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June 03, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-06-03

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cA Close Fight' Is Demisey's
Dope On Schmeling-Baer Bout

This week marks the end of a
strenuous training period for the
prinripals in the Schmeling-Baer
fight in Yankee Stadium June 8. And
don't think the two I\Iaxes are the
only principals in it either. Mr. Wil-
liam Harrison Dempsey has been do-
ing almost as much road 1vork and
more pcrspiring than both fighters
in the last two weeks. Becides doing
an excellent Tex Rickard promoting-
act, Jack has sparred several rounds
with each man in his training camp.
From an impartial angle Dempsey
figures both men to average about
even in abilities.
He says Schmeling
is more elusive and
a much smarter
boxer than Baer,
but the Califor-
nian has the
punch and throws
the mitts so they
hurt more, al-
though l e a vI n g
SCUMELING himself wide open
at times. J a c k
says."both can take it, and take it
a lot."
Dempsey Was Smart
Of course Dempsey is definitely
out of the fight picture forever, and
there is good reason for such a de-
cision too. Boxing is a tough game
and not many men can stand the
gaff for long. For instance, where is
the host of heavyweights that was
in the offing last fall. Outside of the
casualties of Ernie Schaaf, Monte
Munn, and Tuffy Griffiths, where are
such promising boys as Uzcudun,
Braddock, Risko, Stribling, Delaney,
Heeney, Maloney, Berlenbach, and
Levinsky? Probably you will find
them battered and short-sighted,
turned into shamblers. It doesn't;
take much head punishment to shake
up the brain and to snap the re-
flexes needed by a good fighter.

And out of this long list have sur-
vived four outstanding heavies; Jack
Sharkey, the champion; M a x
Schmeling, the ex-champ; Max Baer,
the challenger; and Primo Carnera, a
265-pound hulk. These are the boys
who could take it and keep going,
and this summer promises some ac-
tion among these "iron men," if Jack
Dempsey has his say.
Teuton Still iFavored
Schmeling so far is the favorite in
the coming bout, but anything can
happen. The Ger- -
man boy is more
experienced, b u t -
Baer is bigger and
a little faster.
Schmeling is seri-
ous while Baer is
inclined t o b e
careless. Baer has
a wicked left to
ma tch Max's
mighty left jab.
Both can punch
and take a lot. Schmeling has a trick
of lashing out a right when appa-
rently ready to relax. Schmeling will
weigh in at about 189; Baer plans on
getting down around 206.
In the background of next week's
battle looms a go between Sharkey
and Carnera somtime this summer,!
with the probability of the winner
meeting either Schmeling or Baer
in the fall. Sharkey has gained his
title largely through lucky bookings
and at least two friendly decisions
over Mickey Walker and. Schmeling.
There undoubtedly will be a mad
scramble to relieve him of it by the
few eligibles surviving the summer
activities. The Italian. Giant has
improved very well in the last year,
and with his weight and size is fig-
ured to become a real threat to all
comers. The dopesters pick him to
trounce Sharkey, should they meet.

Clint Sandusky
Named As New
Tennis Captain
Net Squad Ends Season
Breaking Even In Dual
Meets Won And Lost
Clinton D. Sandusky, '34, of Dan-
ville, Illinois, was eleced captain of
the Varsity tennis team for next year
by the members of this year's squad.
The election took place yesterday
afternoon after the tennis team had
had a group picture taken for the
Michiganensian. The new leader will
succeed Dick Snell, this year's net
team captain.
Eight Awards Made
The following "M" winners were
announced by Coach John John-
stone: Richard Snell, Utica, N. Y.;
Seymour Siegel, Grand Rapids;
Charles Nisen, Milwaukee, Wis.;
Joseph Appelt, Grand Rapids; Clin-
ton Sandusky, Danville, Ill.; Ralph
Baldwin, Grand Rapids. Secondary
awards went to Grosvenor Root, De-
troit, and John Lederle, Royal Oak.
The new captaincy selection cli-
maxed the season for the tennis
team, which, in the opinion of many,
did not live up to the expectations
that had been held earlier in the
year. The record for this was an even
division of wins and loses in the dual
meets and the team finished fifth in
the Conference meet at Chicago.
Veteran Player
Sandusky has been a member of
the team for the past two years and
this year was one of the outstanding
players on the squad.
Out of the eleven dual meets, the
Wolverines took five, suffering five
losses and one tie. Michigan won only
one of the four Conference dual
meets and tied one. The victory and
the tie were in both cases with Ohio
State; the losses were to Chicago and

