The Weather
Fair today, tomorrow unset-
tled; not much change in tem-
Functions Of
Language Departments...
Dies In Office
James Rolph, Jr., Loses
His Fight Against Death
After LongIllness
Merriam Succeeds
Deceased In Office
Rolph Was Renowned For
Stand On Lynchings Last
SAN JOSE, Calif., June 2. - P) -
California's picturesque and widely-
known governor, James Rolph, Jr., 64,
died here today.
In the quiet of the Santa Clara val-
ley ranch home of Walter Linford, a
friend, the chief executive succumbed
to a combination of diseases which
overcame-him several months ago and
recently caused him to abandon plans
for a re-election.
For days the death-had been ex-
pected. Early in the week physicians
abandoned hope for Rolph. Every time
h'e rallied the succeeding relapses
made him weaker. The climax came
this afternoon.
"Sunny Jim" Rolph, whose personal
characteristics and long public career
made him known on two continents,
died as his son, James Rolph III, held
his hand. Mrs. Rolph and the Gov-
ernor's three brothers, Will, Ronald
and Tom, were at the bedside.
Merriam New Governor
The duties of governor immediately
fell upon Lieutenant Governor Frank
F. Merriam, of Long Beach, like
Rolph, a Republican.
Merriam, a former Iowa state legis-
lator, is 67 years old, a native of
" Hopkinton, Iowa. He had announnced
previously for the Republican nomi-
nationifor governor. Rolph's capacity1
for making friends, his acts and ges-1
tures of generosity, and his enormous.
capacity for work made him one of
the outstanding political figures i a
the country. He held decorations from
France, Japan and other countries.
Famous For Smile
The Rolph smile .was famous. He
never appeared in public without a1
gardenia in his buttonhole. He wasi
ever ready to crown a beauty queen,1
throw the first ball at the openingi
game of the season's national pastime,
make a speech, meet an incoming dig-;
nitary or a visiting actor.
Governor Rolph usually was out-
spoken and his stand on the lynching +
of Thomas Thurmond and John M.
Holmes here last November 26 brought I
widespread condemnation and ac-+
claim. He said he would "pardon any-
one convicted of lynching them."
"This is the best lesson that Cali-
fornia ever has given the country,"
said Rolph when informed of the
lynching. "We show the nation that
this state is not going to tolerate
The next day, enlarging on this
sentiment, he promised to pardon any-
one convicted of taking part in the
lynchings. He said too that he was
thinking of "paroling" to the San
Jose mob several other kidnappers
who were serving terms in California
Award Given
Toledo Senior
Buderus Receives Annual
Lake Forest Travelling
William H. Buderus, Jr., of Tole-
do, Ohio, a senior in the College of
Architecture, has been selected as the
successful competitor for the archi-
tectural fellowship of the Lake For-
est, Foundation for Architecture and
Landscape Architecture.
This fellowship is awarded annual-
ly in competition between represen-
tatives of students in architecture and
' landscape design from a group of
middle-western institutions: the state
institutions of Michigan, Ohio, Illi-
nois, Iowa, the Chicago School of
Architecture, and the University of
The income of the fellowship is
$1,200. The competition is a collabo-
rative one, and two fellowships are
offered, one in architecture and one
in landscape design, the winners in
both fields travelling and studying to-
Nine Defeats
Wistert Allows Only Two
Singles As He Climaxes
Athletic Career
Wolverine Batters
He1 Thiree His
Petoskey's Single
Artz With Tying
Sixth Inning
Run Iny
-Associated Press Photo
Doctor Guilty
On Change of
Mansla ughter
State Official Is Convicted
In Traffic Death Of Aged
Detroit Musician
DETROIT, June 2. - oP) - Dr.
Paul F. Voelker, state superintendent
of public instruction, tonight was con-
victed by a traffic court jury of a
charge of negligent homicide in con-
nection with the traffic death Jan.
24 of Vernon Gillespie, 64-year-old
Judge John J. Maher, who presided
at the trial, said he would pass sen-
tence June 16. Dr. Voelker, who will
continue at liberty under bond, will
appear Tuesday morning before the
probation department at Judge Ma-
her s request.
