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October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…h . " VOL. I. No. n -. UNIVEPRSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY) OCTOBER 28, 1890. PmrC 3 CrS. INTER-CLASS RUGBY. The Junior Laws Fail to Score. The first foot-ball ganie in lthe cas5s series was played yesterday afternoon between 92 Law and '93 Dent. When play was stopped the score stood 4 to 0 in favor of '93 Dent. The first half was stubbornly fought, neither team scoring. The first part of the second half was played in the dark and it was then tha...…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C~i. of 1miW a published'TDaily (Sundays excepted) dring the College year, by THE iU. OF M, INDEPENENT A SDITION. Subscription price 82,0 per year, inrlby in adrance. Single copies 3 amt. On slo at Sheehan 's and Post Ofie ewn stand every evening at 60o'lok. Sbsriition may be left at the othier of the DAILY, OpeenatHoso btnck, at Shehan', nt Stlt's, or with any f tto editors. Conamstetons sould 1s rech the otic by Oi0 A. M....…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SA MS, SMOKING JACKETS!1 TH E N EW ASCOTT. o tmL~r. VQHi [TS BEST WORK IN THE CITY ?'STATE..ST. TAIL ORS, CORK CALLED FOR and DEIEYRED. FIRST CLASS WORK. I--Sitt&CtAI, RATES To STUDENTSt t0fficne. - 23 South Fourth Ave. '.-]ALL A I SEEbb US, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inchi of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and ...…

October 28, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…TPE-TE nfP M. rDAILYr 8L E~AVEJ~, 4+ 2-i T~~~4 'R AE NIF W -fI '-I(W CLO"THING HOUSE -S IT, 73, 115 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MW) icu t S hIL I I - { 'IT DER~I1 17 117 -LJI7BstNovelties A2rriingDail NEW BOOK STORES, W V r~ig ti .ltifl Udeweari. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Grades. This --Display --is --Unsurpassed. 6 Secth Main Street. 44 South~ State Street, Medical Bonks, Law Books, BLANK BOOKS, Ai,e i. Ij s, A...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. of A. Wailjj. VOL. II.-No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1891. PmiicE, THREE CENTS. ;As the "Co-Ed" Ought to be. For Second Prize. ''There is nothing that takes the Slocum and Stone played for sec- sting of defeat away so quickly as ond place in the tennis tournament the consoling words of a fair sup- yesterday afternoon. Slocum won porter,'' remarked an old half-back two sets and Stone one. Three sets to me in...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE{ U. OF. M. DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College t ear, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION THE "Yellow and Blue," the new weekly which is "edited by the fra- ternities,'' in its initial issue, puts some slueries relating to foot-hall, the anssvers to which its editors can find if they refer to the recent issues of the I)Aliy. The editorial is as follows: " Altough it is not our de- sire to fintd fault with the ...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SA-S AGENTS FOR- ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. - Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The J. T. iJacobs Co., The J. T. Jlacobs Co., The J. T. ulacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of light Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Call and see usn. L_ 13LTITZ. ADD Arbor Ma~1inb IIIry, ' CO~ .AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mor so ab ) + + WORK CALLED FOR a...…

October 28, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE.,- ANN ARBOTR ORGAN COMPAN Y, Formerly Ailmendinger Piano and Organ Cornpany. ..Lew Wo rsoomoa-, - Co«rner 01 /atiandfLci L ert y reets . A will. Open the Btall by placig a ire stock of Guitars, Blanjos. etc. (Telts ntemremnfcue zuu aehue PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. New York, Cleveland Brown & Co., Boston, arnd Cut- Fi'nd 'RU-=.wm-v'sM vszcso ff moa:,f ,15 SouirhiFoooth Aaecoo, (ity.W Oinrig hoIth...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…je .:off AT. Ei VoL. III.-No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1892. PRiopE, Tolt 1EE CENTS. A T league contest. The one who is THE TENNISTOURNAMENT. ORATRICL OULOO, awarded first honors receives a -II r -- testimonial of $75, while the second Good Crowa and Good Games. Crane, Watrous, Dodge and The Oratorical Association, best receives the sum of w150. These Paddock Winners. two persPaddockomWinners Past, Present, and Fut...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1'J(E of 1'JZf. afu PublshelDialy (cItuday s excepted) during the Coee )ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Ooltscrittotuprice $t.5 pe year, otnvariably ,radaoncee stle opie :3 'nt. Soterip- tions may be ceft at the ofte o the tDAoL, at stoiet's, toth aty oh te editor or authoizett olicitor. Coamunications osootd reacho the effice by " o'loto.t. i thy are to apper sle et 'toy. Attoless all mtttter intended oe publ...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE, STUDENTS. _ UNDERWEAR. GENTLEMEN:- AT THlE TWO SAMS. Elegant line of Underwear at; FIFTY We wishn to (all .our particular attention to the fact that our I , Stock., as usual, includes a general and~ complete line of high class CEN4TS. Better grade at SEVENTY-FIVE CENT . _S. cloting. Young Men's All grades of Underwear in line Silk, Wool, Xl (rnt and ]3a1- S7IT ..IT. ' briggan. itade up with all the detail, care and ...…

