fDynamos Not Yet Arrived
g". o 11. g0al t1WBefoe Brvin.g Tour H WR
Published .Daily (Sundays excepted) duringintearvlfthnw yln.I-SET HEWR
the College year, at a1nd engines for the electric ]lht)(plant. Ph'Loto's ''a e ..AT
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'Theo e itihv(beenlieexl)eted for aitbig
OrricE: Timex building, 219 S. Main St. be - tline 11nd1 010(11(hve be helre 11105,
twee Liberty and William St.T h B e r m n S u i
MANAO#INO EDITOR ltenet's 1ha1e given 110 035 '1100fo' fthee
J.F -- taU6L 'elay 111111i. is lprohable that the111a- Scesrt isn&Cak
nUSINESS MANAGER chilies will he here wihiii a few (sas-Sceso'oGbon&Cak
. IH. lAs, 'H L. Pdest ahr' so h pno,
EDITORSPrfso(aiiriso110Ollli 112 'West Huron Street, Ann Arbor
that51 (le lights will be reily for 1.0se
11, 13. SKIIIMAN, '115L. Athletics. ohii eid ________________________________________________
E. L. GmsrEen. 'OL. - Moody s ihi ndys.'a flee the arrivof i______________________________________________
BUTLCEI LAM, '00, - - - Tuesday tlie oacililes.ST.T MA
O. D.Hllrsrc r, '00. Wednesday 'lilarg In'ar latipls for use on thi
R. i.Woonnow, '115. - Thurxday eillisdilllthe 011(11 lii til e CONS RYmTORJ Y OF MUIC BUR
A. CM sEl A '9- - - -Friday gfilihlllhv l~I~I1,
I. A. CAsiursee,'00 - - Saturday loP yet been ordereil Sevral (ii r-
('litt rieties acnow'iVeiiig testedin ll CONDUCTED BY TE
thli ii' al110 lab1oehratoy. One iof tiwI'll 811 T>E iRS
The ubcrption prier of the Daily i 2.0 0will le ..''l'iJltiO((1 1 OF TE
[or the college year. with a regular delivery dynaimos geelhre if lit bitfore. 7 te dy tned ia
before noun acba.Ntce.c oia-,~ui~
Lios,.and other mate eDedfor public- The gyittliSiuil ilia.l(01((ilytllild n5i MO RO(
tion must behbndedinat thaily sffieebe- iswhih ter
frdp.momaldtthedtrbfr inhchteeian nmdtt s-p. . of the day previous to that on which sh y for ele('lrielgh iiiig. TiteAnn PaoFot, VoclCntie,'5s O .xsa
they are xpected toacar . _PaoF~e ~lLltl',4Tg' YW.H~
Subsriptions may e left aLt The Daliy AI'l(r Eletrice jlit ('o. whlicil fol' IillG~a,,Voin i TI
Ofie lco' r5oltoNwstand. or ell ' fnilil((lt' light to te .mli-'es Maneubr- il o-lolinarGniy, CTunte
with Buxs i M anagte Sbcrbe swl o- yltl
ae afavor by reporting promptly at this OS1003at'.i'ry Stol~uly 0lpipose'dltothel('yofie130f0lreof)0 Violinve ppr.rl 1 f ANOD pp A J O'
ur(l1ilaioli to (leI~ive it}nsl ofa point and General Mtusical Vi Ati A .
TheIlusratd laazne s ot i- fndfo a elctc.liht lat.AS Theory. Study o Harp, The Washburn is the one and only
eluded by the Dill' in thelis tt of soon as the tbill passed -tle coteisuy M s le ClrZ= mak of world-wid reputation. Sold
t ook thili wies ott of (le glllsiilii by fist-class dealers evrywhre from
"fale" obie~li~ls. hisj~lrniistc ail eflsedti('ttrllslilil iire igh. -$1500 upward. Imitated extensively,
unetkn ilbecnutdb As a reullt of this actionte oyADES so e suec that the name "Geore
unetknlil s siicedb (t l ST.T O A DDETOYOFMSI, Washurn" is burnd upon the inside.
boardt of bn lide students sel cted light ihatthireqentels of (le gym- T HMSCNEVTR FMSC A beautiful Washurn Book contain-
frombot inepeacn an frteritynasian avebir fo th lat mnthing portraits and letters from the Dr
C~ll oll i~h'~i10111s (idfraerityIlsi~li1131'il~d or li lut 11(1111 ELZABETR STREET. Reszkes, Calve, Eanes, Nordica, Sal-
men11. 10Its purpse wiii be t0 futnll iS that afforded by sveal lanterns. chi and too other famous arists and
This ;sory Stale of affails will hei The hours of Courso 21, Develop- teachers, mailed free upon request.
a compllete record ofIthe annua11 l niior rliledled as soon a10 psssl'uin I ord r ment of Ittletorial Theory witi e- Address Dept. 1,
I311ndteei11ranl lcc for (list regulai' worlflmay be Ielcn at Mna adWdnoa, t1.ohLYON & HEALY,
Itoh~~~~~~~ lild Iiet'ys and Wedneor.AsedadyAorn Iat hiegn
sml'lllglon~g (11111litie. 1the' yiilllsillli. I. N. SCOTT. Cr aahAe n dm tCiao
Following the oftI re'peaied slic's- "Jimmie" Baird In Here.
of 11 )livtsi 'l(ye I asttaen The fist "Odi Grad" arrived y res. r-
th.o i Diythli'ac'ccei' 10'1(leh'snoJimie ted L e ts L u e Association1
010e)s tosanditie torlitoleof au in- Ian 'V'arity l'tatitokon aiica-
ter-soiey debaing league. Tlie dd intees Before 1110 reular lil-F RT TH D SEASON.
