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October 28, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-28

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If WTo uAre Think~ing of Buying e,
(10 not neglect looking over our immense large hine of the choicest g rments made in this ontry. We know that there isn't a better-:
and more complete line of
in this city and we Claim that most of the merchant tailors Cannot give yon near a ood a fit althoughi they will charge you double the rice_
Our Sits a from,$15 to $2() are smply elegrant. notning, in the readil-nadle line to match thenm. Hammersough Bros.' Overoats.
are the swellest made antd only handled by us. You will want one of these.
MICHIGAN C~~L Sour Looks, Soiled Fingers,
Time Table (Revised) Sept 2, 1916
Maland Ex -1147 N. Y.Special...A hi pc s eev
N. Y.special...4 .s Ma'ii------ - l3 dentiy lth eia sits daes
E'asternEx -10 17 N..Lui ted .. 1925 notsai
AtlatcEx F-- 47 Sii PacfE x_.--se
0.N. bar se U Chi. Westr xt9F Ml, S, PWKR FUNTAIN PE, for the Grand Opera.
G.. Ex--/--/5 ,5r escase lthe lPirler hasc .a.p-
. W. Ruaniems, Rtt. 0HAYES - / / sh51 1 -ilsap lfeastnownisec
G. P. & T. A .. Csica. Age Ace Arbort- I5 the CarediTula e iIedWhih Houise.
me s itimposasiblsl.fo iablt
7 "etsi te asspicraoerthe epa
Y of he,_ozzlwhenthepen_
in te ps itks.3. pes that will
', "- - - ry: - ,ydo this, lisiSfIed lth e k eer-
F f~~ecily V iwellw steld iswrh
RAILROAD. .t Dor't You Thik SoP -
[m e atS , Oil.2, 1e96. The Way 2a
515 . 6011 ills' a - - ..J. IC. FREUD. '99 47 S. UtrY, t,' M t a
a. m. *7 10lia m. )51l amw?0l5ia uH S
liii belaeecn AnnsiArisotandec Tedoil only
All I ia deilyiteapi Sniday.
W.0 . II NN ( . P. A. Tledo .
_______________ Hatf pound boxes 10 Cents. Pound boxes 20 Cents. i all ig.iMR °
ANN ARBOR & Y 1PSILANTI ST. RY. We tave just received si fres ot of Gbson's Engisth FruitTblettse iottll T cl c ;$ O eC at
Time Tabte, May 17. 1896 i i+ 17rys E. to et WashVigton, osatiss a °a~. C
Lave Ypiatt ram Csngrae ss., 6:0, :0 }'""5i ..n"' ~
and 11:00 a. i.; t2:452:00, :30, 5:00,64, 8:30 ° aslib - _
ave ssAr0r:1e5as p. m'ssl edNotice. How Is It Here? Tha OnIg Sepig ar Lisa betwen. T-
LevAnAroJntin__W 83 adLauds ad Clusmbs.
1:30 a. in.; ts15, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 7:15, 9e00 asdTe
tse4 P.m. ,SUNDAY TMAseiltl a wnpo ddfr1h ti io hTeOnay Slaepisg or Drawing Raom ar
TI~t. A"li lis ~ ~ it ic tii'l ii ' e ituy tic LtsebteeaaaTeld, oelubu al
Leave Yptlanst ram Cesgress t., t,1:3 , t icligmti Minl Iit t es Ilti m alc yilil (liczigo ,1\ci'ttt~ tt~ti i sisssilels' clwu- Marttta.
