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October 28, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-28

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'' '" "Pa" and "+Count" Line Up on the Charges Against Widman False. Villa Tackles the Kondike
Scrub. Ili a recent issue of one of the Count Villa is here. The sudden
A large crowd of specators was Detroit papers was a lengthy article drop in temperature so noticeable
out at the field yesterday afternoon to the effect that Charles Widman, yesterday came with him for the
to witness the football practice, which who is a candidate for halfback on Count says hie mst have his Kon-
Fj $ TIN$ as probably the hardest and rough- the 'Varsity eleven, was ini college (ike weather. Our great tackle
H FIE FAL SUTING H ct that the men have had this year. shmply ts play football and that hed arrivedl from Wlla Walla, Was-
r 'Count'' Villa and "Pa'' Henninger intended to leave at Christmas time. inglo, where ten ays ago he landedh
EE played tackle andl guardl on the The Board of Control held a meeting on his return trip from the gold fields
it Scrubs, whenever i was onl the de- to investigate this matter and found of Alaska. When seen by a DILYx
fensive and showed the 'Varsity a the chargeo entirely groundless adl reporter last night le said: "No,
T E CARRY THE LARGESTT few point's about breaking up a play, falseIProf Pattengill gave out the not even the Kondike can make m
IIaid ncidently got a little practice following stitement ini regard to the forget old Michigan, and Ii would
ASTOCKA for tomorrow's game.imter:o rather come back to line up withth
I IN THE CITY. characterized by much fumbling, the coutiol ha s made a diligentinquiry godltp teeie" rspctn
mien are showiig tbetter form both n- into tin. rise againist Widian, re- Count Villa left te States duriig
L f L d ividually aind in teaim play. Wid- speetigthtie charges that le does not the gold excitement last summer amd,
inan and Whitcombnihdi not line all retuirn to College after the Christmas iiade isa way 1(o the Yukoi. One
0 Uat half, their places eiiig taketi by iiactioiin.'\o fouiidationi can e i te district,le worked his wayxim-
1005 E. WASHINGTON ST. R ermon aiid Baldinii. Caley was ai((0t11 o riid uch-ellharges a- far as we land, finally setlhg at E gle City
HHso iitt of the play on account of' his dsover It scies to be the pumr- wichiu is situateul 1,70(0 umil's furom
lame should~r, but was oiiti nii poe of Mri Widmue soad his father St. Michels aiind 0 iimile frn
formiuaniielwill lhue illsthis afte'rnoon, .that N' issue workhfor ne cir iwoIDyst.Here Villa prospetcd ,in(!
W it y 4 -1-& Cuninmgam was out ad lhued up at year:. Mr. Widmans is at special sti-mn ovis four claimus, iugrgatiug
_roI c bei ircii liii-Scras. eHo i- fwlar ei nt he bi lawdpartmuent, lavirig 54OO nes, tee t isited lueoifc
-___ f i-ugi haet-yeht-sil' needtidr-i'reu a'wis hleslichlis5$4-1000.
4'4'4'4'f4«4'444''44'44''44'4''44''4 hle ws i till'game his- woik ion the is takiug the fullaimountiiof work o11 'Flehist betIinilil111lt ill te(leirs
+ You MVay Have defi'isive ielirespeiaiilly striig. iii'liourse il lail t for h il the dfe'ar, wiaslithtltof Vsilla, 1111d le lll ils
* tlllllcudl iiatrieid a fullbactk oni(f ill ail'dpartmt i, but it is toiii the satisfaction if kiiiii usthat te
SForgotten +the '\'uirite and l ydwlbir onfrhn bhv saliidi iyI pugit motne
4' YOUR TO011ITtiJerr 1, f+trog tckinig tiell'li.Sti(et 1ireuittin for si'lairtip. HI hor,iii g Itoriliry pois and tiel 1)11ior-
+ YOUR iBLACING lJtiul, did exellint udefensivi'.twork tari iihiwvr, leni lree('ifaiteverexs- f ia customilhollrse.
+ orYOR ilutil~r +roe eraCilllp11ettyticleFanc e 'scnce college openedil." Citt Vlilla astii' priudihioiuoi
f -oil- 4is raidily roi'iniilg into shaipeattI f lavig ared te heaviest pak
Thn e - inna. nl~',,y l' r~n" +guiarid anilis plainvug ameag0w ir'es- Wilson Elected Captain. itlkeil oeCiliot Palslast fall.
hae<n4' y ltttr ,eau ,~ ~ in'. re>~ la pt-aeSr,+sire gritile. 'Gltu.I-'of H Riteshiel a siirt It is sal Ills'native- stodii i iiiih
4' e r,i,,~en. Iiggi-.i's>.ri- , Muost f thle,'V'arity, ' . pl t iire 1ile lin the ,rgyimisium nlast uight, ihiiuiiazmet mmiiiwith opeimouuts,
WILDER'S PHARMACY thiotighithe lhue- hal they were ii-rtfter w1hichia business isuethmg wisswhem iicliguiiu s tckle piked upmSotsttsru. +a ltot 'ealyosirabeanshldnd.cntttondpe.L hs21pudpcktweasug
r+...Nr'....lu:Te field is still iii wreticild shitpe A. Wilsoni wastOeecteif captaimn and as the usutal size, situ started oil' with'
_---amd (le prctice less iin the west emidl A. Rf. Sausel first lieutemamt. Th ti'i smile.