The jury took the case early Satur-
day afternoon. Dr. Voelker was
charged with involuntary manslaugh-
ter, but in his charge to the jury
Judge Maher referred to the possi-
bility of a conviction on a negligent
homicide charge, the involuntary
manslaughter count, or acquittal.
When the jury returned to the
courtroom at 7:30, Dr. Voelker's attor-
ney, Edward T. Echlin, asked a poll:
All jurors answered "guilty" to the
negligent homicide charge.
Dr. Voelker, taking the stand in
his own defense, testified that he was
traveling only 18 miles an hour when
his automobile struck Gillespie at the
intersection of Second Boulevard and
Selden Ave. He. said he was blinded
and confused by the lights of adver-
tising signs along the thoroughfare.
Previous testimony had been intro-
duced to show that Gillespie died of
pneumonia, a physician testifying that
it might have been a result of the ac-
cident. The state with assistant prose-
cutor Herbert Munro directing its
case, had two witnesses who testified
that Gillespie was in good health be-
fore the accident.
England And
Debt Question
France Decides That It
Would Rather Arni Than
Make Payment
LONDON, June 2-(')-Reliable
sources said today that Great Brit-
ain apparently has reached an un-
derstanding with President Roose-
velt on the war debts question and
will make a token payment in June.
The only comment from official
quarters, however, was:
"We are studying Mr. Roosevelt's
message with much interest."
Sir John Simon, British foreign
secretary, arrived here today from
Geneva, where he left the world dis-
armament conference Friday. He
will spend his week-end at his home
in the country in private talks with
other cabinet members.
Sir John, in his trip from Switzer-
land, had opportunity to be fully
informed of the content of Roose-
velt's message.
It is known that the message oc-
casioned the British government no
surprise of any kind and indicated
that both Washington and London
knew each other's views before Mr.
Roosevelt's message was sent to con-
A formal communication regard-
ing Great Britain's plans for the
payment June 15 probably will be
sent to Washington next week.
PARIS, June 2-(/P)-France .con-
The Wolverine nine .closed its sea-
son yesterday on Ferry Field in the
midst of a five-game winning streak,
by nosing out Iowa, 2-1. Little hit-
ting was done by either team; the
players probably figured it was too
hot to run bases, but the contest was
an interesting pitching duel between
"Whitey" Wistert, pitching his last
game for Michigan, and Ford, of
Wistert closed his brilliant athletic
career as a Wolverine by limiting the
Hawkeyes to two hits, one of which
was a scratchy affair, and striking outI
9.. "Whitey" was just too good for
the Iowa boys, and theytknew it.r
Wistert's Hit Wins Game
Throwing slow curve balls because
he didn't have a fast one, Ford had
the Michigan hitters tied up at the
plate. He only surrendered three
hits, but Michigan bunched two in
the sixth to score the winning runs,
and it was Wistert's single which won
the ball game. Artz led off in the
sixth with a ground ball to short.)
Mason fielded it and threw to Baker,
a lanky behemoth, at first. Baker got
his feet all tangled, and by the time
he stepped on first, Artz was across
the bag safely.
Getting his last base hit for Michi-
gan, Ted Petoskey drove Artz in with
the tying run with a single to right,
taking second on the throw to the
plate. Ted got a big lead off second
and stole third. Clayt Paulson went
down swinging at an outside curve
ball, setting the stage for Wistert.
"Whitey" took a tremendous swing
at the first pitch, but he only cre-
ated a breeze. He slammed the next
throw for a line single over second
which scored Petoskey with the win-
ning run. Regeczi ended the inning
by striking out on a ball, a foot above
his shoulders.
Hitless For 4 Innings
For four innings neither team
scored, and Wistert had a no-hit
game, although the Hawkeyes threat-
ened in the first without a hit. Ste-
phens, Iowa's undersized third base-
man, started the game with a walk on
the first four pitches. He thought he
could run wild on the bases, for he
tried to steal second on the first pitch,
and arrived safely when Waterbor
dropped Chapman's perfect throw.
He took third on a passed ball, and
thinking his luck would hold up, he
broke for home on a pitch which
trickled away from Chapman. Wis-'
tert covered home, taking Chapman's
throw in plenty of time to put the
ball on the daring young man.