October 28, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…PERFUMES ? YES) So (ood Ithat wh~eii roi li. used the ifist diiopVoti start for CALKIN S' To bNc so ne loov. 34 S. State Street. THE UT. OF Ml. DAlI_ v TRY THE NEW UnereUTemA~1COLLAR. MUSIGAL GOO-DSj IT IS EASE, COMFORT ANDSTiYLE ALYVIN WI]LSEY,j Over( itki,'Dii-lr,ic, /5N ARBOR. RS>00B1 N O L E MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ivoersitys- 'eaf--B obs, Ai edicat loiiks, Lawc Bo oks, lDental Books, Stuldenlts' Note Books. ...…

October 28, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…[ l ME qw , VOL. fl.-No. 25.T PROPOSITIONS SUBMITTED Looking Toward the Consolidation of the Castalian and Palladium. Since the Castalian, through no fault of its etitors, failed to appear last year, there has heeis moth talk ansong upper-classmen of uniting the twvo senior publications. Until yesterday, however, when the lode- pendents suhmitted to the Frater- silty men certain propositions, nulls- lug definite had been fornmulated. Octob...…

October 28, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C . of a 1.b lih ed D aily ( S di ays ex cep ted) d u rie l'_ea Catee e ari, by I THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sabsciptias prietee1.50 pee year, invariably to advance Single copies 3 cents. Subbscip- tieet may be left at the toice afthbe Di.y, at Sttlilet's, with any of the editoepstie authorizeet salieitars. Commanieatiant shaalt reach the oafietby 7 oe'cc P. m. if they are ta appear the neat Jay. Address nit matt...…

October 28, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE IU. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUIAMEGO ORCHESTRA. LEI"V 1,' .I LI FN'. EXCELSIORLAUNDRY .0 EAST UiL ON STRECET. Good Wovl'RGuaranteed. 0Goodsi'caoled for anod delivred. A. F. COVERT, Prop. HAO I 1'zE. Woohooo-ton Street 22 YIears in the I110 naeo. iO-" CITY' LAUNDRY, M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. KEEP YOURd ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AV12G$ BAI2R C'or. Main and Wshington Streets. A. L. NOBLE, Preon. ItonnooPH11,ooo,l shr. The 13. & M.1 prhg...…

October 28, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. _____ +B~OOM$' 4 +-ThatAdvert'ein the U. of Al. DAILY, + ISaturday, Oct. 28th,.powdis'h & atesoij, Calkins ' P harm acy SrFMV S 2JvEY]2- jooI & c x E NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. I-ave a I1ull Assortment of UNIVERISITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, which they offer at the Lowest Prices. THlE USUAL DISCOUNTS GIVEN T0 STUDENTS. SECOND HAND LOKS UOLCILT OI ...…

October 28, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 25. t' l Win UNIVEHS[TY OF MICHfGAN, MOND)AY, OCTOBER 28, 1895. FouR PAGE'S-3 CENTS. I i i r LAKE FOREST NOT11ING. MN ONE GUITAR THIS WAS HER SCORE AGAINST j} Is enough for one person to MICHIGAN SATURDAY. S play on at one time. One Our Men Played Somewhat of a guitar is not enough, how- iiLueGm-LaeFrs Mn ~ evr, t suply ,000s~i Lank Team Work-Score 40 to 0. dents. Thats why we have Wl constaistly in stock several The'm 'Varily ...…