DON'T FORGET of thfihel. next ehrilsill be held mnext Iliums- ''at " Smuitli, Miiguu's ")-I
the OLD) RELIABLE 'flenhe tip was as folows: day evemning at 6i:45, and all erils 'Varsity ueter, is Villa's parter
Homuse. Hot and cold unches SARItTv. seneuas. iwill be held iii tle gym. here is and is miss at Dauwson.'i'le Coutu
at all hours. Chocolates and Ice Brown ....-..-e-.....)Cunningham still romu tor a number of mem ilii the sill eave iii ay for Eagle City,
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and UrOersmhthu compnuiy amd amy desirig to join joining Smithu at that place. Whetn
Tohacco, and fulllihne of Smokng Sup- rance .......r. g .......KramermaDy.......... lgHnigrSo ds akapictntoC t.W -akeasothfurefte lo-
plies. R. . JOLLY & CO. Stecke.......... .r.t........ 1-owehh soni at the next meeting. TPie con- dike region. Villa said: "1 cosnidet
108 So. State Street. Aver y. 1. t...... Vhlla, Larson pay his started out in goodl shae there are great thimgs iii store fom
--__-_-_________________ 'teheel - e... (t,.anshaw amd intends to becone a crack muili- those who were fortuniate enoughm ts
Btenett........1..e .... ... 1-Iheks rgniaton get good claims, but 1.uadvie all au-
W ar an edStreet...... ....q -......Tachco tr y og mu t n
(j BrseVernon ........ h... ...Mohr- venturers not to go to Alaska noe,
Tooth B~~adwin......... h.h -....MeLasin "Bnchm" Hall Will Coach Shot Put- for it meuans a miserable existence
Mcoad ..... -.... t. .annon ter. and financial uin."
I sell for 25, or more, are Thie literary socities music Iave for hg the 'Varsity, has made arramnge- Mcia rs ae acs
gelodrse. fys huld heaosrprtebThe Miclhiganmmembers of th-
goo mdbre f so d ar e ms ar iihed their prelimmin- net.uith the track team maage-frsmumahlcushditcumsy-
get one that sheds its ary debates amd are preparing for fle ient svereby lie sill spenud several tra feno.Aotfrywr
bristles society finals. They uare all discumss- uays each sweek coaching slot pmtters teenyt.Tenon.asums tfotyee
I WILL mng fle question, "[fesled, That Mr. I-al holds flesestern intercolpreyemt. he uetaudcuse ate
REPLACE IT. tie Umnited States should build and legiate record in tie shut put, th meb rs"flu euetamid. conservaive'
E. E. CALKINS. maintaimi a munchm larger mavy hami at distamce being fory-four feet adofPna
E. E. C L INS" presenh," The Adeiplu amd thus Al- three-quarters of an inmch. Parti-ednf fo onic, sas unanimoiusy c mnin-e -eo
___________________- plus No societies mii luloldtheir fimals ars cai be obtained by calling at th ed o presidemnt. A c oumuteo
omorrosw night. The debuters for gymnasiumu office any aftermon be- fiec'nsiu fiegiud isn
XT o Sa~~ fle Alha N are Afhruuitive fom thre '1Converse, IBrosnvnduueh urdy, swas
ow oSSle teutlpMayo Ndares;Afimeative-fr treoclck. appointed to at swithi teucominmueas
Swet, ay an Carls;negtie- seerngcommuitee.'This cinmit-
New Third Edition of Ohinger, Riheinfranuk amd Wiotramn. Excursion to Northwestern te s ocompullete the rest of the
'fle Adelphiu debaters are: Atiruma-Gme slate witli mei of such states as sill
COOLEY'S tive-W, B. Hlarrisom, H. S. ReedGae probably draw the most stremngti to
and L. Vanu Hook; negative-C. D. 'fle athlletic imaement has made fle ticke.
CONSTITUTIONAL Hurrey, J. L. French and L-. Young. arrangemmets whlereby it lout rate can Sca o eisadDns
Tie Webser and Jeffersonianm soce- be secured for uuedsrmgtsSee Arcpio for ue futis and ns
LAWN, ties sill ]hold their fimals early inext fu ihia-thw eserin gamo eeAt rcpinfrth aute n
By Avxizs C. McGLAUsuin.is, we. _______ Chicago. If 50 can be secured a tdnso h eia n eia
A. M, LL. BR. Profesor of At. History, O1i Sunuay evemning, Oct. 30, at rate of $6.65 for thin round trip wtil Departncts will be given by tie S.
University of Miichigan. the Mlethiodist Chirci Dr. JeeI 'ntri tilu N CA st Nesterry Hal tonight1
BomnYug tci,. ~e. ~ ciec.Oct 28 fromn S to it. All members
Cloth Bfindimng...............$2 50 wmadlivetheg, firtWsleynlnGidLous, GMo.,1 4, amdd ieticketsstlbegodrtnn' '- -
wii deive tme irs WeleamuGumiu tuiti th lst rainSunodday nit of these departments cordially m-
Full Law Sheep.... .......i. ;oo lecture for tie college year. His Thisec deiruig to go tre requested to> viteud.
subject wyil be "Tine Great Miracle." hand their names at once to Chas. 'fle Oracle grimd-ox list disap.
Sa hr's Bookstore Dr. Young is a very eoquent speaker Baird, H. I. Weinstein or H. B. peared from its place iii University
and no one should niss hearing him. Potter. Hall.

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