Board Of Regents
To Decide Future
Of Golfers Today
Further activities of the golf team
hinge entirely on the action of the
Board of Regents in its meeting this
afternoon. There is some question of
the ability of the University to send
the team to the National Intercol-
legiate meet at Buffalo, June 26 to
July 1, and the Board must approve
extra finances for the trip. This
means that the team may or may
not be on hand to defend the sec-j
ond-place position it won on the
same course last year.
Fischer to Defend Title
Captain-elect Johnny Fischer will
defend his national title at the meet
regardless of the action of the Re-
gents. The champion won a close
match with Billy Howell of Washing-
ton and Lee last year 2 to 1, but after
easily winning the Conference title
this year, he is in very good form to
rep at.
Johnny will also compete in the
National Open, the National Am-
ateur, and perhaps the Western
Amateur tournaments this summer.

Women Netters
Start Play In
Final Rounds
Finals in the women's tennis
championship tournament comes as
the climax of more than six weeks of
play. Held up by rain and uncon-
ditioned courts, the entire arrange-
ments for the tourney had to be
A system of elimination tourneys
ran off every afternoon was chosen
as the means to the closing rounds
of the tourney. Contestants were re-
quired to come out every afternoon
and play until eliminated.
Doris Chrisman and Beatrice Mass-
man have survived this grueling
series, and will meet in the title
match this afternoon at Palmer
Field. Doris Chrisman eliminated
Doris Gimmy in the semi-final round
of her bracket, while Jo McLean lost
to Beatrice Massman.
In the mixed doubles Beartice
Massman and Harvey Bauss defeated
Alice Williams and Bob Rowe for the
title in straight sets, finishing with
scores of 6-4; 6-3.

I ,.........r.,. . .i

For 22 years we
plied our trade
salt ...





* * *

* W. L.
New York.......... 26 13
Washington .........25 19
Cleveland .......... 25 19
Philadelphia ........21 17
Chicago ............20 20
Detroit.............18 23
St. Louis...........16 28
Boston.............14 26
Detroit, 14-16--0, Herring



Because we could not buy
anything better for Hand
or Automatic Softeners.
For Quality See

AMONG THE LIST of "magnifi-
cent"sports here in Ann Arbor,
we find one usually confined to fra-
ternity freshmen. It has all the ad-
vantages of a bath, a shower, a swim
and a wrestling match rolled into
one. The sportive occasion is the'
washing of the fraternity dog.
Fraternity dogs are, characteris-
tically, large and rambunctious brutes
blessed with a particular capacity for
pure cussedness. Bathing such an
animal is an occasion for preparation
and even prayer. Hanging onto the
remote stern of a Great Dane whose
anterior portion is enduring the du-
bious pleasures of a fraternity shower
is really a sporting event, but the
man in the shower must be a cross
between Johnny Weissmuller and Jim
Londos to really do an efficient job
and be happy about it all.
Relief for the suffering freshmen
is now in sight, we learn from an
article in the Los Angeles Times by
Henri Delanci. It seems that the bus-
iness of washing dogs is now being
taken by up California by dog laun-
dries, which charge rates varying
from ten cents a pound to fivedol-
lars a hound. Laundry is called for
and delivered F.O.B. your own ken-
In Paris, according to the author
of the original story, the professional
dog washers frequent the quays along
the Seine, where they wash dogs at
some fifty cents per canine regard-
less of size. These professionals are
real sportsmen, since they run a risk
on the job. The dog is likely to escape
and roll in the dirt, thus making
their trouble all to no avail.
Consequently, they have 9 very
definite routine which minimizes the
sporting chance of the dog to get
away. After the rinse, the swimming
dog is grasped firmly by the scruff
of the neck anc hauled dripping
from the historic water, which later
fly in all directions as the animal is
allowed one, only one, good shake.
Then he is pounced upon and rolled
in a blanket, from which he is al-
lowed to escape only to be chained
upon a clean cloth placed upon the
This is the technique of the pro-
fessional . . . fraternity freshmen
please note.