October 28, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daly (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. GprosE: Times building N. Mainl st.,ipposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LIfe', 'P, Maaging Editor. G. B. IAssuso, 'O L, Assistant. G. R. is,'5, Assistant. C. D. CA,;, G. P, Assistant. . E. KsAPE, 'li, Athetic Editor. L. C. WAsLnss, 'i. Business Maagr. hR. C. FAUILD, '10 M, Asistunt. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, 'C. A. K. Petrie,'li....…

October 28, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. STUDENTS! We Give Yout Credit.O - - - FOR KNOWING WHERE - - - THE BEST CLOTHING ! is sold. You have shown us by yourg~enerous patronage that OUR SUITS AN-.-D OVERZCOAT'S are just right for people who wish to dress correctly aud at the same time SAVE MON1EY. , ,. SPECIAL jN1ECIKWEAR SALE TH3IS WEEK, 37 S. Main St. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. MICHIGAN GE1 rn A Senior Law Eletos -I Time Table (Revised) May 19, 1894. The se...…

October 28, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

… TH1F U. OF M. DAILY. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGLA FOOTBALL Is unquestionably the fr on the market today. 11 mess and durability iss favorite with all players Price complete with $5.00. Victor Foot-Bal containing the new re chapters on the game b nod others, 2 cens. Also a complete line foot-ball clohing, OVERMAN WHEEL of Victor Bicycle Boston Newa YorkDetott Sac Franciso. Los Angele. A. G. SPALDING & Football Supp Specialty c Eery rekalsIte gam...…

October 28, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Vot.. VII. No. 24. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1896t. FOUR PAGE-3 CENTS. U IL D , © CHORAL UNION SERIES. appea r in ~all of these. Negotiationo. A. L. C. ATIKINSON 7 are nrow p0eniding too' oerail celeboat gi mailo first Concert to Be Given by the 'ol ooloit.- Final airrailgeonrot will Elected Base Ball Manager for Leaiungt faorr. Chicago Orchestra. h mannaeent ater. cooo the Coming Year. AND IMPORTER'ilsie amngement oft tie, (...…

October 28, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f large educational ititutions and it f f JU o sho hi'beto here. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring Freshman Independents. the College year, at THE NIVRSIY OFMICIGA. lie indfependenit cautliii Held yester'- THEUNIERSTYOF ICHGAN (ay ill Ualrl'ersitv ha< 1 il xthe irt OrFICE: Timex building, ;91 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty atd William Sts. inve(tltiu'of ltefrt'slhman: ciass and~ - ~~waO elthll foer the...…

October 28, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN! DAILY. If WTo uAre Think~ing of Buying e, (10 not neglect looking over our immense large hine of the choicest g rments made in this ontry. We know that there isn't a better-: and more complete line of >4e-FINE VERC TS A"SUITS< in this city and we Claim that most of the merchant tailors Cannot give yon near a ood a fit althoughi they will charge you double the rice_ Our Sits a from,$15 to $2() are smply elegrant. not...…

October 28, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA4ILY. 0 U0R WTHHAZEL LSOAP s is just as good soap as is 0 sold for 25 cents a cake V -except that it is not perfumed. 25 ceots a i box of 3 cakes, and the only place to get it is here. i CALKINS' - PHARMUACY. W CHANT -TAILO INC T $25.00 Suit for $15.00 I Style, Quality and Fit Guaranteed. D. A. TINKER & ISO, Hatters, Fine Furnishers and Tailors. Sole Agents, Royal Tailors. Youiman's Hats, Rlulop Hats and Waterhou...…

October 28, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…45\ t l e . a 1 O " V VOL. VIII. No. 25. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1897. FOUR PAGEe. WILD Has received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in' packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMER'S PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant Lin.e of New Pipes I Sot and Cod Lunches at all ho...…

October 28, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…4( THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, fDynamos Not Yet Arrived g". o 11. g0al t1WBefoe Brvin.g Tour H WR Published .Daily (Sundays excepted) duringintearvlfthnw yln.I-SET HEWR the College year, at a1nd engines for the electric ]lht)(plant. Ph'Loto's ''a e ..AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'Theo e itihv(beenlieexl)eted for aitbig OrricE: Timex building, 219 S. Main St. be - tline 11nd1 010(11(hve be helre 11105, twee Liberty and William St.T h B...…