Stephens walked again in the third
and took second when Waterbor erred
(Continued onP age )
Gargoyle To
Hold Story
$10 Prize To Be Offered
For Best Short Story In
Each Issue
1,000 Word LImit
On All Manuscripts
Hall Appoints Morrison,
Miller For Two Editorial
A short story contest open to all
University students will be sponsored
beginning next fall by the Gargoyle, it
was announced yesterday by Eric Hall,
'35, managing editor. The contest will
carry a prize of $10 and publication
of the story in the magazine each
month to winning manuscripts.
"The contest is now open and any
student is eligible to enter," Hall said.
"Students wishing to compete are
urged to mail manuscripts during the
summer to the Gargoyle since the
deadline for the October issue is too
early for contestants in that month's
contest to wait until returning to
school in the fall."
Stories must not exceed 1,000 words
and should be of the short short story
type, which may be run complete on.
a single page, Hall stated. Arrange-
ments are now being made to secure
competent judging for the manu-
scripts. It is hoped that in addition to
the short short story, the publishing
of a longer story might later be in-
cluded in the magazine each month.
Hall stressed the idea that stories do
not have to be humorous because
they are to be printed in a humor
magazine. "In fact," he said, "it is
preferable that they are not."
Appointments of members to the
editorial staff of the Gargoyle were
also made yesterday by Hall.
Don. C. Miller, '36, Marion, Ind.,
was named to the position of assistant
editor for 1934-35. Miller, a member
of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, has
served on the Gargoyle for two years
and is a member of Sphinx, junior-
honorary society.
For the position of women's editor,
Hall selected Marjorie W. Morrison,
'36, Highland Park. Others who re-
ceived editorships are Robert S. Fried-
man, '36, Brookline, Mass., copy ed-
itor; William R. Slenger,, '36, Oak
Park, Ill., exchange editor; Charles
J. Levine, '36, Rochester, N. Y.,
photography editor; and Wesley Eis-
enhood, '37, Battle Creek, art editor.
Negro Graduate To Be
Employed In Detroit
Edward Benjamin, '31, who took a
B.S. in Physical Education here and
received his M.A. this year in Public
Health, has been hired to teach in
Detroit High Schools, where he will
be the first Negro ever to have been
employed in this capacity.
Benjamin is a member of Sigma
Delta Psi, honorary athletic fraternity,
and also of Alpha Phi Alpha. He will
teach under Vaughn Blanchard, direc-
tor of physical education in Detroit
public schools.
Nazis Are On Warpath,
But Just Against Bugs
Prof. R. W. Cowden
Money Had To Be
To Cover Deficit
-Associated Press Photo
U. S. MayUse
In DroUnht Aid
Insects Attacking Crops In
Drought-Scourged Areas
Of State
WASHINGTON, June 2--UP)--The
Administration today had under con-
sideration the advisibility of asking
Congress for an additional $200,000,-
000, or thereabouts, to cope with the
rapidly increasing intensity of the
midwestern drought.
The subject has been under dis-
cussion several days. Some leaders
said they expected the President to
send a message on the situation to
Congress next week and that he
might ask them for a special emer-
gency fund.
Others said they felt that the Pres-
ident might conclude that passage
of the pending billion-dollar deficien-
cy bill would enable the government
to take care of the situation. They
added, however, a few more days
without rain might cause Mr. Roose-
velt to feel additional funds should
be made available as a matter of pre-
Chester Davis, farm administrator,
said after a conference with senators
and representatives from the parched
areas today that a broader plan of
relief would be drawn after a con-
ference with the President on Mon-
LANSING, June 2. - (/P) - Crops in
approximately one-third of Mich-
igan's far-flung area were being rav-
aged today by hordes of insects, but,,
unlike the drought before which man
is helpless, the farmers are fighting
back this new menace.
A thousand tons of bran, poisoned
with 10,000 gallons of sodium of ar-
senate, were being spread in the Upper
Peninsula and 14 northern counties
of the lower peninsula to combat a
plague of grasshoppers, which have
multiplied rapidly in the hot, dry
weather. They are eating everything
in their path.
Cinch bugs, sucking the sap of corn
and wheat stocks in counties along
the northern border, were being
trapped and killed off with lime and
paris green.
BERLIN, Germany, June 2. - WP)-
A new Nazi drive has been begun in
Germany which involves the exterm-
ination of the millions of pestiferous
insects which swarm through the
country in May and June.
