TheMichigan Dail
Only One More Practice Before Min- Detroit College of Medicine Wants to Senior Lawn Defeat Senior Engineers' Morality Play of 15th Century-Of
nesota Journey-Fast Scrimmage Affiliate With the University. Game Called Because of Unusual Dramatic interests.
Yesterday-Close Race For Darness.l
Quarterhack Honors.'The questiootht eon slodtaion_____ On ile evening of Saturday, Nov-
of te Deroit(Colege f Molieniltmer 7 the smoraliy play of" Every-
li'Ieri ol. o eiie~ S.nioi' Laws deeaed the Senior, ihteMdclDprmn fte nier ntefsetgm fte man'' wilt epeene n University
Tht'resuttof list ight's itlasot tstcMrim-tli atIlt ii 1 II l'igiehalil.t tsl't tii'he if.ol11 h' lotwingexiiat, clipped
mage wototnitFteiry t'it.'ttthas given nlaum titr~in dlHitii ht'.Yst Y . 05 oniltDelroil Jornagiven a vivid
the Micitgan root ers addtedt ronfidenre pe o f )mind1(1o ty 5~of le mediait by 'iscore of 2:1 to 0it..tth dl i tirii a i
in te abilitiy ot ots wliiigtwork ct iil IIt( iAttatii its i t. (11(1 ottie lrsthall (hescore1i
decisivt.'cotesti(M 11. ta tMinaoi on hr st gle fr ii .Xl ni Su T hot he 1asthd sc al ithin otrlin li td i (-a11 o iS oi
flo itoi tr te te rt l the n cit tli'of ithe (nite' t tii repel' it.' mostliiiteresing tiy
S iaturtdtay.itti t ttImid ii 1ulilisiti toi'atlmt iatate ieast tve r p "'sot ml i this city tos 'Every-
WhsatiieverI ut'nextpeclttlediti utAiitvtstnoossai miay ot ,ou. mattti ," 0(1 liv at.'i i t anonie 1alt last
occu, Mi 0~ . it tlt15 eting A titIt''iti entnury play
stiltrpptccirsehave'etkent.'sthesmac- tnriutieiminutetoof tit. tieil taint ingsiutethat
itaysigertai nt tt."he sMic ititpl.i sStutu itasiit iseditoibeiill thetmitdle
or hv te is(srt.1h ave ve t uiin tee tig' itdttetito it was icalled15 ona asiountttoaitfitnrkeveswith
Litiigi to tiiiiir iitl the'miselve i ts.e . iipstl iai t o a'* iti ti tt1' tttns ouit tie s ac s
use tii otibi" l(tieamt nti tatcitep tgemwe liiiAror c iis tan ii liii ii I / Iexhbiionth an30 s itsofaIhS et'e aiiith e i'ts igtiis
work.the ch apion i ifi1l1t ' 'iti 'itisso1st is02+n ds i Lawsislit I sv b frit(, best i t insti aniitict h hitaangeitsenery
Thei pro'r'm f' ot'nIoiwiilo iniinlesua talittestabish a. medic litpos t -a it Ichanlilto i hepenat g i tit 1 i i aIlt i f ihn hn
ssit p atit iIice I us s tait y 'at is idlita(thelilt oi tttJ 'iura ttil abrtgit ition theoIpantlgsofiha
tie, susitna aok slFit'udaiy, ti aind (il iiiit ii o ''tiiitivi gsfouwi e io t'or ci it uficiDodly sei hi
Las. rnht halfan hourwrits (0VOicd'ota.Detoit physlitnssiltroto
ti i"gl prcti e,'it i iutieM of eand (((tiltthi apIrtat s oi te 'an, i Ititi ' n hi' 1i.l Ilt 1 iitutu st iii tihe stili n angd t erelnyg int.
