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June 03, 1933 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-06-03

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Union To Open
Taproom, Tower
At Senior Ball
Sell 100 T k s For Ball
Fea iiritg Ave Brigzde,
Chicago iBaid Lealder
Over 100 tickets have been sold to
dac for the annual Senior Ball to
be held June 14 in the Union Ball-
room, according to Rehn Nelson,
chairman of the tickets committee.
The dance will begin at 10 p. m. and
continue until 3 a. in., the women
having been given late permission.
As additional attraction, both the
taproom and the tower will be open
that night, according to Ross Bain,
chairman of publicity. Favors of
some kind will also be given out,
although nothing definite has as yet
been decided upon.
Ace Brigode, who will play for the
dance, has an enviable reputation as
a conductor. He is coming here di-
rect from the Merry Garden Ball-
room in Chicago, and will soon start
on a tour of prominent hotels and
ballrooms throughout the East, ac-
cording to Bain. From here he will
go to the Hotel Pitt in Pittsburgh,
and from there to the Hotel New
Yorker, New York.
Brigode and his band will feature
several novelty numbers, one in
which the entire 14 members of the
band will sing.
The tickets, which are priced at
$3, can be obtained at the League or
Union or from any of the committee
members. They are John Huss, Rob-
ert Fuoss, Harry Begly, Margaret
O'Brien, Rehn Nelson, Catherine
Heesen, Kenneth Hartwell, Corrine
Henry, Roy Blocker, Oscar Perkin-
son, Ross Bain, Margaret Keal,
Henry Schaefer, Walter Bell, Myron
Blank, Paul Kingsley.
Former Sorority Official
Visits Campus Chapter
Mrs. Lewis J. Cox, of New York
City, is the guest of Mrs. Chauncey
H. Shearer of Hill Street. Mrs. Cox
was formerly an outstanding na-
tional president of Kappa Alpha
Theta Sorority. A number of func-
tions are being given in her honor
during her visit here.
If you write, we bate it.
Correspondence Stationery,
Fountai 'Pens, Ink, etc.
!1rewriters all makes.
Greeting Cards for ever'body.
0. D. M O R RI L
314 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

-Associated Press Photos
The engagement of OBarbara Hutton, granddaughter of the late
F. W. Woolworth, to Prince Alexis Adivani, scion of Georgian nobility,
was formally announced in Paris. The wedding will take place in Paris
about June 20.,

Sprorities Pick Enameled Jewelry
New Officers,Popular For Sport
Hoo SeiAnd Street Attire
[onor Seniors -
In the spring weather and out
with the heavy ,antique jewelry that
Many houses are entertaining their wools and velvets called for. The
senior class at informal suppers. "American made" slogan shows itself
ALPHA EPSILON PHI widely in the metallic mesh brace-
the freshmen of Alpha Epsilon lets and necklaces, enameled in coh-
Phi sorority entertained the gradu- trasting colors and very effective
ating class at a senior supper Thurs- with sport and mannish attire.
day night. Style of 25 and 50 years ago that
AIPHA GAMMA DELTA everyone has saved as being "quaint,"
are now/ current in the solid band
The following officers were elected ar cre nt indfhe solnd
by members of Alpha Gamma Delta , gold for informal, and
for the coming year: Mary Alex- rhinestone for formal wear. Dainty
aner, '34, president; Bar arya Nex- necklaces are destined to overcome
andr, 34,preidet; arbra el-the general prejudice against beads
son, '34, vice-president; Virginia that now exist in campustcircles.
Sink, '35, secretary and Katherine Even the laveliere may be back with
Kirn, '35, treasurer, the puff sleeves of the "Eighties"
The senior members of Alpha Xi But the modern economical mood
Delta sorority were entertained is present in the combination cor-
Thursday night at a party given by pact, cigarette case, and lighter, all
Mrs. Myrtle L. Moore, their house sterling and enamel for milady. For'
chaperon. Each of the guests were a small 'case, the envelope style 'is
presented with a parting gift which probably the newest. Likewise in the
Mrs. Moore had brought from Eu- compact line, the clip compacts come
roPe with her for the seniors. in all colors and, with sorority crests
ZETA TAU ALPHA are smooth for sport wear, particu-
Founder's Day will be celebrated larly if a purse seems a bother. Lip-
at the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority on sticks are chained to smart compacts
Sunday at a banquet to be given by for those who have a losing complex
the alumnae for the active members or merely wish to be owners of the
and the pledges, neatest there is.
Out-of-town guests expected to at- And last but most important in
tend the celebration are Mrs. Edward classroom life, is the watch. Yellow
Crochet, of Lansing; Mrs. L. V. gold for a long time was seemingly
Hewitt, Miss Edith Jackson, Mrs. H. nonexistent, but now combined with
Hoyt, all of Detroit; and Miss Jane a slender cord band is swanky in a
Pinson, of Grosse Ile. baguette oi square style timepiece.
For Summer Wear
Y You demand-
dresses that wdill be the
mainstay of your summer
Dresses that will lend a
sparkle to your vacation.
These models are in pique
and have a decided sport-
washable and really con -
stitute the ideal summer
Here is something really
novel in accessories. It is
an exclusively produced
washable Summer Slip a
cover bag. They are made
tlfin several different styles o~
t and can be easily adapt-
ed to conform with any

Zeta Phi Eta
To Entertain
Dramatic Star
Zeta Phi Eta dramatic society will
entertain in honor of Jane Cowl at
a luncheon to be given June 10 at
Barton Hills Country Club. Miss
Cowl, leading star of the current
Dramatic Season, is herself an hon-
orary member of the Speech Arts
Sorority. Eleanor Gilmore, '33, re-
tiring president of the chapter, is
planning the affair, which will be
sponsored by Mrs. Ray E. Spokes and
Mrs. Emil H. Arnold, patronesses.
Plans for attending the National
Convention, to be held the end of
June, were discussed at a meeting
held Thursday night. Mary Helen
McIntosh, '34, president, was chosen
to represent the chapter.

Bring your guests to picnic and swim
at a private beach on
Biscuits and honey, or waffles and syrup,
drinks, and bathing - all for 35c

Follow the sign to the Bean Pot

Tel. Whitmnorle)J170


In the Spring
A Young Moth's Fancy
Turns to Fur Coats
Have you ever viewed with regret
a garment ruined by the ravenous,
destructive larvae of the moth?
Protect your valuable furs and
fur-trimmed coat from this unnec-
essary peril; remember, we provide
expert care and complete insur-
ance, the cost is less than 3c a day.
EABLISH'1904 217 E. LiBERT..


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