Thousands of children and "volun-
ary laborers" are on the warpath
against the wee winged beasties that
plague their lives, and municipal gov-
3rnments are buying dead bugs by the
bushel to be dried and sold as chicken
The latest trap for the pests ws
volved by the owner of an estate
ear Berlin. Strips of white celluloid
are stretched across ponds and
treams, and are illuminated at night
o attract insects. When they hit
hd celluloid they fall into the water
md drown.
Young, Brown
Selected For
Council Posts
Ruthven Appoints Alumni,
Faculty Members F o r
Interfraternity Jobs
Prof. Leigh J. Young and William
Brown, were appointed by President
Alexander G. Ruthven to serve as
faculty and alumni members respec-
tively of the revised Executive Com-
nittee of the Interfraternity Council.
The names of Herbert Upton and
Charles Graham, the other candidates
for the remaining alumni positions on
the committee, will be submitted to
he Executive Committee and one of
hem will be selected.
Among the several new projects
planned by the Council under its new
president. Phillip E. Singleton, '35, is
the organization of a freshman sub-
nterfraternity council. This group
will be made up of one freshman from1
each house and the meetings will be -
under the supervision of one of the
student members of the Executive
The purpose of the new organization
is to stimulate group discussion of the
problems of freshmen that arise in
the various houses. It will be insti-
tuted shortly after the announcement
of pledging.
Singleton also plans to more for-
mally organize the regular dinners
for fraternity presidents. A definite
schedule of dinners will be arranged.
The houses will be operating under
several new rules next fall. Chief
among these is the organization of an
indictment board composed of fac-
ulty members of the Council Execu-
tive Committee. This group was creat-
ed to hear evidence of alleged viola-
tions of the rushing rules. Such in-
dictments are to be turned over to the
Executive Committee when the board
feels that there is need for action,
the names of the complaining parties
being withheld.
Another change in rules is that
rushees will turn in their preferences
to the Dean's office without notifica-
tion that they have been bid and will
do this on Friday afternoon.
The new rushing tax of 50 cents
on all freshmen expressing a desire to
be rushed to, a fraternity will also be
assessed next semester.
Girl Drowns Whfile
Bathing In Huron
Annette Figg, Dexter, became
Washtenaw County's first drowning
victim of the season when she lost
her life yesterday afternoon while
bathing in the Huron River, near
Camp Newkirk, Boy Scout camp lo-
cated near Dexter. The girl, who was
14 years old, could not swim and
went under the surface when carried
out by strong surrents.
Boy Scouts at the scene of the
drowning recovered the girl's body
and gave artiificial respiration treat-
ments. Dr. W. C. Wylie of Dexter
also attempted to revive the girl and
a pulmotor was sent out from the
University Hospital. All the attempts
at resuscitation failed.
The girl is the daughter of Mr. and
In Drought Crisis
Awards Explained
By Committeemen
States Awards Are
Lowest Ever Made
Funds For Administration
Of Contest Slashed To
Make Prizes Larger
Replying to student charges that
the Committee on Hopwood Awards
had failed this year to award win-
ners of the various divisions of the
competition the sums promised in the
official announcement of the contests,
Prof. Roy W. Cowden of the English
department and chairman of the
committee told The Daily last night
that it had been necessary to use a
large share of the amount, originally
intended for awards, to meet a deficit
incurred in the distribution of last
year's prizes.
The bulletin, announcing this year's
contest, stated that the total amount
to be awarded for major, minor, and
freshman competition would be $10,-
300. However, the list of prizes as
issued Friday totals only $6,100, a dif-
ference of $4,200.
Professor Cowden explained that
the money given to winners was the
annual interest on an invested sum
created by the will of Avery Hop-
wood and that last year the interest
from the investment of this sum had
decreased beyond the expectations of
the committee. The result was that
more money was awarded than was
in the fund at the time, hence the
Eliminate Deficit
In order to completely eliminate
this deficit, according to Professor
Cowden, it was necessary to use some
of the money which was originally
intended for prizes this year.
It was further explained that the
amounts promised in the announce-
ment for 1933-34, which was issued
in June, 1933, were of necessity es-
timates inasmuch as the amount of
interest from the investments was
uncertain. The situation was further
complicated by a decrease in the in-
terest return this year.