Iliugi titilt I te lii iii hu' tlt i s' a ino t ewibut istalt ldt plan wticI i I (hi i it I i gtlshts ItieOlstotnmu uti'cus etc
Gri ve don te graerhitu rl l it(' a g sm cGthositI t t, will cliiidoin. gutcs in iiiio u t h it tl hall to
ity I ' Sttto e f .boos' ttIiiwhlo Ahe Ti Aietus Intt ilssie toiiio iinint CONSUMEh r.SLEg UE E TylNOr rtut enit lii' a tcu-crisret'-
regutularsgc ItsedIdowntattiu it he ''i i'itti (tit tuu stl iitOftt h' ti iiht' ' u or ta he F iigi. t t'it u'Aiu sutI'ia a snatlt. a e liefril eoe te ele thit'
1 ucss' Ihi Wua ints i fIt (tius'i' Ittl li t lns i to Mot De ttu. iiit AIttuIR'suitls I'tileenn niie K ietrut hs hei I caidO blilt' ait chingatu ohelp
riesk ttltui lngutti achne iiar ing lt't t D istVtauthanitheI Deii n gst' iheiaMedictlIMlt'he :;t. u ttitt'5' tO ht. i lii t art'slptunitis e ciur ey i
lwect rue t hsn I hi'vtuuriisiy weta prte taitP esdetreg ll i t"(t(' iuit.I Iit.iiai Haiit it iltcgr hhues aties o s n shy is t
tesiicr ubsittiaistr uomus fasion.tug hatcHllEdULiedOF a Mkokde usbr; ett um o iey
guwstni sieofasu.ondee c 'leiii' e i ty hiltnot ;tu i tue s 1itttyd Uii 1f'tiiie' I"''. mt If ta' ' ith im athos flis ri'n dsn
itage tt ttiiTh i.'r 'ity ieup((wasli quetiontt camef il e fIittore A t tttime f(tt' t t to p'lutut'hit iiusfetis. tHis fictmtt i i ndis' antrihe e u10((
a'ifolo s 'ttteIic e iL ust'., Red en;aLT .,11(' C u t h 'relgias aOlacktof Iluitt'ial mtt ria .....ti ... ssil su- tll I ttg t Ihe himfuan ud huf tol hc pray
ts;i.. G.,(It t lt li' 'liiIt.'.,Grgoy;R.C_.i n Ann Art borti hspitt'tas out haiuiS t 'it t ftfulO taUMti Si L t'E AGU i ET' INGlu f it' thgoo d es.heni' ' l'"u '5ath an 'agele
l'.'oo ittu to huIt. T ,iv tielt stil fill t is 5 some i reasounii fit usuch t itu propsl'eril b t. t inglit th e flu ntt 1 sonututuiias iaiwoman'it edsidowt tbyhisva
itt's.,tHamit ongdtit Foit t'" net t (tuat i c f t t ia I or cime uutm n'sitmn siumiThIsd('aO t iimbu sh latsh intuito1111n ivlhigl,
ho (ti ea htilos t chitsed ifilt \' i l t s tIcit' ( ts 'ipidsil ethu c n (fita 4.m.Ms i l t '' 'X 1 .I'Chasit'Cooley tiwilltI lit' tkesimul ii t ' ut'esin'm pit es ul ts
ie lua'liiia I'd t li'itt fild underiI ttue givenIftutu' y lit' , g'utt'tittt i 'I~ i' i, papersonth tis ite so 1 (5 lithoftretirt shitl foruty h 0 etourn yit ulct
ci'l'tud ua hut liwith atdah anivim SCHE UuuL it F GM it. i i out i-u's bl ems i tuare ititdtalt-y Strnhubut's p i 't W its uvntu i e
whihtilt'tspeak'si'u'i'i' tutu ifnutstu itt 'utg i'li'i'l'utu y vto' fuend.cutt ui t i"a tlte Idoorcoiti 1h tomt heyiit
ilt tusoai fit lilt ( i I. lii tuittit tligtu 51 ((V t i instieliif1(11t(htdlisialustagainst sw atMullor a ld-i s. It l et sintk'ti torunst e toinb, 5: iii-
quet io iuc Ib thtuh .rt ersi ( ost-t tiu i f a i th g' all's utuevuius' it me.i hitt ,uu chtrlabor , und the wl u int'i ihuy' ai frvetiuly gias i h e o igand ti outnge
fosses it la ton w ih wl i l t it e('i' oe t sll asutg uavo iicp sibt lluar ectieitwhile oe i n uthei eluf ciri 1 nithe i lii I uwlcoes le isttctrii
uosti a1',tt hit'Sil'ili li ut hit't'ei fct't more tie( gam' s.( ' e lastitnithe (litutfigh t usee h 11hel nd leophil utriil 'n ie au uya.hti t ii h
tat lN 'acrs' hsift fucs'u' heiuu Ai huh h i it Io i t ests wi1 l'n t utu' hutof ie tn itlaues' in odertoiit'e- ire mI gl hi to f atue itt s t i g.te
11:e(s t'rouo ut' 1111file g t rIptu tis liii _________ovemb-r 1;1.i sOf tDeaili''t al t hint a n ir thi sll
tei (lattwoii t ci it 'ima'v s'i' t,'Mit.')- IThe it011((1 itt M tiswilIrtu E ATH OFCn LLDANbr taueoa frm d a s p ited o s reapresenti" a gr i ce.n
for t tlt st ill p1(1ccii hitci ii u edufits andtai n .wl et o b r . h n ml d e r i ithsuit-utnes tp'inte'd'anu' hte a tnduu
Gradiili h u tte Man tier Baid atfs sltuiyet Sa iiidit 'orW ug st i1I0,7 hu a-'ndttI vl s u fti
