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October 28, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-28

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The Michigan Day-
VoL. XV.
No. 28
U.iest- - V 4JE U I *1- E'.tf YI
OlVersity Students Are to Serve nt
the Union Dinner-Re.
ception and Ban- Rooters' Special Leaves Michigan Central Station at 9:30
quet. Tonight---Team Is In the Enemy's Territory.
The executive committee has de-.
cided to invite 100 students to erve Headed by the U .of M. band, long trip and do their share to bring od
NonMiige'snoysifootballcontingentvictory back to Ann Arbor.
the Union dinner November 11. In The special will arrive in Chicago iga
consideration for this service, each will board the rooters' special at the at 6 o'clock Saturday morning, leav-"
student will be given a receipt for Michigan Central depot at 9:30 to- ing there for Madison at 8:15, and wet
one year's dues to the union, a ticket night en route for the scene of what arriving at the scene of hostilities I
entitlingtheoler to a tditter attpronises oieoof te greatest about noon. Michigan men will make e
ttitling hh r ar their headquarters at the Park hotel,
the same privileges as all other mem- gridiron battles ever seen in the west where the team will stay. era
bers. Mrs. Motley, the caterer, will ---One upon which ih is more than Owing to a break-down of the tha
serve these student waiters first press, the Daily was late in appear- foo
with the same dinner that the other ing this morning, and few knew the ist
tmesamell time at which the team was to leave.
embers will get. After the main Citsequently, uisly a hattdfl ser a wi
body is served, these students will ithe train to see the speedy ones de- cle
enter the hall and participate in the part. However, these few made 11tp tea
banquet the same as every other in spirit what they lacked in num- As
mertber it the Union. By the adop ers and gave a rousing U. Of M. yell not
tiln of this plan, very nerson int the as the train pulled out of the station. it
hall will be a member of the union. "Hurry-Up" was there, smoking his on
Several applications have already suai tlacik cigar anti toking naie T
been received, so the committee will cheerful than he has for some time. OfI
adopt the same rule as it did for all He admitted that the way the boys We
Other members, viz.: "First come, have lug into their stork this weak as
si erved." Thise sttients wto has made the prospect appear con- wee
sire hit accept this invitation, in- siderably brigter, but said that it
eluding thise who have area-dy set some one would inform him as to sin
n their names, should call ot the how the game would result, it would to
secretary, E. F. Parker, 521 E. Jeffer- tlake a great load off his mind. cat
8O1, and receive receipts for dues and A- to the line-up, the esach said soc
Ai kets to the dininer.-/o tthat Hal Weeks would certainly play us
With the subscriptions of alumni Ilei end, and in all probability TossBa
and the dues of members of the fac- Hammond would be at right tackle. fro
ity and sundergraduates, together ASSISTANT COACH COLE. and Clark at right half, although gi
With the gratuitous servicesif the there was still a possibility that
and and University Glee sni Mat- Graham would be placed at tackle,
olin cts, the commifte sviad be iprotabl the western championship while Tom went to the halfback
ebled to give a recption ant ban- depends. position.
nes worth several times the price of is week has seen a remarkable The men seemed in the best of
eld in thei .gyn- lane in te feeling of he sudent spirits, and Trainer Fitzpatrick re- ta
vparlors of Barbour gnarked that they all appeared to be th
4 sum and in the theatre on the body concerning the Wisconsin game. in fine condition. act
econd floor, where the band will give The reports of the Cardinals' strength Late last night a disCaate was re- a
a y informal half-hour concet.sAt d 0 which have emanated from Madison, ceived from Fitzpatrick stating that
ciY 7:41 o'clock the one thoustandi rot
guests will march into the Waterman and the growing confidence of the the team had arrived safely in Jaes-
gymnasium and be seated in a body. Wisconsin people have alarmed viyle, Wisconsin. Getting into Chi- ga
Over the speakers' table will hang Michigat roters, and no one cait cago yesterday afternoon the menig e
a huge University of Michigan Union w were taken to the Chicago Beach we
banner in the true university colors, be found in Ann Arbor who doubts hotel, where they donned their suits
aizeand azure that the Badgers will prove more and went through a long signal prac- ga
and zue blue. Other Mihi- ev
gaO banners will be furnished and formidable opponents than they have tice on the beach. A stop of three pihi
hung by Miss Lovell. The tables will for the iast two years. hours was made in the Windy City. se
h decorated with yellow chrysan- it is alt-gether likely, therefore, The team will be given a gooi 0
themums.that a large crowd will be at the work-out today and go on into Madi- cot
depot tonight ready to embark on the son tomorrow morning.
Tb0 907 Engineers beat the 1906 ALUMNI LETTERS FAILED TO SECURE CAR
1tgineers yesterday afternoon in the The following is an extract from -a The plan of some of the students
ardest game of the class series, letter received by one of the members to go to Madison in a box car ha gi
.oth teams were strong and aggres- of te executive committe. miscarried. Word was received yes- n
sive, and it was only by the hardest sterday from the Michigan Central Mt
klntd of hard work, aided by good luck passenger agent that such a proceed- Re
that the Sophs managed to score. Dear -ing was against the policy of the Sp
The line-up was: * * * * * Once in a while I road, and the request for a car would Ad
1906-Dwella, center; Reed, left get a little news from old Ann Arbor. have to be refused, for the reason
guard; Tullocks, right guard; Cron, Among other things, I learn that the that an excursion rate had already
left tackle; Willis and Holmes, right club house project and the University been granted and also because of the De
tackle; Pinch, left end; Edwards, of Michigan Union are to be formally extra risk that the company wouldc
right end; Jocyn, quarter; Captain launched at a big dinner November assume in carrying passengers in a Af
(ttschall, right half; Palmer, left 11. What a great gathering this will box car. Ne
half; Kennedy, fullback. be! It is the best and greatest move- The expense of the trip in this way Sy
1907-Riecks, center; Thompson, ment ever started at Michigan. I would be about six dollars, and it Mi
ett guard; Holland and Saunders, wish I were there where I could help was planned to leave yesterday aft- P
right guard; Freeman, left tackle; as I appreciate now much more than ernoon and go to Madison today,
1yke, right tackle; George, left end; when I was in school, the great good having al day Saturday for sight-
5ller, right end; Lewis, quarter; to be derived from a union and a seeing and the game.