The sum which was awarded this
year was the lowest which has ever
been given the winners of the com-
petition, he stated. Professor Cowden
expressed the belief that in the fu-
ture, with a more stable return from
the invstments, it would be possible
to award a larger sum to the various
Effect Economies
He explained that, in an effort to
increase the amount available for
awards this year, two economy mea-
sures had been effected in the ad-
ministration of the competition. The
salaries of both the chairman and
secretary of the committee were cut,
and the pay of the national judges
was also slashed 25 per cent. The
money made available by these mea-
sures was added to the sum used as
Likewise, as an attempt to effect
a permanent increase in the amount
of prize money, the salaries of the
chairman and secretary have been
cut approximately $1,600 for next
year. This money will also be added
to the sum available for awards.
Professor Cowden expressed the
hope that in the future a steady in-
terest return from the investment
would make it possible to set a definite
list of awards, which would be used
He added that it was his belief
that the committee might have been
empowered with the right to abolish
various division of the competitions
from time to time in the event that
the material submitted did not merit
the awards. However, this is im-
possible because of the provisions of
Mr. Hopwood's will, according to Pro-
fessor Cowden.
Sigma Delta Chi Will
Initiate Six Tuesday
i Sigma Delta Chi, national profes-
sional journalistic fraternity, will hold
s initiation Tuesday at 5 p.m. in the
Union, it was announced by W. Stod-
d dard White. nresident of the organi-
Rockefeller Foundation Grants Have
A rcheological
The Rockefeller Foundation grants Tigress," by Dr. Robert H. McDow-
to the Institute of Archeological Re- ell; and three others on University
search, the Early Modern English archeological work by scholars from
Dictionary, which were made in 1929, other institutions.
have to date succeeded in helping Six more volumes are to be pub-
investigators toward the ultimate lished soon, and Institute officials feel
goals of those divisions. that they have made great steps in
The grant to the Institute of Arche- the field of archeological research.
ological Research, an organization the e archeodoia esh.
composed of professors from various The Early Modern English Die-
classical departments, was made for tionary, under the direction of its
"research in the Advanced Humani- managing editor, Prof. C. C. Fries, is
ties." This Institute, originally formed attempting a description of the Eng-
by the late Prof. F. W. Kelsey, has lish language used from 1475 to 1700.
utilized the $150,000 subsidy almost Its original grant was $100,000, the
entirelyfor the publication .of books greater part of which has been used
explaining research done by the Un- sorting and grouping the some 4,000,-
iversity. 000 word slips, finding "new" words,
The books published by the Insti- and in the actual editing itself. The
tute include three volumes by Prof. dictionary is to be printed in parts,
Leroy Waterman on "Royal Corres- the first of which Editor Fries hopes
pondence of the Assyrian Empire," to send to the press in the fall.
and reports on the University exca- The Dictionary started in 1929 with
vations at Karanis, Egypt, by Prof. the editorial staff, in addition to Pro-
Arthur E. R. Boak. There are also fessor Fries, composed of Prof. M.
two reports on excavations at Tel- P. Tilley and Dr. A. H. Marckwardt,
Uman in Iraq by Professor Water- both of the University English de-
man, and another book by Professor partment, and Dr. H. T. Price, who
Boak on "Papyri From Tebtunis." came here in 1929 from Germany.
editorial staff, a full staff is em-
ployed on the dictionary all the time.c
The dictionary, covering the en-1
tire English language, a unique pub-c
lication, is regarded by authorities as
greatly aiding to the knowledge words
and their derivations.
The work in the elementary school,
directed by Prof. Willard C. Olson
of the School of Education has been
of "inestimable value in developing
a broad program of research in child
training and care." The grant of
$95,000, given by the General Edu-
cation Board, has been used chiefly
in the publishing of 50 reports of re-
searches. Among them is an investi-
gation of how language is used in
control of behavior; a prediction of
delinquency of children at the ages
of six and seven years; an investiga-
tion on genetic development; one on
the articulation of consonant sounds;
and one on the development of teeth
and jaws. In this last, the Dental
School is co-operating.
Each University division is com-
pelled to submit periodical reports to