October 28, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. To Cover Your Nakedness Is One Thing! To be Proberly, Dressed Is Quite Another! How can you be satisfied to wear ordinary ready made clothes, or cheap merchant-tailored ones, when you can buy garments bear- ing the labels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiough Bro S.' Made ef the very best materials, by expert custom tailors, after the most fashionable models, at about the same price as the former and a ...…

October 28, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE UIMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 'CHEST PROTECTORS 66 AND CHAMOIS VESTS 6 This is the time of year A, when we need protection6 ' from the raw, ccd winds. 6 A chest protector is much 6 more safe to wear than a sweat- er because you don't have to 6 leave it off when you "dress 6 op" and being out of sight, it, don't make a man look slouchy 6 at any time. We have them 6 for ladies, too - dainty, well made and comfortable. o Cents Upward. 9 CALK...…

October 28, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 29. ANN ARBOR, TICH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1898. FOUR PAGES. '' '" "Pa" and "+Count" Line Up on the Charges Against Widman False. Villa Tackles the Kondike Scrub. Ili a recent issue of one of the Count Villa is here. The sudden A large crowd of specators was Detroit papers was a lengthy article drop in temperature so noticeable out at the field yesterday afternoon to the effect that Charles Widman, yesterday came with him for the to...…

October 28, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 319 Bed for Injured 'Varsity Plaers.4 Cato~* The following subscription list is ging the rounds: 7cblied Daily (Snday, ecepted) dring tie We, the undersigned, agree to TH IcEeIY tOt IHGN donate the anount opposite our namesf THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. to establish a "bed for injured 'ar orit:The Inlaad pre, Henieng Blck. sit' players" it Saturday's gan: Both poete 147. "Dutch" Ferbert. ..:$10 4 aIeANAGaaNG EDIsTOR...…

October 28, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM S U ITS GMAIN ST.8O STUDENTS' LAUNDRY ASSOCIATION. WVM. VOUGHIT-WM. It. FOX, THE GRAND LAUNDRY, OF DETROIT. The hrat high grade landry en the Stair. The rnly machine domestic finish in ther West. 11o e finish also given. All work promptly, really and careflly dour. The Excelsior Laundry Co., OF KALAMAZOO. Colar .a...... ................1 Cent Ethereintih.Satfaction guatranteed. titer ,. atial OcC 202 ...…

October 28, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIERMAN'SI IDEALI FOUNTAINI PEN ; T MAKES ITS MARK A All around the world. L L Y f i , I . . It Will Pay You JOS. W. KOLLAUF, To take a look at our TIE . OT WINDOW. All the new. TV, R1LiUI( shapes and colornsgin Fall and Winter Neck Dressings Hai reeived a. new andls ttesncbte Iline of Geeds for At 50c-1-2 Dollar. an- - ® ..--0 D. A. TINK(ER & SON, IROUSEBING. 34 S....…

October 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…Aktkhlft -J) m all VOL. X. ANN AUBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1899. No. 30. I L D THENATION'S DUTY oitd Out btu Congressman Dolli- T- T rer in a Stirring Address. An audience of nearly cwo thousand IIFine Fall and Winter H People ventured out in the rain loot night to linten to the address of Can- E Snitings, Golf Suits, E gressnan J. P. Dolliver on the subjeact, Fancy Testincgs. "The Nation of America." And wl 000 ere they repaid f...…

October 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…2 Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: The Inland Press, Heaning Block. Both Phones .17. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O. H.I ANs,'00L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . GD. UDNUTT, '01 E T. R. Woonaow,'00 L. McDouALL,'01 E A. G. BnowNE. '02. E. J. B. WoO, '(, L.J.MaNTGoIEr,'00, W. D. HIccEY,'00M, The subscription price of the DIt is $2.50 for the college yar, ...…