i + ' it

' ---_.._

Hayworth; Chicago, 1-6-2, Gaston,
Kimsey, Miller and Berry.
New York, 5-8-1, Gomez, Moore
and Jorgens; Philadelphia, 4-8-1,
Mahaffey, Grove and Cochrane.
Cleveland, 2-8--0, Hildebrand and
Spencer; 1-4-0, Harder and Pyt-
lak; St. Louis, 1-4--1, Blaehoider,
Gray and Shea; 0-6-0, 11<adley and
Washington, 8-13-2, Weaver and
Sewell; Boston, 3-9-1, Weiland,
Andrews, Rhodes and Ferrell.
W. L. Pet.
St. Louis.....26' 16 .619
Pittsburgh. ..24 15 .615
New York .......... 23 16 .590
Chicago ............ 22 21 .512
Cincinnati ..........22 21 .512
Brooklyn ...........17 21 .447
Boston.............18 25 .419
Philadelphia ........14 29 .326
Boston, 6-12-0, Brandt and
Spohrer; 2-8-0, Cantwell, Nangum
and Spohrer; Brooklyn, 1-5-1,
Carroll, Shaute, Ryand and Lopez;
7--13-1, Benge and Lopez.
New York, 11-19-2, Hubbell and
Mancuso; Philadelphia, 3-14-1,
Rhem, Collins, Pickrel, A. Moore and
V. Davis.
Independent Softball
Title Won By Bluebirds
Bluebirds, the outstanding Inde-
pendent athletic aggregation swamp-
ed the Untouchables yesterday after-
noon, 17 to 3, to win the Independent
softball title,*Besides the softball win
the Bluebirds have won the horse-
shoes team title, and lost in the
finals of the basketball tourney to
the Physical Ed. Frosh and to the
Flying Dutchmen in the tennis finals.
and PLATE $2.25
- Any Style -
109-i1l East Washington St.
Phone 8132 Second Floor

May 29, 1933
This is the ninth of a series of weekly letters addressed to ou
500,000 customers in 29 cities, 58 villages and 130 townships in the
southeastern corner of the State of Michigan:. -is seldomonsytr
thastee ne tried to show you that there is a lot more to our system
Last week wes Thpwrpln
than just a power house and some wires. The power aplant powe oe thr
of the system. Ard the cost of making the power at t p r
just a shadow less than the taxes that we are required o at rahis sowin
that we are required to collect from you. Peach dolar you paid us in recent years.
of how much tax money wa te o fah lr u a inrgt yearo

n rO a

Taxes out or
each dollar
paid to us
5.1 ce;ts

of each dollar paid
by you
94.9 cents
to these figures.)


1930 11.7
1931 12.9
12 months to April 1933 13.5
,rmrn three er cent U. S. tax


is additional'

When y or state taxes, or when you fill out your
income tax blank for the United States Treasury, you know you are being taxed.
When you paid your electric light bills since 1920, you did not know that you
we y added taxes, from five cents out of each hdollar 1 t
threenyand a half cents on thedollar this year. The taxes were
thiresae , n d we wa t ou toon wrt
thwuThese indirect taxes affect all of you They make a in-atherer of your
electric company. You blate the company if youe think you r b y ight heigh
Teexct boutny it- yu electric bill would have been loe by height centso.
th e dolart ifothe total taxes on the Company hadobeenh fixeathe p1920 figre.
th losasy to the electric company. To do so changes the place for a
felooks easy to s not change the pain, and you pay just the same in the
few days, but it d0; o a hv n iht
Waeoe hvnevrmdeacmpinagis high taxes. We have no wish to
aonemay find ourselves in the place where fairness to you.
will require us to join in such a campaig. If that comesabprotecting,ll wa
ou to understand that it is your pocketbook that we are ptetiandw
ask you to keep that statement in mind.


y Nice of you to remember me
on Father's Day, son. But, as an
old shirt buyer, let me offer one
suggestion. Make it an Arrow."

choke him later. Give him an
Arrow Shirt. It will keep its smart
looks be ause it is Sanforized
Shrunk. TRUMP at $1.95, is just
one of many shirt styles you may





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