alker and Captain Robertson, right club house. It has been my good -
hal Daane, left half; Nieson, full- fortune to be able to examine care-, A mock political campaign and
isk. fully the union club (Harvard Union), presidential election is at present so
and the Dartmouth Common. In both occupying the attention of Vassar Fl
ILINOIS MAY PROTEST STAGG'S places the club is the center of col- students. The college has been w
STAR BACK. lege spirit. The Harvard Union is divided into wards and sub-divided
Revery complete and, in many - ways, into election districts. Campaign Yt
Representatives of the University fulfills my idea of what a club should committees, headquarters controlling rt
de llnois are trying to gather ev- be. Please keep me informed, and the spellbinders and ward workers, ha
denCe upon which to protest Hugo if I can be of any service I shall be and all the machinery according to la
ezdek, Chicago's fullback, on the only too glad to be called, the election laws is in full operation. en
leunid of professionaistm. is at- Sincerely, The girls have shown marked ability te
prize tht B part in several JOHN WATLING. in stump-speaking.
r ights in the Stockyard district pe
over two years ago, fighting under - -
the name of "Young Hugo."
Michigan men, without exception, T D o ars K
Will hope that there is no ground for lia j w ot
the charges. We all want Stagg to ca
come here with the strongest team ON YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY co
becan get together on November 12
1 and then give him an awful beating Expires Nov. 1st. E.
BIRD CLUB. If not paid before this date, $2.50 m
All persons interested in the stud" H
Of birds are invited to attend the Mail remittances to
it meeigofthe Bi rcuath Phone 461. CLAUDE A. T HOMpSON, Mgr., 331 Packard St. m
aiveesity Museum lecture room Fri- +++
d evening at 7 o'clock. J 0 *-.e.--. '-*R.
teresting Change of Opinion in
East-Now Thoroughly Recog.
nize the Ability of West
ern Football Teams.
Tne following letter was received
ay from Louis DeFoe, an old Mich-
n man who is now in New York:
'As an evidence that football in the
st is making itself felt in the east,
send you this editorial from the
sw York World. It is one of sev-
I we have had. The contention
it there is greater excellence in
Aball in the west than in the east
now thoroughly believed. The day
1 come when a Michigan team will
an up on the best of the eastern
ims if she only keels up her gait.
it is, I am heartily glad we are
tplaying Columbia this year. When
comes to a test. we want to take
somebody of our size."
'ie editorial enclosed was a review
the football scores in the east and
st, commenting on surprises in the
t, and saying the following of the'
tlichisn, Minnesota and Wiscon-
chiely, of the big teams supposed
be playing with minor elevens,
me away with old-fashioned vic-
ies to their credit. it is perhaps
A as well that the schedules i the
is permit oh some side-stepping
m dates with these western
t ts.
Capt. Tom Bird wishes each stu-
nt who goes to Madison today to
so a megaphone with himt, in order
at more effectual rooting may be
complished. Coach Yost seconded
lpt. Bird's remarks in this regard
d said that the team needs good
oting tomorrow if it ever needed it.
At last year's Michigan-Wisconsin
me, the rooting done by the Bad-
vs was very good, although there
re but comparatively few at the
me. This was tue to the fact that
cry Wisconsin man had a mega-
one. All students who intend to
e the game sh'id, without an ex-
ption, have a megaphone, and so
his best to help make the team
The Alpha Nu Literary society will
-e the following program Saturday
sic .................. Ortmeyer
ading -....... -.............. Chubb
eech ..................... Bradley
[dress-"An Examination of the
Russian Argument in the Present
War in the Nast" .......... ."Inui
bate-"That the Bib Universities
Should Abolish Co-Education"
firmative....Martin and Stanchfleld
-gative-......Cogrove and Brereton
bil ................ Roberts
chigan Songs.
Meeting called at 7:30 p. iu.
Those who do not go to Madison
ill have an opportunity- to witness
me high-class football on Ferry
eld Saturday morning at 10 o'clock,
en the All-Fresh encounter the
si Normals. Aside from the at-
action of a game between two well-
athed teams, it is rumored that a
rge number of the Normal girls are
uming over to cheer on their team
d roast the Freshmen. A large at-
ndance of the stay-at-homes is ex-
President Reed of the senior medi-
1 class has announced the following
Social-L. A. Farnham chairman,
R. Taylor, J. A. Morehouse.
Invitation-E. R. Marshall chair-
an, E. J. Thomas, A. W. Ide.
Pictue-R. A. Brown chairman,
. J. Vandenburg, L. B. Green.
Cap and Gown-L. H. Hector chair-
ian, N. N. Bradley, B. E. Barnett.
Memorial-C. W. Merkel chai an,
. 0. Beakes, J. P. Scheurman.

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