5.00, 6:30 asd 9:00. m. The Onl Drawng Raoom ar Lin a ttrna
Leave Ass Arbr Jusntesn,2:00, 400,5130, ise asstciset 1),V sstslltal l orissiesrs'-frismi t, tcl ing:Tlaa ssnba an hrat
7:00 and 000 p. m.Todo oubsan hratay
Cars rca as ctytme Fares sisgie trip ,51ha lttciiettft the lIitlspssis-sI cM ('tists. ''\l'a lth ii: ass isie t 'f t-' 1 ia W. Vua.d
ceasalrecnd trtptckets 25 cests. Plmnbopr ewe ou bs
WM. F. PAaER, Spt T'et istwsittl tice sitssalt, lt tesdelt, 11551:15,0 5 lrs'Iit si,,lls Puallmr hangloar. aasa olmu
1)55. 1(5 Nit. itit m. tiilt li 5it55i Ilsc sitI 1t- -s s~ss-s ItIi'i-t TIt~e TM ONLY LINE sit4 taso ea a d _
115' laiiitlitiit llilltilu s tllt ill. 'lit Ilitlr, llI. t(ts tusi t vsif s ison t II l itty- SndsbeetnsacTead aSolt ai.
THE OLYbIN ithll5trsais eh a>Fssa-.
RAILROAD TICOKET BROKERS 5:tiedi ii I iss atsii'iisiit 'Is is. tstll iss'in ht l~t d55, itli'hs cl's i ti t siti' ttits betweemn Telesis stisi isurats ,
Whoesate Cigars, Tobaccos ansd tRsomi tNwberryx I tall.its ii iclteiiileas ttit. lso11115'tktliln I'tis' ljipit i t 55and tViiglis. t
Cigarettes. lt1t 50llg't~l111 ii ul~ll ass ~ pc lsae railiitedoA~e ,
lttsay! tst- t. :21-1()ttolii72 t 1. t.. dless'ol 'isit' i t ,noI~ trgt titi ~ ir sFall Is~oratosreative toiearae, i in
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. 2toJa . 5 l rleu. ,lso. ul 1. tiniso, eec.,oslio elsalc-isastoA
Frlidayx. O(,(-I.10 to Is12 a ..2_ to MOULTON lHOU, O .P..
cgtisi- sisl d tile , ts'. las'1111oan -I-it- (TOL D ,O ui
ANDALL THE PHOTOGnRAPHER ustt-.O-I 0 tS .a. 11.1tst''i ll. I."15550s tttti
S Washingtosn Black, Stillltst, Nov. 2 - 1)tI .I.1. , -to 0Msoulst bs' mo11e'lIlrill an112 Isi t -set.
Ann Arhor.
re1iedatas c r i I. fII. ling tssthei pares.iti
RANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING '5'il~t-, No-i-8i' < ) a. l d'o1tlsnost issui l, dott lti
0urmeteod insresasueesls trees st 1111,1stt glstoS1111 liltei"
HI'es Ppl 'thosis'l'i 1111111 _____Ind_______everyNewiv i1 Irk C-ff,
fltemdiMacaid stret N1111e1w1 ig'li' ~ttis ll
mprood A n emteai-i. Ladie' gass, , A.t. tDAIS,. mIgoodt (ondiitionl Kitt s-is.CCl~t
Icpotean dreic sSc ig pslr i-a, eItl tv'si. tlliicantI 'ii. Addrtess A, . T an5ahigp lr,.pPr .Daily5. ?jC I T~
stairs. J. R. T'rejasesssi, 305. Stale ct.
i1nrl thete sit ad inlePATERNT APPLIED FOR1;,. -
Mi. MARTIN, Fuera iDiretor, Cltt ENLISH: Suentsa desiring to 111i1''lsietstiaos ige_______________________
. asd Metallic Caskets asS Fne Grade 'o 'o "(]ta i jlu tre.2
Cffins.Embalming a Speialty. No. 1 5. coIsist Wit Itrotcsao' Dominon awill100trIIItt5V'tis le.2 Fa Ien-ieatonle at-
Fosrtt ave.find him in Roomii10, '1. 1.1 at 4 p1 1., F or' Ieit-'Posaits a ofs0,11 it modern convnienes. 41I,"E. Unto,-r
Subsrihe for the Daily. daily. heat and blt, $1.00. 231 Tiompon oi. sity ave., -Mrs. L. A. Bell t.#-
Students buy the Best Fountain Pen in the market. Every one Guaranteed.
W A~-ER .A.N'S IDE L a th STCrae'sB®O STO Crane's fine Statiosery fr polite corrsposdnc. lest linen papars-
STUDENTS BOOKSTOnsoldalliog Cards Engraved.

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