y ! vered in two continents. u..s v
:uilru nl1111e11ulill ulllluuliln nnulmltllrllll leunl111111111
S E E IT Lovc Market!
GI.FT problems at
I is;yThe woman says " mencement time
Bancrft says "yes." lse tions at our Kodak co
the Hert Ehang ET
Here's thrilling drama Eveyneentsam
of dauntless courage and larly one of the fashion
61 (: he-man love.g
We have just the righ
E I quirement, at the pric
GYG / = E J G Come in today -,



f the Condemned" and "The Vir-
you spellbound in "The Shopworn
gs you a greater Cooper. In a role
ve and laughter anything in which

from the scene of the Norman gang
massacre of last year, another ma-
chine fusillade was fired, killing
one and critically wounding two
Police said the attacks ,marked
the opening of a new, intense gang
gunnery; and they had substantia-
tion today when the body of a
"ride" victim was found, propped
against the alley wall of the Italian
Trust & Savings bank on Milwau-
kee Ave.
Sunday's "little massacre" was
at a resort hotel at Fox lake, in
the suburban area northwest of
Chicago. The victims, believed to
have been members of the gang
j faction headed by the Druggan
brothers, were seated at a table on
abouts enclosed porch. It -,was
aot1 o'clock in the morning.
Without warning, the machine gun
attack was opened on them from
routside, the bullets crashing
through the glass.
The dead: Michael Quirk, westside
gangster; Sam Pellar, identified as
a westside hoodlum, and Joseph
Bertsche, whose borther, Barney,
I has been called a pioneer in north-
side gang life.
Forty-seven university students
will attend a six weeks' summer
camp in military science at Fort
Sheridan, Ill., beginning June 20..
802 South Packard
11:30 to 1:00
Pineapple and Cheese Salad
Bread and Butter Sandwich
5:30 to 7:00
Meat Loaf with French Fried
Potatoes and String Bean Salad


T. ,
, , ,.
..; '
l /// Alft ' "Y


Young Aviatrix Claims
Women's Altitude Mark
(By A..ociated Press)
LOS ANGELES, June 2- Bobby
Trout, girl aviator, today believed
she had bettered the women's alti-
tude record for cabin monoplanes.
Landing Sunday after a two-hour
flight she said her altimeter regis-
tered 15,000 feet, which would be
2,00 feet above the cabin mono-c
lane recorded for women, but 4,-
000 feet under the men's record.
Rae Theatre

Again the Magic of the the
AT LAST! Its tense story-strange as
the clash of two contrasting worlds comes
to you with the magic touch of the
masters - Richard Barthlemess - Frank
Lloyd-Bradley King.
AT LAST! Its conflict of emotions-
its exotic romance of a society playgirl
and a mysterious son of the ¢ods comes
to you with the sweep of drama never
before caught by the camnera.
AT LAST! The crowning achievement
of a master .weaver of romance-Rex
Beach of a great soul-gripping director-
and a star whose name n a synonym of
perfection_ in dramatic_ artistry.

n Presents
wedding and com-
will find ready solu-
new camera, particu-
able models, in colors.
it one for any gift re-
e you wish to pay.
See our complete


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