i((i'~hht~i t (utStlt lay ht cst on t.:u ii tIti'r. ' - f tcarr ig ahis ill nduit hits n.i I n r uu'te-
doieIpnth-ta ' tneay u gintshus ifr(illut I hchretedina Th e s it ii Art orIl t ucii Ispcialty s u huet . M.5ecllo te Aiig hut,
willthaveStil hetiti'r i'ou tt i ltNtrtpulin- fuo stilson a t i u tanx tcli 'utiou to hai guietusutuan s p- giv n n Dthu it.f eius ntil it v u r-ct
t t Si iih'iittiotun fitmorrow.' aFromS iirItse'nt inui'uh'iarers ha' b en soaed 'an weotoi -h s u dentIii , who it heni they tn alt ough in 1teuorigin ipyodu g
tinsu h htui i' ago't'Noth'e'teriihe ftlhs'tg 'iullne5 (1 111th : leasve1t h uts 'ivs y D titiwi help t tion a hdi ithe Lo dotep od cto
rate'usiilb e pMi' t e a liiiVarityiii u '4 uit itsfu0:s'6 Meitt ,u0. '05ilawst spreadttt'e't eresi ht,(hu iad b cohutshe:I it his302 'u''h'A l in flit'appe nr esdonl
speial'y ca''rt will lit.'ettAnniii Arbor i (ut i its 0. '(14it aIt stuf 3fit't4tu it i nucit forI inthy huea u. i su i te tagehu t'h itt~er'stn ucuo utddue
'(th ri tu aroi l s'a l t lir' tutNit-vs ut'hit'sollo tin is h c oi tiETH F C R EL E N aces it eush'mblist.' wayc andso l oe w~t-
Stn[ andiut fit inimp's oranututat allt he(11 ((stttu01t tt'htu gattesly sy I vsl mlyfiacatey eastre
who wishitoigo tol unifyapiisashouldt Iuiahii whiteet-stiutut uvi-t.u"",iU hevayllegeuwhe the aisle,
etuatnict tt'tieiih iimeaitntutushy tul' tchitttsalgnalsforiii li
titlrlit ei'i trans-i r"hi ivit.Itiunce ft'einitg ii lt ,tiI ,iiu ita o(tltlrenuory ti flefthetcar
upiu tu ~ u''tltst t ss Isiobit t' stut-eutuf M rch6i nrsati te171 ii l li tuh -sa uuhto c frpp outa r 'is a ulng bscth
preen su-u'i i nd u'uutcuisicatiiuons stti ttu hunotutuu. titt' e tIt offuhheutDitan'oflvafieEtheintine
ho a29c-shu Ioiauu ct'g04fitHtii i edist vsitiI hu lt i u PI LLrPSaSC OLAR HIP 151 s we t, b' u -t a ntne ho hi
taiou10"0rcnyslll bsca ovi- o titciitu r I.e a itfrs uuc iuh htfi ti thr unisls o u'rfe t1,nPioft t. Hs u ig ir-ue lt lt u as h
nuei ntaccsiotmhtuoa ril zsatu 1ttua sdAy utov.uttwinnesoftutuh s at'(it'tiitgrowuilntii hv ittl alirsgiatt itnsitiyg u tilitviba tis
an ueii riepreasheilntacti iu welti'si trual' uu i slu ~ u ht utit si-u iany ite cinthte liau teuucbuah'ter xtfo
T raint e r t c c ie, Ft d on iu , s vnt 'i ati' iu dty u N ovugl 7sift win neff s O f i u h a - ' O n' i n e si t e st i lhhh i isit in' rcflit'mathihutocisaio n althesshuthsty l
tiwor tam iinry in ae ucileititc s-soaf l Iiti san 6.uolt tuluss(lut It hui' ill th pear g In enteItatitushis, 1frinst t h1.1 rcaveiutEverynt- 'the mlath i een
IWiiolri'esatidiit i le tyle nu netiig o v. 1ih wiltnteasuoumtch es I id' 0 t "yhu hihehtiall tfii' i a figtu-sli wtho laye
andth eiriwt didv t fI id that ally' ad-f' el h ot't' uicall go fteAtht iciAsso-u GreBt favia, N. Y. ; E'ssoni t. fate, shullit'b f petrforatedt in a sinugle act,
s'untu'- huadh lt-un gain Oiis tu he it ou wiu cll msakeuuptitthue IteitcientyV Rtaiy f iiiantd fteanduince sat furneoualy ftwo
thing fCalifitri p iiuthe heualthuofthit s osIte idecis 1(ion in ea o atvinig(I th hu fiis' seuolariships .511 hours wiu t h sli ghtest breakt.
teaim ws nout ilil b t he ii'chanuge Ilithe excu ssion iiltdeph nu on t he wardetdie vryfail to treshmiienu whois Anthercuniolus featucusoittheIlr ud-
ini trinking waers aiv'uuiuuhi uoft iamest 5nolhildbefoiretnoostu and s i glit st : s il the hUniversit y ad-ti efin ormiisnances is the speech given
Minneai's h d tesptatchies say (luau, (hu t iiss araeillsy itetutust.eitthat all i- umissiou uin e hIi itehi ts ic Lat iniantI ty Messetniger cat ospening anidcdose,
tendting to goi imakeu Ittwnlfteir pu1rr Iseek iT he istsr i t s viiwoth $50
(Coniiniuedton thge U.1 (usc' atutiuce.authcus (Continuedton Page Three.)
5:00 P. M. Todayin University Hall. ,All out!