Adelplhii.Alpha Nt, andilthe .Jefferssn- 1up1Baird speint asoean hor coai'hinFO T -HRtahvelrdympesdteiwl-tehckgigepcaltetionTEUIVRIYSsgAET ORE
ingness enter such an organization. (t,)(le qul-er'lback position. DthinigTEUNVRIYSG AETCO S.
and~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~h if(irWbtrot1 iig i i egtular or'0k he watched11 ____the________
and iftheWebterwil no goinscnubs, and hiso coachiiiig seeimed to
(lie Beniton ill be chosn. So the put added life into them for thiey ilore SLAYTON GRAND CONCERT CO- --------------------- Ot. 3Pces9terjeiasrd h hnhl h ast n etteHN ALCBUE------------------Nv
Daily has beeiihawnieing away oii paytng foe mot of (11e time in thle DR. FRIDTTOtF NANSEN -------------------- --------. --- -Nov. 16
this line anilntrlonsly feels gi"aitihid.attrstnio'.Nihrs~0sl HON. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee---------------_ __ _ _ Dec. 3
at seeing the ien ake definite oSape. aletos ore. nlyeixrf(i rglrLELAND T. POWERS--------------------------------------_Ja.n22
'Varsity ires oo hmerpositios in
Withi such an opotnity for prelimi- the line-up viz.: Teetzel aind Bennett, BOOEER T. WASHINGTON Chicag-o Alunmni Number ----Jan. 29
inary training 'Michigan Stick in tue ends; Baker aid Lockwood, tatckes; SOUSA, AND) HS BAND ------------------------Feb. 25
Cetral Debating League ouglil Ito rise Richards. quater; afid Pingree. half. ORATORCAL CONTEST ----------------------------------- March 18
roiidy.Coach Stevenson played cener; eil' HON. j. BURTON------------------------- -------------Aril 18
______________ and IEan. guards; Gordon, half; anid
'Thi University is 10 be favoreid thils tHodgmatn fullbacek. At oie time 1110so ikes - - 20
oweek wihi (le presence of a gi-at scruibs had (le bal on the varsity's tf 20
thnoe-)ard huen oo'wen a (lrace ow-s
mnany of her sons and daugliter.,. The tikenanald(le Maltxvent over o Season Tickets[Reserved, [Extra] .50
Coliegiate Altiiiiae, (le Michigani (owns. The practice oas ti.hte st
I'oliticai Scienee Assocationi and the in oeeks and aliiost as ad as (list
quoa o thse hos plceswe owday. Before (lihe line-p odginn
quoa o thse rhiseplaes e 10(0oxas coached in kicking Soeld goals* .
fil. Cndiion hae cangd sn~eandI averaged two out -f three flroi Just as becomingly as you do the rest of your body-wear a tie that
they oere here and it would be a the 45-yard lie. Considerable ateni- feels right and looks right. We're going to help you
good plan 10 heingltiemnait togethler tion oas given 1o getting 'lown ile out on tis Tie question.
os-bre. they could beomle aequtainted field on punts. See Our Window. THREE FOR" ONE DOLLAR
owith thie live element of the present Violinists everyswhere xwill al ith
sdent body. In no eter way would delight (le beautifully printed andrt"
ihis be done luau by having tile vis- authioitaivey xvriteii'ook aboutU t fg i e r & C o
'tng Ainmniat ihe game Saturday in Old Violins, jot published by Lyon C-C ~ t n 9 e e p 011
a oy esget hsmte ote iealy. 211 and .203 South Main Street. - Ann Arbor, rlch
a. ody Wesugest ths mtte tothe Either of the above booko set fre
Athittie Board and Manager Hughies, tpon application to Dept. 31, Lyon &
and suggest that sonmc plain be de- H~ealy, 199t Wabash avenue, Chicago. If Better Lasts, or Sbapelier Lasts, or Easier Styles
vised whereby all te visiting "old can be ad we have them-Econimies eerywere ecept in quality
grads" eon e gotten to Regets' Fied tLOST-Between S. Univrsi' and -that keeps going up. up, up. Our $.00 sd $.00 shoes are far and
slr y ftrnonBill sreet on Twxefth street,a gold away the best money's worth we ever offered in those grades.
_________fternoon.anidiosaiciat-pin. Finder will plese yL
TO Ii NT-A suite of rosiwoith all leave .-a steward's office or return 10o W lM1 J. AP I
coveniences at 54 E. Liberty s. . 29Wslieiaw Avenue. fig EAST WASHINGTON 'STREET.