October 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…XIHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 'PRTIY The Best Value in the City ~G ODSPE $ 13.50_119 SokAAIN~ MICHIGAN CENTRAL ",The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIMfE. Takinag Effet OJane 25, 1899. Detroit Nght Exprss...........5 55 A. Mt. AtlanticEx.pre............. 7 48" Grand Rapids Express .........11 10" Mailand Expres ............. 347 P. N Y. BostonSpecial ........... 5 FostiEa-tern............... 943" Mail andEpes........... 94...…

October 28, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE 'UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST PUBLISHED STh LKLY, &600 BY RU DYARD KIPLING Publishers Price $,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEE~HAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shop '~2; and Bath Rooms .U~;" 322A RE satescc . R. Trjanowski, Prop. Th 0sU5IR5NPES S'TIBFOfTION. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given This Year. Tickets On Sle at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 3...…

October 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…,%AF> lot AILN . % , .I _ ti O I f O VoL. XJ. ANN ARBOR, Mid., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. No. 31. VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICll., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1900. No. 31. MICHIGAN 12, ILLINOIS 0 puslidover'fori'tochdiown von xti'l'ii FOOTBALL SCORES YES ERDAY 1_th__coner or field. s 'cly kicks Annuncmet { ielsnows tcats it ill lrmit ofoil A nnounernent Wolverines Tore Up Illinois for 12 So yI ltisoal,tilit'Iigsii, , Itlt- By Special Telegrams to t...…

October 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…2 TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. t y I k t } I 7 t 1 7. r - f t' Ij 9" , v ,. df v a t, ri r ,f,, ; u ci t f'c , ~~, ~ ~ ~ Fancy Des Party at Barbor Gynm. S os gi ec. It had been rmaored 1h yoisosargigwl UNIVRSIT OF IICIIGA iv f th gils iouldap-srpriise yoi, and the prices that MA ii o ris Gi viipcI1il ca ue.o ilte steelale wilihbiskis.g Att tie.;" ltt 1t2' VA "Vi, a ir-is le laser ielesoie. are acig them g a ill surprise BaP iaii i i y...…

October 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVER3SITT OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 SFALL'S FSHION TENDENCIES t COAT----Increased shoulder width and squareness with emphatic waist closeness in sacks......... .. elm For full particulars give us a call. elilit Tliailors for Young Men.; 110 WASHINGTON E. m MICHIGAN C ENTPAL ~PIANOS TO RENT The Niagara Falls Route." 'Ik F H fENR 'Y B ~RO " ( ' 12,7t1T1l CE'R .S(ADR PM.Taking effect September ti oo 1900 Now on the floor at§ ShebreM sc to , Do...…

October 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WVE CAN SHOW YOU teei and Wit e utings that we GYMNSIUMTO AL thO tretli made to- inasu ordinairily ho leliwetfanki FOOTBALL, Goof GOLF OODSAgent for the Bet Can be found at Our Store C[ALINS Sheehan &Co. ~ )re thi l 00 oft tie mostiviting stele's toriFrll er fce bought together. ,L WHO BELEIVE te aretts ouht to be bought below the price- kl sao HERE YOU ARE. D...…

October 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…VIE MCIIAN )ILY N[EWF __mI. Taiors. .p. have ,just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall' and winter. The largest assort- nent in she city "le 1,o 1A. 1D 11 15 NAOINO EITO R, EA RL1 I. 110 t:,>11() . V2 BUISINEVSS PlANAGiI-I, EDIITORIS, OENERIAI. NIIWI': ; II Y t 1- I I AgGymas im a tto n. N 1 1111 I As 1331 Sft[$1 0 l1)F1 'l jlt* ~t rt 111 IN II 111% I.. ti I : ;I I t iI nI$1.00. W hllyA llo I t w t1fxrt ? TCOVN AT I108 F. 'Washington St!...…

October 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…'THELMICHIGAN'DAILY--NEWh! If you want to know what smartly dressed r men will wear this sea- ''.,°r1 son ask to see VESTS Stein= smuart Clothes __________________________ iodensdmritf & Apt lI This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION It' you take aLaboratory- CIIosein BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGYi, HIISTOLOGYV or PATHOLOGY We anV 8eyoumoeyonall Insirumenis & upplies EBERBACH&SONIMPORTERS AND iANUFACTURERS I Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN pr IIi...…

October 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS I ,.. ^r..rr,-r .r..- _ .. r~ ":r°- .,..n~.^ .rr. : ",, ..'." +, ,.- r:r ; - ,,... ,,r, . - ; - ., r , .-.i , . "-- r ., ".. I ' '. w1 1 . ' _ 1 _ _ _^r, +\ 1 ~~ 7 rr :e . ' r a' s arLtiai O r w = - = - "rs iYd r:. :d~ : n~i~r 1i ° °-- rx -- 'a~aY> ""ay ailrir "-v- (eli0 -1 N INGBiB TE A ANYPRIi you " are particula !" r s an ., : ;: i-na rd tof Y it co e to u . " -. I _.. - '.(joodA"s, '1G.tT . Shoes," } r4kt a . . ['+ ...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., WE~sDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1903. No. 20 CRUCIAL CONEST Al HAND D[TROIT WANS CLINICS. A [AST GiAMEl. "[V[RYMAN" TO B[ IV[N. Only One More Practice Before Min- Detroit College of Medicine Wants to Senior Lawn Defeat Senior Engineers' Morality Play of 15th Century-Of nesota Journey-Fast Scrimmage Affiliate With the University. Game Called Because of Unusual Dramatic interests. Yesterday-Close Race For D...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…- ~~~~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * Yu nieNesi Fall Allloullcement.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor xwil1)e found at G". I. Wildl & os, 10 +last Washington St. (Crat pains hae 11(10 itaken i n the selectoni f llsuoitingxx. truing on\. o vercoa05 titxn s for this xx.aion G, H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. SHELIIAN'KS C es lix.'t Plaxe; nin Ihe Iityiforstyl SText- BooksI Ageitxxor i Keuffel & rser's Drawing In- 3 - struments...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…FTHE MICHIGAN DAILY._ L ~ You athilic. young fe'go's W1ho are looking odd hooh Al All Vast eho theo a well as of goodt mscie Y~oure jstfosllw Al Dorothy ii Styes. 'lothes widl by farther iblutue Ft1~OR ADIES.$.0 oxl Clothe ;'lollL)' The only shoe that is eiuy shaped to the bns uee * I 4* ls 110r'ollswil and ligamrents of the foot as theyj are revealed by X-Ray I * t nco Photographs. New~~~115 Lieo [+ UTIOR ONCE wont you try a pair1 that are no...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "' "' ""' +y i"s"+'F4r"*f r+°+7 t +°*i" s44+i +t+a a* *+" 4' 'yf y+" 4 y + iOUR TAILORING SDEPARTMENT,.,,. is gaining in popularity, Come anid see ns he-., fore p~lacing yonr order. 4 PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. "* Best kind of wor kmanship guaranteed. Manager.109-111 Washing~ton .St., EMast. G. 3 BUS, Cutin , R~yer ~,).Co4 f i i +s* i i iH *,-1 4..41f 1+*" f f r + f"+10 4- +*"141r + w+4+i~+++++ '+r4* +"*i ++ " ° i++ *+4...…

October 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Day- VoL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, OCTOBER '28, 1904. No. 28 UNION BANQUET 411EI~T FD ~IA~I~AJ EASTV YS ET U.iest- - V 4JE U I *1- E'.tf YI OlVersity Students Are to Serve nt the Union Dinner-Re. ception and Ban- Rooters' Special Leaves Michigan Central Station at 9:30 quet. Tonight---Team Is In the Enemy's Territory. The executive committee has de-. cided to invite 100 students to erve Headed by the U .of M. band, long trip ...…

October 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY 7 II7 'LC"iaAN DAILY. .1 0 ii ri ln-h patro w1c ol --- -- - -- 1!c no's Iof' llirliooii 1 a d 1 111 ) II - EWOULD HAVE fi s l~. at Il~rtAnn oln 0V U-tKNOW rn rto lag 1J ' U 1 illd INIIlIUIIt! ade linthe'Estfft. Joseph I\ r ' __. . - -. . - t :f tf " --I i " , ,l. .111 ';-wa't1 . ..oed o e l tl t . 1 10' 11 " ; "JEIRSEYS Splding Flake Colors rices 2Thatwe are loin o 1111.1 lC . ot II aigEdLitor, J. FSTANLEY UALLEY. OUR NEW S...…

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